The ball

The Mask

Minho felt like the biggest bastard of the world. He already knew he had hurt Taemin but he didn't think she would avoid him like the plague. Though, she did, and he hadn't been able to talk to her for two weeks.

He had come to her detached house to see her and apologize but she hadn't opened the door - or maybe she wasn't home ? He hadn't seen her in the garden nor elsewhere and... He was tired to play hide-and-seek with her.

How was he supposed to apologize to her if she didn't want to see him ? Was it really the end of their relationship ? It hurt even more to think that way since he was fully aware of what he felt for her.

But... He hoped to see her tonight. He was going to marry Sulli in three weeks and the guests were already coming to the City, especially those who came from distant countries, and the King had decided to entertain them with a ball on the evening.

Minho hated balls. There were lots of hypocritical people who greeted him only because they hoped they could be in his favour and lots of people who eyed everybody and judged them. However, the ball he would join in tonight had an advantage: since it was an official event, Taemin would be there.

Even if her father didn't like her, he couldn't ignore her when so many guests were in the castle; he had to look like a King who took care of his country, his subjects and his family.

How hypocritical...

Still, he was a bit afraid of something that would obviously happen during the evening: he would have to dance with Sulli, since they were engaged. The problem was that the Princess had become more and more clingy during the last weeks so he had some difficulties to hide the fact that he wasn't enjoying it at all. He could deal with pecks on the cheek, her hand in his own or even her hand on his thigh - yes, she had done it during the dinner and he had almost fallen off his chair. But when she had tried to kiss him on the mouth while nobody was looking at them, he had literally run away.

How could he kiss her ? He still remembered the taste and the softness of Nichkhun's lips and he didn't want his next kiss to be one given by Sulli.

He was in trouble: he could still pretend he didn't want to be too close to her while they weren't married but once they would officially be a couple, he would be forced to do what a husband had to do... Great.

He really hoped Taemin would join in the ball. If she didn't, Minho didn't know how he would survive.




The ball was his personal hell.

Sure, the ballroom was beautiful: there were flowers and candle-sticks everywhere, and talented musicians that had been playing their instruments for hours, but he couldn't enjoy it.

Lots of people had smiled to him and greeted him, saying that it was really nice to finally meet him and so on, with hypocritical smiles. Well, he barely remembered their names and he didn't care.

He was tired. He didn't know if he could still stay calm and smile if it kept on like that.

Every girl had wanted to dance with him and being the gentleman he was, he hadn't said no. It was his role to do that, it was part of the "game".

He was glad Sulli wasn't jealous: he couldn't deal with jealousy right now. Plus, she had also danced with lots of guys.

Now, they were dancing together and almost everyone was looking at them, saying that they were a perfect couple, that they were meant to be and that they would surely have lots of children.

"Do you enjoy the evening ?" Sulli asked him with a smile.

"Of course." he lied, trying to sound sincere.

Seriously, how could he enjoy it ? His left hand was glued to Sulli's right hand, while her other hand was resting on his shoulder, and his right arm was wrapped around her waist.

She was close, too close. He could feel her heartbeat against his chest, he could smell her scent, he could feel her body against his... He was glad they weren't alone, he had the intuition that otherwise, she would try to do something more than just pecking his cheek. Was she trying to seduce him ?

But she was still looking at him with innocent eyes...

The music slowly stopped; Minho quickly took a step back and his fiancée raised a brow, surprised by his sudden gesture.

"Excuse me, I need to... Hum... I need to drink something." he immediately said.

She nodded and as soon as the Prince left her, a guy asked her if he could have a dance, which she agreed to.

Minho headed for the table with the drinks in a corner of the ballroom but he didn't take any drink; it was just a pretext to go away... Instead, he stared at Sulli and her new partner. They both were smiling and it was obvious they truly enjoyed the ball and everything...

It wasn't what he wanted. Balls, courtiers, castle, crown... It wasn't for him. He had known for years that he didn't want to be a King but since he wanted his father to be proud of him, he had done what he was supposed to do.

He didn't regret it. He had learnt many things, got to know a lot of nice people amongst the soldiers and he had known what love was.


It hurt to know that he had to give up on his love again because of his duty as the heir.

Deep in thought, Minho began to look at the dancers, the musicians and the people who were talking, until his eyes met a masked face.

He blinked, then his heart began to pound loudly in his chest when he understood it wasn't an illusion. She was there, hidden behind a black and golden mask.

During the whole evening, he was looking for her when he wasn't dancing and until now, he hadn't seen her.

Taemin was sitting on a chair, alone near by the musicians and she seemed pretty bored, which Minho found normal: a ball was really boring if you didn't dance nor had someone to talk to.

He was about to move forward in order to go to her, when Sulli suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Minho..." she said, almost whining. "I'm alone again, dance with me..."

He smiled but shook his head.

"Why ?" she asked, pouting.

"I think I'll dance with your sister, if you don't mind."

She blinked, surprised, then she bit her lower lip.

"Well, no, I don't mind, but... I'm not sure Taemin will agree with that."

"Why ?" Minho asked, curious.

"She usually doesn't dance with anyone, she rejects every man who asks her."

The Prince looked at Taemin and a smile appeared on his face.

"I'll try and see." he said with a wink before crossing the ballroom, leaving Sulli without any remorse.

Minho wasn't sure it was a good idea to talk to Taemin now, in a crowded room, since he didn't know how she would react to his presence. She was probably still hurt by his harsh words and he didn't want to create a scandal right here, right now, but he needed her to know he was sorry.

"Hello..." he said hesitantly when he finally stood beside her.

Taemin looked up and flinched a bit when she saw him, and Minho's heart clenched painfully.

"He... Hello." she answered shyly, avoiding his gaze.

"Hum... Can I have a dance with you ?" the Prince asked, scratching his neck.

Again, she looked up but this time, her eyes met his. He could see she was confused but there was something else in her pupils... Hope ?

"Yes." she answered, holding out her hand to him.

He helped her to stand up and led them to the middle of the ballroom, grinning like a fool. He didn't know why she had almost immediately agreed to dance with him, since she usually rejected those who asked the same thing. Plus, he had expected her to be mad at him but he was relieved she wasn't. Or at least, she hid it well.

When they stood in the middle of the room, Minho took her right hand in his left one and he intertwined their fingers before wrapping his free arm around her waist.

"Can I come closer ?" he asked, unsure.

She nodded and he closed the gap between their bodies, then they began to dance, not saying a word. Minho didn't care. He was happy. Happy to hold her in his arms, happy to dance slowly, happy to feel her body slightly moving against his own.

That was enjoyable. That made his heart go crazy. That felt right.

"Taemin..." he whispered.

She looked up and Minho realized their faces were just inches apart; if she hadn't been wearing that mask, maybe he could have felt her breath on his lips.

"What ?" she asked on a low tone.

"I'm sorry." he said. "For everything I said the other day. I didn't..."

Taemin shook her head and Minho became silent, waiting for her to speak.

"Don't talk about that. Not here."

The Prince sighed but he added:

"I've a lot of things to tell you. Maybe we could go somewhere else and talk a bit..."

He had taken his decision: he was going to confess. He was going to tell her everything as soon as possible, while he still had the time...

Applauses suddenly resounded in the ballroom and the surprised dancers turned their head to see what was happening. Taemin tensed up as she saw her father coming moving forwards, but she relaxed almost immediately as she stated that he was simply leading the Queen to the middle of the room. Apparently, he simply wanted to dance with her.

The crowd moved to make way for the royal couple and Minho was forced to step back, drawing his partner with him; soon, they found themselves behind the first ranks of dancers, nearby the big doors of the room.

The Prince seized the opportunity that everybody was staring at the King and the Queen and that no one was paying attention to them to take Taemin outside the room, without noticing that Sulli was glancing at them with furrowed eyebrowsThey discreetly headed for the big doors and then, Minho led the girl to a rather deserted corridor. They could still hear the music and see people who entered or walked out of the room.

"Do you really need to talk now ?" Taemin asked.

"Yes." the Prince answered. "I can't wait anymore."

"Can you wait until we arrive at my place ? It would be better to go there if you need to talk, we won't be disturbed."

Minho nodded and grabbed her hand to lead her to the garden. They tried not to be seen when they passed by a couple and since the two people were busy kissing, they managed to remain unnoticed.

When they entered Taemin's cottage, they were still holding hands and none of them tried to let go of the other's.

It was dark inside since no candle was kindled but the moon lighted up the room thanks to its beams that went through the windows.

"You... you wanted to talk..." Taemin reminded him after a while, since he still hadn't said anything, too busy looking at her.

Her voice was slightly shaking and Minho wondered why.

"Are you afraid to be with me ?" he asked in concern.

They had already been alone, of course, but tonight, something was different. They were in a more intimate place, where no one could see them, he had still her hand in his own and if he had been a girl, maybe he would have been afraid of being so close to a man.

"No." she answered. "I've never been afraid of you."

Minho smiled and his thumb slowly caressed the back of Taemin's hand, before he took the floor again:

"I'm sorry for what happened the other day with your friends... It was stupid to react like I did. I was stupid. I didn't want to hurt you and I felt so bad when I realized I had... Please, forgive me, I..."

"Do you think you would be here if I haven't forgiven you already ?" Taemin asked.

Minho looked at her with a glimmer of hope in his eyes and a smile came across his lips.

"Really ? You've already... But you were avoiding me..."

"Yes, because I didn't know how you would react if you saw me. You were upset and I didn't want to upset you even more."

Now, Minho felt worst than before: she should have been the one who was upset, since he had judged her relationship with the boys way too fast.

"Do you remember that day when you said you didn't want me to be alone ?" she asked.

"Hum... Yes."

"I told you two friends paid me a visit from time to time... Those friends are Jonghyun and Kibum. They're my best friends, they have supported me for years. They both work in the kitchen of the castle but my father has never heard about our friendship, otherwise I'm sure they wouldn't be here anymore. But we've never been lovers."

"I know..." Minho answered. "They told it to me... But I was so jealous that I..."

"Jealous ?" Taemin repeated. "Why ?"

The Prince avoided her gaze for some seconds, wondering if it was a good idea to say it. Well, he had nothing to loose anymore... He tightened his hold on Taemin's hand and slowly said:

"That day your father broke in on our talk, I wanted to tell you something. Maybe you'll be shocked but I need to tell you. I... I'm not attracted to girls. That's why I don't love Sulli but... Around you, it feels different. I love you, Taemin. I mean it. I know that you're my fiancée's sister, that I shouldn't feel that way but... I can't help it. Even if you're a girl, I truly love you."

Taemin remained silent for a while, her eyes showing she was surprised. Minho slowly became afraid of her reaction, until she grabbed his hands and put them behind her head, on the ribbon of her mask.

"Take it off." she said.

The Prince blinked. He wasn't expecting it.

"Are you sure ?"

She nodded and Minho's shaking hands slowly untied the golden ribbon, his fingers briefly getting entangled in her hair. His heart was pounding loudly in his chest, and he knew Taemin's did the same.

He gently grabbed the sides of the mask and moved it away, putting it on the table nearby, before he looked at her again and was finally able to see her face.

He first saw her eyes. Those beautiful eyes that ware shining with intensity. He saw that her bangs were almost falling in front of them so he gently put her hair behind her right ear, his fingertips brushing against her pale and smooth skin.

He saw her high cheekbones and her plump and light pink lips that were slightly open. He saw she was beautiful.

As he stared at her, realization suddenly hit him. Yes, her features were feminine. But she definitely wasn't a girl.

His breath hitched and his heart went crazy when he opened his mouth.

"Taemin..." he slowly said, bewildered. "You are... a boy ?"




Tadaaam ! I hope you enjoyed the chapter ! So yeah, Minho knows Taemin is a boy, and he's still gay ^^

Thanks to all my readers and subscribers, and special thanks to those who comment ! Bye~

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Beau1996 1392 streak #1
Chapter 14: Nice ending - Minho and Taemin get to be together!!
Beau1996 1392 streak #2
Chapter 9: Very spicy but sweet first time 🌶️
Beau1996 1392 streak #3
Chapter 8: Jinki - still the one everyone turns to for advice!!
Chapter 14: Happy ending for my 2min. Happy for sully that she finally found her true love. And the supportive best friends jongkey and jinki??
Chapter 14: Thanks for the story. It's really awesome
Chapter 14: I enjoyed this story so much~ I love when 2min is set in some historical time... I love it❤
I like this story.
Thanks!!! :)
ilovekorea #8
Chapter 14: Yayyy!!
Happily ever after~
Chapter 14: I think it was really sweet! was sad.............but not as minho's fake death!..........I love this!
I really like when they're not know each other at the began of the story!just like this fic!
please............I want another 2min!...........minho and taemin?why they're so good with each other?
anyway..............sorry I talked too much!
thank you!................^^!
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD...........................minhooooooooooooooooo.................don't be mean!