Review by --ethereal

Lessons in Love
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Hello~ I'm adding a chapter just so I can share this review from --ethereal (from "Wandering: A Review Request Shop". Check her out, she's really good as a reviewer!). I'll be adding my replies in red font color.


Title: 5/5

I loved the title, because personally, I could relate to the word choice. Not that I’ve ever had a boyfriend or whatsoever, but I can, and could, understand what you mean. But then again, later I found out that the twoshot was something that I totally didn’t expect, yet in a good way. You’ll find out when I continue describing in the review sections.

The title gave me a bit of trouble since I wasn't sure how to come up with one that would be interesting for anyone to be curious enough to click on it. I'm glad that in the end I went with my gut and used the title as it was.


Foreword/Description: 6/10

The foreword was simple and clear-cut, so that one was good, and I love the quote you chose for it, and the way you used colours to allow the reader, in this case me, to further visualize the twoshot and be able to feel what the writer, in this case you, wants me to feel. But the description was a little iffy, in a sense that it could have been much more sufficient in how you described it, rather than just a one-liner; of course, it could have been the supposed effect, but I think it could have been longer – and anyway, each reviewer has their own judging scheme, and this is mine.

I have a thing with using one-liners for my descriptions. I believe in being vague and astounding people once they've decided to take a chance on what I wrote. XD


Appearance: 4/5

Honestly, I liked the font used. Even though I usually hate simple fonts like these (though I’m guilty of using Arial and Tahoma and whatnots), the font was Verdana, was it? Anyway, it brought across a very monotonous yet with a yearning of wanting to stand out, sort of like what the twoshot is showing. I know writers don’t pay attention to the fonts, but I think you used it effectively even if you didn’t plan it to be that way.

Lol, I wish I could say that I planned using Verdana but actually I didn't. ^^ I just thought the font would fit best with the twoshot since it's simple and direct to the point - exactly how the twoshot is.


Poster: 5/5

I really love the poster! One side, it’s the close-up of Yunho’s face in black and white, but in the story he’s the one that thinks benefits, and on the other side, it’s a full-shot of Lina’s body, and in full colour too, but she’s the one that has negative downsides for her point of view. I thought the irony was very creatively used, and honestly I’ve never seen any poster so innovative before! You might want to thank the designer!

Lmao, well the designer is also me so I guess I'll have to thank myself, right? I'm glad you got what I wanted to portray with the poster. ^^ Everything you just wrote is basically how I wanted my poster to come off as~ subtle and ironic to the story. ♥


Flow && Writing Style: 13/15

I loved the writing style in this, short, but not too short, and sweet. Three benefits, three downsides, yet a vast (like sea) comparison between them. The writing style was great too, absolutely flawless, with each feeling broken down and condensed into individual lines in which conveying each person’s feelings thoroughly. The fact that you made the point of view change from each part was interesting and yet it didn’t stop the flow from breaking.

Aww, thank you! To be honest, I wasn't sure how the language would seem to people... but with the responses I've gotten from posting this in LJ and then reading your review on this now - I suppose I did do a good job. ^^

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i was like ooh a yunlin fic on random feature
then i realised ahh nikatsu!!
and as i scrolled down to comment I SAW MY OWN COMMENT HAHA seems like i've read this~
congrats on the random feature ahahha
Chapter 3: fantastic talented you!!!! this was so nicely written hahahah
Chapter 2: i can't comprehend my thoughts for this twoshot it's just too breathtakingly and nauseatingly angst and yet it's beautiful and i can't--

bye cruel world
Wow! I just requested a review from the same person, so I decided to look at stories she already reviewed, as this was...a pleasant surprise. I t was much better than I had anticipated. In fact, it was amazing ^.^ You did an amazing job in writing this a bringing forth each of the characters' different thoughts and emotions. I enjoyed reading it so much! Wonderful job!
Kaikoloves #5
Aaahhh as usual your writing is amazing...fosh gosh i am now a shipper for this otp as much as i am for changyooonn
koreankendi #6
Wow. You're such a great writer! <br />
daniafrd #7
hope you post the second chapter soon.its great !!``kkk
CinqLuna #8
great.. love this..