
Reviewing Boyfriend

Even though SangHee and the other members of Boyfriend knew, I thought that MinWoo and I would be able to continue dating. Two days later though, their manager came into the ice cream shop while I was working.

"Hello, would you like some ice cream?" I asked as I smiled at him.

He shook his head.

"You two are done." He said.

I knew right away what he meant. I didn't want to believe it though. Someone had snitched.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't act like you don't know. You were there when I told Boyfriend they couldn't date. It's not like MinWoo lied and told you it was okay to date. You knew but the two of you went behind my back. Your going to stay away from the dorm and MinWoo."

"Who told you?" I asked.

Their manager didn't asnwer me. He just left the ice cream shop. I then realized who it was. It had to be KwangMin. He wanted to date me. But telling his manager wouldn't make him allowed to date. And if it was him, it sure as heck did not make me want to date him. My shift was almost over so I left he shop and sent a text to KwangMin telling him to meet me at the park by my house. I sat on one of the swings and thought about my date with MinWoo I had. KwangMin soon came either really happy that I asked to see him and he was clueless or he knew everything and was thinking I'd pick him.

"Was it you?" I asked.

"Was what me?" He asked.

"Did you tell the manager?"

The smile on his face dropped.

"I can't believe her." KwangMin said and kicked the playground in frustration.

"Her?" I asked.

Can he really mean SangHee?

"I told her not to. She said we had to but I didn't want to do it. That was all SangHee."

I got up from the swing and moved toward KwangMin. I stared him down and tried to see if he was lying.

"How can I know your not lying?"

"If I turned you two in, then you'd hate me. You'd never forgive me and you'd never be mine. I had no motive to turn you in. Talk to SangHee and you'll know it was her."

I started to walk away, ready to give a piece of my mind to SangHee if it was necessary. KwangMin grabbed my arm though and stopped me.

"I'm sorry." He said.

I turned to face him and he continued.

"I don't know what SangHee is going to tell you but I want you to know that I didn't know you were dating MinWoo and that you looked happy with him. Ever since I saw you kiss him in the rain, I've been second guessing whether I should give up or not. I still don't have my answer but just know that what I did, was to get you before MinWoo."

He saw me kiss MinWoo? So when everyone else found out, he already knew. I'm surprised he didn't tell me.

"I'll forgive you later." I told him.

I went to SangHee's and found her watching Boyfriend's MV in her room. I went over and x-ed out of the browser. She looked at me ready to yell, but stopped seeing me.

"You thought it was KwangMin didn't you?" She said almost laughing.

"Yes, I did. It was you though, wasn't it?"

SangHee nodded with a smile. It wasn't like her. This wasn't the SangHee that I knew.

"I had to. How can I date MinWoo oppa if he is dating you?"

"Your my friend. Why would you try to steal MinWoo from me. I thought you wanted YoungMin."

SangHee rolled her eyes and got out of the chair. She pointed to her bed and told me to sit. What was going on? Rolling her eyes at me, telling me to sit, it's not her. Still, I sat down on her bed.

"You really think that I wanted him?"

SangHee started to laugh at the thought and I was getting annoyed.

"I didn't. That's what you told me."

She rolled her eyes at me once again.

"Do you not remember? The day that I told everyone you called the twins and I called MinWoo oppa. Clearly, I was going to make him mine. I ran into a bump in the road when we met them though. He wanted you and seeing that he was your bias, you wouldn't turn him down. So I formed a plan. I was going to steal him from you. Mislead you to think I wanted the twins but I never did. KwangMin luckily had a thing for you so I teamed up with him. If we hadn't gotten caught at the coffee shop together, then maybe we could have pulled this off."

"Still, were friends. Why couldn't you have just let me have MinWoo and you could have KwangMin? He's really great."

"Ha! Your so stupid. We were friends because of your blog. I saw it and figured somewhere down the road an idol would read it and I could only get close to them if I was close to you."

This whole time. I thought we were friends but to her, I was just a connection to the world of idols. I couldn't be more furious. I stood up and yelled at her. Letting her know exactly how I felt.

"You are the worst person I've ever met! I can't believe you'd pretend to be my friend just for the chance to meet an idol! What was going to happen if you never met one? If Boyfriend never existed? Were you just going to keep pretending for the rest of your life? You may have broken me and MinWoo up but just made him far from being yours. He'd never go for you because he likes me. You are just a stupid and psycho fan who thinks she has a chance with him!"

SangHee responded by slapping my cheek. I looked at her stunned. She didn't look the least bit sorry for slapping me. If anything, she was glad.

"Maybe he doesn't like me." SangHee said smirking. "His manager does though. I'm pretty sure that makes up for the fact that he doesn't."

Was she telling me that she'd date MinWoo whether he wanted to or not? That she would get their manager to make him? He wouldn't do that. Thier manager would never do something like that.

"I think we're done here so you..."

I cut off SangHee with a hard slap on the cheek. She looked at me in disbelief. I've never hit her. Then again, she never hit me.


Ahh! So I never said thank you for the fact I reached 80 subscribers! :D Thank you to everyone who's subscribed to this story. and thank you for commenting as well! I love reading all your comments (:

Hope you enjoyed this second update! (:

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the feature! N convenienly enuff i was on a Boyfriend feelz roller coaster so it fed my needs ^-^ hahah anyways it was awesome to read and i really liked it! *thumbs up* cant wait to read the sequel!!!
Sammie_17 #2
Chapter 41: Aww, the story was so cute! I loved it <33
& Congrats, of course~ ^-^"
Congratulations~ :D
Congrats! :)
Congratulations on the daily feature!:D
TaoRisPandaLove #6
Congrats :)
congrats ;)
congrats xD
lovelyme23 #9
Congrats~ ♡♡♡