The Blog

Reviewing Boyfriend

MinWoo's POV

JeongMin and I walked into the dorm to see the Jo Twins arguing while looking at the screen of their laptop.

"She clearly doesn't." Youngmin said "It's a joke."

"She doesn't joke. KPReview4U likes him."

"Ani, your wrong!"

"Ani, your wrong!"

JeongMin went over and broke up this arguement before it got ugly. He took the laptop and told them to be quiet.

"Hyung, she reviewed us." YoungMin said.

JeongMin started to read the laptop and had a look of interest on his face. He made room for himselft on the couch and I sort of just kept standing.

"Who reviewed us?" I asked.

"KPReview4U did." KwangMin said. "She reviews Kpop videos and people read her reviews. Including YoungMin and I."

"KwangMin thinks she likes you but I think she doesn't." YoungMin said.

"YoungMin, it's obvious that she likes him." JeongMin said.

He handed the laptop back to YoungMin. KwangMin got up and cheered. I took this as an opportunity to sit next to YoungMin and took the laptop from him. I read over the review. I smiled reading it. A fan. Not that I didn't have any (I have some right?), but reading this brought the realization that I had people who loved me. If not people, then a person.

"Can I read through some of her other reviews?" I asked YougMin.

"Sure, on your own computer." He said. 

He and KwangMin left to tell everyone else about the review.

"Honestly that was a MinWoo review. A five out of five MinWoo review." JeongMin said to me before he left me alone in the room.

Even if I was the center of the review, it was still our group and song that got a review from this girl. That is all that matters. For a moment, I felt like rubbing it in but I decided it was best not to. But wow, this is amazing. We debuted only a few days ago.

I ran to find my laptop and once I had it, I looked her up and found her blogs. I spent the rest of the night reading through all her reviews. Every review she would name her favorite line but never really specify that a certain person sang that line and there was no signs of her being bias towards anyone else. I became really happy. Boyfriend (particularly me) actually were her kryptonite. I was her first bias. As her first bias, I won't let her down.


HwaYoung's POV

I ran onto the street and down some houses. I went up one and got back my breath before I knocked on the door. My teacher answered with her same expression she has on all the time. Everything you do she seems to judge.

"Mianhamnida. I missed the bus." I said.

And the reason for that would be Boyfriend. She let me inside and her little three year old boy came up and gave me a hug. I was here to babysit for her.

"I'll be back by nine as usual." she said. "Call if you have any trouble, but you never do."

I nodded and after she left broke out into 2pm's I'll Be Back. She said it, not me. When my song was over, I knelt down to little Ricky's level.

"So why don't we watch videos?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

"Book." He said in english.

I sighed. His mother was my english teacher. She's teaching him both Korean and English. I can just tell that he will grow to be a teacher.

"One video?" I asked him.

Ricky shook his head and went to go get his book. He came back and I sighed again. It was a Dr. Seuss book.

"Ani. no english." I said.

"English." He said Korean.

This is how I spent my weekends. Halfway through the book I got call a from my friend SangHee.

"Hello." I said.

"HwaYoung unnie! I read your blog just now. I have one thing to say. MinWoo is mine. I'll let you have the other five but MinWoo belongs to me."

She couldn't see it but still I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, have him. It's not like we actually have a shot with him."

"Kamsahamnida! I'll see you at school."

"Alright. Goodbye."

I hung up and saw Ricky looking at me with the same look as his mom.

"I'm sorry. Urgent call."

He pointed to the book and I took a deep breath before I continued to read the book.


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Justmaili #1
Chapter 40: Congrats on the feature! N convenienly enuff i was on a Boyfriend feelz roller coaster so it fed my needs ^-^ hahah anyways it was awesome to read and i really liked it! *thumbs up* cant wait to read the sequel!!!
Sammie_17 #2
Chapter 41: Aww, the story was so cute! I loved it <33
& Congrats, of course~ ^-^"
Congratulations~ :D
Congrats! :)
Congratulations on the daily feature!:D
TaoRisPandaLove #6
Congrats :)
congrats ;)
congrats xD
lovelyme23 #9
Congrats~ ♡♡♡