The beating heart that is unreciprocated. (Sehun)

Silent Spring

The wind chimes on the glass door fluttered as a man made his way to the counter. The shop's interior was small and acidly colorful. Neon and pastel lines are encircling the walls creating an illusion of space and the lines of jars of candies from toffees, licorice, gummies and festively wrapped hard candies made the room cheerful despite the freezing weather outside. The place was surrounded by a warm glow that reminds people of Christmas mornings; the way those little flags lined the walls, those stickers of cute candies tastefully stuck on the red brick wall. Every little detail was a chaos of colors and patterns but it was, nevertheless, a festive chaos.


The young man who just entered was bringing two cups of bubble milk teas, one of which was strawberry pink in color. He noticed no one was in the counter and headed to a wooden door with a signage of "stocks".


"Luhan~!" He called in a loud voice as he knocked on the dark wooden door.


"I'm coming~!" A small voice replied on the man's call.


The wooden door was banged open when Luhan rushed to the counter.


"You look tired. Here. Have this." The man offered to Luhan. He handed the strawberry pink milk tea to him with an assuring smile.


"Thanks , Sehun" He answered with a gentle smile.


Sehun let out a small gasp of wonder, it happens every time Luhan smiles earnestly like that. It makes the thirty minute travel from his place under the uncomfortable and freezing snow worth it. He smiled automatically in return. He suddenly remembered the first time Luhan smiled like that to him.


"Even though it is the first day of classes, it is already a chaotic day in the classroom. Staring on the far wall on which the teacher will write on later. I managed a quick scan on all the familiar faces in the room.


I'm bored. I already know everyone here since we are all classmates from  primary school. Same faces every day. I'm getting tired.


In the midst of the class' chaos, the sternly dressed teacher walks in. Another man wearing the same uniform is trailing behind the teacher.


Interesting. A new face.


Looking keenly on the man behind the teacher because I can't see his face, his head is really bowed down. I bet he is shy.


The teacher clears his throat and says in a loud voice


'This is Luhan. He is the new student here since I already know that you already know each other. I'm also sure that you already know my name so Luhan take your seat beside… Sehun' The teacher said sternly and points at the seat on the back of the class. Luhan (who is still bowed down) walks quietly to his seat.


I found myself staring at the man sitting beside me. His name was Luhan, right? He looks so gentle and… fragile. I bet he has been a "bread shuttle" or bullied before. He looks so vulnerable. A small warmth in my chest was starting to blossom. I suddenly find myself trying to talk to him.


'Luhan' I whispered. He looks up as soon as he heard his name was called. He looks a bit scared. Do I really look scary? I just dyed my hair blonde and is seating at the back of the class… well yeah.


'Care to have some lunch with me later?' I asked gently. I added a smile with my request since I know he is a bit tensed and hopefully he will loosen up.


I don't know how it happened but I, once again, found myself gaping or gushing from his smile to me. It is the purest smile that my eyes have ever seen in my life. I feel so happy I could die~


His face suddenly shifted to a thoughtful frown and he says 'Hey. Are you okay?' He whispered.


I woke up after he said those and found myself smiling through the entire lecture 'til the awaited lunch break."


Sehun's face formed a small sneer and daydreamed for a bit but with a blank expression, after practicing not to gape or gush every time.


"Sehun!" Luhan said as he shook his shoulder.


"Oh" He gasped.


"I was saying that I love your hair! When did you color it into a rainbow?" Luhan asked as he picks another candy from his so-called "personal" candy bowl.


'Oh God. You don't realize that it is also for you!' Sehun internally sighed.


A memory briefly flashed back into Sehun. The reason why Luhan loves candies so much. Luhan's first candies were apparently given to him by Luhan's high school friend, Kris and he enjoyed it ever since. Sehun is pretty sure that Luhan thinks of Kris as "more than a friend" but Luhan doesn't realize it until now. And that was the start of Sehun's unrequited love. It was really painful after that day that they talked about it. He was jealous. He was jealous of this guy named Kris because Luhan's eyes turns glassy and dreamy whenever he is mentioned, of Luhan's mannerisms that he all got from Kris and whenever Luhan says something he always adds "Because Kris said that…".


But he has gotten over it. He realized that right now, he needs to protect Luhan since he is quite innocent. Like the time that a two timer jerk asked Luhan out and Sehun made sure that that jerk never came back with a good beating. How dare that filth two time his Luhan! He still see the guy flinch whenever he sees him.  He sneered from his achievement.


"Yesterday. Do you like it? It reminded me of the candies that you crave too much" He answered.


"Wa~ It's so cute~` I want to eat it too" Luhan shouted in his enthusiastic and cheerful voice.


Luhan suddenly grabbed Sehun's head and hugged it tightly to his chest while screaming something about candies. Sehun closed his eyes and relaxed under the welcome warmth of Luhan's body. 

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Chapter 2: Adorable hunhan ♥♥♥ ;) fluffy..i thought that because you wrote it it would be m.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. But i'm wronggg. Kenntttt hahaha