
The Mask


Two days. The last time Minho had seen Taemin was two days ago. But those two days felt like two years for him.

He didn't understand. Why did he feel like that ? He missed the young girl and above all, he felt guilty for saddening her. The worst was the fact that he didn't know what he had done wrong.

During those two days, he had done what Taemin had told him to: he had stayed with Sulli and although the Princess had been really happy that he came back to her, Minho's heart clenched when he thought about Taemin's loneliness...

So, when Sulli told him that day that she had to go to the dressmaker in order to choose the dress for their wedding, he felt happy. While she was outside, he could pay Taemin a visit, right ?

However, Sulli thought he was happy to see that his fiancée was so excited about their wedding. If she knew...

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me ?" the Princess asked.

"No, really." Minho answered with a smile. "Go with your friends and have fun."

He looked at the four young girls who were waiting for Sulli, not far away from where they stood, and they squealed when they noticed the Prince was staring at them. His fiancée chuckled and said:

"They really like you, you know ? Everybody does."

"Do you ?" the boy asked, curious.

Taemin had already hinted at the fact that Sulli liked him a lot but he wanted to have the Princess' answer, just to be sure.

Taemin. Again... Why was he always thinking about her ?! Maybe he... No. Stupid Minho. He didn't like her, did he ? No, no, no. And she didn't like him either. Then why had she said she would have been jealous of her sister if Minho had loved his fiancée ?

He noticed that Sulli was blushing, her cheeks becoming redder than a tomato, and she avoided his gaze shyly.

"Y... Yes." she stammered, staring at her feet. "I do. Now I have to go !"

She hesitated before suddenly kissing his cheek, then she ran away while her friends laughed and clapped happily, before following the Princess.

Minho remained still, shocked. Then, he slowly brushed his fingers against his cheek. Did Sulli just kiss him ?! For real ?! Well, it was rather a peck than a real kiss but... It felt so...

Thankfully, she had kissed him on the cheek, not on the mouth, but... It felt so weird already !

He had never been kissed by a girl before, except for his mother and his nurse but back then, he was just a little child !

And to say the truth, he didn't enjoy it at all. Neither did he enjoy Sulli's kiss. Maybe he was just allergic to girls' lips...

He couldn't explain why it had been so weird. It was warm, it was soft, but... It wasn't pleasant for him. And now, he was even more worried about their wedding night. Seriously, if he felt like that just with a kiss, how would he feel when they would...

Minho shivered. It would be really, really, awkward.

He suddenly wondered what Taemin's lips tasted. Were they soft ? And...

"Rhaaa !!" he groaned.

The Prince banged his head against the closer wall. Why ?! Why couldn't he think about someone else ?

"Are you alright, Your Highness ?" he heard someone say.

Minho slowly turned his head to see a confused maid, standing in the corridor and looking at him in concern. Great: now, people would think he was crazy.

"Yes, don't worry." he simply said, rubbing his temples.

The girl bowed and left him alone, and Minho decided he would go to Taemin's cottage now, seizing the opportunity that Sulli wasn't there.

Wait. Why did he mind if Sulli was there or not ? He suddenly realized that he felt a bit guilty for enjoying Taemin's presence more than his fiancée's. But... They would get married in some weeks, so Sulli and he would spend all their time together; meanwhile, he could do what he wanted to, right ?

Minho left the castle to go to the garden and soon, he was near by the stone bench again. Of course, nobody was there. Why would Taemin wait for him when they hadn't met for two days anyway ?

The prince was now walking on the path, heading for parts of the garden he had never seen, since he usually stayed on the bench. He was still astonished by all the beautiful flowers and trees but today, he didn't look at it as long as he used to.

All he could thing about was that he would finally be able to see Taemin.

The only problem was that he didn't know where her cottage was. So, he came and went, wandering between the trees and also walking on the gardener who was deeply kissing a maid quite... . Ugh.

Blushing, he his heels before they could see him and headed for the middle of the garden. He was forced to admit Taemin was right: the garden was really big. He felt totally lost. Was it even possible to lose his way in a garden ?!

He sighed in relief when he finally caught sight of a small but pretty wooden cottage through the trees. He quickened his pace and soon, he stood in front of the door. It was open and Minho peeked inside; he didn't see anybody but he heard the sound of several voices, so he chose to enter the small house.

He hoped he wouldn't disturb the girl by coming in unexpectedly but he really needed to see her, to know if she was fine, to just stay with her for a while and talk like they did before.

The living-room was empty and if he hadn't heard the voices, he would have left to come back later, thinking Taemin wasn't home.

Wait. The voices... Why did he hear boys' voices ? Had some guys come in to bother Taemin ?!

Minho ran in the direction where the voices came from and soon, he was facing a closed door which he guessed was Taemin's room's, and he opened it quite roughly.

Yes, it was her bedroom. He saw lots of books on the ground, flowers in a vase on a small table in the middle of the room and some other personal objects. But something else caught his eye: two boys were sitting on the floor, legs crossed.

"Min... Minho ?" he heard.

He recognized Taemin's voice and turned his head to her but then, he saw the girl rushing at something on her bed to grab it and tie it behind her head. Minho suddenly realized she wasn't wearing her mask before his arrival and he went stiff.

What the...

So, she was in her bedroom, with two boys, without her mask. What did it mean ?!

"I... I didn't think you... you would come." she stammered, clearly uncomfortable.

She was now wearing her mask and if he had paid attention, Minho would have noticed it was a half-mask, not like the ones he had already seen. This one showed the girl's plump lips and pale cheeks, which was maybe the reason why she seemed nervous.

But no, Minho didn't notice it. He couldn't, he was too busy getting angry.

"So, hum... Those are my friends, Jonghyun and Kibum..."

The Prince sent a glare at the two boys, whose smiles dropped immediately.

"Hum... Hello ?" one of them said hesitantly. "I'm Kibum."

It was a boy with light blonde hair and delicate features, while the other one was a short male with big puppy eyes, and both of them were staring at him.

"So, you're Minho, right ?" the second boy informally asked, trying to engage him in conversation and totally forgetting that he was in front of a nobleman. "Taemin talked a lot about you..."

The Prince didn't answer but he grinded his teeth, slowly turning to Taemin.

"Friends ?" he repeated on a threatening tone.

"Uh ? Yes..." she answered, surprised by his harsh tone.

"I'm your friend too, right ?" he asked.

"Yes, of course ! Minho, what..."

"I'm your friend but you don't want to show me your face !" Minho exclaimed. "But for those guys, you don't hesitate to !"

Taemin opened but she didn't answer, taken aback. What did he mean ?

"Answer me, Taemin." the Prince said on a low tone. "Are they your lovers ?"

"Yah !" Kibum shouted, not pleased at all.

"What ?!" the girl exclaimed, shocked. "But... No ! Minho, they're my friends, that's a..."

She couldn't even finish her sentence: the Prince had blazed of anger.

"Then why are two boys in your bedroom, Taemin ?! Why ? You weren't even wearing that mask, you three must be pretty close, right ?!"

Jonghyun stood up, worried by Minho's outburst, and Kibum did as well.

"Calm down..." the shorter male said softly, approaching the Prince.

"Shut up !" he snapped at him.

Taemin took a step back, tears accumulating in her beautiful eyes. She had never seen Minho like that before and she didn't understand why the Prince was so angry. She hadn't done anything wrong !

"Did you sleep with them ?" he shouted again. "Did you have fun ? I thought... I thought maybe..."

Don't say it, Minho. Don't.

"No !" she exclaimed. "Minho, stop it !"

"I thought maybe you liked me !"

Too late. You said it.

Next thing he knew, Taemin had burst into tears and had run away.

"Taemin !" Kibum shouted, running after her.

Minho froze. He had made the girl cry. Again. What had he done ?! Why had he said those harsh words to Taemin ? Why had he been so angry when he had seen the two boys with her ?

Because it wasn't you.

He... He didn't really mean those words, he was just... Just...


. Was he really in love ? In love with a girl ?

The Prince dropped on the bed and sighed heavily, closing his eyes. He had been so rude to Taemin ! She would never forgive him...

"You were wrong." someone said.

Minho opened his eyes and stated that Jonghyun was still in the bedroom and approaching to sit beside him.

"We aren't Taemin's lovers. We're just friends. We've known each other for years." he added. "Believe me."

"Why should I trust you ?" Minho asked. "I don't know you."

The boy chuckled.

"Yeah, right. But I swear we aren't in love with Taemin. If you really want to know, Kibum and I are lovers."

The Prince's eyes widened. Really ?!

"Don't look at me like that, your eyes will fall out of their sockets."

Minho glared at him but said nothing, because Kibum came back at that moment.

"Where is Taemin ?" Jonghyun immediately asked.

"In the bathroom, crying." he answered before snapping at Minho. "You ! Can I know what has gotten into you ?! Taemin said you were a nice guy but I disagree !"

The Prince looked down, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry." he said. "I... I didn't mean it, it's just that... You were together and I thought..."

"Do you love Taemin ?" Kibum suddenly asked, furrowing his brows. "Because it sounds like you were jealous of us."

Minho gasped and Kibum nodded.

"I knew it. I could see it in your eyes. You were looking at Taemin as if you had been cheated on."

Minho hid his face in his hands and slowly rubbed his temples.

"Yeah, I guess I'm in love. But I can't ! I have to marry Sulli and... I..."

Could he say it ? They were lovers so they could understand him, right ?

"I'm not attracted to girls." he quickly said. "But it's pretty weird to found out you've fallen in love with one of them."

"You love Sulli ?" Jonghyun asked, furrowing his brows.

"No, I just told you I think I love Taemin." he answered, rolling his eyes. "But she's a girl ! And..."

He became silent when he saw both boys looking at each other in disbelief.

"Taemin didn't tell you ?" Jonghyun finally asked.

"What ?"

"Really ?!" Kibum exclaimed. "You don't know ? Aish, I thought that... she had told you about it ! She said you were close !"

Minho frowned. He didn't understand. What were they talking about ?!

"You know what ?" the blonde suddenly said. "You have to talk to Taemin. The sooner the better, trust me."

Seconds later, the Prince was back in the garden, dumbfounded. Jonghyun and Kibum had taken him out and they had told him to think over his feelings; they hadn't allowed him to talk to Taemin again before he was sure of his love for her.

But how could he be sure of it ?

Well... He knew he was really relaxed around her. Like he had been around Nichkhun. He also knew he had wanted to kiss her, thinking about her lips. He had felt hurt, thinking she had a lover.

But she was a girl ! He didn't like girls, how was it possible for him to love her ?!

Was it true love ? She was a girl and he had never seen her face... Were his feelings beyond that detail ?

Okay, that was it. He was in love. And he had messed up, really badly.

Jonghyun and Kibum were right: he had to talk to her as soon as possible... And even if he didn't confess, he had to apologize.

Or should he confess while he wasn't married yet in order to give a chance to a new love story ?




Minho is so jealous, hehe...

Thank you for reading~

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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 14: Nice ending - Minho and Taemin get to be together!!
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 9: Very spicy but sweet first time 🌶️
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 8: Jinki - still the one everyone turns to for advice!!
Chapter 14: Happy ending for my 2min. Happy for sully that she finally found her true love. And the supportive best friends jongkey and jinki??
Chapter 14: Thanks for the story. It's really awesome
Chapter 14: I enjoyed this story so much~ I love when 2min is set in some historical time... I love it❤
I like this story.
Thanks!!! :)
ilovekorea #8
Chapter 14: Yayyy!!
Happily ever after~
Chapter 14: I think it was really sweet! was sad.............but not as minho's fake death!..........I love this!
I really like when they're not know each other at the began of the story!just like this fic!
please............I want another 2min!...........minho and taemin?why they're so good with each other?
anyway..............sorry I talked too much!
thank you!................^^!
Chapter 11: OH MY GOD...........................minhooooooooooooooooo.................don't be mean!