Henry's Girl


A/n: this took too long.. I hope you still remember me and this story




The three brothers entered bambino and changed into their uniforms. Ryeowook greeted them with a smile as they took their positions. Sunggyu was enjoying life as it is and has adjusted to everyone that it didn’t seem like work at all.


“How’s the talk with the Lee’s ?” Ryeowook asked and Sunggyu gave him a smile.


“Sungjong would need to revise the proposal but it’s nothing major.” Sunggyu said and Ryeowook gave him a smile.


It was a typical night at Bambino and the staff were all on their toes as they served their clientele. Sunggyu was a pro by now and Junghoon couldn’t be any prouder.


“Let’s drop by Monalisa later Gyu!” Henry said as the older entered the kitchen to get the orders.


“Sure, It’ll be nice to see Lee Joon hyung again.” Sunggyu said and walked out of the kitchen to serve the fetuccini and basil chicken.


They went inside Monalisa after thir shift, Ryeowook opted to sleep instead since he has been working quite a storm earlier. The three were seated at the bar where Lee joon was in the middle of flaring. Sunggyu watched with amazement as the bartender showed of f his cool skills. Onew rolled his eyes as his hyung showed off before standing and taking the shaker from Joon and started flaring just to shut off the bartender.


“awesome!!” Sunggyu said in astonishment as Henry laughed loudly.


“There’s nothing he can’t do.” Henry said as he rasied his martini glass and downed it.




The next morning, Sunggyu found himself still in an apron and serving coffee to patrons while Henry and Onew did the brewing. Sunggyu didn’t mind it all as it was really enjoyable. He had learned some basic brews and could even pull off an espresso shot on his own.


The girls who entered were fond of the three and they nicknamed them as the hamsters for their appearances. Sunggyu just laughed it off and was pretty much focused on his task that he missed the glare from Onew Sunggyu flirted with some noona-deul.


“Just admit it.” Henry nudged the brother who just shrugged Henry off.


“I have nothing to admit.” Onew said and returned to the mix he was doing.


The bell chimed as Sungyeol and his secretary entered the cafe for his morning coffee, surprised to see the older brother working there.


“Part time. So what shall i get you?” Sunggyu said as he met his brother.

”Americano.” Sungyeol responded and let Dasom pick her brew.


Sunggyu gave them the cue disk and turned to Henry who was shocked and frozen on his place.


“You okay Henry?” Sunggyu asked but Henry didn’t respond. “hey Henry?!” Sunggyu shook the brother who took out his phone and showed it to Sunggyu. Sunggyu looked at it and snapped as he realized why Henry was frozen in place.


The cue disk lit up and Dasom came to get the drinks when Sunggyu introduced her to Henry.


“Dasom-ssi, I want you to meet Henry.” Sunggyu said and Dasom smiled at the boy. “Does he look familiar?” Sunggyu asked and Dasom thought for a while before blushing.


“Can you play the violin?” She asked and Henry nodded like a puppy. “Oh, well then it’s you! We met a while back.” She said and Henry just nodded, he couldn’t even formulate a proper sentence. “Nice to meet you Henry, I am Dasom.” She said and extended her hand which Henry shook.


“Henry. Oh and it was really nice meeting you.” Henry said then Dasom took her leave.


“Small world huh?” Sunggyu asked, chuckling at how silly Henry looked with that grin and lovesick eyes.


“I think I’ve fallen in love all over again.” Henry said which made Sunggyu laughed at his brother. “Hey! You guys just don’t get it right now but just wait and when that time comes, I’ll laugh at your pathetic faces!” Henry said then returned to his place to settle some orders.



A/n: Short filler chapter.. I’ll try to update with a better one next time.. My brain is just shutting off on me T.T


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ranma41 #1
Chapter 17: I was having so much fun reading this chapter bcuz of Jeongmin, Onew & Jinki >.< Gonna continue reading to find out what's going to happen!
Chapter 53: Maybe I read this before and didn't leave a comment-.- but I wanted to do it again... so I'm here again, so happy for the two of them*-* as always hahahhahahha :*
Chapter 55: This is daebak..i never like shinfinite otp but u make me love taejong and ongyu..wow!
Chapter 55: Another set of chipmunks were born... this is really good ahahaha
weerainbow #5
Chapter 55: Awww thank you for the bonus chapter, it was so sweet! I could hardly believe it when Sunggyu ended up with amnesia too though...but thankfully things worked out fine because their love for each other was strong enough to overcome the same difficulty a second time. Jonghyun's proposal was so cute too. He was so desperate to make a surprise aww poor emotional boy lol. ♥
Chapter 55: jonghyun get his happy ending and he's actually a cry baby
and another triplets for jinki and sunggy
oh wow^^
they'll busy with all of their children
happy ending
Chapter 55: Yay finally you and Jonghyun though you could have pretendednot to know though poor him lol

Yay twins! Though they are even now hehe
Chapter 1: I like OnGyu too!!!!!!!!!! but they really don't have any interactions at all eventhough Onew went on Sunggyu's variety show.. :(
Chapter 54: yay! goodie goodie \^o^/