Chapter Three

Luhan, My Dream Blocker.




After the shocking revelation about Kris that made Eun Ji’s life at risk, well here she goes again, searching for a new prospect.


‘Maybe that one? He looks good even if he’s old.’ Eun Ji’s is currently at the beachside looking at one of the guests in the resort, a smile spread across her face when she heard that the guy is widow. ‘But what if he has many children? What if they all have bad attitudes?’ She shook her head with a big ‘No’. Then she turned her head to look for someone else, her eyes widens when she saw Kris walking towards her. ‘Oh no! A killer is coming at me! He shouldn’t –’


“Eun Ji, wait for me babe.” Kris shouted.


Oh no!


“H-Hi!” Eun Ji was force to reply when Kris caught up to her.


“I’m looking for you all over the place yesterday, where have you been?”


“I’m dead tired yesterday, so I-I decided to stay in my room t-the whole day.”


“Okay.” Kris said, nodding his head. “Anyway, can I invite you for dinner?”


“H-huh?” I’m dead! What if he notices something if I try to reject his invitation? “I have a meeting with my boss, you know. S-so I-I think I can’t go out with you tonight.”


“Oh, how sad. Anyway, how about a snack? It’s only three o’clock in the afternoon. Can you give me a little bit of your time?”


“H-huh? I think not now. I have to fix myself for the meeting, you know. My boss will be angry if I’m late. H-he’s very strict, you know?”


“Oh! I think that’s not the proper way of treating an employee as beautiful as you.” Kris said, smiling.


“O-oh, thank you.” Even if you keep flattering me, I won’t fall for you anymore!


“Anyway, how about tomorrow night? Have dinner with me?”


“H-huh?” ‘Gosh! Why does he keeps on nagging, it’s bothering me!’ “Ah, let us see. B-but I’m not so sure, okay?”


“Okay, that’s enough for me. I hope you can make it. Bye for now!” Kris waves his hands as Eun Ji walks away from him.


“Y-yeah.” Eun Ji smiled and wave back at him.


‘OMG! That guy is so stubborn.’ She sighed of relief that Kris haven’t notice anything.


“Yah!” Eun Ji shouted when she suddenly bumped into someone, making her lose her balance


“Oh, I’m sorry!” The guy has a quick reflex, that’s why he’s able to catch Eun Ji before she fell.


“Ouch!” She said. Unfortunately Eun Ji twisted her ankle.


“Hey, what happened?” He asked with a very concern voice.


She immediately look at the guy, his voice was kinda familiar to her.


Then their eyes met.


It was two deep set of eyes, black, and she has that feeling that his gaze went deep into her soul. It was like being hypnotized, because she wanted to keep staring on his beautiful eyes. A set of servant’s eyes, utility, and a poor guy. It’s already their third encounter, but it’s always like the first time for Eun Ji.


“Are you hurt?” He said in a husky voice.


Luhan’s voice was like music in her ears.


“I-I think I sprain my ankle.” Eun Ji replied softly, trying to control her racing heartbeat.


“Let’s go on that shaded area, I’ll look at it.” Luhan carries Eun Ji in bridal position.


“Hey!” Eun Ji finally realizes her awkward position, when she felt like she’s floating in air.


Luhan gently put her down, he kneeled in front of her while touching Eun Ji’s feet. “Where does it hurt?”


“Oh!” His hands are warm, she felt comfortable as she tries to relax herself.


“Here?” Luhan gently massages Eun Ji’s reddening foot.

“Y-Yeah.” She wanted to react, to why does he keeps on touching her foot, were they close to each other? But when Luhan started to his hands, she felt better and it’s so good that it made her close her eyes. She cringed when she felt a little jolt of pain.


“By the look of it, I think it’s a little dislocated, try to relax, I’ll pull it, okay?”




But even before she finishes her words, Luhan already pulled her injured foot.

It made a clicking sound of bones, but it made Eun Ji feel better.


“Alright, it wouldn’t hurt anymore.” Luhan stood up with a smile plastered on his face.


Eun Ji tries to be calm. Luhan is now wearing a sando shirt and same old jeans. But he always looks very fresh and smells so good, his hair is so shiny and fluffy she wanted to touch them plus that close-up smile that’s already starting to make her fall for him.


“T-Thanks.” Eun Ji said while she steps her foot on the sandy beach. She tip toed, she’s afraid that it may still hurt if she fully pressed it down.


“It’s okay! Don’t worry about it, its fine now.” His smile never left his face.


“Are you sure?”


“Of course, try it!”


Eun Ji steps her foot slowly obeying Luhan. She felt a little jolt, but it wasn’t painful.


“See! Try walking.”


She doesn’t know why, but she just followed Luhan’s instruction and yeah her foot is back to normal.


“Wow! You’re good!”


She filled her lungs with some air before looking at Luhan. “Thank you very much!” Eun Ji said with a straight face. “What’s you’re name again?”


“I’m Luhan, and you are?” He held his hand up for the second time, asking her for a handshake.


“I’m just asking for you’re name, that doesn’t mean that I wanted to share mine?” Eun Ji said, she turn around and walk away from him.




She just keeps on walking ignoring Luhan.


‘Hmmm! It’s so annoying!’ Eun Ji keeps flipping around on her bed. ‘Why can’t I remove him from my head?’ She covered her face with her pillow, then after a while, she stood up and went to lean at her window. ‘He’s not the guy for you, Lee Eun Ji. You’ll just live in starvation, if you choose him.’ But even if she keeps on arguing with herself, she can’t forget him. Luhan was like a servant in Eun Ji’s eyes, but he always smells good, and her face reddens when she remembers that he just carried her earlier and was been able to smell his refreshing scent. He has soft skin and strong arms, the thought make Eun Ji more flustered. She face palm her self in embarrassment, oh how she wish to be embraced by those strong arms. ‘Maybe Luhan’s available. And so what if he’s still available? I may be available too, but he’s not good enough for me!’ She keeps on quarreling with herself. ‘Anyway, can I flirt with him?’ She chuckled at the thought.


Her eyes widen seeing a familiar person walking on the beachside. It’s Kris! And… he’s with Minji! ‘Oh no! What if he targeted her!’ She felt very concerned with her friend. She’s walking back and forth in her room, thinking of a way to warn Minji about Kris… or maybe she could ask Xiumin for help. That’s right! She walks outside her room to do the second thing she thought. She needs to talk with Xiumin.


“Sir Xiumin is not here.” A chambermaid said that she run into at hallway. “I saw him yesterday riding a chopper with his wife. He instructed Chen to clean the pool area because there’s a special guest coming tomorrow, why do you ask?”


“N-Nothing.” Eun Ji confusedly said, going outside the hotel.


She saw Minji who’s currently engrossed talking with Kris. They are sitting on the rocky part of the beach and unfortunately Kris has been able to get Minji’s trust and attention. ‘No! She shouldn’t trust him!’ She’s about to go to them, when someone called.




“Huh?” She turned her head to look at the owner’s voice that caught her attention.

It’s Luhan, grinning at her, his hands are inside his jeans pockets while walking towards her. And this time, he’s wearing a v-neck, he looks better and more decent. ‘Anyway, his dress doesn’t actually matter that much, because he looks good in whatever he wears or maybe when he doesn’t wear any shirt too! Oooh!’ That thought make Eun Ji flustered. ‘And goodness, he looks like he just took a bath, his hair are still wet.’ She’s stops for a while until Luhan reaches her.


“Looks like you can’t sleep?” Luhan smiled at her, looking at every part of Eun Ji’s face. She’s really beautiful ‘She takes my breath away!’


Eun Ji’s still stood frozen. She slightly glances at Kris and Minji. ‘Oh no! They are already going to somewhere.’


“Miss! Is there a problem?”


“What?” Eun Ji said averting her eyes and looked at Luhan. “Can you stop bothering me? You’re getting into my nerves.” She complained and then she started walking towards Kris.


“Miss, wait a sec!” Luhan called.


She continues to walk, ignoring Luhan. She’s been trailing Kris and Minji for awhile now. ‘Minji!’ Eun Ji wanted to call her, but she doesn’t want to alert Kris and make the situation more complicated. She stop for a moment to catch up her breath, she’s been walking for quite a while now and notices that no one goes to this part of the beach. ‘No!’ Her eyes widens seeing them going inside a forest. ‘What happened to her? Why would she follow Kris in that forest? God! Where is Minji’s dad?’ Eun Ji was very concerned with her friend and followed them at her own risk.


She felt more scared when she saw Kris grabbed Minji’s hand. She doubled her pace. The forest is very dark, she can’t see where she’s walking, her feet are bruised bumping to several bushes, vines and sharp grasses. She ignored the pain and just continued to follow them. Her heartbeat starts to race in fear. She wanted to go back to call for help, but if she do that right now, there’s less chance of saving her friend. It’s seems that Kris is dragging Minji too fast because they outrun her. They just vanished in the darkness of the night. ‘Where are they?’ She’s panting heavily and decided to rest for a bit.




She stood up hearing someone screamed.


“Minji!” She called.


But after that, she didn’t hear any noise.


“Minji!” Eun Ji forces herself to walk again, this time she courageously traces where the scream came from. She heard someone laughing.


“You’re now mine, baby!”


‘That’s Kris’s voice!’ She slowly walked to where the voice is coming, her knees are shaking but it’s for her friend’s sake. It’s very dark and the moonlight wasn’t helping much on showing her the way, she slid through some bushes and hide there when she saw a tall figure doing something strange. He’s binding someone on a tree.

‘It’s Minji!’ She’s sure that it’s Minji. She’s crying, but she can’t scream for help, there’s something obstructing .


“There!” Kris grinning from ear to ear, he happily appreciates his work.


Minji is leaning on a tree, both her hands and feet are bind tightly with a rope.

‘God! That bastard is treating Minji like an animal!’ Eun Ji’s eyebrows are almost connecting in anger.


“Now, for our finale…” Kris said, grabbing something inside his pocket.


Something metallic flashes in the dark. Minji’s eyes widens, seeing the object in Kris hand.  Eun Ji as well, who’s hiding in the bushes. Eun Ji is sure that it’s a knife he’s holding. Kris held that knife in midair and was about to slash Minji’s throat.


“No!” A screamed escaped Eun Ji’s lips that caught Kris attention. She cupped , not to make any sound escape. ‘Oh no!’ It’s too late, she was caught, even if it’s dark, she knows that Kris was already looking at her.


“Who are you?” Kris started to walk towards her.


She felt that every inches of her body is weakening, she wanted to run and escape but it’s no use, Eun Ji is frozen in fear. A small ray of light coming from the moon passes through the man’s face. She saw Kris grinning and his sharp eyes gazing at her. It made her tremble more in fear, she wanted to help her friend. But the table is turned, Eun Ji is Kris prey now. “K-Kris, please don’t.”  She said, her voice is cracking up.


“Eun Ji?” Kris recognizes her voice. “Hey, it’s you!” A smirk formed on his face. “That’s good, eh! Two birds in one stone.”


Eun Ji gulped, she’s thinking of way to help her friend. And she needs to think fast, it’s a life and death situation, every second count.


“K-Kris, please let her go. She’s too young. J-just take me.” She wanted to regret what she just said.


“Oh, really? You want to be a hero, eh?”


“Kris, why?” Eun Ji asked with pleading eyes.


“Why? Oh, what a silly question? It’s just for fun, baby. You know, I’m a serial killer. My victims are ambitious and opportunistic ladies. You and Minji is my eleventh and twelfth victim. But don’t worry, I’ll give you the honor of being the twelfth. Minji is so easy to kill. And besides, I really like you a lot. I know you’re more ambitious than Minji.”


“N-ho, that’s not true!” She wanted to regret everything, to regret being ambitious and opportunistic, she wanted to change herself if she has given a chance. “I’m not —”


“Just shut up!” Kris shouted. “Now, come here!” He suddenly tries to grab Eun Ji’s hands.


“No!” She was able to avoid his hands and kicked his manhood.


“Ouch!” Kris grabbed his manhood, as he slowly kneels in pain. “D-damn you!”


“Damn you too! Go to hell!” She runs to Minji’s side. “Minji, are you okay?” She quickly removes the cloth that prevents Minji to speak.


“Eun Ji-ah, do it faster! Please… I’m scared.”


“I’m doing my best!” Eun Ji tried not to panic as she removes Minji’s bindings, her hands were shaking.


“Quickly!” Minji struggles to free herself, to be stopped when she saw Kris. A scream escaped her lips. “Eun Ji-ah!! Behind you!”


“H-Huh?” Eun Ji turns her head.


“Damn you, lady! I’ll kill you!”


“NO!!” She screamed seeing Kris besides her. He pointed his knife on Eun Ji. He’s about to stab her when suddenly…




Eun Ji’s vision darkens when she heard someone’s voice. And after that she passed out.



A/N:     (^__^)  Kindly do comment, feel free to ask any question regarding the story. Also, I wanted to give thanks to all my readers, subscriber and those wonderful person who upvoted my story. Thank you very much! I really do appreciate you’re support.


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'Luhan, My Dream Blocker' Chapter Three is added


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Chapter 3: Omo!! What will happen next???
That guy must be luhan! Must must must... Hehehej
Please update soon authornim!!!
yumi-hata #2
Chapter 3: Oh please, the guy must be LuHan. This is so thrilling~
Kris is the bad guy, OMG xD the image suits him though. Sorry Kris.
This is getting really really amazing.
Thanks for your hard work! \o/
yumi-hata #3
Chapter 2: LuHan is quite different from what I thought his personality would be. It's better xD
I thought he would be the quite understandable guy who stays on his own little world, y'know? And it seems that Eun Ji won't change her mind! But I'll shut my mouth and read.... :B
yumi-hata #4
Chapter 1: I'm hoping the guy is Luhan~
When you said the target was Kris I was, like: "oh you didn't!!!" LOOOOL, kidding.
It's just the first chapter and I'm loving it xD
Hello there. I'm just stopping by to give you a friendly reminder that Green Apple Graphics will soon be making room for its second batch, so if you haven't already, please pick up your poster before June 13th.

Thank you. c:
Chapter 3: I bet that's luhannnn
Chapter 3: Omo omo!!!!! Pleased update soonnnn~ is that luhan????
Kpop2000April #8
Chapter 3: Kris , you totally insane . How can you ???! Kyaaaa , luhan's coming to save them ^^ Eunji have to forget her ambition to get a rich boy , luhan's better than a wealth ^^