The Night Before School Starts

Project EXO: Back 2 School Mode


Kyungsoo called all the members for dinner while Lay arranged the plates and other utensils. One by one, the members entered the dining room.

“Don’t you know how to cook anything else besides kimchi spaghetti?” Kai asked as he stared at the food like it was trash.

“Don’t you know anything else besides complaining?” Kris shot back and proceeded in leading the prayer before meals. Being the so called appa of the group, Kris mostly implemented the all rules in the house and disciplined all his friends. While Suho, on the other hand, is responsible for watching out for the members.

Oh right, before anything else, let’s talk about their duties in the house. Kyungsoo is of course, the chef. Lay is the assistant. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are responsible for the groceries. Xiumin, being the oldest, handles the money. Luhan, together with Kris, are the drivers. Tao is the bodyguard. Chen is responsible for checking all the rooms. Kai is responsible for helping all of them. Sehun is just there, because he is the baby.

“So tomorrow is back to school again-“ Suho announced but was cut off by Chen. “Obviously, duhrrr. Are we living in different planets?” “Shut up Chen.” “I was kidding.” “I wasn’t. Okay back to the point, I expect everyone to behave. Since we don’t get all the same classes at the same time, I expect each of you to focus on your studies, no funny business. And no trolling new teachers and  new students, right Chen?” “Why me?”

“No skipping, unless I suggest it. No flirting, no bullying, no cheating, unless I approve of it. No faking their sickness and getting a free trip to the nurse’s office unless it’s necessary.” Kris added.

“Why is it all up to you hyung?” Tao asked.

“Because we have to do those only at the right time, and at the right place.”

“Everyone done eating?” Suho asked them. Seeing all the empty plates, he assumed they were all done. “No need to answer. Everyone scram, Kai, help D.O. do the dishes.”

“Why me?”

“No need to hide it. I know you want to spend time with him. Plus, you insulted his cooking. Now, everyone take a bath, and sleep after. I got dibs on the bathroom upstairs.”

Everyone left and did as told. Suho entered the bathroom and started on taking his clothes off. Just when he was about to turn the shower on, someone knocked. Irritated, he opened the door. It was Lay.

“What do you need?”

“I forgot my phone here awhile ago when I was taking a dump. K eke.”

“Aish, get it and get out.”

Suho turned the shower on and just when he was about to experience the soothing coldness of the water, another knock came.

“What is it now!” He opened the door and it was Sehun.

“Hyungggg. Kris insisted on being the first to shower downstairs. I really want to shower already.” Sehun said with a pouty face.

“What do you want me to do then?”

“Let’s shower together? Please?”

“Araso, get in.” He said and slapped Sehun’s .

Meanwhile, Luhan, Chen, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were at the sala waiting for their turn.

“Chanyeol and I come after Suho hyung okay?” Baekhyun said.

“You guys gay or what?” Chen raised an eyebrow.

“No. We’re just raising an awareness about global warming, save water shower together. Right yeol?”

“Yeah yeah. Come on, Suho and Sehun are done.”

“Wait, what?!” Luhan, whose eyes became as big as Kyungsoo’s, asked.

“Oh, hyung, Baekhyun and I were first-” Luhan cut Chanyeol and said, “No, no. That’s not it what did you say? Sehun is showering with Suho again?” “Uh, yeah?” “Aish, that kid!”

“Someone’s jealous.” Chen snorted.

“Whatever. I’ll bring Xiumin with me. We’re gonna shower together too.” Xiumin who was just passing by heard Luhan. “Oh, we are?” “Yeah, we are.” “Fine then.” “Chen, make sure Oh Sehun knows about this. Okay?”

“Why me? It’s not like he will care.” Chen mumbled to himself.

Kris, who just came out of the shower, was amused by everything he just witnessed. He plopped beside Chen who was busy watching a replay of Boys Over Flowers.

“Yah. It’s already 2013. Watch a new drama, will you?” Kris said and nudged Chen whose eyes were glued on the screen.


“I know, you’re gonna ask for new dramas.”

“I was wondering…” Chen stated, eyes still glued at the screen.

“No need to be shy. Uhm, try When A Man Loves or School 2013.”

“No it’s not that.”

“Then what?”

“How about changing your hairstyle and getting Jun Pyo’s hairstyle?”

“Are you kidding me?” Kris said in disbelief. Chen looked at him and sincerely nodded.

“No way.”

“Just try it! You look cool in any hairstyle!”

“Yeah right, except bald and curly. Get the out Chen. You’re trolling again. I know I’m handsome and all but I’m not that conceited.”

“Oh really? Putting on cream and staring at the mirror for 30 minutes and asking if your skin is as soft as a baby’s to every single person you pass by isn’t conceited?”

“Taking care of the skin and being conceited are two very different things. Look at you.”

“What about me?”

“Change topic. Keke. By the way, have you noticed the growing relationship of others?”

“What others? Oh like Sehun and Luhan? Kai and D.O.? Chanyeol and Baekhyun? You and Tao? Yeah, I did. Why?”

“Are they like, turning gay?  Wait what? Tao? And me? No way.”

“So you two watching movies and shopping on the weekend, having dinner outside on random nights, and you giving in his requests isn’t gay?”

“Being friendly plus acting like a big brother and being gay are two very different things.”

“Not really, when you spend all your allowance on him.”

“Yeah you’re right. I’m not gay though.”

“Never said you were.”

“You just asked me if what I am doing for Tao is considered gay!”

“Why are you being defensive duizhang?” Chen said with a smirk.

“Because… just cause.”

“So you’re gay?”

“Oh gad. No. Tao might be one though.”

“Ahhh, so you’re biual?”

“What?! Why are you assuming that? You’re being ridiculous right now okay? Tao and I are just friends, just like me and Lay.”

“Chill hyung. I was trolling. Hahahahahaha.”

“ you. Go and take a bath. Check all the rooms and get out of my face.”

“Araso. Hahahaha.”

When everyone was finished taking a bath, Chen checked all the rooms and made sure that everyone was already sleeping. There are three rooms in the house, one downstairs, and two upstairs. Each room has 4 people, but Kris usually sleeps in the living room because the bed is too small and he jogs everyday.

The room arrangement goes like this, Tao, Suho, and Lay share the first room upstairs. Kris originally stays with them, but yeah you know the reason already. There’s nothing wrong in their room. Except the fact that Suho piles all his dirty clothes on the floor.

The second room goes to Kai, Kyungsoo, Sehun and Luhan. Usually, they play around every night but tonight is different. Luhan doesn’t allow anyone, except Sehun to sit or lay down his bed. But tonight, Luhan kicked Sehun off his bed when he found him sitting on it while drying his hair. Looks like the green-eyed monster took over Luhan.

The third room downstairs belongs to Chen, Xiumin, Chanyeol, and Baekhyun. Two words: pure chaos. No it’s not that their room is dirty. It’s that sleep isn’t found in their dictionary. They joke around all night. Yep, that includes major pillow fights, mandatory gossiping about every single person in exo, and many more. Like tonight, they stole Sehun’s uniform and wrote “I love Luhan” on the back.

And there goes the forever alone duizhang. Lounging on the couch and watching Boys Over Flowers, and maybe asking himself if he is conceited. Oh not to mention, the obligatory applying of night cream on his face.  At around 12 pm, everyone was fast asleep.



Next day, Kris woke up at around 6 am and went out to jog. An hour later, Kris was so sweaty and smelly all over that he immediately rushed inside the house and into the bathroom and took a shower for a good 20 minutes not caring if his friends are already awake.

He got out of the bathroom and found no one cooking, taking a bath, or getting ready for school. And it was barely 40 minutes before school starts. They all slept in he thought to himself. That calls for a painstaking wake up call. He grabbed two pans and went for the first room.

“Get up lazy asses! Time for school!” He shouted as he banged the two pans. Seeing that all four stirred, he assumed that he woke them up already.

He went to Luhan’s room and sat on his bed and banged the pans violently. Luhan who woke up first, saw Kris sitting on his bed and shouted, “Get out of my bed mother*cker!” And that caused Sehun and the others to wake up.

Last but not the least, Suho’s room. They were all awake already. Well, in Lay’s case…

“Why did you wake us up early? Are we going on a trip or something?” Lay asked in a confused face.

Seeing that Lay wasn’t joking…

“Man, you serious?” Kris asked.

“Yeah. What’s going on?”

“It’s the first day of school you idiot.” Suho grumbled.

“Oh… I forgot.”

Wait for it…….. *FACEPALM*






Seeing that this fic caught some of your attentions.. here is the first chapter.

I tried fitting all of them in. But in case your bias didn't receive much camera time, I'll make up to it in the next chapter. ^^

Here's Troll Chen and Baozi Xiumin.


Is it me, or Xiumin looks so damn fine here? Ughhh, he's ruining my bias list. 

Well all of them are my bias anyway. Keke~~

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 3:
Chapter 2: Wow... I should suggest my class president to do that too LOL
Chapter 2: New reader here:D
OMG THIS IS SO FREAKING FUNNY!I was laughing so hard when I read Chen and Jongin's egoistic rules :DDDD and that Jack Sparrow's gift LOL
Let me guess your bias.Since you said in first chap that all of them are your bias,so...OT12? > <
Well,keep update!
Chapter 1: Lay... He's so forgetful!! New subbies and reader here! Update soon author-nim!
Chapter 1: Lay the ever-so forgetful handsome human being. XD
This is seem interesting.
Please update!!! xD