MinWoo's Kiss

Reviewing Boyfriend

HwaYoung's POV

I sat in my empty house and listened to the rain outside as I thought about the almost kiss with KwangMin. The kiss that the second I knew it was coming, I should have stopped him. Sure, I want to kiss a boy in the rain like in movies but that kiss needs to be with MinWoo.

Taking out my phone, I considered calling MinWoo and telling him about KwangMin. He shouldn't be mad at me for liking me. I mean, it's not my fault. After taking a moment to consider, I decided not to. I didn't feel the same as KwangMin so I saw no point. He can try all he wants but I'm not going to chose him.

When MinWoo was finally better 2 days later, I stopped by to see him when I was done at the ice cream shop. Luckily there was no one at the dorm besides him. He seemed so happy to see me. I smiled seeing his smiling face.  

"What's the weather like out there?" MinWoo asked.

"Going to rain. Why do you ask?"

"Because there is something that I want to do."

He grabbed my hand and led me outside.

"You can't be out here. If it rains, it will only make you sick again."

"It has to rain though." MinWoo said.

Before I could ask him what his reason was, it started to sprinkle.

"Come on, we are going inside right now." I told him.

I felt very mother-ish. I tried to pull him back inside but he was too strong. Or maybe I'm just too weak. The rain came down harder and I thought back to when KwangMin and I were in the rain.

"Perfect." MinWoo said.

He pulled me out further into the rain and I didn't fight him. I watch him take in the rain like he loved it.

"Do what you want quickly. You really shouldn't be out here." I said.

MinWoo shook his head

"I have to wait for the right time."

I sighed and decided to leave him out here. I'm lucky I'm not sick and I don't need to be getting sick. MinWoo grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him.

"I think the time is right now." He said.

"Right for what?"

I got my answer as MinWoo made a dangerous move and gave me a kiss. What do you know? A kiss in the rain.

"Right for that." He said.

I took the risk of getting caught and leaned in for another kiss.


KwangMin's POV

I just about lost it when I saw HwaYoung gave MinWoo a second kiss. I got up but SangHee pulled me back down into our hiding spot.

"Stick to the plan." She told me.

"She kissed him. That is just... I can't believe they are really dating!"

"Lower your voice before we're caught and listen. You need to go to your manager about this and get them busted."

"Turn in HwaYoung? I can't do that."

"If you don't, then I will."

I don't think I've met such an evil minded 15 year old like SangHee. If I were to turn in HwaYoung and MinWoo, then they both would hate me forever. HwaYoung can't date me if she hates me.

I watched as the two were now dancing in the rain. MinWoo is such a copycat. I did that first. They were slow dancing though. I didn't do that...

"So I'm turning them in right?" SangHee asked.

"I don't get how turning them in solves anything. I still can't date and MinWoo would be in trouble so he couldn't date you."

SangHee rolled her eyes.

"It all works out in the end. Trust me."

SangHee patted my head before leaving me. I stayed where I was and watched the couple. They looked so cute together. HwaYoung seemed to really like MinWoo. Maybe I should just give up. HwaYoung soon dragged MinWoo back into the dorm so I finally got out of my hiding spot and went up to the dorm. I entered and found MinWoo shaking himself off like a dog and HwaYoung was laughing.

"So, I'm back." I said.

They stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Hey!" MinWoo said all happy.

He has HwaYoung, he should be happy. I looked over at HwaYoung and she was looking at the floor.

"I guess I'll go shower." I said.

I left the two and took my shower. By the time I was done, everyone was back from their seperate activites. MinWoo was actually in the middle of being scolded for going out in the rain by DongHyun.

"What were you thinking going out in the rain?" He asked MinWoo.

I know what he was thinking. He was thinking that he'd kiss HwaYoung in the rain. What I tried to do 2 days ago.

"I was thinking that I loved the rain." MinWoo said.

"We told you not to leave the dorm today." DongHyun said.

"I feel fine. Really, I do." MinWoo said.

"Let's hope you feel that way tomorrow."

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Justmaili #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the feature! N convenienly enuff i was on a Boyfriend feelz roller coaster so it fed my needs ^-^ hahah anyways it was awesome to read and i really liked it! *thumbs up* cant wait to read the sequel!!!
Sammie_17 #2
Chapter 41: Aww, the story was so cute! I loved it <33
& Congrats, of course~ ^-^"
Congratulations~ :D
Congrats! :)
Congratulations on the daily feature!:D
TaoRisPandaLove #6
Congrats :)
congrats ;)
congrats xD
lovelyme23 #9
Congrats~ ♡♡♡