Himchan 76

B.A.P. Oneshots II

Day 1

            Today is the first day of the “Plant a Pea” Project. We are allowed to have our parents help and since daddy says he did it before, he is going to help me. It is really hard. We first took a green seed and prepared the tin lid that is going to be the home of our plant before we move it to a bigger vase. The teacher says we have to name our pea so I’m going to name it Tatsmato for the Matoki that represents daddy.

            We first wet the tissue then padded the tin lid with it. Afterwards, we put the pea in the middle and daddy says we need to put it where sunlight can hit it. I hope Tatsmato can grow well. We need to keep the plant safe from Hana or else she might eat it. I think it is cool that the pea plant doesn’t need soil at first. I asked daddy how long it will take for the plant to grow and he says it will start to sprout in a week or so. I don’t know if I can wait so long. But the teacher says we need to have patience so I will wait.

Kim Himjong

Day 2

            I used the internet to see what ways I can do to make Tatsmato grow faster and they say I can sing to a plant. I sang “Happy Birthday” and all the children’s songs I can think of but the plant still isn’t growing. Daddy says I need to be patient and that the sprout will come when it’s ready. He also sang a little to it. But I don’t think a sad song like “1004” will make the plant grow faster so he sang “No Mercy” and mommy yelled at him for being so loud with his drums.

            I just want Tatsmato to grow already.

Kim Himjong

Day 10

            This project is stupid and I don’t want to do it anymore. Other people have plants that are starting to sprout but all I see is that the shell has cracked a little and there is a tiny nub growing from it. It looks like a pimple on the pea. Daddy says that it means it is starting to grow but I want it to grow faster.

            Daddy also says to erase the word stupid from the journal but I don’t want to. It is stupid and I’m not lying. I hate Tatsmato. I just want to buy a large plant and say that I grew it. This isn’t a fun project.

A very angry Kim Himjong

Day 14

            The tin lid is gone. I placed it on the balcony but today when I went to check it, I couldn’t’ see anything. I think a bird took it. A bird probably saw Tatsmato and thought it tasted good so the bird flew away with it. I guess I don’t need to do the project anymore. Other people are already potting their plants.

            Daddy says that he told the teacher and we are allowed to take another plant and put it in the pot. Maybe this time, the pea plant will grow. This will be Tatsmato Two. Hopefully this time, a bird won’t eat it.

            After dinner, mommy says that Hana pushed the lid down. We found it in the bushes but Tatsmato was missing. Hana was playing and reached up and knocked everything down. She always destroys everything. But at least now I get a head start and don’t have to do it all over again. Now that the plant is bigger, I can fertilize it and water it often. This will be fun.

Kim Himjong

Day 17

            The plant is growing! Daddy and I measured and there is at least three centimeters difference. The leaves are also beginning to open. Daddy says that Tatsmato Two will grow up well and healthy. I hope so. I played the drums for it yesterday and this time mommy didn’t yell.

            Daddy showed me that the plant has moved a little outwards because it is trying to catch the sunlight. I wonder what happens if I move it away from the sun. Will it still tilt over to get the light? That would be cool. Except how can plants move? Maybe there’s a ghost.

            Daddy says there are no such things as ghosts but I don’t believe him. Tatsmato must be guiding Tatsmato Two to grow and push him to the light. I guess this project isn’t so stupid.

Kim Himjong

Day 25

            Today, the plant finally began to flower! Daddy showed me the small white bud and told me that it is the beginning of the pea flower. I didn’t know peas had flowers. But we don’t eat the flower, we only eat the peas. I wonder when the actual peas will start to grow. Maybe I’ll get lucky and get three in a pod.

            The flowers are like tiny clusters and the leaves are very long. Hana wants to touch it but I’m going to protect Tatsmato Two before she kills it again. Today, I changed the vase water and drained it a little. Then I added a bit of fertilizer. Mom cracks eggs and places the eggshells into the soil. She says it’s decomposition. I think it’s just littering.

            Tomorrow we get to bring our plants to school and we can show them off to everyone. I hope my plant is the prettiest. It took a lot of effort. Tonight, Daddy says he’ll put on a mini concert to make sure that the plant grows a little more. I am also going to use the essence mist that mommy bought to make the flowers shine tomorrow.

Kim Himjong

Presentation Day

            The “Plant a Pea” project was a lot of fun. I’m glad I did it and I am grateful to Daddy for helping me, especially with the music. I am thankful to mommy for helping with keeping the plant safe, and I thank Hana for killing the first plant to make the second more beautiful. Bye, Tatsmato Two. It was a fun time with you. I hope you don’t get eaten.

Kim Himjong, Class 401


enjoy and thank you guys for always supporting me ♥

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