Youngjae 88

B.A.P. Oneshots II

Youngjae has been designated as the babysitter. On this bright Sunday morning, he was currently playing chauffer, disciplinarian and teacher. The four kids were sitting in the back, each louder than the next while he drove. Once in a while, he would look up at the mirror and see someone asleep while the other three chatted animatedly.

            It was a mark of B.A.P’s friendship that even after they had children of their own, each of them shared the responsibility. For now, it was only four kids but who knew what would happen once the maknae line got married. Each month, one of them would take turns bringing the children to an event and taking care of them.

            Youngjae was currently on his way to a science fair. He knew that the three older boys would be interested and Jaylie, Daehyun’s daughter, would be happy wherever her oppas were. He looked up at the mirror and chuckled to himself to see the little girl drifting off into sleep, clearly uninterested in what the other three had to say about super-sized magnetic robots with firing rockets as arms.

            “Alright kids! We’re here. Remember, we’re going to every exhibit together. You are not to wander off,” and he glared at Yongwon and Himjong, both boys who, now that they could freely walk and talk, often took the opportunity to run by themselves. “You will stick with all of us. We’re going to only touch the things that we can, and if you have any questions, you can ask me or the person behind the display.”

            The science fair was located in a huge children’s museum and Youngjae almost regretted his decision. Children were running everywhere and he saw Yongwon bounce, itching to join. Youngjae steered the child away from temptation and into a quieter, darker room.

            Glow in the dark objects absorbed their attention and Youngsuk pointed at a tank that was completely dark. “What is this?”

            The lady standing behind it smiled. “Think of this as a fish tank for creatures that like darker places. If you want to have a hermit crab, for example, you can place it here. If you look through this glass, you can see that there are actually tiny built in lights to simulate their shell and normal environment.”

            The boys oohed and ahhed and Youngjae felt a small tug on his hand. Jaylie looked up at him with imploring eyes and pointed at the tank. Smiling slightly, he bent to pick her up so that she could see what everyone else was admiring.

            There were more hands-on displays, with an invention of a type of cement that could be molded into anything and then remixed once sugar water was added. Youngsuk had a lot of fun encasing Jaylie’s hand and then breaking the cast away. The boys insisted on going on a mini car ride that had the cars controlling themselves and every time the cars flipped over, there would be a cushion that rose over their heads to keep from brain damage.

            When they went outside to see more exhibits, even Youngjae found himself intrigued. These were more inventions and he picked up what appeared to be a necklace. “What is this?” he asked.

            The teenage boy who had made it smiled. “Put it on her,” he pointed at Jaylie.

            Youngjae did but cautiously, unsure if this was a necklace that would seize up and choke her or not. You never knew with pyschos these days. At first nothing happened, and then the necklace began to turn color. The kids gathered around to admire it and the boy smiled. “This is an indicator of temperature. You can tell if your child has fever or not with this and if you count the pearls, each pearl represents one tenth of a degree so you can calculate the temperature of your child.” It was smart, but a little unnecessary but Youngjae had to give the kid points for creativity.

            Yongwon and Himjong had found an invention that shot out ice pellets at people and were currently having a gun fight with it. “Argh! Take that!” While Youngjae was keeping an eye on them, however, he realized that the two younger children had wandered away.

            He quickly grabbed Yongwon and Himjong, afraid to lose more of them. “Youngsuk! Jaylie!” he called, and the two children chimed in as well. They walked around the park, searching among the other children and the stands until finally, they found the two of them curled on a bench.

            Youngjae breathed a sigh of relief and then Himjong snickered. “Youngsuk loves Jaylie.” He sang under his breath. His best friend caught his eye and started singing the same thing. Youngjae shushed the two but couldn’t help but wonder. Youngsuk, who usually hated to be sat on, had allowed Jaylie to lean her head on his lap while he slept sitting up.

            He quickly snapped a picture, vowing to show Daehyun later, and then woke the two of them up. Jaylie was still sleepy so Youngjae held her while the three boys continued to run around and look for more dazzling toys that were on display.

            At the end of the day, when the fair was closing, Youngsuk ran back to Jaylie with a bow in his hand. “Here! Daddy, this will keep her hair up without falling.”

            Youngjae smiled happily and snapped the bow into her hair, surprisingly pinning back even the wispy baby hairs. He gathered the kids and put them in the backseat and glanced at them as one by one, their chatter diminished and they fell asleep. He was a good babysitter, he decided. And when he saw Youngsuk’s hand tucked in Jaylie’s, he was a good matchmaker too, he decided. 


GAH I'm so sorry I've been really dry and not really motivated lately

I just want to finish these requests up @_@

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