... A Dog? Or?

Vixx High School Host Club

"Oh! Now u've done it commoner, that Rovix Vase was gonna be featured in the upcoming school auction..." N said in a reprimanding voice.

"... The price of the Rovix Vase was gonna start at 1132850000 won!" Ravi finished.

"1132850000 WON?! How many digits are even in that number? I'm gonna... have ... to pay... u back." Shocked by the price of that small vase, I had difficulty finishing the last sentence.

"With what money? U can't even afford a proper uniform!" The twins pointed out as they looked at my seemingly filthy attire.

" What do u think we should do Ken?" Hongbin murmurred as he picked up one of the many broken pieces gingerly and examined it closely, as though he could not care less of my currently bad situation.

" U might have heard this saying before, commoner," Ken said as he sat comfortably in his little throne, swiping his golden fringe to the side,"'When in Rome, do as the Romans do.' Since you have no money, u can start by paying with ur body... From now on, u'll shall be our little E. R. R. A. N. D. boy, aka our little dog."

I don't think I can take any more of this Mom. I've seemed to have been abducted by group that calls themselves a host club...

As the boys gathered around HyunJae, who was staring blankly into space, Hyuk poked HyunJae out of curiosity. Weaken by the aftershocks of his situation, his legs gave in and fell to the ground.



"I baked you a cake today Ken, please eat it!" The girl said shyly as she passed the box sheepishly.

"Only if u feed it to me, of course..." Ken said in a mesmerizing tone as he held her face close to his, staring lovingly into her eyes. The girl went totally crazy.

"So... I heard that the host club has recruited a new member?" Hyoyeon said as she settled he cup on the table. Her question had gotten his attention.

"Yes and no. He is part of our host club, but he isn't a host, just our little errand boy... oh, speak of the devil." Ken smirked.

"I'm back with the groceries!" HyunJae said as he passed the bag to Ken, who gave him a thumbs up. Seeing that HyunJae had arrived, Hyuk sprinted excitedly to him.

"Hyunnie! Can you help me take care of my plush toy Rovix?" Hyuk said cutely.

" Hey! Who r u calling 'Hyunnie'?!" HyunJae scolded.

"Plsh?" Hyuk pleaded as he showed me Rovix, a cute little toy.

"Hmmm... I guess he IS kind of cute..." HyunJae said as he leaned closer to get a closer look.

"Huh?" Hyuk looked at his face.

Light Bulb.

"Take good care of him, okay?!" Hyuk pranced off without even waiting for an answer. He looked so much like a little kid.

"Don't let his childish appearance fool you, he is actually Year 4," a cold shiver went down HyunJae's spine as Hongbin whispered into his ears all of a sudden, "Being in the same class with Leo, he is older than the rest of us."

HyunJae stared at Leo as he gave a blank expression while Hyuk did all the talking. He wondered why he could be a host if he acted that way.

" That's because our customers like his cool, strong image." Another shiver went down his spine as he thought that Hongbin was telepathic.

"Hey, Commoner, what's this?" Ken shouted across the room as he waved the litttle brown container in the air. 

"What else could it be? It's instant coffee."

"Wow I have never seen this before..." a small crowd of girls was already whispering among themselves.

"Is this what commoner drink these days? Ken asked nonchalantly as he examined the container, only to have it be snatched by HyunJae.

"Fine, I'll go back to get something else. Excuse me for not buying you expensive coffee."I was about to head out when Ken snatched it from me too.

"No, I'll drink it," the crowd, which has grown in numbers gasped in horror," I shall drink this coffee!" Ken said proudly as everyone clapped for him, like he has done something heroic. Ken ordered me to go help make the coffee,

After a while, the coffee was ready for them to taste.

Ken was the first to try, and he liked it straight away.

Next the hitachi twins also tried and liked it too.

Hongbin tried some too and said that it was a bit too bitter.

Leo tried the coffee too, and he did not mutter a single word, only taking sips after sips.

However, when Hyuk tried it, he had trouble appreciating it. What can you expect from a guy who has a sweet tooth right?

That was when I realised that there was a stage at the end of the room. Sensing that I was intrigued by that prop, Hongbin explained, " We hold short little plays every Wednesday,usually for fanservice. We also do some occasional dances and songs that we composed. Hey, isnt it Wed today? Looks like it was time for our performance. Guys get into places!"

"But Hongbin..." Hyuk interrupted," I don't think I can perform... I have a little tummy ache. I don't think I'm quite used to the coffee yet. I think I need the loo." Hyuk finished in a hurry as he scurried off to the washroom.

Now what should we do? We were lacking of one actor... Hongbin thought as he looked at HyunJae, who looked back, wondering why Hongbin was staring at him.

"HyunJae... I think it is time for you to take up a better role in the host club - an actor."

"Oh okay... Wait what? I'M GONNA ACT?!?!"


Haha, I changed the story a bit. What do u think will happen to HyunJae? Will he really have to act?

Guys, please show ur support by commenting... I really need feedback from u guys!

Okay I gotta slp, Gdnitez!

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JayLurBlu #1
Haha! I like both of them too! thanks! Sorry for not updating though... been kinda busy.
SuperStarKMJ95 #2
I think the story's really good so far ^^ I love Ouran High School Host Club, so it's interesting to see a VIXX version of it!(especially cause I really like VIXX right now)
Update soon!