The Nice Guy



Kwon Jiyong is like the guy next door in his neigbourhood. A charming young man who's friends with a lot of people. He may seem average and that's because he is but he also has a childlike mentality. He goes to a normal school and hangs out with normal friends. The nice guy.

Jiyong's POV

I'm currently sitting by the breakfast table just drinking my orange juice. It was going to be a normal day I guess; just another day in school. I turned to the direction of the footsteps nearing the kitchen. I looked up and saw my mother in her robe and disheveled hair.

"Already up?" she asks while she opens the refrigerator. I hummed in response after finishing the juice. She didn't say a word after that. She only conitued to take out a bunch of left overs from the fridge and started to heat them up in the microwave.

"Is that the chicken from yesterday?" I ask and she nods. After there was only a few seconds on the microwave timer and I could already smell that chicken aroma. My mother is a good--no scratch that--she's a great cook! When the microwave dinged, she already started to put it in a container with vegetables.

I enjoyed mornings like this. A quiet morning with my mom making my lunch while I'm eating breakfast. And of course who couldn't forget the man of the house. I turn towards the direction of grumbling and heavy foot steps. There was my father in his business atire all ready for work.

"Morning," I say to him as I began to munch on my toast. My father doesn't say anything except he just pats me on the head and heads over to help my mother. They're still so in love like teenagers that they forget that I'm in the room. My father was trying to hug my mother who was still busy with the lunch for me and him. He tried to kiss her but she always played hard to get. It disgusted me--like a normal teenager when seeing their parents being lovey dovey.

So when my mother finally put the lid on my lunch, I took it and ran away from the kitchen after yelling at them to get a room. I heard them laugh as soon as I was by the front door putting on my shoes.

"Bye!" I said and headed out.


After a few minutes of walking I could see one of my friends walking ahead of me. I noticed that he had headphones on so I decided to surprise him.I ran in full speed, put my hands on his shoulders and jumped up. He's startled reaction only made me laugh.

"Stop doing that man," he complained while putting away his headphones.

"Morning to you too, Yongbae,"I cheekily grinned and walked beside him.

We finally arrived at school. I greeted my usual group of friends and went inside. But before I could settle in my desk, I looked out the window and saw that same car that's always showed up in the morning and afternoon. And then there was the girl who always got out of the car. Her expression was always unreadeable and her eyes looked distant. I was always curious about her but never got the chance to find out. 

Before I could continue to wonder about that girl, I hear my friends walking towards me. We gave each other high fives and such.

Then I saw the girl making her way to her own desk. Not a lot of people really talked to her and it seemed like she didn't really care. She always had a book with her to keep her company but I'm wondering if she's satisfied with the way things are.

The school bell rang and it startled me a bit. I combed my hair with my hands embarrased that I may have been staring at her for too long and also quite amazed at how I'm curious about her. 

The class started and the teacher started to take attendance.

"Kwon Jiyong," the teacher called and I said, "Here." The teacher went on to other names and the students went on to giving the same reply. 

Then the teacher finally said, "Park Bom." I looked at the girl and anticipated her answer. It was somehow an interesting moment when attendance was taken because it was one of the few times that the girl ever spoke. "Here," she replied and went back to reading her book. Her voice was nothing like I've ever heard before. 

After I got over my suspicions of the girl, I tried to stay focus in class. It was nothing too difficult or too simple. I never considered myself a smart person but I don't lack intelligence either. I was just average and I find that sometimes to be quite troubling. As if I feel like I'm stuck in some routine and I just want something more than ordinary. I'm pretty sure that's what most people want; a little more excitement in their lives. 

When it was lunch time I was dragged away with my friends to the rooftop. It was only us there but there were other people in their own groups.

"Hey Jiyong! How was your weekend?" a girl from my class asked. I gave her a smile and gave a 'so-so' gesture.

"Oh well you should have joined me to the bowling alley on Saturday. Even Yongbae was there," the girl said. I looked at Yongbae who just gave me a peace sign.

"Who won?" I asked.

"I did!" Yongbae exclaimed. But when I looked back at the girl, she had an irritated look on her face with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Yeah, I know. You were so full of yourself when you did. We seriously needed you there, Jiyong. To control this winning freak," the girl said. I could only let out a quiet chuckle. Then I saw another guy from our class joining in our conversation.

"I heard bowling alley…what are you guys talking about?" the guy asked while he had his arms resting on my shoulder and the girl's shoulder.

"Something about Yongbae winning and her not being happy about it," I said.

"Oh. Yeah Yongbae got a lot of strikes for our team and this girl is just a sore loser," the guy stuck out his tongue at her and then laughed. Yongbae laughed making the girl even more irritated. It never seemed to be in my nature to act the same as the guys in this situation so I didn't laugh.

I turned to the girl and said, "Next time, I'll be on your team then."

"Thanks, I'll definitely call you for that. Show these two how to actually win properly and not boast about it," she said with a smile on her face now.

"You in a bowling alley, again? now that wouldn't be fair," the two guys who were once laughing were now whining. I had some talent in bowling or maybe just pure luck so most of the times I'd win with any team. I stood beside the girl and we joined in sticking our tongues out to the two others.

Then I noticed another one of my friends coming near us.

"Hey guys," Daesung said.

"Hey," we said.

"I want to ask, are any of you free after school? Like you don't have anything major to do after school?" he began to ask with a hopeful look on his face.

"Why's that?" Yongbae asked.

"There's a piano lesson I have to go to in the afternoon."


"There's a few documents our teacher asked me to do for the afternoon but I completely forgot about the fact that I had piano lessons this afternoon when I said yes to the documents…so is there anyone willing to…?" Daesung trailed off looking at me, Yongbae, and the two other people with us. But mostly me. I was quite known for being too nice that I can't reject a favour. I sighed in defeat and raised my hand.

"I'll do it," once I said that Daesung was jumping up and down while showering me with thank you'd.

"Daesung, you should've asked Jiyong in the first place. He's too nice not to help a friend in need," Yongbae stated. I glared at him since he knew me so well. 

"I should've. You're not called the nice guy for nothing," Daesung smiled and patted my back. Then he gave me instructions about the task. It was just transferring some documents from the teacher's office to the classroom.

After some more talking, I took a rest from the group and just looked down. The school was quite big and it seemed that everyone appreciated the nice weather. But among the many students on the field, one particular person caught my eye. The girl I've always had suspicions about and I'm sure that it's not just me who's curious. The girl was there by herself again and continued reading the book she was reading this morning. There were some people who've approached her but their conversation didn't last long.

The girl was a complete mystery. She talks only when she's asked but that's it. She seems to prefer to be left alone and it doesn't even bother her. She doesn't show much emotion since her face looks the same and it's as if she's uninterested in anything. I shook my head to keep myself from going any deeper. It's not right to think this much just because a person is alone most of the time. I feel like I'm judging her. But maybe it's because she seems really different compared to my lifestyle that I'm so curious to know about her.


When school ended, Daesung kept showering me with gratitude as he skipped his way to his piano lessons. Yongbae just says his goodbyes and saying stuff about my flaw of being too nice. Then I went to the teachers' office and explained the situation as to why I'm doing the task. Now I have a stack of papers I photocopied to deliver to the classroom. 

Once I got there, I expected it to be empty but I was wrong. The girl who I'm always curious about is right there standing a few steps away from me. But when I entered the room, it didn't even surprise her. She just went on with packing her things and I felt ignored there for a moment.

I never talked to her so why not? I took a deep breath once I set down the documents onto the teacher's desk and opened my mouth.

"Hey!" I said out loud hoping that it was enough to get her attention.

When she stopped packing, I felt quite happy that I did get her attention. But when she faced me, I felt stunned for a moment. In all my time of being very observant of the girl, I always forgot how unique she is. With the wind from the windows coming in, her hair danced and with the afternoon light radiating, her skin glowed. 

Park Bom is very beautiful.


A/N: Here's the first update. I'm hoping to improve my writing skills here. Hope I don't disappoint.


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Chapter 5: I love the details^^
Chapter 4: Awh, this chapter is adorable.
Chapter 4: Jut like the title TEASING.. There's so much teasing.. Kekeke
Chapter 4: I laughed when I read the part where jiyong was holding himself back from squealing like a girl. he's so cute and so innocent in this story. kyaaa~ seem like he will learn what love feels like later.. ;)
Chapter 2: Kind heart jiyong and mysterious bommie.. love it.. :D
Chapter 2: Am I flooding this story with my comments? Lol..

Partners!!! Yay!! More interactions please! This chapter is so cute
Chapter 1: Very beautiful? Make it the MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL kekekek.. Nice story you got there..
Chapter 1: She's beautiful beautiful...*falling too deep*
Sounds interesting.. Update soon! ^^,