The Naive and the Girl

After class Ljoe prepared his things to go to the library for his first tutor session with Jiyoung. He was feeling excited and he was grinning to himself. Then Chunji have noticed this and he thought that this rarely happen to Ljoe and the fact that he was being moody a while ago, it's a sudden change of mood because.... of the girl, Jiyoung.

In that moment, Chunji knew that his best friend is interested in this girl 

”Why is Ljoe hyung that excited?” Ricky asked

”Let the boy have fun” Chunji said while smirking slightly.


Ljoe arrived at the library only to find it empty. Neither Jiyoung nor the main librarian isn't in the room. “Huh? Where are the people here, I thought she'd be here” Ljoe said to himself looking around a bit disappointed that Jiyoung haven't arrived yet.

Ljoe just sighed and sat on a table putting his head on the table while waiting. It's been 20 minutes already and Jiyoung haven't arrive yet, and Ljoe is slowly losing his patience”Aish, where is she?? Do I look like someone who waits?” Ljoe hissed under his breath as he got his phone and played with it.

Ljoe is not the type to wait for someone this long; a 20 minute wait is already long. After 45 minutes, Jiyoung arrived catching her breath and looking around to see if Ljoe is still there. She sighed in relief when she saw Ljoe playing with his phone and she ran up to him. 

”I'm sorry” Jiyoung bowed

”I'm sure you waited for so long, I'm really sorry” Ljoe look up at her and said,

 ”Yah! Why are you so late? Did you know that I came in time and I almost went home??” 

”Mianhae, something happened in our section and I have to handle that. It won't happen again” Jiyoung said while still bowing. 

”Tch, forget it. Stop bowing and sit here, let's just start” Ljoe said now being calm while tapping the chair beside him.

Jiyoung sat, she's still panting and she was fanning herself. She checks the time and it's pretty late already, but she can't do anything, she have to tutor Ljoe.

” Ah, it's pretty late, let's get started, ok?” Jiyoung said while spreading the books on the table.

”So what subjects should we start on?” She asked.

 ”Hmm, let's go with Math” Ljoe said while looking at Jiyoung

” Ok math! So what lessons are you in math now? It's algebra right? Factoring isn’t or what.. blah blah?” She asked while preparing the math textbook and other things in a hurry-like way. 

Ljoe noticed this and he grabbed her hand” Hey, calm down. Are you ok?” Ljoe said as he looked at her worriedly Jiyoung frozed at the sudden touch

 ”I-I'm okay, it's just that I usually panic when I'm late and yeah I feel guilty about it. “I'm sorry” Jiyoung said as she lowers her head.

Ljoe chuckled a bit as he thought that how the Jiyoung he met a while ago can change so fast.

 ”She looks so cute right now” he thought.

Jiyoung is really a shy girl, she's not the type who talks back or what. But since she became the class president, she learned how to be scary at times and how to be really kind . She'll get scary and cool when she feels she needs to, but if you get to know her, she's just really shy and cute.

And now, Ljoe have figured this out that fast, he have seen her sweet, cute , shy side in spite of them being together for just less than an hour.

The tutor session continued but at time Ljoe would just stare at her and Jiyoung would usually snap her hands for him to focus.

"When you factor this out it's actually the reverse of the... blah blah blah” Jiyoung continued to talk about the lesson while Ljoe just continued to stare at Jiyoung.

Jiyoung noticed this and snapped her fingers at him "Earth to Ljoe!" Jiyoung said abit louder that startled Ljoe.

"I'm bored, let's not study" Ljoe pouted cutely.

Jiyoung was kinda amused to see Ljoe pouting "W-what no, we need to study or else your mom's going to kill me" Jiyoung said while drifting her looks from Ljoe to the book.

"No, I'll handle that. I'll tell mom that you have taught me well"

 "Aish no, we can't do that"

"I can"

 "No no no"

 "Yes I can, so shut up already and let's go home" Ljoe said seriously.

"Ugh, fine" Jiyoung said while rolling her eyes. Ljoe was smiling by himself because he adores Jiyoung’s cuteness that much, and he doesn’t notice that he was admiring her.

While Ljoe was in his own world..again, Jiyoung fixed their things and prepared to go home. "

“I'll take you home" Ljoe offered to Jiyoung.

"No need, I live nearby, when I say nearby just there on the girls’ dormitory" Jiyoung smiled a bit.

"Really? Then that's good. I'll take you to the dorm"

"Only for girls"

"I won't go inside"

 "But still, I don't want to bother you"

 "You are not bothering me"

 "No , just go ahead and--"

 "Stop arguing and let's just go" Ljoe stopped what Jiyoung will have to say and to stop her from arguing, he dragged her outside the library as soon as she finished fixing their things.

 "Aish this guy, what is he doing??" Jiyoung thought as Ljoe hold on her wrist leading them out of the campus.

"So where's the girls' dorm? Ljoe asked.

 "Uhmm.. I'll lead the way, just let go of my hand" Jiyoung said as she pointed on her wrist that has Ljoe's grip on it.

"Oh sure sorry" Ljoe let go of Jiyoung's hand wrist and scratch the back of his head.

Jiyoung chuckled and smiled at herself as she turns her head away from Ljoe and they started walking towards the dorm.

None of the two bothered to talk; they are both stealing glances from each other which made it more awkward.

(After a really awkward walk)

"We're here~ thanks for dropping me by, and sorry again for a while ago. Next time I will be on time and teach you well! I promise" Jiyoung said and bowed to Ljoe

"Sure thing, tomorrow we'll meet again right?" Ljoe smiled

"We will, same time at the Library.” She nods. “You should get going" Jiyoung replied.

 "No you go in first, I want to make sure you go in safe" Ljoe said while grinning and this made Jiyoung blush abit.

"Oh, ok I'll be going now, see you. Take care"

For the last time Jiyoung bowed and went up to her dorm smiling.

Ljoe was smiling at himself as well. He's so happy still not knowing why…..

(A/N) How can someone be naive huh? ;)


That night, Jiyoung kept thinking about Ljoe’s attitude a while ago. She has noticed him staring at her and stealing glances at her. She’s confused yet she’s having weird feeling around her stomach… is it the butterflies?

“Butterflies? What no! May I was just paranoid because I was late. I should be on time next time..” Jiyoung said to herself and sighed.

“Jiyoung, I suggest, you should sleep now and stop talking to yourself loudly” Joomin her roommate-best friend mumbled.

Jiyoung looked at Joomin and sighed again, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.




Sorry guys super-duper late update!!  I got this chapter written long time ago but I forgot to upload.

Anyway.. If ever my subscribers will still read this story, continue giving feedback please. I want to know what you guys want to happen to them

And tell me if the story line is becoming confusing L



I hope I could update more often. THANK YOU to those who still read my story, love you guys! xx


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vinmya86 #1
Chapter 5: aww.. L.Joe want to stay longer with Jing xD
mrs.Lee just let Byunghun and Jing date, they cute together :D
deedream #2
Chapter 4: They're really cute. I think both of them feel the same feeling. They like each other. Hope that they'll be a couple soon. So l.joe will change a little bit in his attitude because of jiyoung. Khekhe. Thanks for updating. Update soon..
Chapter 4: It's ok author-nim..your subscribers will always wait for it..
L.Joe is crazy about her..
and our Jing too.. cute..can't wait for more to know about their love..
vinmya86 #4
Chapter 4: aww.. L.Joe is too cute >.<
and thanks for update :)
Chapter 3: I've been waiting for this update after all..
Good job author-nim..
vinmya86 #6
Chapter 3: yeay update, its been a while :)
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 2: cant wait next chapter :) i can see love-hate relationship between ji young and L.joe if i'm not wrong :p cant wait for their tutoring scene xD
JingCuteTurtle #8
Chapter 2: nice chapter..... anticipating jing Ljoe will meet . XD
Letterofspring #9
Chapter 2: ouch! cliffhanger!! grrr..hahaha. nice update. Poor Jing, forced to be a tutor for Ljoe.