Chapter 24

On Rainy Days
“Aish... I lost him. This isn’t good.”

I took my phone out my pocket and began to dial in Hyomin’s number. Then, I remembered Hyomin had programs. “Who do I call?” I scrolled up and down my contact list. I stopped scrolling and saw the contact it stopped on was Junhyung. I took a breath and clicked the call button.

“Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up.” I kept thinking to myself.

The dialing stopped and Junhyung greeted me in a raspy voice. “Jiyeon? What is it?” He sounded as if he just woke up from a nap.

“Oppa, can you pick me up? The bus I was on broke down. We were all ordered to get off.”

“Arraso...” I heard him yawn. “Where are you?”

“I’m right outside of Seoul.”

“Arraso. Wait where you are, I’ll be there soon. Alright?” He hung up the phone.

I stood there in the cold. “Aish, what will I do? It’s so cold and I lost Kikwang.” I walked up and down waiting for Junhyung to pick me up. I looked at my phone. “It’s 5:00...” I sat down on ground and hugged my bags. People passed by me and looked at me like I was a beggar.

Although I was annoyed by their stares, I ignored it. “Junhyung.. come faster.” I looked back at my phone. It was 5:20. I got up from the ground and began to walk towards the city. “It can’t be that far could it?” A few minutes after walking, I heard a car honking. I continued to walk, while the car continued to honk. I turned around and saw Junhyung inside of the car.

I ran up to the car and got in. “Didn’t I tell you to wait?” he asked me right away. His voice held a tint of anger.

“You took too long. Did you want me to freeze?” I asked him.

He continued to drive. “Mianhae. I’m just not in the best mood right now,” he told me in a sincere voice.

“Waeyo? What happened?” I was curious.

“B2ST’s corrdi noona. She’s been telling me things about you I’d rather not hear.” He laughed a little. “But it’s alright.”

“The corrdi noona? What could she possible say about me?” I was curious. I decided to let it slide though. “Oppa. Drive slower. It’s dangerous to drive at such a high speed.”

He laughed a little and slowly reduced his speed. “Is this better?” He chuckled and turned the music on.

“Here’s the top song of the week!” The radio presenter yelled excitedly and played B2ST’s ‘Beautiful’.

“Wah! Jjinja, B2ST’s song is the top song of the week! Chuka haeyo!” I smiled brightly at him. He glanced over at me and a smile appeared on his face.

“Ah, you’re such a dork.” He pushed my head playfully. “Kamsahamnida.” His hand reached over towards my seat. I felt him place his hand on top of mine. He locked our fingers together and began to rub the back of my hand with his thumb. “I can’t believe tomorrow’s the last full day,” he sighed. “Shall we hang out all day tomorrow, then go to the party?”

“Are you planning to ditch your schedules for me?” I giggled. “Also I have some... I can’t just ditch them that easily.”

“Aw, Jiyeon, be a rebel for once. It’s our last day until who knows how long.” He looked over to me and pouted.

“Yah! Don’t pout. I can’t resist it.” I pushed his face so he was looking at the road again.


I opened the door with Junhyung following behind me. “Arraso, I should get going now.” He turned around and began to walk down.

“Ah, jjinja?” A frown grew across my face. “Can’t you stay a little longer?”

He turned around and laughed at me. “Such a little kid.” He walked back towards me. “Arraso, I’ll stay a little longer, just for you.” He smiled and held my hand.

I took out my keys and opened the apartment door. The lights were completely off and no one was there. “Jjinja... they still aren’t back. Aish.. what will I do?” I murmured.

I heard Junhyung chuckled. “Jiyeon, we have the whole apartment to ourselves, we can do anything.” He nudged my arm.

"Yah! Yong Jae Soon, I didn't date a ert! Stop acting like this all of a sudden!" I slapped his arm playfully.

He laughed, then looked at me innocently, “What are you talking about? All I was suggesting was playing a board game or something like that.” He smiled.

“Sure you were,” I replied sarcastically.

“We’re using sarcasm now?”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside the door. I closed the door behind him and walked into my room. I placed all the shopping bags right next to my bed. “It’s really going to happen.” I thought. I let out a sigh and walked out of the room. I walked over towards the telephone. Junhyung sat on the couch and the television meanwhile using my laptop. “Junhyung, what do you want to eat? Jjajangmyun?” I asked him while picking up the phone.

“Uh, sure. It doesn’t matter. Eat what you want.” His eyes were concentrated on the laptop screen.

I scoffed and started to dial in a number. “What’s so interesting to him on the laptop?” I slowly walked towards him making sure he wouldn’t notice. He was smirking and let out a couple of giggles. This made me even more curious than before. “Aish, what could be so interesting?” I kept walking closer towards him. I was now right behind him. I leaned a little towards the right, but then his head moved over. I leaned towards the left, yet his head moved once again.

“Jiyeon, I know you’re behind me. There is a reflection you know.” He turned around and looked me in the eye. “Busted.” He stuck his tongue out at me.

“You’re such a child, you know that right?” I laughed and turned around. I was about to dial the number when suddenly, I felt him place his hand on my arm. His grip was stronger than usual. “Is something wrong?” I asked him worried.

He glared into my eyes and held me even tighter. He pushed me against the wall and looked straight into my eyes. I was frightened. What was his doing?

“Junhyung... please don’t.” I said in a whisper. “Please, don’t.”
A/N: Apparently, I overwrote.. which means, THERE WILL BE MORE CHAPTERS! :D
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Chapter 28: I Hope they will comeback together., heheh!
Junghyunjoo #2
Woah, from the forward I like this already :)
New reader here~ :D I read the first 8 chapters of your story, and it is very great!!!! ^^
love .
omfg, please do a sequel ~<br />
since it over i cant wait for the sequal
yuichan17 #7
does this mean that they're back together???<br />
if yes, then I'll be very happy!! :)<br />
thank you for a great story....
arghhhhh~~~ i hate any guy that act lkike Junhyung did to Jiyeon~~~ arghhhhh~~~~~<br />
*ignore my EMO side*<br />
enjoy~~ ^^
yuichan17 #9
poor jiyeon..<br />
junhyung, why would you believe that cordi noona???<br />
I hope it won't be a sad ending...
omg i cried what the heck junhyun why would you belive that lady and not ur own girlfriend<br />
update soon