Chapter 5

I'm Me, Just Not...Me


“There was the guy at the library, too,” Sungyeol continued at least twenty hours later. “But they just went home together and he was gone after that, so I guess it was just a one-night stand. Those don’t count, right? Wait, no, unless they kill her out of rage that she never called them back – , then I’m missing an entire list because dude, do you know how many one night stands she’s had?”

                Myungsoo inwardly groaned, running his hands up and down his face. Honestly, what the hell was up with this girl? “Why is she such a …”

                “The guy at the gas station, too –“ Sungyeol halted, gasping and lifting his bottom from the couch. “Did you just call my aunt a ??”

                “What am I supposed to call her, then?” Myungsoo raised his head up, eyes half-lidded from the annoyance and pain he was going through. “A nun?”

                “Well…” the younger struggled for a minute for his response, but ended up surrendering. “But still. It’s a bit rude to call a passed person a , don’t you think?”

                “No, I think it’s rude to randomly leave half your will to someone who has no connections with you in any way whatsoever, but that sure didn’t stop your aunt, did it?”

                “You’re not making much progress,” Sungyeol pouted.

                “And you think you are? You’re basically listing all the guys she’s either slept with or woo-ed. We need names of people who had a connection to her, a real emotional connection that could’ve been the reasoning to her murder.”

                Myungsoo sighed, standing up and pulling his shirt down. “I’ll get you something to drink. Just sit here and try to…think. Real thoughts, please.”

                “No alcohol, alright? I’m underage!” Sungyeol called from his seat.

                “Just because I’m 21 doesn’t mean I drink 24/7!” Myungsoo spat back.


“You’re crazy.”

                “I’m crazy? Really. Wow. So now I’m the odd one out?”

                The man that had spoken second took of his beanie, scraping a hand over loose, uncut hair.

                The first span around in his chair, knees pulled up into his chest as his mind went dizzy from the rounds and rounds in the seat.

                “Well, yeah. What was the point of going to the boy’s school? You’re cray-cray, man.”


                “If you leave me trapped here for weeks beyond end, I will resort to watching teen chick flicks, and I will retain speech caught in them.”

                “Try going to a high school then,” the older said with his eyes widening as he stretched out his back. “All I did was walk straight through the back of the place and now I’m pretty sure your generation knows nothing about grammar.”

                “MY GENERATION IS PERFECT.”

                “Shut up, if you really thought so then you wouldn’t be in this entire escapade with me.”

                Finally dizzy enough to want to throw up, the younger stopped the chair and turned off the monitor on his computer. “Well if I wasn’t perfect, you wouldn’t have asked me to come with you.”

                The man rolled his eyes, reaching into his pocket and tossing a wad of bills tied by a rubber band to the younger boy. “Here, go and buy food. Be back in half an hour, alright?”

                Catching the money, he pocketed some of it before standing up and counting what was left. “‘Aight.”


“LOOK, I can touch my toes!”

                Myungsoo stared at Sungyeol, throwing a water bottle at the younger’s face. “You were supposed to be writing a list of the rest of the guys.”

                “I got lazy.” Sungyeol sat up straight, staring at the water bottle until he fully disapproved of it. “Besides, if I think about it entirely, my aunt didn’t have any real boyfriends except for, like, three.”

                “And you couldn’t mention that half an hour ago?” Myungsoo raised his eyebrows, giving Sungyeol the stank face when the other grabbed the coffee mug out of his hand.

                “What?” Sungyeol asked, eyes wide as he took a large sip of the drink. When he was done and had swallowed, he looked back up at Myungsoo. “You put way too much sugar in this. We’re trying to find my aunt’s murderer, not a way for you to get diabetes.”

                Scowling, Myungsoo grabbed the cup away from the other. “You’re 17, what the heck do you know about coffee?”

                “Now, now, let’s drop the age difference.”

                Myungsoo gave Sungyeol an annoyed look, rolling his eyes and sitting back down beside the boy. As if it wasn’t this little brat over here that had been making him feel like he was a creeper for hanging out with teenagers.

                “Let’s see the list.”

                “So there’s the guy from the gas station,” Sungyeol started, pointing at the first name on the list. “We were gonna go to the movies together but we stopped to buy chips to stuff into her purse. He asked for her number, she gave it to him, and they went out for like…six months? I’m not too sure.”

                “Why’d they break up?” Myungsoo asked, his voice fading off as he tried decoding Sungyeol’s messed up handwriting.

                “I think he moved to Iceland or something like that four years ago.”

                Groaning, Myungsoo took the list away from his eyeline. “Then why the heck did you put his name on the list?”

                “You said to write down any of the guys –“

                “Yeah, the sensible ones able to kill her, not the ones that ran off nearly half a decade ago.”

                “Sheesh, I was just trying to be helpful.”

                Myungsoo stood up and put his coffee mug on the table, then ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I’m so done with you right now. If you need me, I’ll be taking a nap in my room.”

                Sungyeol rolled his eyes, picking up the piece of paper again and trying to find a way to make himself useful.


Four hours and sixteen minutes later, Sungyeol was still sitting on the couch thinking. It’d taken him at least an hour to put everything that had just happened together and he didn’t know how to really wrap his mind around it all.

                Myungyeol wasn’t Myungyeol, he was Kim Myungsoo.

                There was no Myungyeol.

                Kim Myungsoo had seen his aunt die, and that was why he was ‘Kim Myungyeol’. He’d seen who killed Sungyeol’s aunt, but he didn’t know who it was.

                But what were they trying to figure out together?

                Who the guy was.

                But why? Wasn’t that the police’s business?

                No, because the police wanted to find the guy to charge him as a murderer. Sungyeol and Myungye – no, no, Myungsoo, wanted to find the guy because they were positive he knew why Sungyeol’s aunt gave Myungsoo basically everything she ing owned in her will.

                “You’ve been here for a while…shouldn’t you be on your way home by now?”

                Letting out an accidental surprised squeal, Sungyeol looked up at a messy-haired sleepy Myungsoo leaning against the wall.

                No way was that guy 21, he had to be at least 18.

                “Y-yeah…” Sungyeol sat up straight on the couch, playing with his fingers. “I was just…thinking, you know? About everything?”

                Myungsoo groaned, walking toward the living room and switching on a light. Sungyeol hadn’t even noticed how dark it was getting.

                “Missing your aunt?”

                “Nah,” Sungyeol answered after hesitating for a good minute. “I coped with that with my family before the will reading. What I can’t really understand is everything else – what would the ex have gotten out of the murder? Was it rage? As much as I’d hate to admit it, my aunt probably had an unhealthy obsession with you, seeing that you didn’t…know her or anything, and she left everything for you. But the thing is, what rage would he have killed her out of? It couldn’t have been that she was obsessed with another man – you – because she’s really obvious with her feelings. And no one could’ve legally known about the will except her and her lawyer.”

                “…And if he had killed her out of rage, he would’ve stayed to meet the consequences because that’s how messed-up killers act like,” Myungsoo said, thinking about what Jaeseop had told him days back.

                “Exactly. So why would he have killed her for, if not the will?”

                “If he’d killed her because of the will, I’d be his next target because the will was aimed for me.” Myungsoo went over and took a seat beside Sungyeol, noting how much heat the other was radiating.

                “But that isn’t why you’re in the Witness Protection Program, right? Aren’t you there because…you saw his face?”

                “We’re backtracking so much right now.”

                “I’ve realized.”

                “But you know what I’ve realized?”

                “Yeah?” Sungyeol laid his body down the other way, having his head on the headrest and his eyes eyeing Myungsoo from the other side.

                “The guy, the guy that killed her…if he wanted to kill me, he could’ve on the spot. No one was there, and I was standing there for the longest time before I ran for the police – and...oh…”


                “Remember when we were at the park? The one across the school, and then I rushed you back here?”

                “Because your neighbor said someone was trying to break into your apartment? How could I forget; you refused to explain anything.”

                “Well, the thing is,” Myungsoo swallowed, “that wasn’t actually my neighbor –“

                “I figured that out.”

                “ – Shut up. Anyways, it was my lawyer, and he said that I had to leave because there was a sight of the murderer at the high school.”

                “WHAT?” Sungyeol sat up immediately, staring at the older with alluringly murderous eyes.

                “Yeah, that was my reaction lessoned down so you wouldn’t notice anything. So either he figured out who I am, which is the least likely chance ever, or…he’s after you.”

                “Oh crap, I don’t wanna die.”

                Myungsoo snorted, and all Sungyeol could do was fall back down and lay his legs on the other’s lap. “What, I doubt you want me to die either.”

                “Not really,” Myungsoo quietly admitted, picking up some lint on the younger’s jeans. “That would for us.”



i actually had so many plans for this story that i couldnt get to but i have a mission to do it because most of my other chaptered stories are slowly coming to a close (dig a little deeper and princess) ((jk princess has a while to go but it's closer than this story's finish))

BUT YEAH OK I'M SORRY IF IT I FORGOT HALF OF THE FLOW AND I WAS SO SAD BUT HERE IT IS YAY? thanks for the people that stayed y'alls are amazing ;;



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omg what, 100 subs already you guys thankyouu, i'll try to update soon!!


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I liked this ^^
neko_chan #2
Chapter 5: Hmmm so the killer is after Sungyeol? But whhhhhhhhhhy? And I still can't get my head around the mystery of the will, only that the murderer probably doesn't want Myungsoo dead or he'd have done it already? I'm worried for Sungyeol now since that guy asked for him at the school . . . what a creeper.
Urgh I hate continuing a story when I've lost the flow, I haven't updated one of mine since November so I completely understand where you're coming from. It's a good fic though so I hope you continue, but no pressure ^^
neko_chan #3
Chapter 3: Ahhh I guessed you modelled the girl off Kim Daul, her story is really sad :( I think her blog still exists online 'cause I remember her final post.
I'm curious as to why Myungsoo is in the model's will. This seems like some sort of fix, maybe something to do with the killer? And what bad luck that Sungyeol is the model's nephew. Wonder how Myungsoo is going to deal with this now...
neko_chan #4
Chapter 1: Hilarious first chapter ^^ I laughed my way through it, especially as 'Myungyeol' has to call people younger than him hyung xD
I'll race on to the next chapter then I guess.
yeoleka #5
Me too,just found this,i didn't realise you wrote a lot of myungyeol fics,and i love the ideas and the way you write,funny!!;thx hon!;)
Chapter 5: just found this :)
Chapter 5: i kinda had to read the previous chapter at first bc omg its been a while... its good to hv you back with a new update to this ><
the last paragraph...yes pls i need more of that...sungyeol putting his leg on top of myungsoo's lap...its probably nothing but hey anything that hints myungyeol is appreciated :D
and theres was this part in the middle that i found kinda confusing... the part with the cray-cray n the guy that went out for food?
this wasnt myungyeol talking right? or was it? man im dumb...okay bye.
Chapter 5: So creepy dude has some weirdo plan and oh gosh i thought sungyeok laying his legs on myungsoo was cute! Why idk but I was all 'aww subtle closeness happening here' phaha anyways awesome update look forward to more :D
Chapter 4: “And to think I had a thing for you,” Sungyeol wrinkled his nose. “I’m, like…17. You could be my dad. Dude, you’re 21.”

Haha omg I am so dead right now. Update soon please :3
Chapter 4: "Ew, you're 21."