Confusing feelings

The Mask


"I think it saddens Sulli that you spend so much time with me."

Minho turned his head to look at Taemin, who had talked with sadness in her voice.

They had been meeting for two weeks, almost every day, and the awkwardness between them had disappeared.

Sometimes, they remained silent but it wasn't an awkward silence, they just stayed there, on their bench, listening to the wind in the sprays. Sometimes, they talked happily about random things, but Minho had noticed the girl tried to avoid subjects that regarded her.

He hadn't dared to talk about her mask again, since he didn't want her to have the same reaction than before.

"I thought nobody knew that we were meeting..." Minho said, furrowing his brows.

"And Sulli doesn't know it either." Taemin answered. "But she paid me a visit yesterday and we talked a lot. Mainly about you... She really likes you, you know ? But she mentioned you were disappearing sometimes and she seemed sad. I think those times are at the time we are together."

The Prince sighed. How could he stay with his fiancée and still see Taemin ? Well, he could have stayed with both at the same time but... He liked to be alone with Taemin. He liked to stare at her, wondering what was hidden behind the masks she continuously wore.

Today's one was a golden and silvery mask, with complex black and golden curls on it and black feathers that surrounded it.

He had tried to picture what she looked like. He thought she looked like her sister but he couldn't be sure, of course. He knew they had different hair-cuts, Sulli had black and rather short hair, while Taemin's hair was half-long, brown and soft-looking; he had often wanted to run his hand through it, just to see if it was as soft as he thought it was.

The eyes were different too. Maybe he paid a lot more attention at Taemin's eyes, since it was the only thing he could see from her face, but he thought that her eyes were prettier than her  sister's.

He had noticed her eyes shone differently since they began to meet regularly: the sadness was slowly replaced by a gleam of happiness and he knew he was the reason of that change, which made him really happy.

"Minho, do you love Sulli ?" the girl suddenly asked.

Her friend frowned and Taemin understood what it meant.

"Why don't you love her ?" she added, curious. "She's nice... And pretty."

"That's not the problem, Taemin." Minho answered, rubbing his temples. "I can't fall in love like that, just because someone wants me to. So no, I don't love her, even if I like her... But only as a friend."


They didn't say anything more, but Minho stared at her with an intense gaze. Why did it feel so good to be by her side ?

The last time he had been so relaxed around someone was when he cuddled with Nichkhun in the straw, or when they slept in the same bed: although they had to be very cautious, they enjoyed the other's smile, laugh, chuckle; they hugged each other to sleep peacefully, even if Nichkhun had to wake up early and get out of Minho's room to be sure he wasn't seen by someone.

It had felt good to be in love.

However, his last memory with Nichkhun wasn't a happy one.

He remembered he had seen him for the last time in his cell, in the basement of the castle, and he had asked the guard who was there to leave them alone, because he wanted to talk with the prisoner. And as soon as the guard was far away enough, Minho had rushed to Nichkhun, crying and crashing their lips together, his lover hugging him desperately.

"Minho... You shouldn't be here." he had said.

"Neither should you !" the Prince had cried in the boy's arms. "I'm so sorry, I... If I hadn't asked you to hug me at that time, you..."

Nichkhun had kissed him, not allowing him to speak any longer.

"Don't tell it's your fault, Min... Never think it is, okay ?"

"You... You should run away ! The guard isn't there anymore, you..."

"No, Minho. They would know you helped me, and I don't want your father to be mad at you. And there's a lot of guards outside too, it's impossible."

"But... I don't want you to die, Nichkhun ! Please..."

Strangely, the boy had chuckled.

"Neither do I... But everybody has to die one day. Seems like my turn came a bit earlier, that's all. And at least, I'll die knowing I'm loved by someone. Don't regret what happened between us, Min. Because those months we were together were the best months of my life."

Minho had looked into his friend's eyes and he had seen the fear. He had understood Nichkhun was trying to comfort him and he had felt really bad. He was the one who had to comfort him, not the other way. He wasn't the one who was going to die before sunset.

"Can I ask you... two things ?"

The Prince had nodded, tears flowing down his beautiful eyes.

"First... Promise me you won't let the past haunt you. After I... When I'm not here anymore, don't give up on love, okay ?"

"How could I promise you that ?" the Prince had asked. "You're the only one I love !"

"I would be selfish if I asked you to keep on loving me. I don't want you to forget me, just... Try to be happy again, even if it takes a lot of time. Just don't give up. Promise me."

"I... I promise..." Minho had managed to say between his sobs, hiding his face in the crook of Nichkhun's neck, inhaling his scent, his fingers twitching in his blonde hair.

"That's my boy... Now, the other thing... Kiss me, please."

It had been their last kiss. A long, slow and passionate kiss, when they had tried to give all their feelings to each other. Their fear, their despair, their love.

Minho hadn't been able to keep the promise he had made to Nichkhun. He was still in pain.

"I'm sorry..." he whispered.

"What did you say ?"

The Prince jumped in fear when he heard Taemin's voice, almost falling of the bench. He had forgotten she was there.

"Whoa, Taemin !" he exclaimed. "You scared me !"

She rolled her eyes, which Minho found quite funny, then she said:

"Not my fault if I couldn't hear what you said..."

"Actually, I was talking to myself..." he told her with a sad smile.

She looked at him and he could tell she had raised a brow. He didn't see it but strangely, he was sure she had. Lately, he tried to imagine her reactions just by seeing the way her eyes moved or the way her body tensed up; it was quite difficult and he couldn't know if he was right but he liked to guess how she looked at times like that.

"Why do you suddenly look so sad ?" she asked in concern.

"I thought about my past..." Minho slowly said, shrugging. "I made a promise to someone some years ago but... I haven't kept it. I guess it is my own way not to forget him."

"Why ? Was it a friend of yours ? What happened to him ?"

Minho stiffened a bit, not sure if he would be able to talk about his lover without bursting into tears. Thinking of his death was painful enough already, so talking about it...

But he had to try. He had to be strong. And... Talking about it and getting it off his chest could maybe help him to feel a bit better.

"It was a friend, yes." he answered, staring at his feet, feeling a bit guilty not to say they were in love, but he didn't want Taemin to be disgusted. "He... died b... because of me and..."

He closed his eyes, trying to calm down, not to crack up. Feeling a soft hand on his shoulder, he looked up and saw it was Taemin's, who was staring at him with compassion in her eyes.

"Stop it." she said. "I can see it hurts you to tell me that... And I don't want you to be hurt. You haven't to talk about it, it's okay... But... Even if I don't know what happened, I'm sure you aren't responsible for that. You're a good person, Minho."

"How could you know ?" he asked, putting his own hand on hers and squeezing it gently, thanking her silently for her kindness.

Her hand was soft and warm, he liked to feel it under his palm.

"Seeing the way you act with me is enough." she answered. "Except for Sulli, my family doesn't love me but you... Even if you didn't know me at first, there you were, opposing my father. I'm really thankful for that."

He smiled and let go of her hand to pat her head. She slightly flinched, probably thinking he would try to take off her mask, but he didn't do anything more, only putting his hand back on his thigh.

He got his answer: yes, her hair was really soft.

Minho wondered if he could tell her why he would never love her sister. Could he trust her ? They were... friends, right ?

"Taemin... Actually, there is a specific reason which keeps me from falling in love with Sulli."

"Really ?" she asked, curious.

"Yeah... You know..." he began hesitantly. "My friend... wasn't just a friend. To say the truth, I'm not attrac..."

"What are you doing here ?!" someone suddenly shouted behind them.

Startled, they stood up and turned to see who had arrived, and the Prince grew pale when he saw the King Sulmyong. He was so close to reveal his secret ! Thanks God he hadn't already said it: who knew what the King had already heard from their talk ?

Suddenly, Minho noticed he wasn't even looking at him, but at his daughter, who avoided his gaze.

"I asked you something, Taemin !" he shouted angrily. "Why are you here, bothering your sister's fiancé ?!"

"I... I'm not..." she said, looking down.

"Sure you are. You're always bothering the people around you !"

"Your Majesty !" Minho interfered, not able to stand the harsh words addressed to the girl anymore. "How can you be so severe with your daughter ? She's with me because I agreed to, she isn't bothering me at all !"

The King snorted and Minho immediately knew he wouldn't like his answer.

"My only daughter is Sulli." he spitted. "I don't acknowledge Taemin as my child. Never."

Then, he his heels and walked away; the Prince was about to follow him and punch him, even if it was a really, really bad idea, but the sob he heard kept him from doing anything.

Horrified, he stared at Taemin, who was sitting on the bench again, her face in her hands, crying behind her mask.

"Taemin..." he whispered, sitting beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. "Calm down..."

Sobbing, she suddenly hugged him tight, hiding her face against his chest, and Minho slowly caressed her back, embracing her slim body.

"It... It hurts, Mi... Minho..." she said between her sobs. "Why does... does he always remind me that... That I'm not loved ?"

It broke the Prince's heart to hear her weak voice, to see her body shaking like that. What could he say ? That the King didn't mean it ? Sadly, it would have been a lie.

"I'm sorry, Taemin." he said, now wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'm sorry you have to endure that. But you are loved. Please, believe me, there are people who love you."

"Sometimes, I wonder who does..."

Minho took a step back and his eyes met hers; then, staring at her with an intense gaze, he said:

"Sulli does. Jinki does. And I do, too."

Strangely, after hearing that, she sobbed even more, and Minho hugged her again, trying to comfort her. Although she was crying and desperate, he thought it felt good to share a hug with her.

"You... shouldn't say that." she whispered. "And I shouldn't even be in your arms... You have to marry Sulli..."

Why was she talking about that ? It was an innocent hug, wasn't it ?

Then why was his heart beating so fast ?

"You should take care of her instead of meeting me every day." she added, breaking free of his hug.

"I don't want you to be alone, Taemin." Minho answered, a bit afraid of the direction of their talk.

Why did he had the feeling she tried to tell him goodbye ?

"I'm fine." she obviously lied. "I have two friends who pay me a visit now and then... Minho, can you make me a promise ?"

Nichkhun's words suddenly resounded in his head: "Promise me you won't let the past haunt you."

"Promise me you won't forget me when you get married with Sulli."

"I don't want you to forget me..."

No, no, no ! It couldn't happen twice ! He had already lost his first love, he couldn't also loose... What ? Did he love Taemin ? But... She was a girl...

"I don't want us to be apart after you got married." she said. "You're one of the only friends I have, I don't want to loose you, got it ?"

Minho nodded. This one was a promise he would be able to keep.

"I'll never forget you. You can trust me."

The girl looked away, twirling her fingers as she hesitated to tell something.

"Are you sure you don't love Sulli ?" she finally asked, worry in her voice.

"I'm pretty sure." he answered. "Why ?"

She glanced at him before whispering:

"Because I don't want to be jealous of my sister."

Wait. What did that mean ?

"If I had the choice, I'd rather marry you than Sulli." he suddenly said, without thinking twice.

Where did this feeling come from ? Why did he really mean it ?

"Don't say that !" Taemin said, almost shouting it, and Minho could tell tears were flowing down again. "You could never... It's... impossible..."

"It's impossible." Nichkhun's words. Again.

The Prince felt bad for saddening her, although he didn't know why she reacted like that, but... It was the truth.

"Taemin..." he said, approaching her.

He felt hurt when she took a step back, motioning him not to go further.

"Leave me alone..."

But... Why ? What did he do wrong ? He didn't get it.

"Wait !" he shouted when she turned to go away. "Taemin ! I don't understand !"

His scream died in his throat when she began to run, leaving him alone, sad and confused.

He knew it would be useless to come here the next day. Somehow, he understood that something had changed in their relation and that she wouldn't be there like she was those past weeks.

Their daily appointments had come to an end.





Yes, I know. I'm a sadistic author... I'm sorry !

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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 14: Nice ending - Minho and Taemin get to be together!!
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 9: Very spicy but sweet first time 🌶️
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 8: Jinki - still the one everyone turns to for advice!!
Chapter 14: Happy ending for my 2min. Happy for sully that she finally found her true love. And the supportive best friends jongkey and jinki??
Chapter 14: Thanks for the story. It's really awesome
Chapter 14: I enjoyed this story so much~ I love when 2min is set in some historical time... I love it❤
I like this story.
Thanks!!! :)
ilovekorea #8
Chapter 14: Yayyy!!
Happily ever after~
Chapter 14: I think it was really sweet! was sad.............but not as minho's fake death!..........I love this!
I really like when they're not know each other at the began of the story!just like this fic!
please............I want another 2min!...........minho and taemin?why they're so good with each other?
anyway..............sorry I talked too much!
thank you!................^^!
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD...........................minhooooooooooooooooo.................don't be mean!