The hazy sunset spots the deer.

Silent Spring

Suns passed since the day that the man, who's love can never dawn into his existence, dawned upon him that he can never reach for his light. As long as his love's light shine for somebody else, he will always be like bare hands trying to capture the sunlight. 


Sehun's recuperation from the heart break was not done yet. But he wanders about one thing as he sat in a plushed mahogany chair in his room.


"I want to make him happy." That thought lingered and trailed into his stormy sea of thoughts.


Flashes of the doe -eyed boy's agony in every moment that Sehun sees him made its way to his mind. That silent plea that hums in his every move, every word and every glance. Crushing


He doses the bitterness in his throat with a sip of white tea. He curls his eyebrows at the thought as he felt a slight frost in his back. Cold sweat starts to form in his forehead. The will of his heart and the his human nature stirred and curled in the pit of his stomach. He leans his head back in serious thought. The chair's balance fell from the sudden movement.




The pain that creeps from the back of his head wakes the contemplating boy and in that moment he knows what to do. Against the constricting pain and the acid in his veins, he decided on one thing.


"I will find Kris…" That thought lingered and trailed into his still sea of thoughts.




Breathing the familiar scent of apple seeds, he steps outside his cold apartment. The walls seems to fail to shield the man from the raw and wild frost from the heavens but his skin also failed him to shield his heart from the frost. The cold man understood that. He takes a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale.


Like a hunter who stepped into the forest, his senses are keen to the rustles of the leaves, vibrating craws of the crow. He came back in this jungle to pick up pieces of his heart that he left. He knows what he should do but every step in the glistening cold pavement unravels a loose thread from his past. And now, he advances.


This is the fifth day that the hunter decided to seek for the deer. The cold man walks around the familiar town in search of footprints or traces that might direct him to his goal. Every nooks, every cul-de-sacs and every parks; he searched all of that. He brushed away some snow from his sharp brows as his search continues.


The cause of his regrets started on that day. The day that he faced that he loves him.


"Sitting beside my clutter-filled bed with a game console in my hand. And I can hear the slight ticking of the clock mixed with the loud bangs of the television. Even the rabbit plushie seems to stare at me with its manic grin while playing this game.


I admit. I'm trying my best to not look at the bed's direction. There seated is my best friend. Luhan. He is currently playing with the deer plushie that we won in the game center. He is wriggling its feet and playing with innocence in his eyes.




I think I said that out loud because he turned to me with his doe eyes.


Thump thump


Damn. These palpitations are back. Well, this is the reason why I was trying to avoid his eyes. I started to get these whenever we are together. And I pretty don't know what this is right now. I just get a warm feeling in my chest whenever a smile is painted in his face and electric shocks whenever he touches my skin. I can still ignore this weird thing before but right now, only the two of us in my room, I can't.


'Hey.  Did you say anything?' He asked me with those eyes. My heart seems like it will burst from the pace that it is right now.


'Nothing' I replied.


'Let's play this game that I bought in the center.' I continued while reaching out my arms to give the console to him.


'You know I hate those noisy games, Kris.' He said with a disenchantment in his voice and a slight pursing in his lips.


'Just this once please' I plead and Luhan moved from his seat in the corner to sit besides me.


 I might have sounded a bit whiny but at least it worked. I can feel his shoulders brushing against mine. Shocks. Again.


This proximity startles me. I just can't think straight and I'm pretty sure this is not normal, especially for guys.


I know what this is from the start but I'm scared.


 But I forget about everything whenever he stares at me, we walk together from school and we hang out like this in a lazy weekend.


I know that I love him. Not in a way that I should but in a way that only I can.


I'm scared."


That fear on that day seems so small to the fear on this day. The fear of the world from his "abnormality" or "disease" is nothing compared to the pain that the man feels in the absence of his love. He ran away before but now, with determination b in his eyes, he stepped forward. Knowing that each meter covered in this town is a meter towards his own light.


Lost in his thoughts while turning on a corner, he saw an eerily nostalgic scene. Under the same sunset, the same playground, he sees a brunet munching on a strawberry candy in the benches. He eats the candy with a nostalgic smile in his face. The orange light showed the face of same glassy and doe eyes from his highschool. And finally, the hunter found the deer.





I'ts been a while~ I actually plan to drop this one (but I can't) since I've been so busy with my school and stuff.

I am currently in an exchange student program in Japan and I'm also currently out of ideas XP

Please comment anything below if you have a bright plan and I'll try to make it happen. 


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Chapter 2: Adorable hunhan ♥♥♥ ;) fluffy..i thought that because you wrote it it would be m.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. But i'm wronggg. Kenntttt hahaha