Chapter One

Luhan, My Dream Blocker.




The first time Eun Ji steps on the shore of Yangyang-gun she already fell in love with the place. She decided to stay there, no matter what.


Yangyang-gun is her ultimate dream to live in.


Fresh air, beautiful scenery and peaceful life.


But it’s not part of her dream to stay as a resort staff. She dreamt of waking up in the morning nothing to do but to stroll around the beach after a delicious breakfast on the terrace of her beautiful home. Then Eun Ji would swim until she felt tired and after that she would lie down to sunbath on the seashore.


Of course, there would be someone to put sun block on her beautiful white skin and that person is the one she would marry. A rich guy that would provide comfort and luxury in her life. Then, when she felt bored, she would be affectionate to him and ask him to tour around the world.


More over, their cute little children would have their own personal maid, so that they won’t make her feel uneasy whenever the couple are out of the country.


She felt very happy just thinking of it, how she wished it’s real. Because when that happens, she doesn’t need to wake up very early and…


“Eun Ji-ah!”


“W-What?” She turned her head to look at the person who called her. “Oh! Minji.” A smile spread across her face seeing the said person who was very close to her and Hyori.


“What are you doing here on the seashore?” Minji sat beside Eun Ji while holding a basket full of clams and seashells.   


“What else? Just staring at the horizon and dreaming. How about you? You’re dad went to the city to ask for your tuition fees this coming school year, right?”


“Yeah.” Minji’s face was sad as she gaze at the ocean.


“Why didn’t you come with your dad? You’re the one going to college, you should ask yourself for the course that you wanted to take.”


“I don’t feel like leaving this place and I don’t want to live in an apartment when I’m going to school.”


“What? Minji, you should be -”


“I know. But, I don’t feel happy to study now that Tao is gone.”


“Yah! Is that the reason why you’re sad? OMG! Minji now that you’re childhood friend is gone, you should forget about him. For sure, he’s flirting around in Seoul right now.”


“Because… I love him.”


“Love? He doesn’t love you.”


“He loves me.”


“As a friend?”




“That’s why you should study hard and find someone that would love you for who you are and not as a friend.  And if it’s okay, find someone rich, so that you can stop making accessories made of clams and seashells.”


“Hey! There’s nothing wrong about making accessories, besides I get profit in making them.”


“Well you’re right. Look! There’s a tourist, go sell them your stuffs.”


“Okay.” Minji quickly stood up and walked towards a couple of tourist.


Eun Ji sighed, as she followed Minji with her eyes. Minji’s life is so simple, she only wanted her accessories to be sold. While Eun Ji on the other hand, after two years of living in Yangyang-gun, she still couldn’t find a rich guy that would marry her. When will he come?


She gazes at the ocean with her eyes widely open and saw a small boat coming to shore.


Maybe I should be serious in searching for my dream guy or else I may end up not marrying anyone.  She smiled inwardly, the thought made her shiver. That’s right, there’s a tourist from Canada staying at a nearby hotel, and he looks young and wealthy. Maybe I should flirt with him a little, a smile crept across her face.


Her smile caught the guy riding on the boat’s attention.  He thought that she was smiling at him, that’s why he also smiled back at her.


Eun Ji felt a little tense, maybe that guy thought that she was a e. Last time that something like this happened to her, a guy tried to give her money in return for her service. Her forehead frowned and she smiled with disgust as she remembers that incident.




“W-What?” She looks up to see guy in front of her. “W-Why?”


The guy was really handsome and also very cute at the same time. He looks hot and y on his white shirt and jeans. And… Oh! God he has pearly white teeth that made his smiles make him look more like a prince charming.


“I just wanna ask if you’re angry with me.”


“Angry?” Eun Ji’s tries to breathe normally, as she recovers from the shock made by this very handsome person.  “Why did you say that I’m angry at you?” She stood up and put her hands on her waist.


And to her surprise, he was taller than her.  Anyway it’s because she doesn’t wear her shoes with three inches heels that made her look taller and more sophisticated when she’s in uniform.


The guy rubbing the back of his head while smiling at her “I-It’s because I saw you staring at me while smiling, then you suddenly frowned and smiled a little weird.”


“Huh? I stared and smiled, then frowned at you?” She doesn’t remember doing that.


“Yeah. That’s why I walked towards you, I’m just curious on your reaction.”


“Duh!” He’s the very definition of the word ‘perfectly handsome’ but that doesn’t mean that Eun Ji should act nice and be giggling in joy because of… OMG! He’s so… I should stop it already and get a hold of myself ‘Lee Eun Ji’. For this guy to think that I would smile at him because he’s handsome? My Goodness!


Eun Ji didn’t dream of flirting with someone like him. As she notices he’s wearing an old shirt and ragged jeans.


“Yah! You’re pick up lines was old and if you like me and want to know me, sorry but you’re not my type.”


“Type?” He’s jaw dropped. “Sorry but you’re thinking wrongly about -”


“Excuse me! You’re disturbing me!” Eun Ji said with her eyebrow twitch upwards as she walks away from him.


The guy scratched the back of his head the second time.


“Wow! A prospect!” A smile spread across Eun Ji’s face, seeing a very tall guy (not just tall, he’s like a tower) going out from the Hotel.


Eun Ji’s eyes never leave her target that’s currently walking along the seashore. How he looks and dresses screams of wealth, like some of the other Chinese business men she met before. Hmmm… What kind of business does he have? Anyway, I don’t care. What’s important is I need a plan to get near with him. Eun Ji, look around for awhile ignoring the heat from the sun.


After half an hour of walking on the beachside, the guy decided to return to the hotel. That signals Eun Ji to execute her plan as she follows him back at the hotel.


“Aaah…!” Eun Ji screamed, when she slips on the shiny floor of the hotel lobby.


“Hey, watch out, young lady!” The guy said, holding Eun Ji in his arms.


“Oh!” She acted shyly as she fixes herself. “T-Thank you. You’re my angel.” She smiled at him while looking at his face.


“You’re welcome. Next time, you must be extra careful, you know. You’re very beautiful, you might break that beautiful face of yours.”


“Oh, thank you!” She said, giggling in joy. “Anyway, I’m Lee Eun Ji. And you are?” Eun Ji held her hand up, for a handshake.


“Oh, I’m Wu Yifan but you can call me Kris, a Chinese national. It’s my pleasure to meet you, Eun Ji. Can I invite you for lunch?”




“Of course!” She quickly replied.


“Well, let’s go.” Kris said, shaking Eun Ji’s hand.



They ate lunch together in the hotel’s restaurant. After eating, Kris asked Eun Ji for a swim and she gladly accepts.


Kris was handsome, kind and a gentleman. And it made Eun Ji to be more determined with her plan.


“I’m a widow and have a son.” Kris said, they are sitting on the sands, gazing at the sunset. “But at the moment I’m looking for a woman that would become the mother for my son and of course my wife.”  


“Really?” Eun Ji is smiling brightly, pretending that she’s engrossed on listening at Kris stories.


“Yup! And I think I found her.” Kris turned his gaze to Eun Ji, looking at her with eyes that say it’s her.


“Huh?” She smile inwardly, she should be very happy but she felt nothing towards Kris.


“And hopefully, in the coming days I will be able to make her fall in love with me.”


Eun Ji felt more uncomfortable but it’s her chance to make her dream come true.


“So, it’s you’re turn now to tell me you’re story.” Kris said.




“I want to know more about you.”


“….” What could she tell him about her? That she’s a daughter of a house maid, that’s she’s been able to finished college with the help of a full scholarship? Luckily she’s very smart. “Uhmm… I’m an only child.” Well that’s true. “My father died when my mother is still pregnant, that’s why she’s the only one who took care of me.”


Eun Ji told many stories about her, but she’s cautious enough not to spill with the fact that she was poor to Kris.



A/N:     First chapter (^__^) I hope you like it and kindly leave some comment for me to read, I would really appreciate it. Kamsahamnida!!!


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'Luhan, My Dream Blocker' Chapter Three is added


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Chapter 3: Omo!! What will happen next???
That guy must be luhan! Must must must... Hehehej
Please update soon authornim!!!
yumi-hata #2
Chapter 3: Oh please, the guy must be LuHan. This is so thrilling~
Kris is the bad guy, OMG xD the image suits him though. Sorry Kris.
This is getting really really amazing.
Thanks for your hard work! \o/
yumi-hata #3
Chapter 2: LuHan is quite different from what I thought his personality would be. It's better xD
I thought he would be the quite understandable guy who stays on his own little world, y'know? And it seems that Eun Ji won't change her mind! But I'll shut my mouth and read.... :B
yumi-hata #4
Chapter 1: I'm hoping the guy is Luhan~
When you said the target was Kris I was, like: "oh you didn't!!!" LOOOOL, kidding.
It's just the first chapter and I'm loving it xD
Hello there. I'm just stopping by to give you a friendly reminder that Green Apple Graphics will soon be making room for its second batch, so if you haven't already, please pick up your poster before June 13th.

Thank you. c:
Chapter 3: I bet that's luhannnn
Chapter 3: Omo omo!!!!! Pleased update soonnnn~ is that luhan????
Kpop2000April #8
Chapter 3: Kris , you totally insane . How can you ???! Kyaaaa , luhan's coming to save them ^^ Eunji have to forget her ambition to get a rich boy , luhan's better than a wealth ^^