Music class



Jiyong's POV


As soon as I saw her face, I completely froze. I didn't even notice some of the papers I carried in started to fly around the room. So I quickly snapped out of it and gathered them as much as I could. I also stealed a glance at Park Bom but she didn't answer. I looked closely and I saw she had headphones on her. I felt stupid thinking that I was ever going to get a word from her.

I internally slapped myself and wanted to forget how hopeful I was back there. It was even more saddening that she started to walk away as soon as I heard a car honking from outside. SHe was going home. But before going past the door, she bent down and picked up a paper that I didn't notice and put it on the pile. I got the chance to look at her once again.

"Thanks," I murmured but she only nodded her head and went out.


The next morning…..

There are dark clouds everywhere and it's starting to get cold too. It's very opposite from yesterday. I guess the fall season is quickly picking up its pace. I slowly walk down the street with my hands in my coat pockets. Maybe I should have brought an umbrella. The whole time my mind was wrapped around the moment I tried talking to Park Bom. It felt like I was getting rejected. I laughed at my pathetic state that I would even go as far as to thinking that my encounter with her felt like I was going to confess.

But then I felt two hands on my shoulder which made me jump. I hear Yongbae laughing after I got surprised. He sticks out his tongue in a playful manner as if to say that it was his revenge for surprising him yesterday.

"Something wrong Ji?" he asks as we enter the school gates. I shrug off his question to distract me away from my thoughts.

We walk up to meet our friends and classmates before class started. And like always, Park Bom arrives with the same expressionless look on her face. 


The morning classes went by and now its lunch time. The more I tried to distract myself with random things that my friends and I talk about, the more I found myself leading back to what happened yesterday afternoon. THe clouds got darker and soon enough, rain came pouring down. Everyone had to go back inside. My friends and I were still laughing about something that happened to Daesung. Apparently even with my help, he still arrived late at his lessons. He kept complaining about it but we could only laugh at our troubled friend. We made our way back to our classrooms where most of our classmates ate their lunch.

"I'll be back guys," I told my friends and head for the washroom.

After my trip to the washroom, I walked along the quiet hallways. It was quiet because most of the students were inside their own classes. Due to the silence, I heard a very strange voice; a very distinctive voice. It was coming form the music room of course. I decided to just take a peek on who it was. As if by fate, I saw her again. A teacher was there with her playing the piano while she had some sheets in her hand. Ignoring what was around me, I was mesmerize by that voice.

I stopped looking at her and just looked at the floor. I gathered my thoughts and looked at her again. Unfortunately, the girl stopped singing but there was one good thing that came out of this. I found out one more thing from the mysterious girl. She can sing and she can sing very well. It's not the first time I've seen her sing since we have music class together but it's the first time I've heard her sing by herself. 

Her voice alone left a very deep impression on me.

I smiled idiotically as I walked back to the classroom to join my friends again. 

"What took you so long?" Yongbae nudges me as soon as he spotted me.

"He probably had to do number two," Daesung continues on with his joker ways while holding up two fingers. I lightly smacked him away from me while the others joined in laughter.

"It's not that guys. Disgusting," I said.

"DOn't worry Ji. We're all human here," Yongbae seems to have been too influenced by Daesung. Everyone continued on to laugh as I couldn't help but be embarrassed.

I could just say the truth that I heard the mysterious Park Bom singing but I couldn't. I'm pretty sure my childish friends would tease me that I may like this girl or something, which is not true. I don't like her, I'm just curious that's all. Nothing but an innocent curiosity.



Music class started. My favourite class of all. I can take Math, science, history, and english but music is the best subject for me. 

Other than being happy to be in music class, I was hoping that we'd sing today. I was hoping to get a clear sound of Park Bom's voice again.

"Ok class. Before I let you go, I'm going to tell you about the new project. It's called a music and lyrics project. If anyone has seen the movie Music and Lyrics I think you know where this is going but if you haven't then I'll explain it to you. This project will need two people; one will be making the lyrics and the other will be making the lyrics or both. You can use all those technology if you want or start from scratch. This is considered as the final project for our class so take your time but don't procrastinate," our teacher was definitely excited about this but the students weren't happy about it. When she gives us group work like this, she always chooses who gets to work with who.

The teacher was now putting her hand in the can on names she uses to put us in groups.

"SO let's begin with some partners," she announced and I could already hear some students groaning about it.

She went on from name after name. Some were lucky since they've already worked with each other while others were not so lucky since they got someone they never worked with. 

"Kwon Jiyong," my ears twitched at the sound of my name. I jumped a bit, and I was actually feeling nervous, "you will be partnered with," she continued on to pick up a name from the can. She looked at it after she took it out and said, "Park Bom."

I felt my head spin in a good way. It was a weird feeling. Hearing Park Bom's name to be my partner was surprising and yet as I remembered about that time in the music room, I'll probably get to hear her sing again. I was feeling nervous, awkward, but rather fortunate about this. As if the one who controls destiny wanted me to get over my curiosity for the girl and use this opportunity to find more about her.

When Park Bom turned around, I couldn't help myself but smile at her. But the gesture was awkward since she didn't return the same expression. She nodded her head and went back to whatever she was doing. 

The teacher finally ended with partnering up the students, "Now you can begin to get acquainted with your partners about the project."

I was about to get up towards my partner but she already beat me to it so I sat back down.

"Hey," my voice was slightly caught in my throat when I greeted her. I didn't know how she was going to reply or act so I was nervous the whole time.

"Hello," she said with that voice I always anticipated to hear.

"So what kind of music do you like?" I asked her and this time I tried to stay in eye contact with her. 

"I don't really know," she shrugged off. We were getting to an awkward state right now and it sort of felt uncomfortable. But despite this uncomfortable situation I was internally happy to start my first ever conversation with this girl that's occupied my mind for some time.

"WHat kind of music do you like?" she asked.

"I like hip hop and R&B songs," I said. It felt like an interview for some reason, "Park Bom…may I call you Bom?" she nodded and it was somehow cute.

"Do you have a phone? We should exchange phones just in case we need to contact each other for this project," I told her as I took out my phone. She took out hers as well and we started exchanging numbers.

After that, I wanted to talk with her more but she wasn't saying anything. She was busy looking at her phone texting someone. Before I could open my mouth to probably say something awkward, I felt my phone vibrate.

From: Park Bom



I felt the corners of my lips slowly lifting up to an idiotic grin. I looked up at her and I felt like I was dreaming. THe face I was looking at looked even more beautiful as I saw her lips slowly forming into a brief smile. Unfortunately, the moment came to an end once the school bell rang for the next class to start.

"I'll see you then," she gave a brief goodbye with a small wave as she makes her way back to her seat to gather her things.


On the last class of the day, my mind was occupied with that beautiful smile. I didn't even notice most of the students left already. Before I could get out of the room, another friend of mine pleaded for a favour. Since I'm such a nice guy, I helped my friend in whatever task he had to do in the afternoon. Not that I'd take every task I was asked to do but because he is my friend, I just said yes. Beside, I didn't want to go out too early since the rain was getting heavier by the minute.

Then it came to the time that I had to go home. The school was quiet but the rain was the only sound you could hear. I knew I should've brought an umbrella with me.

"Kwon Jiyong?" a familiar sweet voice reaches my ear before I could reach for my phone.

I turned and saw a figure in a lady-like pose. Her hand clutched to her school bag while the other held the umbrella pointing downwards.

"Oh, hey Bom," I approached her and I was sincerely overjoyed to get this moment with her, "you haven't gone home yet?"

She shook her head and looks towards to the school gates, "My car is running a little late that's all. How about you?"

"I…I had to help my friend with something. This rain is really something, huh? Wish I had an umbrella with me," even though I wanted to go home, I wish I didn't have to.

"Here," her hand raised towards me, "use my umbrella."

"Thanks but…" before I could say anymore, her car arrived.

"You can just give it back tomorrow," that beautiful small smile appeared once again. I savoured the moment before she disappeared inside the car. And I just stood there as she drove away.



A/N: ahhhh! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. 



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Chapter 5: I love the details^^
Chapter 4: Awh, this chapter is adorable.
Chapter 4: Jut like the title TEASING.. There's so much teasing.. Kekeke
Chapter 4: I laughed when I read the part where jiyong was holding himself back from squealing like a girl. he's so cute and so innocent in this story. kyaaa~ seem like he will learn what love feels like later.. ;)
Chapter 2: Kind heart jiyong and mysterious bommie.. love it.. :D
Chapter 2: Am I flooding this story with my comments? Lol..

Partners!!! Yay!! More interactions please! This chapter is so cute
Chapter 1: Very beautiful? Make it the MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL kekekek.. Nice story you got there..
Chapter 1: She's beautiful beautiful...*falling too deep*
Sounds interesting.. Update soon! ^^,