Chapter 3 - No Easy Task

Sunflower Hospital









Rushing into his office, Leeteuk was startled to see his newest patient accompanied by none other than the hospital's most notorious resident.


“...Cho Kyuhyun.” Leeteuk began softly, though there was a steel edge to his voice.


“No worries, doc. Guy's a freakin statue, no fun playing with 'im.”


“... And I hope it stays that way, for your sake.” continued Leeteuk suspiciously. Having Kyuhyun as a permanent inmate, he was aware that Kyuhyun's 'playing' could mean almost anything.


Usually, it was a harsh joke, sometimes a simple, childlish prank, but when Kyuhyun got inspired, it could grow into an excruciatingly detailed plan. The result never failed to be utterly hilarious. Afterwards, patients would retell the event again and again, exaggerating the story until it bordered on fantasy, and snicker about it for months.


However, one person wouldn't laugh at all - the victim itself.


Like Sunmgin, Kyuhyun was a source of amusement, the hospital's trickster and clown.


All this time, Yesung had kept silent. Partly, it was due to his role as a non-responsive robot, but he also had no idea what he would say, even if he could. How should he even approach people, without any idea what he could possibly expect, or what level of sanity was left in them??


Definitely, this hospital was not the type of place he had expected. If it was better or worse, though, Yesung was yet to decide.


“Might as well stay here, Mr Cho. I'm going to go through our everyday routine, as well our little internal rules. It would do you good to be remind-”


“-Just when will I stop being Mr Cho? I mean, I've spent four freakin years here-”


Leeteuk let out a long sigh. It was utterly impossible to argue with Kyuhyun. No punishment could tame him - not even the Black Room had any impact on his behaviour at all. If nothing, being penalized only seemed to make him worse.


“...Just... just get out. Go visit Han or something.”


At the mention of their Chinese psychologist, Kyuhyun instantly felt a calm warmness wash over him. It was as if the very name had

some supernatural power.


“O-kay!” answered Kyuhyun, suddenly smiling, as he walked, almost ran out of Leeteuk's office and down the squeaky stairs.


Tapping his fingers on the desk anxiously, Leeteuk wondered what to do. He almost wished Kyuhyun was still in the office. It was disturbing, at the very least, to watch the silent dark-haired man gaze ahead, looking at nothing in particular.


Even more disturbing was Yesung's file. Apparently, no one knew what his problem was – only that Yesung unexpectedly lost the ability to speak.


Not sure how to handle the situation, Leeteuk left his desk to join Yesung at the couch. The newcomer somehow seemed different from any other patient Dr Park had ever treated.


“...Yesung. ...Do you understand me? Please, raise your hand if you do.”


The quiet voice was so saturated with concern, it was heartbreaking to even think about disobeying. Yesung let his hand lift slightly up. Even though he knew he should have just stared vacantly and acted as crazy as possible, it was impossible to do so.


Because this Dr Park strongly reminded him of someone. His mother, maybe? There was definitely something motherly about the warm glint behind the man's glasses. It was as though the moment they become his patients, the doctor thought of them as his own children.


So Yesung listened, as the doctor went on and on about what was expected of residents of this place, how Yesung's typical day may look, and how he will definitely be better soon, before he could say 'clean!'


Why 'clean'? That's an odd choice of words...


A sudden fang of pain bit into Yesung's chest.




“...Is everything okay, Yesung?”


Way to go, Yesung. Why did I let it show?? I'm supposed to act like a living doll, not a dumb homesick kid! thought Yesung worriedly, mentally slapping himself.


Ding-dong, Ding-dong, called the oldest clock Yesung had ever seen, its wooden form seeming very odd against the artificial white of the office. Not that he was an expert, but Yesung could confidently say much of the contents of this hospital would be fit for a museum.


"Tired, aren't you?" said the doctor with a smile. Just how the man could still be so kind, considering the kind of job he had, was something Yesung already admired.


Finally free to go, a stream of guilt was seeping into Yesung's mind. Undoubtedly, the staff here would try their best to make him better, and for what?? He's sane already!


Perhaps, Yesung was being too soft - but he just had to admit than lying to such concerned eyes like the doctor's will definitely be a problem. Have I jumped into something I won't be able to handle? Not that I had much choice, though...


But something else was an even bigger riddle right now. At the very least, Cho Kyuhyun's request was... puzzling.



 RANDOM NOTE: Can't wait for the 31st, when the K-Pop world will finally have its naughty queen back! *Ahem, king. I meant king. '^^











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A big fat chapter to make up for months of nothing.


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Liza_Blessedx2 #1
Chapter 8: Lot's of Why's, What's, Where's, and When's, not to mention How? Will you please come back and finish this very interesting story authornim ????
408 streak #2
Chapter 8: there are a lot of question that I want to ask T^T I wish you are here author-nim, I need you to continue this fic uhuhuhu....
408 streak #3
Chapter 2: um? Why Yesung needed to be look like an insane?

Nevermind, I'm just gonna read the rest
lov_fan_Y #4
Chapter 8: please continue the story
Chapter 8: Will you continue this story? It's really interesting so far.
Chapter 8: I love thos chapter. It the black ocean. The thought of someone should greak into it. Ye wanting to mop it all up. It feels super deep.

Continue please authornim????? :(
Chapter 5: ME TOOOOOOO
In due time. All in due time^^

Ooohhhh why do you want Ye to be in the same room as you Kyuuuuuu.... And then be restless like that hahaha whaaaaat is happening to you
Chapter 3: I wonder what his request was, so curious!
mayosh #9
Chapter 8: Have just stumbled upon this story. Love it very much , I'm dying of curiosity here. Why is Yeye even there, both Kyu and Hyuk doesn't sound insane, and what was it with Henry? Can't imagine the sweet mochi being dangerous ㅋㅋㅋ I hope you'll continue this story soon author-nim :)
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 8: *Confetti* Yea! Happy that your are back and updating :) Of all the updates I have waiting for me, I just had to read yours first!
All the symbolism with the black paint and little tiny bits of KyuSung feels. Thankfully Heechul was there with his flamingos to lighten things up.
Thanks for the awesome update!!!