An Actor?!?

Vixx High School Host Club

"I can't... act."

"You are going to have to," Hongbin said coldly as he placed the Minnie Mouse hairband on my head.


"No 'but's HyunJae!" Ravi said cheerfully 

"You are going to be a wonderful actor, I just know it!" N encouraged as he did a 'hwaiting' sign.

I stared at the mirror as I sat in front of the dressing table, watching how my cheeks grew redder with each of my make-up stylist. My stare was blank as I was imagining standing in front of hundreds of fan girls, speaking fluently as they cheer along. I gulped as I twisted my fingers nervously.

"It would be easy." Leo murmurred.

"I agree, you will just have to sing a song with 'Mickey Mouse' while holding his hand, sitting like a picnic and say 'Sa-Rang-Hae-Yo', ending with a almost kiss as I dim the lights," Hongbin added on as explained what I had to do. I nodded silently when a question came up in my mind.

"What will you guys be acting?"

"I will be Donald Duck." Hongbin said.

"We will be Chip 'n' Dale!" The Navi twin (what? Hitachi sounds too formal) said as they posed cutely with a 'V' sign.

"I will be Goofy." Leo said emotionlessly.

"Okay... but who would be Mickey?" I asked without thinking as I soon regretted it.

"Of course, it would be me!" I sighed as I recognised the voice behind -- Ken.

"But I can't possibly hold his hand! Won't fan girls kill me?" I protested as I looked at Hongbin pleadingly.

"On the contrary, It would attract loads of attention to see their all-time favourite with the newcomer. Besides, they would just see it as a Hyung guiding his DongSaeng." Hongbin explained.

"But even so... I can't possibly act with this... this obnoxious guy!" I muttered as I pointed at the smiling Ken, who is so idiotically charming.


"Just be yourself okay? Don't be nervous, just take it easy." Ken calmed me down as he sensed my hand shaking slightly, squeezing his hand in assurance. He looked into my eyes genuiniely as I gulped once again, but this time for a different reason. The blue eyes again.

As our cue came, we skipped happily towards the mat, fingers intertwined hardly, but it was me holding on tightly this time. As we rounded the tree, we began to sing Stop Resisting, with me singing the Minah's parts of course. Luckily for me, My voice was high enough to reach the notes perfectly. I could see some girls even shocked by my hidden talent. After the song, I was surprised by how loud the applause was given when the song ended.

As I said 'I love you' to end the play, I stupidly looked into Ken's eyes, with our lips dangerously dangling close to each other. As the lights dimmed quickly, an impulse suddenly struck me like an arrow. I accidentally lurched forward, closing the gap between our lips. With our lips locked together for five seconds, reality suddenly knocked me back to earth as I pulled back myself.

What the hell did I do.

Frightened, I sprinted back into the make-up room, silently thankful that the lights were turned off.


That was the last straw! How could he do such a thing?! I will make him pay, I swear. 



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JayLurBlu #1
Haha! I like both of them too! thanks! Sorry for not updating though... been kinda busy.
SuperStarKMJ95 #2
I think the story's really good so far ^^ I love Ouran High School Host Club, so it's interesting to see a VIXX version of it!(especially cause I really like VIXX right now)
Update soon!