The last glances....

Vacant of Heart
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P/S : Side story..! Not much YunJae…  =(


‘If you love somebody, set them free. If they return, they were always yours. If they don’t, they never were.’

-by somebody-



Yunho lost his word and how to moves by heard that sudden fact, as he felt like the declaration the other just made was enough petrified him on his spot.

“So, can we leave now Jejung? Our flight within two hours and we should be hurry.” The Japanese man which got a looks that could be categorized as good looking man spoke. His hand that deliberately put on Jaejoong waist, just enough to made Yunho looks disturbed.

Jaejoong turn to the man whom he claims as his fiancée and he just nodded his head as he informed what the other said. Then the man took Jaejoong’s luggage in his hold seems giving Jaejoong his time for bid his last goodbye.

“I’ll waiting for you in parking lot.” He leaned to Jaejoong as he whispered; knowing that his fiancée need more time to talk with his friends before they could leave.

 “Jaejoong…if what Junsu said is true that you’ll getting married, so what is this related with your resignation and leaving out of sudden? You still could carry on with your weeding here.” Yoochun was the one that able to ask something makes sense after a moment of pausing as he realized his other members still in dazed. Mostly Yunho, he could sense that man beside him fidget and face changes after heard Junsu stated that Jaejoong will be getting married.

“I…” Jaejoong tried to compose his words. “I decide to follow my fiancee…he had been migrate to London for his new job and thought my mother strongly against our relationship since we were still in college, so….I’ve decide to move with him.” Jaejoong explained and let out his deep exhale. Now, Yoochun knew why Junsu seems so pissed off like his cousin would not come back again.

“I’m sorry…I only have a few hours more before my flight... I’m truly sorry for this sudden leaving…” Jaejoong said as he couldn’t stand any longer with the fact his heart would be more in pain as he seen Yunho’s face was still expressionless, the man looks hardened. His eyes seems avoided him and for some reason, he really hope if that man would stop him from going, he would stop right away. But he knew…that was impossible and far from happens.

‘Wake up Jaejoong, there’s no way he would fall in love with you… even you do look same like his lover... Love isn’t only impends on how you looks.’ His head screams as tried pulls some awareness on his one-sided feeling.

“You will come back right?” It was Siwon turn to break the hush after his long silence. That was only one question Jaejoong felt qualms to reply… honestly. But for current good, he just able to nodded and smiled as a reply even he can’t promise to that.

Then he turned to Junsu which was still silence not even glance at him. The shorter man was looked away.

“Junsu…I…I really need to leave now.”

“Then just go. No need to inform me. You already plan that a long ago without telling me though.” Junsu word such poignant, but Jaejoong knew well that cousin of him was hurting inside by seeing the other quivering lips, held his tears. Jaejoong tried hard to hide his pain expression, also holding back his tears for not drops it as he had fully determine in his decision with only one reason. The reason which he couldn’t let anyone know even he has to bear it cause all alone.

“Thanks to all the memory you guys had share with me…even it just a short memory of me in coming back here.” Jaejoong tried to put a smiling face as he turn to face the other four men behind him.

“It’s okay…we will come to visit you if we have some time. Can we?” Yoochun spoke as he look there’s no sign that Yunho or Changmin could voice out to lighten up the petrified atmosphere beside him and Siwon only.

Jaejoong just bitterly smiled as he knew, there’s no way they could meet again because there’s no way they would find him…

He had to lie again…

“Good bye guys…”

For that last moment, before he walked away, he steals a glance to the silence man beside Yoochun which face still looked down, not even wanting to meet his for one last time. He deadly curious what has been play in the man head as the man just being mute out of sudden… if only the man could stop him at the moment….


He didn’t…

‘I’ll always remember that face…of my first love, Jung Yunho…’



[Several years later…...]


In the late of nigh with the cold breeze started wafting wildly, a man with only a thin shirt on his smaller body was seating alone on the swing of playground nearer his neighborhood area. Everyone could tell he looks like a lonely man with just sitting alone, seems aloof, and had shown such glooms aura. That’s how he end up for this few years when each time he was been invaded by feeling lonely.

 He let out the umpteenth sighs as he sipped the third can of beer. With a big gulped, he emptied the whole can, face frowned seems he forcedly swollen that bitter content of can. He wiped off his lips with his sleeve as felt his drink dripped a bit on his corner lips. Hand grabs another can of beer which he already bought a plastics of it from the nearer convenient store before. When he was about to open the fourth can, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to face whose dare to disturb him at such a good moment of drinking.

“Hello… Are you alone here?”

‘What the heck this guy… doesn’t he clear about it?’ he thought a moment before he voice out, “Have you see someone else here?”

“Aww, don’t get irritated. I would accompany you to drink if you want to.” The guy spoke as his devilishly smiled inside seeing the other seems gotten drunk.

“I don’t need anyone… no one ever bother to stay longer near me. So why don’t you just leave me alone…”  Seems the effect of alcohol had coming up on him, he spilled out annoyingly.

“I see…you seemingly encountered with unhappy matters and that’s why you’re drinking alone here.” The other man leaned closer and snatched away the can that the other man was about to drink.

“Yah! What are you doing? Give me back my drink and leave me alone.”

“Oh, that will be no fun if I’m having you in my arms if you’re totally passing out.”

“Eh? What…are you talking about?! Leave me alone!”

“Bad thing is…I feel heavy to leave if I already caught on something eye-catching like you. Come on, my car just nearby.” The guy seems lost his patience and he’d pulled the drunken one forcefully from his seat. As he clearly aware the drunken one wasn’t that strong to fight back, added with the fact of the other that has a small figure just made him swiftly scooped up the still shocked man on his shoulder.

“Let me go! What are you doing?!”

 “Tsk, just keep screaming…no one would hear you cutie. My luck I found you’re alone at this late of night.” The man snickered, ignores the struggling burden on his shoulder.

“Kim Junsu! What the hell…” suddenly another voice had stopped the further steps of the man which was about to opens his car that parked at the edge of the playground area.

“Huh?” With blurry sight by his dizziness, the drunken one looked up to the person that called out his name out of sudden. “Yoo..chun…”

“Yah! What the hell you think you’re doing!” as realized the other was in drunk condition by seeing how Junsu had looks, Yoochun dashed forward and pulled off the smaller man out from the other hold.

“Who are you to disturb my business!” the man glared as unaware that he will turn out bad if he dare to make Park Yoochun flame on fire. Don’t ever think his brighten face couldn’t be scares of.

“Who am I? His husband? Is it enough for me to intrude into your business if it relate to this man?” Yoochun snarled before he brought his firm fist on the other face, sending the man straight to landed on the side of his car; held his jaw that felt like cracks. Then he got up back, tried to pay the previous fist, but too bad it was swiftly dodges by the other which already off his limit, instead he received a hard kick on his stomach made him couldn’t even sat up again. “Ugh!” the man winced in pain by Yoochun’s hard kick.

“Remember that erted!” Yoochun said as he turn away and grabs Junsu’s wrist that was still dazed on his spot after seeing that short action scene.

“Argh! Let me go..!” Junsu keeps winced as Yoochun still firmly gripped on his wrist; dragged him along the hallway to get back to his block apartment. Then the man swayed him around and released his grips only after they both stood in front of Junsu’s apartment door.

Turning away, Junsu tried unlocks his door, but he kept fumbled in his attempts while his wobble legs hard to stand still in his drunkenness condition. Seeing how hard it was, Yoochun snatches away the key from Junsu’s as he annoyed seeing that sight, he unlocked the door for the man.

“You better quit drink.” Yoochun voiced in stern.

 “Not your business…” Junsu snatched back his key, entered his house and was about to closed the door when Yoochun barged in, made him stumbled backward.

“What the hell are you doing?!” He shouted, face reddening in fury by the sudden pushed.

“You said…not my business? It’s so disturbing by just seeing you always drunk on weekend night. You are totally wasted!” Yoochun raised his voice just startled the other man.

Junsu eyes widen by hearing the other statement about his drinking, ‘He’s aware of it?’

“Just ignore me then…if that sight of me disturbing you so much.” Junsu said as face turn away from facing t

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This one too, still need some time. Has been years and need to re-edit.


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Chapter 29: love it!!.. Thanks authornim.. ^___^
teddiebears #2
popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Everoselen314 #3
Chapter 2: Regards reading and crying my heart out ?
Chapter 29: I wonder why all Yunjae's child or children are always smart (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡

Changmin with kids is my favorite. Can't wait to see him with his own children when he get married someday in the future (≧▽≦)
Where was I all this time (T_T)
herolov #6
Chapter 29: Read this again.. after around 4 years..
Everoselen314 #7
Chapter 29: Feel sorry fie yoongyun no one remembers death people :(
MissABDy #8
Chapter 29: i love this story...
oh God, im crying and happy too...
im finally done reading this! ahhhh~ :D
I like the story. it's just that... i think it lacks smth. idk what that is. drama? depth? or maybe the old issues werent all resolved? haha idk. how did Changmin find Jaejoong?

but all in all. i love it. the conflict of feelings. aawwee poor them. but im glad it all worked out in the end :)
and i know you've i.proved your writing since 4-5 yrs ago. hahahaha ciao~
AngleNight69 #10
Chapter 29: You are such a great author. I really love your story.