
My secret: My prince in disguise

Heeyoung and Kai were MIA for a week in the university as well as Luhan, Sehun and Kris while Meihan was stuck in homeschooling because of her condition. She’s almost due and Kris was acting alpha on her, not even letting her go to the bathroom herself. Meihan was still sulking about it but ever since she had her dizzy episodes due to stress and over worrying but kept quiet about it because the way Kris sobbed when he found her on the floor of their room broke her in many ways.

Aside from Meihan, the others were busy with the preparations for Jongin’s official return as himself and with the revealing of the heir’s examination. Heeyoung and the board members all agreed to reveal the heir’s exam to the public in order to explain what happened to Heeyoung and Jongin. This not only meant for the revelation of the empire’s most hidden secret but also meant that Jongin will be the last person to go through it.


The public was throwing judgement everywhere the company and the stocks had continued going down but the board members managed to hac¡ve control over it by talking to their principal investors about the issues. It was a mess but Heeyoung and the board members worked together to fix everything up, even the ex-directors like Mr. Xi, Mr. Wu and Mrs. Kim helped the young generation out. And with their hard work and perseverance, the Kwon Empire they all love and protect was out of danger.


Joy went in school the third day after the scandal and to her surprise, almost everyone in the university took her side and insulted the CEO of the KE. Some of them even invited her to lunch but she decided to stay on her own. She was getting worried about Kai and tried to get in touch with him but his phone was turned off and she had a hinch where he was but she denied to acknowledge the truth. Instead, she decided to wait for Kai to return to her as she knew it was impossible for him and Heeyoung to be together because of the crisis they’re going to face in exchange of it but when a week passed without any word from him, she decided to pay the Kwon Empire a little visit.


It was already in the afternoon and Joy planned to skip the last period to go to KE. She went to the gates and greeted back everyone who cheered on her when a black luxurious sports car came into their campus catching everyone’s attention. Everyone was murmuring about the owner of the black car that stopped in front of the main building and not long after, Kai came out of it, surprisingly, with a big smile on his face.

He ignored the murmurings around him and hurriedly opened the other door and shortly, Heeyoung came in sight, earning more gasps from the students.

Joy didn’t saw this coming but she wasn’t surprise either. She didn’t know what the two were planning but she had a bad feeling about it. She was about to approach the two of them when the two went pass her, holding each other hands, ignoring everyone around them.

Joy heard something in her crack as she watched the two walked into the building. She can hear whispers around her and pitiful stares of their schoolmates towards her. She didn’t even realized she was already crying until one of their schoolmates told her that she was the one for Kai and started insulting Heeyoung. She knew everyone was just pitying on her so she shurgged the girl’s hand off her shoulder and ran away from the campus.


On the other hand, Jongin and Heeyoung were quietly walking towards the director’s office. They were going to officially enlighten the director about their situation and change Kai’s name into his real one.

“You okay, princess?” Jongin gave Heeyoung’s hand a squeeze and smiled despite of the chaos happening surrounding him. Heeyoung smiled back and assured him with a smile that she was all okay. She didn’t speak though, because she was still nervous and didn’t trust herself to talk. Jongin might get worried about her and he didn’t want that. After all, he has been worrying about her for the last week.

“Don’t worry. Everything will go back to their places.” Jongin assured and knocked on the door of the director’s office.


“It is a pleasure to be of your service Kang Jo Joong or should I say Kim Jongin. You are a good student and I hope that going back to your real identity won’t change that.” the director said happily and Jongin just nodded with a wide grin. They explained everything to the director and presented some papers stating the legitimacy of the last heirs’ exam.

“But what about the press? The public still thinks you’re Kai and Ms. Heeyoung’s cheating on her fiancée which is not true.”


“Please don’t worry about that. I’m sure everyone’s seeing the news now. We’ll start attending classes tomorrow because we still have a conference late tonight. We’re planning on telling the public about the heirs’ exam.” Jongin told as Heeyoung listened to them talk.

“Good luck for the both of you then. I’ll personally go and change your name on the students’ list. Welcome to our university Mr. Kim Jongin.” The director told and stood up, holding out her hand and Jongin stood up as well and shook it. “Thank you.”


Joy watched the news in her apartment as tears fell from her eyes. “So you’re hers right from the beginning.” she whispered to herself as she stared at Jongin and Heeyoung’s faces as they talk to the public, never letting go of each other’s heart.

The two have explained everyone about the hair’s test and presented a legal document of its relevance. Then, they apologized for lying to the people and confusing them. It was causing mixed reactions but since the accusations of Heeyoung cheating was proven wrong and her image has been restored, there won’t be any problems for them.


“I fought a losing game after all that.” she told herself as she laughed bitterly.


“I’m sorry Joy.” Jongin and Heeyoung stood outside Joy’s apartment. Her name was cleared by the company too saying that she was only helping them out for Jongin to not fail the exam but still, ever since Kai came back with his real identity, Joy was never seen on the campus nor at work. Three weeks exactly.

“Can we come in?” Jongin looked at her with pleading eyes and Joy silently let them in.


There was a heavy silence as the three of them sat on the living room until Heeyoung spoke.

“I’m very sorry Joy. It wasn’t our intention to lie to you.” the princess told but Joy only shook her head.

“No! Please don’t apologize. I’m the one who should be sorry.” she smiled bitterly, still not looking at the two in the eye. “I got blinded with my feelings and forgot how a human should act. I’m ashamed.” she added, trying hard not to cry. She meant what she said but all are done and there’s nothing she can do to redeem herself for it.


“It’s okay.” Heeyoung immediately forgave her and Jongin gave her hand a squeeze.

“Princess.” It’s still a wonder to Jongin on how kind his fiancée can be. Not only did Joy betrayed her but also tried to break them apart.

“It’s okay Jongin.” the princess gave him an assuring smile. “It’s not entirely her fault. She didn’t know I was Daran and we lied to her too.” she told and Joy felt guilty.

“Please don’t apologize Heeyoung.” Joy told. “I know you guys lied to me. But it was unavoidable. You needed to do it. And to be honest, I only used Daran as an excuse to hate on you and to get what I wanted. I’m not mad at you because you hurt my friend Daran. I was hating because you have what I wanted and for that, I am very sorry.”


“You’re forgiven Joy. Please don’t worry about that anymore.” Heeyoung held her hand out for Joy. “Can we… perhaps be friends again?” she asked with a hopeful smile and Joy happily took it.

“Of course, Heeyoung.” Joy told smiling back before she got reminded of something. “I have to tell you guys something too.” she added before looking at the two. “I’m--I can’t stay here anymore.” she said and Heeyoung frowned.


“But why?”

“It’ll be awkward and I need to get away to move on.” Joy brushed the awkwardness with a laugh. “I’m thinking of getting that school program this year. Maybe that’s what I really need.” she explained and Heeyoung didn’t have the heart to stop her.

“If that’s what you want, then we won’t stop you.” she told and squeezed Joy’s hand. “But remember that if you need something, we’ll always be here for you.”


Joy chuckled at Heeyoung and playfully hit her hand. “Why are you so kind hearted Heeyoung? It really makes it hard to hate you.” she joked and Heeyoung only blinked, confused.

“Thank you Heeyoung and Ka-- I mean Jongin. For everything.” Joy chimed. There was still a trace of hurt in her voice but it was sincere. “And I’m sorry, for everything too.”


A year later...


“KRIS YOU BETTER GET YOUR DRAGON HERE THIS INSTANCE OR I WILL DIVORCE YOU. YOU HEAR ME GIANT?!” Meihan’s voice was heard even in Heeyoung’s office and Kris sighed before standing up from the sofa.

He needed to pass Heeyoung some papers and he only got there five minutes ago but his wife was already shouting for him.


Heeyoung chuckled at him and patted his back. “Be strong Kris. Fighting!” she told and the 22 months old girls copied their aunt. “Papa!” they giggled and went towards the door, following their father.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay with them, Heeyoung?” Kris unsurely asked.

Meihan has a doctor’s appointment and the twins disliked going to the hospital so they had to stay with someone. The twins’ nanny was sick, leaving them no choice but to leave them with Heeyoung who gladly offered them help.

“Of course! I’m sure our princesses will behave themselves and Jongin oppa will buy us some ice cream because of that, right girls?” she asked the twins who responded uniformly.

“Thanks Heeyoung.” Kris smiled and ruffled the CEO’s hair before picking up his little angels and gave them both kisses before going out.


Heeyoung let the twins play around her office while she did some paperworks when Luhan came in her office all stressed out with a bunch of papers in his hands. The twins, seeing their beloved uncle ran to him and clung on his legs.

“Uncle Lulu!! Uncle Lulu!!” the twins jumped up and down, wanting their uncle to carry them.

Luhan sighed before walking with much difficulty, with the twins dangling on his legs, towards Heeyoung’s desk and dumped the papers there while Heeyoung watched him amused.

“Aigoo you sugarplums!” Luhan finally carried the two who giggled and rained him with kisses.


“What’s all this gege?” Heeyoung asked, eying the papers and Luhan rolled his eyes. “You have to recheck them first before signing. It’s about the Island we’re buying in SouthEast Asia.” he told and Heeyoung nodded.

“That’s Jongin’s job though. He’s in charge of that.” she told but she still looked at it anyways.


“I know but since his office is on the other floor and it’s too far, I decided to just dump these here. He’ll come by for sure.” he shrugged and spun around for the twins who shrieked in surprise.

“How’s my little monsters?” he asked the twins and the kids started telling their stories at the same time. Words aren’t pronounced properly yet and there was a mixed of Korean, English and Chinese but Luhan pretended to understand everything.

Ever since the twins was born, Luhan only live to please them. He’ll give them whatever they want and no one will can stop him. Even Meihan and Kris can’t scold the kids without Luhan cooing on them.


“They really love you a lot gege.” Heeyoung giggled as she watched Luhan get squished by with hugs by the twins and Luhan smugly agreed. “Of course, these monsters are my minions. Aren’t you?” he told and the kids happily agreed. To them, uncle Luhan is the coolest in the world. Yes, cooler than their Papa and Prince Jong.

“Are you joining us with dinner?” Heeyoung asked and Luhan winked at him.


“Never miss it for the world.” he replied and put the kids down, who raced themselves to the other side of the office. “Besides, I need to know what’s wrong with the mother monster. She’s been feeling ‘ty’ lately, according to her.” he added and looked at his watched before hissing. He turned to his cousin with a frown.

“Did I ever told you how I hate meetings?” He asked making Heeyoung chuckle.


“I believe you did.” the CEO chimed. “Many times.” she added and Luhan groaned.

“But did I ever told you how I hate meetings with some businessmen and their daughters?” he tried again and Heeyoung raised a brow.

“Is uncle trying to pair you up with someone already?” she asked.

“They’ve been doing that since the twins are born.” he replied ruffling his hair messily. “Sometimes, I just want to fall somewhere and break a leg so I don’t have to go on those meetings. I’ll get married whenever and whoever I want damn it.” he whined and Heeyoung felt sorry for her cousin.

“Want me to talk to uncle about it?”

“No thanks. I’ll handle it myself.” he told and ruffled Heeyoung’s hair one more time. “I gotta go now, I’ll see you at dinner.” he told.

“See you gege.” Heeyoung smiled at him and watched her cousin pepper their nieces with kisses and went out of his way to the meeting he was talking about.


The year has been quite peaceful ever since Jongin’s return. Heeyoung was again accepted by the public and apologized for wronging the young CEO. Then, after Jongin officially became one of the board members, he began proving himself to the others. Adjusting to his old life was hard but with everyone’s help, he managed to adapt well and catch up with everyone.

Everyone continued with their studies and in 8 months time, they are finally going to graduate. It was hard studying and working at the same time but the youngsters handled it very well. They even impressed their parents by breaking records and exceeding their expectations and achievements, making the whole empire flourish.


“Imo.” Fei tugged her aunt’s dress making Heeyoung look down. Her nieces are both looking up at her with their big round innocent eyes, making her smile. They sure look beautiful like their mother and they have their father’s nose and lips. She was happy for the kids, knowing that they will never go through the heir’s exams. These children nor her future ones,

hers and Jongin’s.


This is a pretty much boring ending but I'm too pressued to make an interesting one

Sorry to disappoint guys. OTL

Maybe I'll re-write this in the near future?


But for now I'll leave this be.


The story has reached its end and I would like to thank all the readers, silent or not, subscribers, upvoters, comment-aters and everyone who supported this story from the beggining til the end.

I'll work hard with my other stories and I hope to see you all there too

Again thank you very much and please support by upvoting this story and it's first book.


Love me Right <3 ~





Oh... and Heeyoung's not pregnant...yet LOL

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I just finished the whole plot for this sequel guys!! keeo thise comments and upvotes comming ^^/ coz more good n bad things will come heuheuheu ♡ me well


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Chapter 42: Hahaha, tqsm for this story, I really loovvvveee it ❤️❤️❤️
14 streak #2
Chapter 42: Love the ending!! Wish you included heeyoung being pregnant haha... Or a epilogue or a sequel xD
Can't wait to reread this and the prequel/heeyoung's story in the future!!
This story is really nice!! I love ittt
Jjongshi #4
Chapter 42: Really??!! I need little jongin and heeyoung~~
Chapter 42: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! I 'm squealing like idiot here!!!
Chapter 28: Awww i really love and adore #meiris couple
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww was sooooooooooo beautiful storyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ <3 i like very mush!!!! bravo author-nim \(^_^)/
Jennol #8
Chapter 42: Please make the special chapter!!and i really like your stories my secret and the sequel .Authornim jjang
singingpromises #9
Chapter 42: Thanks for the awesome story!!!!
PinkInnocence25 #10
Chapter 42: Yes i've finished this awesome/ romantic/ funny story and i can't believe that i've finished this in only four days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good/ excellent story authornim <3 <3