Chapter 2

I'm Me, Just Not...Me

hi ok sorry bye

It was about 4 in the afternoon when Myungsoo had finally returned home from school to his new apartment, which looked almost exactly the same as his old one except with a lot less posters and cameras and tripods spewed all over the place.

                A beep sound came from his phone in his pocket, making him realize that for the whole day, he hadn’t turned his phone off. Screw it, he didn’t care whether or not he got in trouble.

                Tossing his phone to the side, Myungsoo was about to go and immerse himself in a shower before going off to whatever “club” Sungyeol and his underage friends went to when that exact object began to ring.

                There was a strange number as the ID, and the longer Myungsoo stared the less he thought about how dangerous it was. He had the police standing on guard, there wasn’t much anybody could do to him.

                But still, when he picked up, he kept the phone close to his ear but didn’t say anything.


                It was Sungyeol, and it took Myungsoo a little bit over two minutes to remember and realize two things: one, he’d given the teenager his number earlier today, and two – was Sungyeol crying?

                “Wait yeah, I’m here,” Myungsoo said, sitting himself down on the couch. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

                “Um, yeah, I’m fine,” Sungyeol sniffled. “Uh, I’m calling the thing off tonight. I just found out my aunt…died, and she was our only access to the club. So…yeah.”

                “Oh. Oh! Oh, my God, I’m so sorry to hear that. Are you alright?” Myungsoo felt the need to pretend to care, even if he didn’t (he didn’t). He’d had a lot of experience with these things, the faking-voice ones, and he didn’t really care for a woman that allowed underage kids to go into a club.

                “Y-yeah, I’m fine. Everybody’s over here with me, so I guess I’m doing alright…I just thought I’d tell you that. I would’ve…invited you over, but I guess…it isn’t really nice to see a guy you just meet sobbing like a little baby.”

                “No, no, don’t think that.” Myungsoo mentally let out a groan in his head, debating over two small things. “I’m so sorry, Sungyeol…well…I have to go now…so be safe, okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.”

                “Yeah…sorry again…”

                “It’s no problem,” Myungsoo finally said before letting out a last “bye” and hanging up. He then finally groaned out loud, because now he had to go to that stupid therapy thing. Ewww, first crying teenagers and now admitting his feelings to random strangers. This was absolutely fantastic.


“You actually came!”

                “You sound surprised,” Myungsoo commented glumly, sitting down on the same metal police chair he’d been in only a few days ago.

                “I mean…I just…” The chief shook his head a bit before muttering, “I’ll call Jaeseop back.”

                Myungsoo had to wait about nineteen more minutes before the his friend came, sitting super bored and possibly even half dead as he played games and contemplated (for only, like, two minutes) on whether or not he should text Sungyeol to ask if the boy was okay or not.


                Looking up, Myungsoo put his phone into the back pocket of his jeans and sat forward to look at least mildly interested, although the look on his face completely disagreed with that factor.

                “Are you ready to determine if I’m sane or not yet?” Myungsoo asked with a cocked eyebrow, putting his hands on the desk.

                “We’ll just talk, okay, it’s nothing big,” Jaeseop shrugged, putting down manila folders on the table before situating himself.


                “Well, you actually have to go first,” the therapist said. “So tell me, Myungsoo, how you feel.”

                “I feel…fine? A little pissed off that I can’t do my profession, but otherwise…I’m fine.”

                “Any feelings past when you saw the murder?”

                “Uh…there was a lot of blood?” Myungsoo tried.

                “Like, emotional feelings.”

                “…Being murdered is scary?”

                “You’re not getting the point,” Jaeseop groaned, pulling open one of the folders and clicking his pen to write an obvious SO THICK-HEADED under an “OBSERVATIONS” tab.

                “I’m pretty sure I’m getting the point. Look, Jae, I told you that I was fine. Can’t you just believe me and write down some random crap to get this over with?”

                Jaeseop scratched the back of his head a bit, biting his bottom lip. (If they hadn’t been long time friends, Myungsoo so would’ve thought that was hot. Yeah, so he was gay, sue him. What fashion photographer wasn’t?). “Look…we have reasons to believe that your relationship with the model was more than just purely platonic.”

                Myungsoo blinked at that a bit, sitting up straighter than he had in the beginning. “…What do you mean by that?”

                “I don’t know if I’m supposed to tell you this, but…” Jaeseop looked around them until his eyes landed back on his friend. “Truth is, you don’t really need therapy sessions, because usually if you weren’t too close to the person being murdered, you’d fare fine. The ‘people’ actually pulled this session up for a reason.”

                “And that reason being…?” Straightly put, Myungsoo knew for a fact that he hadn’t ever said more than four words to the model, so there shouldn’t have been a purpose for all…this.

                “You were really nonchalant when you were interviewed,” Jaeseop shrugged. “That was normal, at first, because everybody knows you as a really…laidback type of guy. But then there was something more than that…”


                Just for safety precautions, Jaeseop scanned the area around them one more time before answering Myungsoo. “Her will. She left about half of her fortune to her family, and then the other half to you.”

                At first, Jaeseop had expected a “WHAT? WHAT THE , BUT I BARELY KNOW HER!” from Myungsoo, but all he received was silence. Just…silence.

                “…Why would she do that for?” Myungsoo asked blankly after a few minutes. “Wait…why’d she even have a will written out? She was only, like, 20 years old –“

                “Exactly why everything doesn’t make sense,” Jaeseop interrupted. “She was a rich model with a hot boyfriend that she’d just dumped for no reason. Why would she write a will handing off half of her cash to some man that photographed her half- for money?”

                “Wait,” Myungsoo put his index finger up, “that is a very lousy description of my job, and if I wasn’t this shocked right now, I would so kick your .”

                “Then it’s a good thing you’re shocked, isn’t it?”

                “…But I mean, why would she do that?” Myungsoo asked, as if he hadn’t spoken the words before and hadn’t heard Jaeseop’s reply. “I seriously don’t even know her. We’ve never even met.”


                “…Then what am I supposed to do?”

                “I’m not supposed to be saying anything to you, but the family has a hearing with the lawyer tomorrow. It’s disclosed what the model wrote in her will, but anybody that thinks they were mentioned in the will are invited to come to the hearing. They’re kicked out if they’re not labeled in there, but I know for a fact that you are…so you should just go check it out. See what’s up.”

                Myungsoo felt his heart beat a lot harder than it should be, and his palm was starting to get sweaty. It hadn’t hit him until now. Everything that just happened – he’d seen somebody die, for God’s sake, he was in the Witness Protection Program making friends with underage kids that went to clubs for fun and had dead aunts, and now he was being given half of a dead model’s fortune…for what reason exactly?

                “Say you’re coming under the alias of her old neighbor or something,” Jaeseop continued. “That you checked up on her house everyday while she was gone, fed her dogs, watered her plants. Crazy people like that always come to will hearings to see if they can snatch the slightest bit of money. Remember, you’re Kim Myungyeol. That’s it.”

                “…Alright,” Myungsoo finally decided, pulling out his phone idly. “I’ll just…I’ll go. Tomorrow, right? What time? And where?”

                “I’ll text you the address when I figure it out,” Jaeseop answered, “but it starts at 8:00. You probably can’t go to school, but I’ll vouch for you, so it’s okay.”

                Myungsoo nodded, not realizing exactly how frightened he was until he saw his shaking hands on the phone. He opened to the text messages just to send Sungyeol a quick message saying that he wasn’t going to be at school tomorrow (because he knew when he got home, he’d be too distressed to remember to do it then) when he saw that there were already two messages sent from the said teenager.


l.sungyeol ; received two hours ago

meet us at the club, ayt? we’ll have everything ready for you! it’s the Infinite Lounge. just google it, you’ll probably get the address! see you :)


                Myungsoo stared at the text a little while longer, trying to comprehend it completely. Infinite Lounge. It sounded so familiar, but why?

                It took about four minutes for him to realize exactly what that club was – it was the one that all the models at his workplace went to! They were always talking about it, and he was pretty sure he’d been there, too. It was quite the disclosed place, literally the pure definition of cliques and we’re-so-much-better-than-you. But how exactly did Sungyeol get access to the club? It was open only to models and pretty people, not regular – people –


l.sungyeol ; received ten minutes ago

hey, not going to school tomorrow. I have a hearing for my aunt’s will with my family. just wanted to let you know.


                Oh God, no. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. Myungsoo stared at both of the texts, his mind starting to piece everything together slowly, one by one until –

                “Myungsoo, are you okay? You look really shaken up, you know that –“

                “The dead model is Sungyeol’s aunt,” Myungsoo breathed out, his eyes not coming off the phone. “No.







well ok when my great-uncle died we didn't get the news until like a month later (well he lived in france so maybe that's why lol) so that's why sungyeol's famfam is getting the info so late

just sayin'

it's summer but summer school balls ♥ and i'm sick yay

more drama to come later on, i'll try to update faster because well who knows this chapter wasn't very myungyeol-centric, eh? 

sorry ok bye ily guise sorry DDDDDDDDD;


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omg what, 100 subs already you guys thankyouu, i'll try to update soon!!


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I liked this ^^
neko_chan #2
Chapter 5: Hmmm so the killer is after Sungyeol? But whhhhhhhhhhy? And I still can't get my head around the mystery of the will, only that the murderer probably doesn't want Myungsoo dead or he'd have done it already? I'm worried for Sungyeol now since that guy asked for him at the school . . . what a creeper.
Urgh I hate continuing a story when I've lost the flow, I haven't updated one of mine since November so I completely understand where you're coming from. It's a good fic though so I hope you continue, but no pressure ^^
neko_chan #3
Chapter 3: Ahhh I guessed you modelled the girl off Kim Daul, her story is really sad :( I think her blog still exists online 'cause I remember her final post.
I'm curious as to why Myungsoo is in the model's will. This seems like some sort of fix, maybe something to do with the killer? And what bad luck that Sungyeol is the model's nephew. Wonder how Myungsoo is going to deal with this now...
neko_chan #4
Chapter 1: Hilarious first chapter ^^ I laughed my way through it, especially as 'Myungyeol' has to call people younger than him hyung xD
I'll race on to the next chapter then I guess.
yeoleka #5
Me too,just found this,i didn't realise you wrote a lot of myungyeol fics,and i love the ideas and the way you write,funny!!;thx hon!;)
Chapter 5: just found this :)
Chapter 5: i kinda had to read the previous chapter at first bc omg its been a while... its good to hv you back with a new update to this ><
the last paragraph...yes pls i need more of that...sungyeol putting his leg on top of myungsoo's lap...its probably nothing but hey anything that hints myungyeol is appreciated :D
and theres was this part in the middle that i found kinda confusing... the part with the cray-cray n the guy that went out for food?
this wasnt myungyeol talking right? or was it? man im dumb...okay bye.
Chapter 5: So creepy dude has some weirdo plan and oh gosh i thought sungyeok laying his legs on myungsoo was cute! Why idk but I was all 'aww subtle closeness happening here' phaha anyways awesome update look forward to more :D
Chapter 4: “And to think I had a thing for you,” Sungyeol wrinkled his nose. “I’m, like…17. You could be my dad. Dude, you’re 21.”

Haha omg I am so dead right now. Update soon please :3
Chapter 4: "Ew, you're 21."