Jongup 59

B.A.P. Oneshots II

             “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” Jongup jumped up in victory and danced around in a small circle when he saw that his rock had beaten your scissors. “Yay, I get to choose first.” He tapped his chin thoughtfully and looked around the room. “I think we should start moving into the guest room first.”

            Your mouth dropped open and you looked at him. “But why? I doubt we’ll be having too many guests.”

            He shrugged. “That way we can get rid of the ugly bedding. The fall foliage one your mom bought doesn’t really suit my taste.” He wrinkled his nose in a rare case of dislike and you laughed a little.

            “Okay, okay. I thought you would choose something like the bedroom or something.” But he was already hauling the necessary furniture into the next room. You shook your head and followed him.

            Moving in with Jongup had been a huge decision on your part. You were already deeply in love with him but as your sometimes disgruntled mother could attest, love doesn’t always mean that the two of you would get along at home. And so when he had proposed, you told him that you wanted to move in together and try things out.

            When he didn’t respond to your request, you were scared that maybe you had offended him somehow. But then his eyes brightened and he grinned. “Okay! I don’t see any difference between that and marrying you anyway.” And he had spun away before you could respond.

            You laughed now, thinking about the memory and shook your head. Jongup was too precious. When you got inside the room, you saw that he had taken out the sheets and were placing them on the bed. He blew you a kiss when he saw you and then pushed the drawers next to the bed.

            “Onto the next room! How do you want to do the bathroom?”

            You gave him a weird look. “One, why the bathroom? And two, who said you could choose all the other rooms?”

            He gave you a sheepish look. “Okay, you decide.”

            You laughed and walked into the bathroom. “Do you like your toilet paper facing in or facing out? It matters you know. Apparently many have had arguments and near divorce over this.”

            Jongup snorted. “I don’t mind. I think having it in is easier to pull out right? So let’s do it like that. Then we can work everything out. I promise you to never get worked up and divorce you over toilet paper.” He saluted you and you giggled.

            He pulled out his toothbrush and placed it in its holder. “Mine is the dark blue!”

            Moving in with Jongup had its ups and downs. It was mainly all ups because he was such a laid back person. The two of you have also been dating long enough for you to have an inkling of the majority of his habits.

            When you woke up, you knew that Jongup would have been awake longer. You could hear him brushing his teeth and then you braced yourself, knowing he had a habit of changing his clothes in the bedroom. You had kept your eyes closed so you wouldn’t see anything. But clearly, he changes a lot slower than you thought because you had opened your eyes at the wrong moment.

            He looked startled at your squeak and grabbed his shirt. “You always peek!” he complained. In the month the two of you had been living, you had opened your eyes at least ten times.

            You snarled at him a little ungraciously, still not recovered from the embarrassment. “Only because you stop moving and I think you’re finished.”

            He laughed then and shook his head. “Don’t lie. You secretly wanted to look anyway.”

            There had only been one argument and that had been over not washing the dishes. But the fight was over before anything could get too heated. You lay back on your pillow and stared at Jongup’s profile. He was still smiling from the joke you had told him.

            “Hey, Jongup?”

            He turned to you. “Yeah?”


            A confused look spread over his features. “Yes?”

            You rolled over and laughed. “I like living with you. I love you. And yes, I want to get married.”

            He laughed out loud then and hugged you to him, sniffing your hair deeply. “I was wondering when you would answer.”


this is for roxsanime 


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