The Two Women In My Heart


 "If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one, because if you really loved the first one you wouldnt have fallen for the second."


Three years ago, Yixing got into a car accident with his wife. From this accident, he got diagnosed with anterograde amnesia, therefore forgetting all his memories about Zhang Jihyun. His mother made him believe that a Jihyun never existed in his life. Being the scary and strict woman that his mother is, she told all of his friends (EXO) to never say a word about Jihyun and made them promise to help Yixing live a new life. From China, the Zhangs moved to America and started over.


Three years later, he never relapsed. But he got himself a new wife, Zhang Lauren. He loved her so dearly that it seemed like it was impossible for him to remember Jihyun's face. Lauren is a Korean-American, she met Yixing in America and fell in love with him as well. After their wedding, they moved to Korea where all Lauren's relatives are and where Yixing's family business is. 


What if Yixing meets Jihyun again? What if all his memories come back? Will he still choose the second, or will he reminisce the past and acknowledge Jihyun as his wife? If that happens, will he be willing to have two women in his heart or will he let one go? Will he choose Lauren his new found love, or will he choose Jihyun his forgotten wife?






[This story was inspired by the Taiwanese drama Autumn's Concerto, the Korean drama A Thousand Day Promise, and the American film The Vow. Any story, fanfic, movie or drama that has the same plot or has the same scenes with my fanfic is purely coincidence. Thank you.]




Sunday November 07, 2010 9:30 PM (Beijing, China)

A car crashed into a concrete barrier. There were two passengers. One committed a number of injuries, but the other one’s condition was reported to be critical.


Next day, 4:45 AM

The person whose condition was critical miraculously survived after a painful push and pull operation done by the doctors. However, a part of the person’s hippocamus, the part of the brain responsible for memories, had to undergo observation.


Wednesday, 5:08 PM

The doctor gave this result:



Path. No. S91-215

Name: Zhang Yixing

Age: 23          : Male          Race: Asian          Date:11/10/10               Reg. No. 000048


History of Case: Car accident causing severe injuries on the patient’s body but mostly affecting the head/brain.


Post-operative Diagnosis and Description: A part of a steel rod went through the patient’s head, affecting the skull and the brain’s hippocamus. Therefore making the patient unconcsious for four or five days. The surgeon’s obsevation suggests that the patient will suffer anterograde amnesia.


*anterograde amnesia- the patient cannot remember new information. Things that happened recently, information that should be stored into short-term memory disappear. This is usually caused by brain trauma. However, a patient with anterograde amnesia can remember data and events which happened before the injury.




Brain Condition: 65% intact, may experience seizures


Other body parts: Left leg sprained, right leg received 10 stitches, other minor cuts


The patient may or may not remember his past memories, continual observations must be done in order to help the patient recover from amnesia.


Monday November 15, 2010 1:37 PM

“Yixing? Oh my god Yixing! You’re awake!” Zhang Xiao Lien cried as she held on Yixing’s hand. Yixing opened his eyes, it was a blur for him. He examined the room and the people surrounding him. A wave of confusion plastered on his face.

“Mama? What am I doing here? What happened?” He asked as he lifted his blanket and observed his body scars.

“Yixing you got into a car accident. You’ve been out for days. But now you’re fine. Oh thank God you’re fine.”

“I did? H-how?”

“You were supposed to go to your friend’s house but you crashed into a concrete.” His mom lied.

“Why can’t I remember anything then?”

“It’s probably because of the trauma.”

“Yeah, maybe that’s it. My head hurts, I need to rest mama. Explain everything when I recover.” He said, and drifted to sleep.


Behind the Scenes – Sunday November 14, 2010 7:45 PM

Zhang Jihyun, Yixing’s wife, was in the room next to Yixing’s. She just recovered from her minor injuries. When she realized that Yixing was not by her side, a pang of fear hit her chest. She scrambled from her bed and went out to find the nearest doctor or nurse.

“Doctor! Where’s my husband?!” She said, panicking.

“He’s in the room next to yours. No need to worry.” He said as he gave her a small smile.

Relief washed over Jihyun’s face. She carefully turned the doorknob of Yixing’s room. She was hoping that her husband is in pieces. But as soon as she opened the door, her blood drained. Inside, was his mother.Of all people, the least she wanted to talk to was his mother. Why? Because Yixing’s mother greatly opposed their marriage. His mother was against her because she didn’t fit her taste.

“Jihyun, you’re here.” His mother said calmly.

“Is Yixing okay?”

“No, he’s not fine. But you are.” His mother glared at her.

“It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t ask for this to hap-“

“I don’t need to hear your excuses.”


“According to the doctor, Yixing is in coma for now. But he will be fine. However, because of the freaking accident that you caused, he was diagnosed to have amnesia.”

“A-amnesia?” Tears started to form in Jihyun’s eyes.

“Yes, and it’s all because of you. But that’s okay. In that way, Yixing won’t remember you. Anterograde amnesia kills all the brain’s recent memories, and that, includes you.” Jihyun paled from what she heard. Her husband, her most prized possession, not being able to remember her, broke her heart. “Stay away from him, Jihyun. You caused my Yixing too much pain.”

“But he’s my husband!” Jihyun looked at Yixing. He was like a vegetable, with a bandage wrapped around his head. It pained her just looking at him.

“Not anymore.”

Jihyun was suddenly escorted by men outside the room, and a doctor quickly gave her sleeping drugs.


Tuesday November 16, 2010 10:28 AM

Jihyun woke up in their house (her and Yixing’s house). At first, she was feeling groggy and confused. But when she saw that Yixing’s cabinet was opened, and their things were all over the place… Zhang Xiao Lien’s words echoed in her mind, “Stay away from him Jihyun.” She got an idea about what she meant back there.

She quickly rushed out of the house not minding her clothes and state. She hailed a cab and asked the driver to go to the hospital. When she got there, she rushed out of the cab and ran as fast as she could to the direction of Yixing’s room without even bothering to pay the driver.

Room 307.. Room 307.. Room 307.. she thought to herself. She turned the knob of the door, and found an empty bed. She searched the bathroom, the veranda, and even the closet, but found no one. At that point, she was shivering from nervousness and was crying.

“Where’s the patient here, my husband.. WHERE IS HE?!!!” She asked the nurse that followed her.

“They already left yesterday Miss.”

“Where did they go?”

“I don’t know miss, I’m so sorry.”

NOOO!!! Yixing!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She dropped to her knees and let the world crumble to her feet.





Zhang Jihyun/Lee Jihyun


25 years old. The forgotten wife. Strong, simple, serene, timid, exudes the image of a pure woman and kindhearted. She met Yixing in China when she decided to go overseas to find work when she was only 18 years old. They were together for three years and married when she was 21. She’s the dream wife of every man. However, her heart only belongs to Yixing. After Yixing went missing in action, she never gave up on searching for him. She searched every corner of China, but never found a trace of him. She tried searching for his friends, but never got a hold of them. She struggled so hard to balance her time for earning a living and for searching for her long lost husband. With absolutely no luck at all, she got a ticket to Korea, her hometown, to try to move on and start over.



Zhang Lauren/Lauren Lee/Lee Ah Hyun


25 years old. The new found love. Youthful, loud, blissful, outgoing, and her smile captures people’s hearts. She’s a Korean-american. She went to America when she was 14 to study. She  met Lay through Kris on January 2011 when they were having a New Year celebration. On June 2011, she accepted Lay’s hand and became his girlfriend. On December 2012, Lauren’s parents and Lay’s mother agreed to marry the couple. On January 2013, Lauren got engaged to Lay and married on the 4th of April. She doesn’t know anything about Jihyun, she only knows that Yixing got amnesia. She’s rich and cares for Lay a lot. 



Zhang Yixing/Lay


26 years old. The amnesiac. Lauren and his friends gave him the name Lay because he always zones out that he looks like a stone. (a/n: The meaning of the name Lay is stone, or rock) Because of his treatments, he experiences painful migraines and seizures time after time, and he also tends to forget a lot of things. He is moody. One minute he’s so funny, the next he’s serious, and the next he zones out. But Lauren, his current wife, knows how to make him smile and forget. He doesn’t have a father that’s why he always rely on his mother.



Zhang Xiao Lien


Lay’s mother. The mastermind. Selfish. Conceited. Possessive. She wants the best for her only son. She divorced Yixing’s father when he was only 8 years old. Her ex-husband was poor, and he only married her because of her abilities and her family’s money. From then on, she had trust issues towards poor people. Hence, the reason why she greatly opposed Lay’s marriage with Jihyun.





Yixing’s group of friends. Luhan 27, Tao 24 and Kris 27 were his childhood friends. Chen 25, Baekhyun 25, Chanyeol 25 and Xiumin 27 were his colleagues, while Sehun 24, Suho 26, Kyungsoo 26, and Kai 24 are his close co-workers and business partners.

Note: PLEASE READ. This is a very integral part of the story so that you won’t get confused. Jihyun only knows Luhan, Tao, and Kris. She doesn’t know the rest of exo, only the Chinese members. 


a/n: Pictures aren't mine. Subscribe if you find my story interesting. Thank you! <3


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Its awesome!! Keep writing author-nim!! :D. Would you mind checking out my fanfic? Once again sorry for advertising :DD