Monday Revelations



a/n: I know the pace was rather fast right? How can Gyugyu fall so fast? Let's find out shall we?....


"Gyu how can you fall for a person you just met?" He asked himself as he tried to remove the thoughts of the evil tofu off of his mind. He was lazily sitting in his tub, eyes focused on a certain bottle of bubble bath but all he can see was the smug on the evil tofu's face. "Aish Sunggyu!" He let out a frustrated scream. "You just met him for God's sake and he's not even the kind and romantic type!" He screamed at himself as he ruffled his own locks to release some of the frustration. "But he is so perfect." He let out a sigh and now he looked a lot like a pouting hamster, cute and fluffy. "Why is he perfect even if he's evil?" He asked to no one in particular and closed his eyes. "Damn, I'm going crazy." he said and finished his bath


"Woohyun, the lunch meeting with Donghyun?" Sunggyu asked as he stepped into the dining room for some breakfast. "All well and settled. Mr. Kim will meet you at Bambino. He particularly requested the place since it's been receiving great reviews from food critics." Woohyun said as he placed down the breakfast. "Very well, isn't Bambino part of the Kim Group?" Sunggyu asked and the secretary/butler nodded. "One of the pioneer branches of the restaurant chains the Kim group invested on. The chef hired a few years back did an excellent job and now he's the money-maker of the branch." Woohyun explained and Sunggyu nodded then ate. "Great." He said and happily ate his breakfast.

The morning routine was a bore and after a few paper works, he decided to grab some coffee. "Sungyeol?" He entered his brother's office by the marketing department and the younger Kim smiled and let him sit. "Yes hyung?" The younger answered. "Tomorrow's dinner don't forget." Sunggyu reminded and the younger smiled widely. "How can I forget hyung? But I do believe you came not just to remind me about tomorrow's dinner." Sungyeol prodded and Sunggyu nodded like a puppy. "I'm bored and sleepy. Coffee?" Sunggyu asked and after hearing the magic word, Sungyeol was up from his seat and was walking out of his room.

"There's this really great Coffee shop I've been going to very recently and it was referred by Jonghyun hyung." Sungyeol said as he pushed the elevator button."Jonghyun? He’s the head of the Music branch of the Lee Group's subsidiary companies right?" Sunggyu asked and Sungyeol nodded. "He said that the coffee shop was one of LG's successful ventures in the mainstream franchises. And the well known but aloof Mr. Lee Jinki had suggested it." Sungyeol answered. "You're such a spy Yeol." Sunggyu exclaimed and the younger shook his head. "Marketing hyung, spying and countering attacks are the heart and soul of our job." Sungyeol proudly said and Sunggyu patted his shoulders. "You sure love your work Yeollie." Sunggyu commented and the younger nodded. "And besides hyung, we all know that mom and dad is pushing you to marry this wonderful Lee Jinki someday." Sungyeol said and Sunggyu glared at him. "For the nth time, why is everybody pushing me to marry this unknown Lee Jinki?!" Sunggyu exclaimed, a bit loud for comfort.

"Because everyone thinks that it's the only logical way. Lee Jinki has turned down each and every offer from the top 20 South Korean corporations for marriage proposals." Sungyeol informed his older brother. "What makes you think he'll accept ours?" Sunggyu asked and Sungyeol sighed. "Have more confidence hyung, You are an asset to the company." Sungyeol said then winked at his brother. "Yeah, I'm your precious dowry." Sunggyu commented as they stepped out of the building and walked towards the crowded street.

"It's just around the corner." Sungyeol said and after a few minutes, Sunggyu found himself inside cozy shop filled with people of all ages. "I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee!" Sungyeol exclaimed as he walked towards the counter. Sunggyu was observing the place when his eyes landed on a particular person just outside the cafe, puffing a cigarette smoke. "Onew?" He muttered. "Excuse me hyung?" Sungyeol asked and when Sunggyu turned to the counter, a familiar face was smiling.

"Henry?" Sunggyu asked and the man in question nodded. "Hi Gyu!" Henry greeted him. "You work here?" Sunggyu asked, surprised to see his mochi brother. "Yeah, been working here for a while." Henry responded. "Then does that mean Onew?" Sunggyu continued to ask and Henry nodded intently. Upon the confirmation, Sunggyu smiled brightly, his day just got brighter.

"I'm apparently left out." Sungyeol said as he tapped his fingers on the counter. "Oh sorry Yeol, Henry and Onew are my brothers." Sunggyu said and Sungyeol's brows furrowed. "And I'm not your brother?" Sungyeol asked and Henry chuckled as Sunggyu was like a lost puppy. "aigoo, it's not that. I mean.." Sunggyu searched for the right words when Onew answered for him. "He wanted to be normal so he kind of asked Ryeowook hyung if he can be their 'son' when he escapes his status in life." Onew said and Sungyeol nodded once. "Who is this Ryeowook hyung?" Sungyeol asked and this time Henry answered. "He's the kindest hyung ever! He took care of us just like his real sons. Anyway Gyu, you're going to order?" Henry asked and Sunggyu nodded. "I'm not fond of coffee though, any specialty?" Sunggyu asked and Henry nodded. "Got you covered." Henry punched some numbers and Sungyeol paid the bill and took the cue disk. Henry then handed Onew the order slip and made the orders.

The Kim brothers sat down on one of the comfy chairs by the window and Sunggyu kept his gaze on the tofu making his special cup. “ Hey hyung, tell me something I don’t know.”  Sungyeol said and Sunggyu didn’t even listen. “Hey Hyung!” Sungyeol said a bit louder this time and SUnggyu looked at the younger brother, a bit irritated. “What?” Sunggyu answered. You look like  lovesick puppy.” Sungyeol said and Sunggyu’s mouth gaped. “You didn’t just insult me?” Sunggyu asked, a bit hurt with Sungyeol’s words. “Then enlighten me hyung.”  Sungyeol replied and made Sunggyu sigh.

“Remember that after the boring party last time, I escaped and got almost killed?” Sunggyu asked and Sungyeol nodded. “Onew saved me and I wanted to thank him properly.” Sunggyu continued. “So last  Friday, I drove Henry and Onew to a party of their own and I just wanted to be part of their circle.” Sunggyu finished. “So you met this Ryeowook hyung and he adopted you?” Sungyeol asked and Sunggyu nodded. “Well technically it was Yesung hyung who did. But it was a feeling I can’t explain, the acceptance was overwhelming and I would do everything to be part of it.” Sunggyu said with stars in his eyes. “So you would want to throw away the grandeur of life for their kind?” Sungyeol asked and it sounded harsh on Sunggyu’s ears. “:Their kind? There’s no difference in humanity and everyone has equal rights. For your information, you and Myungsoo are also part of ‘their’ kind so don’t talk like you’re no different from others.” Sunggyu said bitterly and Sungyeol chuckled. “I’m sorry hyung. It’s just that you are too cute when you’re pissed off.” Sungyeol said then stood up to get their drinks as the cue disk buzzed; leaving a pouting hamster.

“You’re an evil choding Sungyeol.” Sunggyu said as he took his drink and sippedthe cool coffee blend. “hey, this is great.” Sunggyu commented and he waved to Henry who walked to them. “Henry, this is really good. What’s it called?” Sunggyu asked and Henry smiled. “Onew Sangtae.” Henry said and Sunggyu almost choked on the dirnk, Sungyeol laughed. “What kind of name is that?” Sunggyu asked and a passing evil tofu glared at him. “If you hate it then don’t drink it. Henry, fix him your specialty.” Onew said and then walked away. “what does he mean?” Sunggyu asked with confused look and Henry smiled at the hamster brother. “Onew  Sangtae is Onew’s special mix and it’s very popular with noonas because they find Onew adorable, the drink is good too. And I do have my own specialty, I  call it Strings. Other baristas too have their own specialty.” Henry explained and Sunggyu smiled. “The name is weird but the drink is really good. Sorry about that Onew, Did I hurt your feelings?” Sunggyu asked and Onew did not even spare him a glance. “Don’t mind him; he’s pretty weird at times. Well, I hope to see you around sometimes. And Sungyeol-ssi, from our manager.” Henry said and handed a paper bag to Sungyeol who gladly accepted it. “I’m a regular here so I get freebies.” Sungyeol answered the questions emanating from Sunggyu.  Sungyeol looked inside and was wide eyed when he saw the card that bore the Lee Group’s infamous logo.

“Hyung, a card from the Lee Group.” Sungyeol quickly opened the card and rejoiced as he read the contents. “Hyung, he’s interested to meet with us. I knew it, no one can resist you hyung!” Sungyeol said and Sunggyu sighed. “But I don’t like that Lee Jinki, I never even met him.” Sunggyu whined but Sungyeol smiled knowingly. “Well he’s taken interest and perhaps, when you two meet, youll change your mind.” Sungyeol said then stood up to leave. “But I already like someone.” Sunggyu said as he caught up with the brother.  “Doesn’t matter. In our status, we are bound to be married to people we don’t even know for the sake of financial gains.” Sungyeol reminded his brother. “That’s why I wanted to escape the name and status of Kim Sunggyu.” Sunggyu muttered to himself.

“He liked the drink Onew, Don’t worry.” Henry said as he returned to the counter to join Onew. “I’m not worrying.” Onew replied dryly. “Oh really?!” Henry said with a grin. “Don’t imply things Henry, It’s an unhealthy habit of yours.” Onew said and Henry just smiled. “You’ll have to admit it sooner or later Onew, you can’t stay mad at Sunggyu forever.” Henry said then attended to a group of giggling girls. “I absolutely have no idea about what you are saying Henry.” Onew replied as he took an order slip.


“Sorry I’m a tad bit late Sunggyu.” Donghyun apologized as he sat across his friend. “No worries, it wasn’t that long.” Sunggyu smiled reassuringly. “So have you ordered?” Donghyun asked and Sunggyu shook his head. “Waiting for you.” Sunggyu answered as a waiter handed the menu. “I’m really looking forward to taste the food here, I heard great reviews.” Donghyun said as he browsed through the menu. “you own this chain right Gyu?” Donghyun asked and Sunggyu nodded. “Sungjong manages the mainstream market, Sungyeol manages all marketing strategies while I do the paperwork.” Sunggyu explained nonchalantly and Donghyun laughed a bit. “Sure you do the boring stuff Gyu. But being the oldest means you control most of the top assets of the company. I’m sure you’re managing the banking and financial loans of the Kim Group.” Donghyun remarked and Sunggyu just smiled. “hmm, I don’t really know what to order, so just give us what the chef recommends.” Sunggyu instructed the waiter and Donghyun agreed. “Chef recommended course meal, Please wait a moment.” The waiter then left  and both acknowledge the order.

“So how’s the blind date?” Sunggyu asked and Donghyun grinned. “It’s wonderful Minwoo was unexpectedly cute and charming.” Donghyun said and Sunggyu smiled wider. “You liked him already?” Sunggyu asked and Donghyun blushed before nodding. “Though it’s still one-sided. I don’t think he feels the same way. Besides, it’s just our first meeting.” Donghyun explained. “Well, I’m sure there’ll be plenty of meetings now that you are planning to invest on their company.” Sunggyu added.

“I’m sure there’s something you want to talk about today.” Donghyun said and Sunggyu nodded. “You met my brothers a few days back and I’m wondering, what’s your impression about them?” Sunggyu asked and Donghyun smiled and interlaced his fingers. “For one thing, Henry seems nice.” Donghyun said and Sunggyu nodded. “Onew seems to be a bit rude but mysterious. It’s like he has a lot of secrets.” Donghyun’s expression was rather serious. “Yeah, it seems that way. But he’s really weird sometimes. He humiliated me one time but ended being wounded because he saved me from a robber. Then he puffed smoke to my face and triggered my asthma attack. He’s cold one minute then he’ll turn into the caring brother the next and before you know it, he’ll criticize you for the slightest things.” Sunggyu commented and Donghyun chuckled. “You sound like a frustrated lover.” Donghyun said and Sunggyu glared at him. “Am I too obvious?” Sunggyu asked and Donghyun nodded. “I just think that you should really take it slow with Onew. I’m not sure of what goes into his mind. He seems like a good person in the inside but the cloud of mystery that surrounds him is something I am not sure you can overcome.” Donghyun reminded the friend. “You’re not against me falling for Onew?” Sunggyu asked and Donghyun nodded; effectively making Sunggyu smile. “Who am I to stop you? But let me just remind you that you are still slated to an arranged marriage in the future, whether it’s Lee Jinki or some other child of a company CEO.” Donghyun reminded him and the smile was replaced with a frown. “Thank you for bursting my bubble.” Sunggyu replied then sighed.

The food was served after a few minutes and the two happily ate their lunch. ‘Ahhmazing!” Sunggyu exclaimed with a asmile, eatig like an excited 5 year old. “And I though I should be the one surprised. You haven’t eaten here Gyu?” Donghyun asked and Sunggyu shook his head. “I’m not fond of the previous chef so I never came back after he treated me like I’m a freaking Moron. Although he was fired afterwards, I still get a bit scared sometimes.” Sunggyu confessed and Donghyun smiled.

“Can we meet the chef?” Sunggyu asked and the waiter excused himself and brought in their manager. “excuse me sir.” The manager said and Sunggyu looked at the person and thought that he was rather familiar. “Donghae-hyung?” Sunggyu asked and the man smiled and replied. “Oh Sunggyu? Oh I mean sir Sunggyu, you want to meet our head chef?” Donghae asked and Sunggyu pouted. “Drop the sir; I’m not comfortable with it. And yes please.” Sunggyu said with a smile. Donghae excused himself and brought in the chef a few minutes later.

“Ryeowook hyung!” Sunggyu excitedly hugged the chef as he met the two heirs. “Gyu, hey don’t be so loud.” Ryeowook said but was smiling widely. “You work here? Awesome! The food is so fantastic!” Sunggyu remarked and Ryeowook thanked him whole heartedly. “Oh, this is y friend Donghyun. Donghyun, this is Ryeowook hyung, he’s my foster omma.” Sunggyu excitedly introduced the two. “The food was excellent Ryeowook-ssi.” Donghyun praised the chef and  Ryeowook  blushed at the compliment. “I’m very happy that you both liked what I prepared. It’s an honor for me to cook for the two of you.” Ryeowook said though lacking in confidence. “Hyung, you’re the best! Can I sleep over again this weekend?” Sunngyu asked and Ryeowook nodded. “Our doors are always open Gyu-dear. I’ll leave you two to enjoy your meal.” Ryeowook excused himself and Donghyun laughed at the over excited hamster of a friend. “You sure are cute Sunggyu.” Donghyun commented and Sunggyu glared at him. “You’re not my tpe Donghyun.” Sunggyu said and Donghyun nodded. “You’re not my type as well don’t worry.” Donghyun answered and the two continued their lunch meeting with more serious business related jargons before separating.


A/N; I don’t know if the chapter wasrather random.. hopefully it’s still ok.

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ranma41 #1
Chapter 17: I was having so much fun reading this chapter bcuz of Jeongmin, Onew & Jinki >.< Gonna continue reading to find out what's going to happen!
Chapter 53: Maybe I read this before and didn't leave a comment-.- but I wanted to do it again... so I'm here again, so happy for the two of them*-* as always hahahhahahha :*
Chapter 55: This is daebak..i never like shinfinite otp but u make me love taejong and!
Chapter 55: Another set of chipmunks were born... this is really good ahahaha
weerainbow #5
Chapter 55: Awww thank you for the bonus chapter, it was so sweet! I could hardly believe it when Sunggyu ended up with amnesia too though...but thankfully things worked out fine because their love for each other was strong enough to overcome the same difficulty a second time. Jonghyun's proposal was so cute too. He was so desperate to make a surprise aww poor emotional boy lol. ♥
Chapter 55: jonghyun get his happy ending and he's actually a cry baby
and another triplets for jinki and sunggy
oh wow^^
they'll busy with all of their children
happy ending
Chapter 55: Yay finally you and Jonghyun though you could have pretendednot to know though poor him lol

Yay twins! Though they are even now hehe
Chapter 1: I like OnGyu too!!!!!!!!!! but they really don't have any interactions at all eventhough Onew went on Sunggyu's variety show.. :(
Chapter 54: yay! goodie goodie \^o^/