Daehyun 117

B.A.P. Oneshots II

            Daehyun peered into the room and nearly had a heart attack. He saw his daughter peering into her mirror, putting on makeup. It wasn’t that she hadn’t worn makeup before, it was what she was wearing along with the makeup that made him look again.

            She was wearing what looked like a really short skirt and a flowery top that looked like it would be too low in the front.

            “Jaylie?” he asked, tentatively.

            His daughter didn’t even jump. “Yeah, Dad?” she mumbled. “You know I was wondering when you would say something. You’ve been lurking behind me for a while.” She capped the mascara she was using and stood up.

            Daehyun’s heart plummeted. Her shirt was way too low. “Why are you wearing that? Do you know what people would think when you go out like that? What would they think of your parents? People would be wondering what type of upbringing you have when you go around looking like that!”

            She placed a hand on her hip and lifted a shoulder up. “It’s a date, dad. I’m supposed to look good.”

            “Good? This is like one of those night ladies on the streets!” He sputtered, trying to find a decent way to put it.

            “You mean a e?” Jaylie giggled into her palm, the lifting of her arm only allowing her shirt to ride up higher on her stomach. “Don’t worry, I’ll have Youngsuk there to protect me.”

            “Y-young-ssuk?” In his shock, he mispronounced the name and there was an alarming change in the color of his face as it went from pink to pale white to bright red and then a nasty shade of purple.

            “Yep! He should be coming to pick me up soon. Can I get downstairs?”

            Daehyun took a deep breath and it seemed like he finally recovered enough to state firmly, “No. You’re going to change into something decent. And I still haven’t decided whether or not I like the idea that you’re going out with that boy.”

            “That boy? Dad! You’ve known him all his life!”

            “And that’s precisely why I’m so reluctant. I know that boy’s father and he’s-”

            “Your best friend,” a new voice added dryly from behind him.

            Daehyun spun around and saw his wife standing behind him with her arms crossed and an amused smile on her face. “Jaylie, go change. The skirt is fine, but that top is a little low. Also, Youngsuk is downstairs so you might want to hurry up. Daehyun, you’re going to go to the room, lock yourself in there and don’t come out until I come get you.”

            Daehyun’s mouth opened but given her stern look, he closed it again. Muttering furiously to himself, he kicked the wall and slammed the door behind him. Outside, he could hear the two females discussing what to change the shirt to.

            He seethed and glanced at the ceiling. It was obviously natural that his little girl would eventually grow up. That was obvious, and he’d been all too aware of it since she started growing taller, and then when puberty hit, he could only think of ways to keep her safe. And now she took the first initiative to go ahead and date some boy.

            He twiddled his thumbs. He can hear the two of them talking downstairs and then she was telling Jaylie to be safe. Tsk. Safe, as if. How could she safe when she out there, with that little boy who can barely lift ten pounds, and not with her father?

            The door opened and his wife walked in. “Dae, you okay?”

            “No,” he said shortly.

            She sat next to him. “She’s sixteen, Daehyun. It’s okay for her to date. She’s top in her class and she’s a smart girl. You can trust her.”

            “I can’t. What if she gets hurt? And what if she forgets about her daddy?”

            His wife snorted. “You’re so dumb. How can she forget you?”

            “I don’t know. One day she’ll move out and she won’t even bother calling me.”

            “I call my dad.”

            “Well, yeah, that’s you.”

            “And if my dad were like you, we would never have met.”

            “Well,” he was starting to find it difficult to respond to her. “I don’t want to think about her marrying.”

            “Okay, but you can’t shelter her forever.”

            “I suppose,” he admitted grudgingly. “What did she wear?”

            “She walked out topless.” She said it with such a straight face, he jumped up.


            “Breathe, honey. I made sure she had a tank top and a cardigan. And I tied the cardigan myself so I’ll know if she took it off.”

            Daehyun grinned then and hugged her by the waist. “I knew I could count on you,” he said, resting his cheek against her stomach.

            She snorted and pushed him away. “So you’re no longer scared Jaylie will forget her daddy?”

            “She can’t. I’ll lock her up if she does.”

            “No more getting jealous?”

            “I wasn’t jealous!”

            “Sure.” There was a sly look on her face as she leaned in. “What would you do if I told you, I let her go without making her change?”

            His face turned a scary shade of scarlet again but she patted his back. “Calm down there. I wouldn’t let our daughter go out in public looking like that either.” He glared at her suspiciously and she laughed. “But I’m sure you remember what I wore on our first date. That top would put what she tried to wear today to shame.”

            Daehyun’s eyebrow went up slightly as he remembered and grinned. “Well, you know. You were with me, so that’s completely okay.”

            She rolled her eyes and aimed a kick at him. “Go downstairs and eat dinner.”


this is for CaramelShawolz11

sorry I wasn't really feeling this one :/

I think I'm losing it a little 

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Chapter 2: That was smooth like butter. Yongguk sure knows how to scout a girl
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