
Sunggyu paced in front of the emergency room as a physician took care of the wounds. The stranger wasn't bleeding too much but it still scared the heck of a coward name Kim Sunggyu. "It's all done Lee .. " the doctor muttered but the stranger shot him a death glare. "Onew you don't have to kill me with that stare."The doctor muttered as he stood to face the still pacing Sunggyu.

"He's all done. Nothing to serious, just minor cuts. Onew is quite acquainted with it and frankly speaking, he's such a familiar face in this hospital."The doctor muttered and Sunggyu bowed to thank him. "hmm do you accept debit card? I am afraid all my cash got taken."Sunggyu said shyly as his cheeks turned pink. "It's ok. I got it covered. Onew is already a friend here anyway."The doctor muttered before leaving him. Sunggyu then walked towards his savior."Are you ok now?" Sunggyu asked, worry evident in his voice. "It's nothing major, I've had worse injuries than this."" The man got up and walked towards the door.

"Wait.. Onew!" the name made the man turn to him. "That pesky doctor can't help himself blabbering my name." Onew hissed as Sunggyu caught up with him. "It's Onew right?!" Sunggyu asked but received no answer. "Thank you." Sunggyu said and did a 90 degree bow towards the man. "Yah! What the hell are you doing!" Onew screamed at him. "I'm just sincerely thanking you. I could have died out there." Sunggyu replied and Onew hissed again.

"I already told you that you don't belong here." Onew muttered and walked away."Wait! Let me give you a ride back home!" Sunggyu offered but Onew declined him. "Look, I am not your friend and I have no place. Just keep your nose out of my business." Onew muttered before taking a cigarette out and lighting it after he had walked out of the hospital doors."Wait, How can I thank you properly! There should at least be something I can do!" Sunggyu screamed. Onew stopped walking and faced him. Sunggyu smiled but soon coughed as Onew blew out puffs of smoke on his face. "Like I said, get out of here.. or should I tell it to you in another way." Onew took another puff of his cigarette and blew the smoke on Sunggyu's face. "get the hell out of my face!" Onew shouted and turned to leave. Sunggyu was coughing so hard now that he went back to the emergency room.

"That kid had really lost it, saving you then trying to kill you. aish." The doctor muttered as he let Sunggyu inhale through a nebulizer. "The good news is, you are not going to have serious damage to your lungs but stick with him and you'll age and die prematurely."The doctor muttered and Sunggyu nodded. "Doctor, I'm just curious, is he homeless?" Sunggyu asked while he tried to recover his normal breathing. The doctor smiled at him then replied. "He ran away from home and right now, he stays with me and my partner" The doctor muttered.Sunggyu's eyes went wide then he bowed to the doctor. "I'm sorry for causing trouble." Sunggyu muttered and the doctor chuckled at the adorable young man in front of him. "Jongwoon-ssi, Cardiac arrest at ER" A nurse hailed and the doctor bowed to Sunggyu before leaving.  A nurse attended to him and after his breathing returned to normal, he paid the bill with his debit card and left for home.

"Sunggyu hyung!" A worried Woohyun welcomed him. The lad has been a friend and his personal assistant since they were in college. "Did you smoke?" Woohyun asked as he smelled the lingering scent of the cigarette smoke. "No, I just met someone who does." Sunggyu muttered as he remove his coat and loosen his necktie. "And before you think of anything stupid, he happened to save my life and ended up getting cuts and bruises." Sunggyu added, stopping Woohyun from badmouthing his savior.

"What happened hyung?" Woohyun asked in a soft tone. "Took a drive then got robbed. Looked down upon by a stranger, got almost robbed and killed but the stranger helped me and so he ended up hurt, and my lungs got suffocated by his cigarette." Sunggyu said non-nonchalantly and Woohyun's mouth agaped. "You...." Woohyun started and Sunggyu threw his coat at the younger. "You should really stop watchng Woohyun, your mind is now corrupted and ert thoughts just keep on popping out of nowhere. I definitely did not sleep with him and the reason I ended up suffocating was that he blew the last puff of smoke to my face." Suggyu elaborated and Woohyun sheepishly smiled. "Sorry." Woohyun muttered then left as Sunggyu shooed him out of his room.

Sunggyu took a warm bubble bath, a relaxing music being played in the background. "He seem to hide something" Sunggyu muttered to himself as he tried to forget the image of Onew, a wandering lost soul in Seoul.




Sunggyu found himself parked at the same spot a week ago, but this time he was prepared for attackers. Sunggyu looked at the twinkling lights way above his head and smiled. The status he's at right now is peaceful and stargazing had given him that kind of peace. His peaceful state was disturbed as he heard a soft thud and the hood of his car slightly lowered at the weight. He glanced to his side and saw Onew.

"You sure are stubborn." Onew muttered as he look out into the dark landscape. "Don't I have the right to enjoy my life and go to places I want to go?" Sunggyu asked and Onew just smirked without looking at him. "Sure. It's a free country." Onew said then walked away from the car.

Sunggyu looked at the retreating back and noticed an approaching man."Yah Onew you punk! You do know we are running late for the party Heechul hyung organized right?" the man asked and Onew patted him on the shoulder. "What's the rush?! It's just Heechul" Onew replied and started walking away. "Aish." The man cursed then followed Onew.

"Hey!" Sunggyu screamed and caught the attention of the unknown man. "Hey wait up! I can get you there quickly." Sunggyu muttered and the man called out Onew. "Don't talk to him." Onew replied and the man bowed before turning to leave. "Wait a moment, I can really help you." Sunggyu muttered, more persistent than before. "I said that there's no rush so why are you still trying to push yourself? we're not even friends!" Onew spat and with those words spoken, Sunggyu stopped and his eyes started to water.

"Yah Onew! you should stop hanging out with Kyu-hyung. You are turning into a brat and Yesung hyung would probably strangle you to death when he hears you!" the man muttered then turned to Sunggyu."Are you ok?" The man asked and Sunggyu nodded slightly. "Hey, I'm Henry and I'm sorry for what Onew had said. I don't know what happened between the two of you but I hope you'll find the heart to forgive and understand him, he's having a tough time right now." Henry explained and Sunggyu nodded."Henry-ssi, I can really help you. My car is super fast." Sunggyu pointed at the car and Henry's eyes widened at the sight of the expensive Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe.

"You own that?! woah it's expensive!" Henry exclaimed and Sunggyu nodded shyly. "Oh.. are you Kim Sunggyu?!" Henry asked and Sunggyu nodded, lowering his head more. "I would love to accept the offer but my bro right here isn't going to forgive me if I do." Henry said and Sunggyu looked at him. "I just want to repay the gratitude of saving my life a few days back." Sunggyu muttered and Henry gave him a smile. "Well, I guess it can't be helped, hold on for a minute." Henry muttered then ran towards Onew.

He then grabbed his hand and dragged him towards Sunggyu. "Ok let's go." Henry announced and Sunggyu smiled at him.Henry shoved Onew at the back seat and sat in front. Sunggyu then strapped himself and started the engine. "Wow, you don't look like one but you're a speed monster Sunggyu." Henry commented as the car accelerated. "I look too perfect in pictures and interviews that's why." Sunggyu muttered then glanced at the rear view mirror to find a bored Onew.

"Don't mind that anti-social tofu!" Henry muttered and Onew snarled at him. "Tofu?!" Sunggyu asked and Henry chuckled at the cuteness of the young lad. "Tofu and Mochi, that's what Ryeowook hyung calls us, he's into cooking that's why." Henry explained and Sunggyu nodded before making a quick turn. "So I'm just curious, Are you brothers for real or ..." Sunggyu asked and Henry answered him. "Brothers but not biologically. We're living with Yesung and Ryeowook hyung since we got no place to stay. We're both 89'er and I'm older by 2 months" Sunggyu nodded and smiled.

"I'm 89 too, Am I older than both of you?" Sunggyu asked and Henry nodded. "If I remember your profile correctly, yeah.. You're April, I'm October and Onew is December." Henry answered and Sunggyu smiled. "Well, can I be your friend then? we're like the same age." Sunggyu muttered and Henry smiled at him. "Being friends is okay but I won't expect much. You see, we live in different parts of society. Kim Sunggyu is a well decorated name while me and Onew are just nobody." Henry replied and Sunggyu nodded.

"Can't I just be Sunggyu and be your friend then? can you disregard my social status and I can just be me?" Sunggyu asked and Henry nodded. "Sure, no Prob Sunggyu hyung!" Henry answered and Sunggyu shouted. "We're the same age! I won't accept hyung!" Henry burst out laughing while Onew had his eyes closed and not having a care in the world. While Sunggyu looked at the rear view mirror, he caught the pretty features of the silent man and smiled as he made another quick turn then stopped in front of a small apartment building.

"We're here." Sunggyu announced and Onew quickly got out of the car. Henry removed his seat belt and opened the door, but he stopped and looked at Sunggyu. "Not coming?" Henry asked and Sunggyu shyly replied. "I'm not invited." Henry smiled and gestured for him to come. "We're already friends so it's okay. Come on!" Sunggyu happily smiled and removed his seat belt before joining Henry. "Don't be nervous and surprised ok?! This is not your shimmery splendid upper class party." Henry warned him and Sunggyu happily nodded, he'll be attending his first 'real' party.

A/N: So I added more characters here.. I told you It'll be SJ, Infinite, Shinee or Boyfriend...anyway, I am a er for the 89 liner (yes that's Henry, Sunggyu, Onew and Donghyun) who's with me?!I'm still not sure where this story will go but let's see...



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ranma41 #1
Chapter 17: I was having so much fun reading this chapter bcuz of Jeongmin, Onew & Jinki >.< Gonna continue reading to find out what's going to happen!
Chapter 53: Maybe I read this before and didn't leave a comment-.- but I wanted to do it again... so I'm here again, so happy for the two of them*-* as always hahahhahahha :*
Chapter 55: This is daebak..i never like shinfinite otp but u make me love taejong and ongyu..wow!
Chapter 55: Another set of chipmunks were born... this is really good ahahaha
weerainbow #5
Chapter 55: Awww thank you for the bonus chapter, it was so sweet! I could hardly believe it when Sunggyu ended up with amnesia too though...but thankfully things worked out fine because their love for each other was strong enough to overcome the same difficulty a second time. Jonghyun's proposal was so cute too. He was so desperate to make a surprise aww poor emotional boy lol. ♥
Chapter 55: jonghyun get his happy ending and he's actually a cry baby
and another triplets for jinki and sunggy
oh wow^^
they'll busy with all of their children
happy ending
Chapter 55: Yay finally you and Jonghyun though you could have pretendednot to know though poor him lol

Yay twins! Though they are even now hehe
Chapter 1: I like OnGyu too!!!!!!!!!! but they really don't have any interactions at all eventhough Onew went on Sunggyu's variety show.. :(
Chapter 54: yay! goodie goodie \^o^/