
Moon Night
Suho’s POV
Even though I’m young, I tend to forget things easily-that’s where I gain my nickname ‘’grandpa’’ from. I’ve long forgotten her name. Her name is Min- , Min- what’s that name again?! My memory became worser throughout these years. I’m always distracted in class only because of one worthy reason-my dream girl, my soul mate. I’m always staring at her, from her rosy cheeks, to her hazel brown eyes, then to her well-built nose especially those thin red lips. She’s perfect in my eyes, no words can describe how I feel about her. 
Once I got a grip of her, I immediately sped off with the rest of the pack. We are heading back to her house. She have to get out of this place now, it is too dangerous for her. Although I don’t want to part from her, I have to. In a few minutes, her house was seen somewhere along the small little pathway. Slowly and carefully, I walk towards the front door and settled her down. Once her foot came into contact with the ground, she looked at me with pleading eyes.
‘’Please don’t eat me up,’’ she said, slightly trembling. Witnessing the girl I like being so afraid of me now, I can’t help but to feel sad about myself. Why on earth must I be a wolf? Anything but a wolf who can never confess to the girl he loves. To brush off her sadness, I her face, trying to tell her that she is safe as long as she is with us. 
The next sentence that came out from literally shocked me, ‘’Do you brush your teeth?’’ She looked at my curiously while tilting her head. I was astonished. How am I suppose to reply? By nodding or by shaking my head. Do wolves even brush their teeth?
I nervously glanced at my fellow members who only looked away, avoiding my gaze. Oh great, I shouldn’t have even thought that my members will help me. I should thank life for treating me like that. 
In the end, I came out with a marvellous plan, I’ve decided to run away. Escapism seems like the best choice at that point of time. So long my soul mate. I signalled the other members my plan by growling. All of them got my hint and followed closely behind me as we ran off into the woods. 
Your POV
You were stunned by what had just happened. You had millions of questions waiting to be answered. Why did they save you?  Why didn’t they harm you by eating you up? What/who are they? Do wolves even have feelings? How can they understand human language?
 Could they possibly … be humans? All of this is just too ridiculous for you to process. You’ll just think about all these things the next morning. Anyways, what you have the most is time. 
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Chapter 7: Please update. Its been so long
kpopperiu #2
Chapter 7: Please updateeeeeee author nim
hippo_guk #3
Chapter 7: wahhhh!!! sooo..... unique!
Chapter 7: Update soonnnnn~~~
Shrfhaldrs #5
Chapter 7: update soon!!
theresenurielle #6
Chapter 6: Who were the guys? OMOMOMOMO!EXO you mu save her!!

Update soon.
Chapter 3: *Claps loudly* anticipating! Updatee soon!
Chapter 3: LOL XD "Do you brush your teeth?’’ OMO!!
huhudad #9
Chapter 2: *gasp* they're taking her to their home !! Omomomomo spazzing >_<
huhudad #10
Chapter 1: update!!! pleaseee! please with cherry on top!! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee