Chapter 8

The Miserable Life of a Happy Person

“The DNA results came, I’m Chanhee’s father.”

Byunghun stared at his father.

“I’m his brother.”

Byunghun started to cry. He stared at Chanhee’s sleeping body and cried more.


It’s been almost a week and Chanhee was not awake yet. He was rushed in the hospital after getting hit by a truck. Unfortunately for him, he was alive.


Chanhee slowly opened his eyes. He looked around and noticed that he was in a hospital. He suddenly remembered his true relationship with Seunghyun and Byunghyun.

A tear fell from his eyes.

“Oh you’re awake.” He heard soft voice.

He looked at the owner of the voice and noticed that it was a nurse.

“Are you feeling well?”

Chanhee didn’t answer.

The nurse got his temperature and checked some things on her check board.

“Do you want to eat?”

The nurse sighed. She realized that she wouldn’t get any answer from Chanhee.

The door opened revealing Seunghyun and Byunghun.

“Chanhee, you’re awake!”

Byunghun ran and hugged Chanhee.

Chanhee just stared into space, not caring at all.

Seunghyun frowned at Chanhee’s lack of reaction.

“Is he ok?” Seunghyun asked the nurse.

“I’ll call the doctor.”The nurse answered and went out of the room.


“He’s suffering from depression. It’s Probably because of a bad experience or something like that. All he needs is the right medication and he’ll be fine.”

Seunghyun sighed. The doctor’s words kept ringing in his mind.

“Chanhee’s probably suffering inside.”


“Sir, we’ll take a bath first.”

The nurse helped Chanhee stand up and led him to the bathroom. She removed Chanhee’s hospital gown and laid him in the tub. When she was about to scrub Chanhee, she realized that there were no more soap.

“Wait her for a while; I’ll just get some soap.”

When he heard the door shut, he stood up and locked it.

He returned to the tub and completely shrunk himself into the tub.

“I don’t deserve to live. I’m worthless.”

Chanhee started to get dizzy.

“Is this the end?”


Whooooo.... Next chapter will be thye last... I guess everyone knows what the next chapter's contents are.....

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ILoveYou_Forever #1
Chapter 12: You mean after their reunion, Byung went and visited Channie for a few times and then he was dead because of something right????
You are cruel! TT_TT
Chapter 12: i want to cry ..
Chapter 12: .....
I really feel like crying...

I was hoping this wasn't going to be sad... :( but it was..


Chunji's really .. messed up...
And L.Joe wasn't even really there...

*feels sad* T__T
Chapter 11: i agree with Otaku_chin it's a great story and the good thing in it that it's realistic , good job :)
Chapter 10: both ending is very depressing anyway...One,chunji died...two,their father died n chunji crazy...this is totally not what i suspect it is..
ILoveYou_Forever #6
Chapter 10: Both endings are so depressing.... TT_TT
Chapter 10: What.. That is too sad. Aw... really.. I feel like crying..
Whyyy.. ugh... I feel hopeless now.. D':
</3 My heart is broken..
Chapter 10: i think chapter 9 is more better cause i felt so sad about chanhee condition .. sob sob