The Naive and the Girl

Jiyoung’s POV



“If you would like to help me concerning my son…” the directress said, and I just stared at her blankly.

“ Well, my son, Lee Byunghun, well he likes to call himself Ljoe” She continued


“Uhhmm, I think I haven’t met him yet… Anyway what kind of help are you looking for and why me?” I asked her


“Well, I did look out for you asked some teachers and personnel, and you have really good grades and you do know how to balance them and your work in the library. I think that is really awesome of you. And if you agree, you will meet him soon” She explained


“Please Jiyoung.. I’m begging of you. And I think that that child of mine needs a friend and an advisor like you” She said with pleading eyes. She really is desperate… I can see it


I sighed. “Ok ma'am I see, I agree. What do I really need to do anyway?”


“Thank you very much dear! I’m looking forward to you” she said while clapping her hands. ”What you need to do is, tutor him and please accompany him. You won’t be a body guard or something just be his friend. Would that be ok?”


Accompany him? Sure that’s like a body guard. Sigh. “Anything for you ma’am , anyway how about my work on the Library?”


“Oh, you get to work there too, you just need to tutor my son for 3 days a week. I’ll be sorry for you if you’re with him everyday” She looked at me pitifully.


OK that’s scary… what kind of person is this Ljoe? “Sure, when do I start ma’am?”


“You can meet him now. They are at this room” She handed me a piece of paper. “The TT room?” I’ve never knew this room exist…


“Yes. It’s just upstairs.. can you just help yourself? I still need to do this things…”


“Uhmm sure”. I smiled


“Ok, thank you again. It was nice meeting you. And looking forward to your work.” She lend me her hand for a shake hand. I took it and bowed.


“I’ll be going now” I bowed again and exited the room



Sigh.. I did sigh a lot this day.. in just that span of time. Sigh. Well there is no backing out. Why did I even agreed to this that quick.. Aish, nevermind



I walked upstairs and looked for the room. “Is there really a room like that?” When I suddenly passed by a large door, and a sign TT is written at the top. “This must be it” sigh. “Fighting!”


I knock on the door softly… no answers… I knocked again…








Author’s POV




In TEENTOP’s room…..


CAP and Ricky are busy playing video games


Changjo and Niel were doing some arm wrestling


Chunji was busy looking around and looking at himself in the mirror


And Ljoe… sulking


When suddenly Chunji heard a knock on the door. “Oh? Who is that? Yah! Ricky check it ppalli!” Chunji shouted to Ricky. Since Ricky was busy playing games, he didn’t know what’s happening and passed it to Changjo. “Yah! Jonghyun go there and open it”. “Andwaeee” Changjo just continued focusing beating Niel.



“Ugh. Fine, I’ll just open it” Chunji rolled his eyes and goes to the door. When he opened it….

“Oh? Who are you? Why are you here?”


Jiyoung rolled her eyes. “Rude. Anyway, I’m Kang Jiyoung, looking for Lee Byunghun or he likes to call himself Ljoe.. Is he there?” Jiyoung peeked a little

Chunji looked at Jiyoung from head to toe and glares at her. “Why are you looking like that?” Jiyoung asked glaring back


“Nothing.. Sorry a while ago, please do come in” Chunji smiled and bowed like she’s some princess.


Weird.. being rude and now being all I don’t know how to explain. Jiyoung thought as she entered the room


Chunji smirked. This is the librarian right? I wonder what she wants from Byunghun..


Chunji lead Jiyoung to the boys. “Hey guys!! Stop what you are doing, we have some visitor. Show some respect!”


Respect? Pfft. You yourself didn’t show it at first place. Jiyoung thought.


Everyone had their attention on Jiyoung. “Introduce yourself” Chunji said


“Annyeonghaseyo. Kang Jiyoung imnida. Class 2-A.Please treat me well.” Jiyoung bowed " And I’m looking for Lee Byunghun shii”



Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at Jiyoung without saying anything….



So what happens next? 

Lol I'm sorry I'm not good at cutting stories. XD

but please still look forward to the next chapter :))

And see what will happen to Ljoe next

(cr: to the owner)



Thank You for reading






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vinmya86 #1
Chapter 5: aww.. L.Joe want to stay longer with Jing xD
mrs.Lee just let Byunghun and Jing date, they cute together :D
deedream #2
Chapter 4: They're really cute. I think both of them feel the same feeling. They like each other. Hope that they'll be a couple soon. So l.joe will change a little bit in his attitude because of jiyoung. Khekhe. Thanks for updating. Update soon..
Chapter 4: It's ok author-nim..your subscribers will always wait for it..
L.Joe is crazy about her..
and our Jing too.. cute..can't wait for more to know about their love..
vinmya86 #4
Chapter 4: aww.. L.Joe is too cute >.<
and thanks for update :)
Chapter 3: I've been waiting for this update after all..
Good job author-nim..
vinmya86 #6
Chapter 3: yeay update, its been a while :)
vinmya86 #7
Chapter 2: cant wait next chapter :) i can see love-hate relationship between ji young and L.joe if i'm not wrong :p cant wait for their tutoring scene xD
JingCuteTurtle #8
Chapter 2: nice chapter..... anticipating jing Ljoe will meet . XD
Letterofspring #9
Chapter 2: ouch! cliffhanger!! grrr..hahaha. nice update. Poor Jing, forced to be a tutor for Ljoe.