And They Meet

Reviewing Boyfriend

HwaYoung's POV

The week seemed to fly by. Next thing I knew it was the weekend. That meant it was time to do my next review.

"You should do it on Boyfriend's MV teaser." SangHee said from my bed.

I was on the computer logging into my blog.

"You know that I don't do teasers. Only actual music videos."

"I know, but, come on it's Boyfriend."

I shook my head. I may love them but I can't. I have strict rules to my blog. One of those rules is that I don't do teasers.

Looking through all the comments I saw that the music video for this week would be FT Island's Hello Hello. I've seen the video, but still. I went onto YouTube and played the video.

"This isn't the teaser." SangHee said.

"Exactly, now hush."

I ignored the complaints SangHee made and typed up the review. I posted it then moved out of the way so that SangHee could read it.

"Good, but.."

"Save it, I don't do teasers."

I checked the time and soon I'd have to go babysit Ricky.

"Would you like to babysit with me?" I asked.

SangHee shook her head.

"I'm not much of a kid person."

"Come on, it will be fun."

She gave in quick and we were then on our way. We got there right on time and were left alone with Ricky. He had a book in his hand. The same book as always.

"Is that in english?" SangHee asked.

I nodded and SangHee made a disgusted face. She put in her earbuds and took a seat on the couch. Ricky and I took a seat by her and I read him the book. I was on the last page when there was a knock. I took out one of SangHee's earbuds.

"Go answer the door." I told her.

She got up and groaned as if answering the door was so hard to do. SangHee opened the door and released a scream from as her hands went up and covered it in shock. She then lowered her hands and tried to speak.

"Your- you- B- Unnie!"

SangHee ran over to me and dragged ne to the door. My eyes went wide with shock.

"B-Boyfriend?" I asked.

They were standing in front of me. MinWoo was right there! I feel like I could faint right now.

"Hello, we are looking for Mrs. Park. She's a teacher." HyungSeong said.

I tried to speak but nothing would come out of my mouth. I could only try to not look at MinWoo.

"Aniyo. She won't be back until late." I said staring at the floor.

It was the only way I could speak right now.

"However, you guys are more then welcome to come in and wait here until she gets back." SangHee said.

She sounded surprisingly calm.

"Alright. And there might be a chance that you two could help us."

As they walked in I kept thinking of that Beast song. It was the only way I could remeber to breathe. Breathe in breathe out~

"Ricky, go play with your toys in your room." I told him.

He looked at Boyfriend before walking down to his room.

"Do you mind if we go on the computer?" KwangMin asked.

"Well, it's not really mine. I just babysit my teachers kid."

HyunSeong went on the computer and assured me it was okay because he knew my teacher. With the help of the twins he got onto a website. It looks like... my blog! Did they read my review on them?!? I thought about what I said then looked over at MinWoo. He was just standing, smiling, being his cute self. I turned away when he saw me looking.

"Hey, she has a new review up." YoungMin said.

So they read my blog regularly?

"Omo. Unnie, that's your blog." SangHee said.

The Jo Twins stopped reading and everyone looked at me.

"Your KPReview4U?" All of Boyfriend asked me.

I bit my lip and nodded my head.


MinWoo's POV

We found her. We found her! I smiled wide. This cute girl was KPRevew4U. The twins started to fanboy.

"You are practically famous to us!" KwangMin said. "We've read your blog from the beginning."

"Huge fans." YoungMin said.

She covered with shock.

"I can't believe I was just told that." She said. "Thank you so much."

She took her hands away and I saw a really cute smile on her face. I can make her smile too!

"I also wanted to thank you." I said.

She looked over at me but then looked down shyly.

"He loves being your only bias." JeongMin said slinging an arm around me.

I looked at him in disbelief. He just laughed.

"Just so you know she calls the Jo..."


SangHee's mouth was covered and KPReview4U laughed nervously.

"Just ignore my friend. I'm HwaYoung by the way."

"How old are you?" KwangMin asked.

"I'm seventeen. My birthday is in January." HwaYoung said.

SangHee freed herself and then smiled at me while she spoke.

"I'm SangHee and I'm fifteen years old."

There was an awkward silence as we all just stood there.

"Hey, SangHee, why don't you show us the house?" JeongMin asked with a devilish grin on.

"I don't really know the..."

"That's a great idea!" YoungMin exclaimed, interrupting her.

He and KwangMin each took one of SangHee's arms and dragged her out of the room while she tried to figure out what was going on.

"Let's go take that tour." DongHyun said.

I tried to follow him, JeongMin and HyungSeong but they wouldn't let me.

"You can't take the tour, your not old enough."

They ran out of the room after giving that rediculous excuse.

"Could you be more obvious!" I yelled down the hall.

They left me with HwaYoung. I turned around and when I saw her it hit me. They left me alone with her.

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the feature! N convenienly enuff i was on a Boyfriend feelz roller coaster so it fed my needs ^-^ hahah anyways it was awesome to read and i really liked it! *thumbs up* cant wait to read the sequel!!!
Sammie_17 #2
Chapter 41: Aww, the story was so cute! I loved it <33
& Congrats, of course~ ^-^"
Congratulations~ :D
Congrats! :)
Congratulations on the daily feature!:D
TaoRisPandaLove #6
Congrats :)
congrats ;)
congrats xD
lovelyme23 #9
Congrats~ ♡♡♡