〈 applicants & FAQs & bulletin board 〉

〈 Iro — land of color 〉 | apply open!



 chosen ; yay! your character is now apart of Iro.
accepted ; your application is perf and follows all rules/guidelines/etc.
needs corrections; your application breaks some minor rule/guideline/etc. and can be corrected by fixed deadline, but will still be considered for a part in the story if doesn't get fixed by the deadline.
pending ; I have not gone through/reviewed your application yet.
rejected ; your application is unacceptable because it breaks a major rule/guideline/etc. this needs to be fixed so it can be accepted and considered for the story.
Lee Mei Ling
〈 in the shadow of the one with strength 
status: accepted 
I read your application throughout the day in school, and all I can say is /claps fab! just fabulous! this is a great example of a perfect application. all the hints and guidelines were done correctly, and there were a ton of details. first of all, i'd like to say that I love your character! all of your characteristics compliment and contrast each other well, and the details were fabulous! great job in involving her character and personality along with the plotline that you chose. the background is also very well written, it gives me enough detail so I know exactly what you're talking about the things that you have added along with your plotline. even down to your love interest's personality, overall your application was very well detailed, and a perfect example of what I am looking for! thank you for applying!

Jung Eun Mi
〈 a little faster than a bullet 
status: pending
your application will be reviewed later by kawaiioppar.

Lee Eun Ji
〈 even the moon closed its eyes tonight 
status: pending
your application will be reviewed later by kawaiioppar.



any questions that you ask me will end up here and answered!


Q. Since the story seems Japanese based, such as the Shiro and Kuro Empire, does my character have to be Japanese/have a Japanese name/etc.?

A. No, not at all. What your character is, ethnicity wise and anything else, is up to you. I leave it all up to you. I only chose those names, such as Iro, Kuro, etc, because of what the words actually mean, not because I want this story to be Japanese.


Q. Are we allowed to alter and/or make up our own plotline(s)?

A. Of course you are allowed to alter any plotline you want to make it satisfy you! This will all go in the "Expand Storyline" section of the application. As for making up your own plotline, you are allowed to do so, but you will have to also come up with a title and a full description of your plotline in the "Expand Storyline" section of the application. Put the title of your plotline where it says to put the title of your chosen plot!



Bulletin Board

for anything that you might need, check here.


author's note ( 052913 )

hello everyone! I am back with an author's note! I have a ton of important things to say in this chapter, so don't go away now! first off, I have not chosen a final deadline for this story yet, as I am still planning/working on my other stories which will be up soon. the date I have planned, but not fully set and finalized is June 10th! hopefully that will give you plenty of time to finish your applications! secondly, this chapter of the story I will be updating a lot, sort of like a bulletin board. I have tried this in the past with my 7 deadly sins story, but I have not gotten the chance to actually go with it, so I am starting with it now and I probably will stay with it as the story progresses, such as updating you as to why I won't be posting a chapter this date, etc. etc., just all little important details will be put in this chapter so don't neglect this! it's very helpful and also a chance to keep myself organized as well. thirdly, unlike most apply stories, I don't think I am going to be revealing characters by teasers or updating the foreword, etc. I think that instead of that, I might just do it here, and sort of like an audition, it will say it if you made it or not by your name! such as where your status is, if it's "chosen", then you have made it! what do you think of that? anyways, enough talking! that is all for now and see you all in the next update!



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[ 052913 ] applicants, FAQs, and bulletin board is now up! check them out and keep applying!


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nunchii #1
Chapter 2: Update soon!
I can't wait for the other teasers and the review of my app!
Chapter 4: No worries. Teasers are suppose to be short and tease me like this one just did. orz. I like your writing style. It's excellent.
I'm guessing the teaser is the plotline: In the shadow of the one with strength. Maybe? No? Okay. ._.

Good luck, senpai. ♥
Chapter 4: Uh oh. First teaser is out!
It's alright. Short teasers or long ones, doesn't matter.
The point is, I like your writing style.

I hope more would apply to this story.
Good luck!
Chapter 1: i see what you did there. iro means color in japanese, shiro is white in japanese and kuro is black. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
Chapter 2: Oh my. First time being the first applicant. I'm glad that you like my character. I hope that my background, personality and so on is not confusing you.

Thank you very much for the kind review, senpaioppa :)
Good luck with the story
Chapter 1: this sounds really gooood!! and the plotlines sound great too but are we allowed to alter or make our own plotlines?
wow! This is soo cool! definitely applying!