Chapter 17

Locker Room Love


Like every beautiful song, the harmony has to come to an end. Sometimes it resolves, leaving a ripple of hope in the listener’s ear, but other times, every note becomes shattered and dissonant, destroying the original intention of the melody itself.

Sehun and Luhan’s kiss was interrupted by Sehun’s phone trilling the theme song of ‘Batman’.

Luhan laughed as Sehun’s eyes widened with embarrassment.

“Go ahead, pick it up.” Luhan prompted, smirking with amusement.

Sehun internally chastised himself for leaving his phone on. It had ruined their perfect moment. But to Sehun’s relief, Luhan seemed unaffected by the interruption.

Luhan watched as Sehun flipped open the ringing phone. He couldn’t believe that this was actually happening, he had just been kissed by Oh Sehun. It wasn’t just a wish anymore, it was a reality. He wanted to stay in this moment for as long as possible.

“S-S-Sehun…? I th-think we n-need h-help.” A strained voice stammered into Sehun’s ear.

“Kyungie? Is that you?” Sehun asked, a wave of confusion passing through him.

Something was wrong. Sehun could feel it.

“Th-th-the parking lot, by the stadium. Please c-c-come. There’s a lot of blo-“

The phone line went dead and Sehun was frozen in place. His friend was in trouble and he couldn’t move.

Blood. He was about to say blood, Sehun thought, lowering the phone from his ear.

Luhan gave him a concerned look and asked, “What’s going on, Sehunnie?”

“Kyungsoo’s in trouble. We need to go help him…” Sehun murmured, jumping to his feet.

Everything felt a bit hazy, his heart was racing so fast that he could no longer distinguish one beat from another.

Luhan stood up, calmly. He knew that he was going to have to be the rational one in the situation. “Where did he say he was?”

“Parking lot. We have to hurry!” Sehun cried, before breaking out into a blinding sprint.

Luhan ran after Sehun. They continued the chase until they arrived in the parking lot. Luhan stopped dead in his tracks when he saw the scene. “Oh my ing god….”

There was blood. A lot of blood. The parking lot looked like a canvas that somebody had decided to finger paint on with the living crimson as their colour of choice.

Kyungsoo was knelt over Kai, who Luhan saw was the one that most of the shed blood belonged to.

Sehun rushed over to Kyungsoo. His friend looked completely broken. He was rocking back and forth and muttering “No… No… No…” over and over again.

Kyungsoo shrieked when Sehun put one hand down on his shoulder.

“It’s ok, Kyungie, I’m here. What happened?” Sehun implored, breathing calmly as to not distress his friend any further.

Luhan pulled out his cell and dialed the Busan Prep emergency line. When someone picked up, he stated, “We are by the stadium. There has been an accident. From what I can see, it was a fight. There’s a lot of blood and he looks to be unconscious. Please hurry.”

Kyungsoo looked up at Sehun as if he were a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. “Kai’s just sleeping, I think.” He murmured, an eerie smile on his face.

Sehun sighed deeply and crouched down to his innocent friend’s level. “I’m sorry, Kyungie. But Kai’s not ok, he’s not sleeping, he’s hurt, really hurt. I need you to tell me what happened.”

Kyungsoo eyes flicked back to Kai and they widened in horror. He saw Kai covered in blood again and the guilt came bubbling back to the surface.

“No, Kai, it’s okay. You’re going to be fine!” Kyungsoo began to sob, throwing his arms around the goalie.

Sehun dragged Kyungsoo off of Kai and forced his friend to look him in the eye. “Do you want to help Kai?”

Kyungsoo nodded slowly, his pupils dilating as his breathing calmed.

Luhan put the phone back into his pocket and walked up to Kai to evaluate the damage that had been done to his friend and roommate.

“Tell me the story, Kyungie. As if it happened a long time ago.” Sehun prompted, gently.

He made sure that Kyungsoo wouldn’t look back at Kai so Kyungsoo couldn’t be distracted by it again.

“Kai and I were walking back to his dorm after practice. Out of nowhere, there were these guys, they were from the team you guys beat the other weekend. They said they were looking for Luhan but that ‘we would have to do’.” Kyungsoo struggled to explain.

Luhan’s breath hitched when he heard his name mentioned. Those thugs had been looking for him; he had been their target, not Kai and Kyungsoo. It was his fault that Kai looked the way he did. The guilt began to brew inside of him but he would have to dwell on that later, right now, he needed to be supportive in any way that he could.

But, in his mind he made a promise to find them and confront them about what happened. Whether that looked like a fight or a civil talk (if they were in a parallel world), Luhan didn’t care, he had to take responsibility for what had happened here.

Sehun could see that Kyungsoo was having a hard time. This was going to take a little encouraging. “Then what happened?”

Tears began to make tracks down Kyungsoo’s face, but he continued on: “One of them remembered that I was cheering for you guys, and that I had pompoms or whatever. They called me a ‘fairy’ and then Kai got upset about it. I told him I didn’t care but he didn’t listen to me. They advanced on us and called us a bunch of horrible names. Kai stood in front of me and told me to run. I couldn’t move so when one of the blokes got too close, Kai punched him. Next thing I know I had hit the ground running. If I had just stayed…”

“It’s not your fault, Kyungsoo. They attacked you and Kai was just trying to protect you. He’s like that.” Luhan assured the boy.

This seemed to relax Kyungsoo a bit. He liked Luhan. Luhan could take care of Kai while he told Sehun a story.

“So, I ran. But once I stopped running, I hid behind a car. I watched as they beat Kai to a pulp. There was so much hate. I don’t even know how to describe the way they looked. Their eyes were burning and as they continued on with it, one of them realized that something was wrong with what they were doing. He ordered them to stop, but they didn’t listen. They hurt him too. When they were finally done, they left Kai there, just bleeding. I called you right after they went.” Kyungsoo explained, his voice wavering uncontrollably.

Sehun fell down into a sitting position. He was so completely overwhelmed. He needed to be strong for his friends but he felt defeated. He didn’t understand how people could be so,completely full of irrational hatred.

The paramedics suddenly arrived, Luhan stood up and greeted them, quickly recounting the story that Kyungsoo had just told.

Sehun pulled Kyungsoo into a tight hug as the paramedics transferred Kai onto a gurney. Kyungsoo was essentially wailing at this point. It just made Sehun hold his best friend even tighter.

After the ambulance whisked Kai away, one of the paramedics wanted to check up on Kyungsoo. The little guy resisted at first but when Sehun assured him it was for his own good, he gave in.

“I’m right here, it’s going to be okay.” Sehun said, squeezing Kyungsoo’s hand as the paramedic did multiple tests on his friend.

“He’s sustained no physical injuries but he’s in shock. You should take him home and let him rest.” The paramedic advised, rising to her feet.

“But I want to go see Kai.” Kyungsoo protested, giving Sehun a desperate look.           

“Thank you for helping us.” Sehun said to the paramedic. She nodded before walking off.

“You’ll be able to see him tomorrow. He’s in critical condition because of his blood loss but they say he’s doing well. He’s a fighter.” Luhan explained, walking up to Kyungsoo and Sehun.

Sehun mouthed ‘thank you’ to Luhan and the captain simply nodded. Kyungsoo was shaking so much that both Luhan and Sehun had to help him back to the dorm room.

It was hard for Sehun to fathom how things had gone from so seemingly perfect to quite the opposite. It felt like the universe was punishing him for his one moment of happiness. He knew it wasn’t rational, but he just didn’t understand why things were unfolding the way they were.

“Maybe if I fall asleep, I’ll wake up in the real world, and Kai will be okay again.” Kyungsoo shared, hope in his exhausted eyes.

“Have a good sleep, Kyungsoo.” Sehun greeted before turning off the light and exiting the dorm room.

Frustrated tears brimmed over his eyelids as he sunk down along the closed door. 

Luhan who had been waiting outside, quickly rushed over to Sehun’s side. “What’s wrong?”

Sehun rolled his eyes. He didn’t want to have to explain. “Everything?!?”

Luhan sighed. The guilt began to thrive in his mind. He was the reason that Kai was hurt, that Kyungsoo was so distraught and why Sehun was crying. He had been the catalyst to all this mayhem. But for Sehun’s sake, he buried the notion for the time being.

“We can’t do anything besides wait it out, Sehunnie. The whole situation is out of our control.” Luhan offered, putting an arm around the one he cared about so much.

“That makes me feel so utterly insignificant. I want to be able to change what happened, go back and help them. I should have been there.” Sehun muttered, his teeth grinding together in regret.

“And then you could have been hurt. I don’t know what I would do with myself if that happened. I can’t lose you, Sehunnie.” Luhan shared, slipping his hand into Sehun’s gently.

Sehun’s eyes shone with admiration. He pulled Luhan into a kiss but then he froze. This is why Kai had been beat up, he didn’t want Luhan to get hurt. He pulled away quickly and clasped his hand over his mouth at the realization.

“I can’t do this.” Sehun murmured, shocking himself with the words.

“Do… what..?” Luhan asked, completely at a loss because of Sehun’s odd antics.

“I don’t want to lose you either. So maybe we shouldn’t… be together. Not yet, at least. Those guys could be anywhere, waiting for a good reason to make an attack on you. I don’t want to give them the extra incentive to beat the hell out of you.” Sehun explained, slowly.

Luhan’s eyes dropped to his lap. He understood where Sehun was coming from but at the same time, it destroyed him. This just gave him more reason to find the thugs. “If that’s what you want…”

Sehun couldn’t bare to look at Luhan, so he didn’t. He just nodded.

Out of his periphery, he watched Luhan walk away down the hall. Sehun felt numb inside but he knew that it was for the best.

Luhan’s hand squeezed into fists as he stalked down the hall. It was time to find Kai’s attackers and pay them back from the pain they had caused.

The song was over, but the melody lingers on.



A/N *hides behind desk*



Anyway, I had dancing comps this weekend and I had a lot of fun!!! My results were a bit so-so.

I literally go from looking like a hobo to a princess when I put my tutu and make up on!!! Kekeke

As always thank you to my subscribers!!!!! I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD (okay maybe you're equal with Kray BUT no matter!)




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Chapter 25: I'm going to miss you ;_; but I'm glad you made your choice. May you do well in the future!
Chapter 24: -.- another good story going to waste :/
-dolce- #3
Chapter 25: guys, please don't pressure her into keeping this story. You know it's not the right thing to do. Just support her into doing what she thinks is right.
omgitsemiinii #4
Chapter 25: asdfghjkl; WHAAAT. nooo! ;A;
Chapter 24: AWWW I LOVE THIS STORY DOPN'T DELTE IT. Just give the author credit and don't feel disgusted. u were jsut tryign to write a fanfic desperately. Just give the author credit on ur forward and maybe put a link of the original fanfic on it too just oin case. Its okay. but before u do that, ask the author.
Chapter 24: if you talk to the original author, GIVE HER CREDIT, and idk maybe if you sent me the link along the way so i can read the original one.. im actually quite disapointed though.. i love this story, and i odnt want you to delete it, but, im just disapointed..
Chapter 24: As a huge fan of this story, I would hate for you to delete it. As an author, I think you should delete it. But I honestly believe you need to go to that author and tell them what you did. Ask them for forgiveness and ask if it's ok to keep posting as long as you give them credit. Some authors won't mind as long as they're given the right credit. Please talk to that author first before doing anything rash.
Chapter 22: This might sound harsh, but as much as I enjoy reading this story, I think it's still better for you to delete it. First of all, what we're reading is not yours, it's someone else's. We might be okay with that, but is that what you want? To be known for someone else's writing and not your own? It would be better for you to start afresh, and make a story that people will love that is your own and from your own imagination. I know how hard it is to come up with something that's never been done before, but it doesn't have to be. It just has to be YOU.