Solving one problem, starting another.


a/n: Okay I realized that it has been 2 weeks since I updated this so I’ll make it up to you.. More angst I am afraid. T.T Hang in there though, OnGyu will have their moment soon


Henry ran as fast as he could. How could he doubt Onew? He knew the guy so well that he hadn’t realized how stupid he was for punching his brother in the face. Sure Onew has that bad guy façade but deep down, he knew his brother has a soft heart and would do anything for his family, him included.

He dashed towards a curb and he was surprised that he could ran as fast (maybe he should join the marathon the center was organizing). He took deep breaths as he slowed down and eventually stopped by the 12th street with the view of the Banpo Bridge.

He searched the place for any signs of Dasom. His breath was heavy and the cold air that blew did nothing to dampen his desire to find this girl he fell in love twice.

He approached the bridge and saw her perched on one of the benches that over looked the bridge, the same spot where they met a few years back. She was slightly shivering in the night wind and Henry couldn’t even find the right words to describe her; perfection must have been given to her.

He approached slowly behind her, took off his jacket and placed it on her. Dasom jolted from her seat slightly as she felt the warmth of the jacket being placed on her and smiled as she saw Henry smiling back at her.

“I’m sorry.” She said but Henry shook his head and sat next to her. ‘I just wanted to ask Onew for help, I wasn’t thinking.” She said and Henry took in a deep breath.

“Dasom-ssi, I know it’s very sudden but I Love you.” Henry revealed while looking into her eyes, deep and sincere. She returned the gaze, her eyes laced with fresh tears and that moment was just as perfect as the movies.

‘I love you too. From first sight. “ She answered and that was their signal to move closer and seal their fate with a tender and loving kiss.

It took their breath away and they both knew how perfect they belong to each other. Henry wrapped an arm around her waist as he pulled her closer to him, the other arm now on her back as he enveloped Dasom in a warm and tight embrace.

“I love you.” He repeated and Dasom could only nod as she savor this moment, the perfect confession and her perfect first kiss.


“You patched things up?” Ryeowook asked over breakfast and the two nodded.

“I’m sorry onew, I got a little carried away. I forgot that you are liking someone else.” Henry sincerely apologized and Onew just shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s great. I’m really practicing my speech just in case you two hadn’t fixed this petty squabble over a girl.” Ryeowook said as he handed Sunggyu his plate.

“You like someone?” Sunggyu asked and Onew didn’t answer.

“How about you Gyu?” Henry asked and Sunggyu gave him a weak smile.

“yeah, unrequited one.” He answered and Onew scoffed. ‘Why?” Sunggyu asked and Onew looked at him with disinterest.

“You’re bound to marry lee jinki. Why brood over your unrequited love?” He stated and Sunggyu swallowed hard.

“Now now, I am really going to give you my practiced speech if this continues. Sunggyu, you are going back to work?” Ryeowook asked and Sunggyu shook his head.

‘The kids can manage. Woohyun can bring the files over to bambino later.” He said and Ryeowook nodded.

‘Great because you are going to join us at the café. You’ve been highly requested by a lot of girls.” Henry chirped and Sunggyu laughed nervously.

“That’s great. Well maybe you’ll meet your siblings later when they have coffee.” Ryeowook added.

“Siblings?” Sunggyu asked as Yesung sat on the table for his breakfast.

“The Lee’s and Kim’s you are bound to marry Lee Jinki.” Henry stated and Sunggyu nodded in disappointment.

“Onew.” Yesung said and the boy looked at him. “Come with me to work okay?” He said and Onew nodded.

“Why? Is he sick?” Sunggyu suddenly asked with worry laced tone.

“No. he just needs to have his check up. I am just worried about his smoking habit.” Yesung calmly said and Sunggyu nodded.

“Yeah, he’s been smoking frequently.” Sunggyu replied and seeing the dark clouds looming, Ryeowook decided to make the mood a bit lighter.

“Okay we’ll have midnight fest later so don’t be late!” Ryeowook announced and both Henry and Yesung grinned while Onew rolled his eyes and Sunggyu was clueless.

“Midnight fest?” Sunggyu asked but nobody answered him.


The café was busy as usual and Sunggyu happily chatted with a few ladies who she figured as clerks of a certain bank nearby. They were obviously flirting with him but he still entertained them; better make good impressions right?

The door opened and the café stopped as the 2 powerful families entered at the same time. The girls took their leave just as the secretaries approached while their bosses took a seat reserved for them.

“Good Morning Sunggyu-nim.” Dasom greeted him with respect and Sunggyu grinned at her.

‘Well, isn’t it my future sister-in-law. Henry, you have a visitor!” Sunggyu called out and the brown haired brother popped in and greeted Dasom with a wide smile.

Dasom blushed and Key rolled his eyes in disbelief. “okay I get it. Now can we get the coffee?” Key asked irritatedly and Sunggyu nodded, punching the write codes and preparing a few of them while Henry did the other and more complicated brew.

Sunggyu and Henry served the coffees and The Lee’s insisted that he join them. Henry assured him that he could handle the shop and so Sunggyu sat next to Woohyun.

“Fancy still seeing you here.” Jaemi said and Sunggyu just gave her a warm smile.

“It’s a good breather from the corporate world.” Sunggyu said with a warm smile. “How was Woohyun?” He inquired and Jaemi smiled at him.

“Good. Excellent secretary but I still prefer my Taemin.” She said as she took a sip of her drink.

“Of course you would prefer someone who has worked with you for years.” Sunggyu said with a smile.

“So Sungjong-ssi how did my Taemin go?” She asked and Sungjong nodded.

“Amazing! Not that Key hyung isn’t but he was fun to work with.” Sungjong said and Taemin bowed at him.

“Well, that’s a first. Usually he’ll be all strict but then again I wouldn’t blame my baby for not enjoying himself.” Jaemi said with a knowing smile that left every Kim and their entourage clueless.

“Oh don’t mind her; we kind of inherited it from our mom you know.” Jeongmin said and Sunggyu nodded to that, remembering how Mrs. Lee’s sangtae was just too much to be called normal.

“Well I think we hoarded you far too long, the line is piling up.” Jaemi commented and Sunggyu nodded and took his leave. “Can I borrow your secretary for a bit longer Sunggyu oppa?” Jaemi asked and Sunggyu smiled at her approvingly.

“Sure if you let Sungjong borrow Taemin for a while.” He answered and Jaemi gave her a soft nod.

“I smell something good and it’s not the coffee.” Key said with a grin.


“Where are you going?” Henry asked as he stopped Onew from leaving. Sunggyu wanted to join in when he heard his name being spoken. ‘So it is about Sunggyu.” Henry said and Onew glared at him.

‘Yes and you perfectly know why.” The younger replied and Henry sighed.

‘Why don’t you give him a chance? He’s a nice person.” Henry uttered but Onew scoffed at him.

“He doesn’t belong here Henry. How many times do I have to tell you that I am very uncomfortable with him.” Onew stated and this made Sunggyu teary eyed.

‘I am not asking for you to like him Onew, just be nice to him.” Henry countered.

“Do you hate me that much?” Sunggyu asked, stepping out from the wall he was hiding a few minutes ago. ‘What did I do to you for you to hate me huh?” He asked and the two brothers just stayed silent. “I just wanted a normal family. Something that money can’t buy. I just wanted you to be nice to me. I didn’t ask you to like me Onew. Just be my friend if being a brother is too much.” Sunggyu’s tears suddenly fell and this prompted him to run out of the door.

‘Why is Sunggyu running? It’s midnight fest!” Ryeowook asked and Onew sighed loudly. “Bring him back Onew or else.” Ryeowook threatened.

“Or else what?” Onew asked in defiance.

‘Or else your dirty secret will spill from my mouth. I want Sunggyu back here before the sun rises later and I mean it.” Ryeowook stated and stomped up towards his bedroom.

“Just get him back Onew. You don’t want to end up regretting everything you haven’t done for the sake of love.” Yesung stated and then followed Ryeowook up his room.

Onew looked at Henry who gave him an apologetic look.

“They are right you know. Why don’t you just give yourself this chance Onew.” Henry stated but Onew shook his head. “Maybe now is the right time.” Henry stated before pushing Onew out of the door and locking him out.

“I am not opening this until you bring Sunggyu back!” Henry shouted from the inside.

“You are going to regret this Henry!” Onew shouted.

“Me? Not a chance but you? Better work fast!” Henry shouted back and Onew had no choice but to ran after Sunggyu.


a/n: welllllllll I am sorry for that very random update.. but Hey Ongyu moment up next!!! Motivate me people.. hahahahah

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ranma41 #1
Chapter 17: I was having so much fun reading this chapter bcuz of Jeongmin, Onew & Jinki >.< Gonna continue reading to find out what's going to happen!
Chapter 53: Maybe I read this before and didn't leave a comment-.- but I wanted to do it again... so I'm here again, so happy for the two of them*-* as always hahahhahahha :*
Chapter 55: This is daebak..i never like shinfinite otp but u make me love taejong and!
Chapter 55: Another set of chipmunks were born... this is really good ahahaha
weerainbow #5
Chapter 55: Awww thank you for the bonus chapter, it was so sweet! I could hardly believe it when Sunggyu ended up with amnesia too though...but thankfully things worked out fine because their love for each other was strong enough to overcome the same difficulty a second time. Jonghyun's proposal was so cute too. He was so desperate to make a surprise aww poor emotional boy lol. ♥
Chapter 55: jonghyun get his happy ending and he's actually a cry baby
and another triplets for jinki and sunggy
oh wow^^
they'll busy with all of their children
happy ending
Chapter 55: Yay finally you and Jonghyun though you could have pretendednot to know though poor him lol

Yay twins! Though they are even now hehe
Chapter 1: I like OnGyu too!!!!!!!!!! but they really don't have any interactions at all eventhough Onew went on Sunggyu's variety show.. :(
Chapter 54: yay! goodie goodie \^o^/