
Reviewing Boyfriend

It was simple really. I'm not sure how we didn't think of this sooner. MinWoo can't leave unless it's with the rest of us. That means we leave together and he meets up with HwaYoung. 

No one besides me seemed to realize that HwaYoung was breaking a rule. I was going to ignore the fact she was here even though she was banned. I felt like she was going to be caught though. 

Grabbing HwaYoung's hand, I left without telling the others. 

"What are you doing?" She asked me. 

"Saving you. Your banned, remember?"

"Oh, that's right." HwaYoung said and took her hand back. 

I stopped running and looked back at HwaYoung. She was walking the other way. 

"Where are you going?" I asked as I caught up to her. 

"The park," She said, "are you coming?"

I nodded so the two of us headed down to the park by her house. We sat on the swings. 

Watching HwaYoung swing, I could tell something was on her mind. 

"Is something wrong?" I asked her.

"I was just thinking. The loophole sounds so simple and obvious. Maybe because it won't work?"

"It will. Trust me." 

"Do you really think you can tell your manager all of you are going out and have him be okay with it. No questions asked?"

"It's all we have as of now. Don't you want to see MinWoo?"

HwaYoung nodded as she stopped swinging. She looked over at me and gave me a smile.

"I think I have an idea," She said. 

I stopped swinging as HwaYoung got off of hers. She stood in front of me and spoke.

"We're going to date," She said.

I couldn't find any words to say.

"D-date?" I asked.

HwaYoung nodded her head.

"At least that is what we tell you manager. He wouldn't suspect that MinWoo and I would date if I'm dating you right?"

I nodded as I tried to follow along with what HwaYoung was suggesting.

"So you want to fake date me but real date MinWoo?"

HwaYoung nodded again then attacked me in a hug,

"Isn't it just perfect?" She asked.

She seems to really be proud of this idea. I just liked that she was hugging me.

"We can't do that," I said finally coming to my senses and pushing HwaYoung away.

"Why can't we?" She asked.

"Because if you try to fake date me I'm going to real date you."

HwaYoung looked at me completely lost.

"Basically I'm saying fake date someone else if you want your plan to work."

I walked away feeling like an idiot.

I thought I was over her. Why can't I just let her pretend to date me? I guess for the same reason I just got done explaining. I'd want it to be real.

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the feature! N convenienly enuff i was on a Boyfriend feelz roller coaster so it fed my needs ^-^ hahah anyways it was awesome to read and i really liked it! *thumbs up* cant wait to read the sequel!!!
Sammie_17 #2
Chapter 41: Aww, the story was so cute! I loved it <33
& Congrats, of course~ ^-^"
Congratulations~ :D
Congrats! :)
Congratulations on the daily feature!:D
TaoRisPandaLove #6
Congrats :)
congrats ;)
congrats xD
lovelyme23 #9
Congrats~ ♡♡♡