Insecurities vs Love

My secret: My prince in disguise

It took them a while to catch up and finally separate from each other. Heeyoung was thankful the chef didn’t go out or she might’ve seen something she shouldn’t.

With Jongin’s lead, the couple sat back in their table awkwardly. He was still holding Heeyoung’s hand tightly but now, they can’t seem to meet each other’s eyes.

Jongin refused to let go of Heeyoung' s hand and the guilty look on his face was reflecting Heeyoung's tear stained one. It was silent and for the both of them, this silence is one of those painful one.


"Heeyoung-ah" He called but the girl only responded with tears making him panic.

From the kiss and how Jongin’s held her hand, she was sure he was there to stay. It made her happy but it was also breaking her heart knowing how much Jongin has to sacrifice just for them to be together. She knows how he’ll always get the short end of the stick and Heeyoung loves him so much it hurt not being able to give him all the happiness in the world.


"Oh no. No. No. No. No. No. Please don't cry. You know I hate to see you crying." he said as he wiped her tears away only to be replaced by fresh ones.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you and I ignored you.  I was busy and-- No wait-- DoHee. I need to explain about her first right?" He was panicking and blabbering as he wiped Heeyoung's face. "Well... She's not my girlfriend -- that's kind of obvious since I'm engaged with you—but they don't know – and I just want to announce it to the whole word sometimes but I can’t because I’ll lose you—“ he was getting more and more nervous every tear drop falls in his love’s eyes.

Ruffling his hair in frustration, he continued. ". I'm blabbering again and you won't understand me. Oh god, Heeyoung. I love you and I won't ever leave you or exchange you for nothing." That was the best words and sentence he could construct that moment and he knew he messed up.


The guilty thoughts of Heeyoung misunderstanding the situation and getting hurt was already stabbing his heart and he could feel it crack every time he heard her sniffled. He was mentally preparing himself to beg for forgiveness and do everything it takes for her to feel better. He was also preparing to cling on her just in case she stands up to leave when he heard a small chuckle followed by a sniffle.


Heeyoung wiped her tears away and looked up, meeting eyes with her beloved. “I’m sorry, Jongin. I was selfish.” She smiled bitterly and that made Jongin terrified.

He knows how insecure Heeyoung is even though she didn’t have to feel insecure about anything at all. She’s perfect and she should really see how Jongin looks at her. She was the most selfless and kindest person she met his entire life and he just couldn’t believe she thinks like that to herself. Like what part of her makes her think like that? Jongin didn’t know. But he was 1000% sure it’s far from the truth.


“No. no no no. Who told you that?” He kissed her hand. “Jagiya. You are the most compassionate, selfless and kindest person alive. You can’t even ignore an injured beetle and tried to treat it when it’s not even injured since it was not a fully developed one.” He said, trying to convince her otherwise of what she was thinking.

He was responded by silence and had to hold his love’s face to maintain eye contact. “Heeyoung. Say something.” He urged her to talk, aware of how she keeps everything all to herself.


“But I made you leave everything you have Jongin.” She mumbled and squeezed his hand. “Even before the test. I was already being unfair to you. You love going to arcades, driving, travelling but I kept you with me locked up in my office. You don’t like following orders from anyone but I made you follow because of my work. You love taking naps in your cozy bed. But what did I do? I made you move out from your house, away from it and your mother. Your favorite naps became falling asleep because of boredom where you’re all bent on the set in my office even if it was already late at night. You used to love cuddling, Jongin. But I couldn’t give it to you because I’m always working and we can’t be seen like that in public because of my image.”

She looked at his eyes in pain. “You used to be free and happy Jongin. But then, I decided to keep you all to myself and make you do things you hate and go through so much hardships. I love you Jongin. So much that it hurts me to see you suffer just because I want you to be with me forever.” She cried and Jongin stared at her in silence.


God knows how it breaks his heart seeing her miserable like this and all because he failed to show her his feelings.

With this, Jongin wiped Heeyoung’s tears away and gave her a short-loving kiss. Heeyoung responded to it and they both gazed in each other’s eyes afterwards.

To Heeyoung’s surprise, Jongin was smiling. It was so beautiful she hated herself for making that being suffer. He deserves nothing but happiness and she failed to give it to him.


“Miss Kwon Heeyoung.” He called her name and her heart skipped a beat. Only him can do amazing things like that to her.

“And future Mrs. Kim Heeyoung.” He cupped Heeyoung’s face and made sure their gazes are fixed on each other. “Listen carefully to what I have to say and remember it always, ne?” he cooed and the girl nodded sniffling.

“You’re right.” He said. “You know me too well to know that I do love going to arcades, go driving and travelling. But all of that wouldn’t be the things I love to do if it’s not done with you. I like going to arcades because there, I can show off to you my gaming tricks and see you smile whenever I win and pout when I lose. I like road trips because I know that you’ll be sitting next to me inside my car for hours and will be there wherever I go.” He pecked her lips and didn’t let go of her face.

“Sure, we were almost always locked up in your office but it’s not because you locked me in there. It’s because I want to be there knowing I could be with you at all times and I prefer to be locked up in a room where there’s you than to be free outside without you by my side.” He was slightly blushing saying all these cheesy things but for Heeyoung he’ll be glad to embarrass himself just to see her smile.


Heeyoung was touched by his words and the insecurities jammed inside her heart were starting to fade. “J-Jong—“ She was about to say but got cut by Jongin’s lips.


“I’m not done yet, princess. Let me finish, ne?” he smiled again and pecked Heeyoung’s lips before continuing his tacky speech.

“Yeah. Everyone knows I hate being told what to do but if you tell me to jump off a bridge, I’ll do it laughing if it means to see you happy. I’d rather follow rules and be someone perfect for you than doing what I want and cause you trouble.” He chuckled and pecked her lips once again.

“And you’re very right about naps. I love taking naps in my king size bed back at the mansion and I can do it for 3 whole days if I want to. But only because I know you’ll be sleeping beside me and I’ll wake up seeing your face. I love my bed just because your scent stays there after nap time and it makes me feel warm and comfortable. The sofa in your office might be too small for me to take naps on but knowing you’ll be there when I wake up is everything that matters; us cuddling in that small set is just a plus though, but it’s my favorite part of the day besides your morning and goodnight kisses.”

“And of course, I love cuddling. You’re a living testimony of how I love it. But that’s because the one I’ll be cuddling with is you. And I’m willing to wait for a long time just to hold you in my arms. And I don’t do it in public not because of image or because I care of everyone’s opinion. I don’t do it because I want you to be seen as the elegant and respectable woman that you always are. I want those moments we have to be something intimate, that only us will be the witness. But if you want to broadcast it to the world, I wouldn’t mind.” He winked at her.

“And you’re right. I used to be free and happy. But after I met you I learned that freedom isn’t everything and happiness is an understatement of what I feel when I’m with you.” “I was free and voluntarily walked into your cage because I want to and I knew you’d be there and I’ll be yours. For me, Heeyoung-ah, I prefer to live in a cage, be wrapped in chains, go through hardships and do things I find really annoying my whole life if it means being with you because you’re my ultimate happiness.”


“I love you so much Heeyoung… to the point where I won’t be able to breathe without you. And it hurts me to see you cry because I make you go through these hardships and because I failed on telling you how I feel.” He uttered before letting their lips meet each other again and again to their heart’s content.


“Where did Kai go?” DoHee pouted causing Meihan to scoff loudly. The model turned around and looked at her but Meihan remained unfazed and gave her the best poker face she has.

Kris had a different class on the second period so he had to leave Meihan who has the same class as the new student.


“Excuse me. But is there any problem?” DoHee asked her and Meihan pretended not to fully catch her phrase.

“Pardon? You’re incompetence stands out too much; I couldn’t catch what you said.” The doll like blonde responded, hiding her smirk when the model furrowed her eyebrows.

“Sorry, what?” DoHee was lost of words. *Did I hear her, right?* she asked herself. *Who’s this annoying ?*


*Oh gosh. I always knew she’s deaf.* Meihan rolled her eyes and gave the model her fakest smile. “Oh, I said. Your pencil fell on the floor.” She pointed something on the floor near DoHee and the model’s face lightened up, thinking she misunderstood the first phrase.

“Oh. Thanks.” The model said before crouching down to look for the pencil but saw nothing. *Oh? It’s not here.*

“There’s no pen—“  She was about to say but found the one she was talking to gone.







*Stupid. You came in without bringing anything so why’d you have a freaking pencil? I swear if Jongin replaces my cousin with that brainless duck, I’ll throw him in the Pacific Ocean myself.*



I just couldn't leave it like that so here you go ^^

Love me well

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I just finished the whole plot for this sequel guys!! keeo thise comments and upvotes comming ^^/ coz more good n bad things will come heuheuheu ♡ me well


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Chapter 42: Hahaha, tqsm for this story, I really loovvvveee it ❤️❤️❤️
14 streak #2
Chapter 42: Love the ending!! Wish you included heeyoung being pregnant haha... Or a epilogue or a sequel xD
Can't wait to reread this and the prequel/heeyoung's story in the future!!
This story is really nice!! I love ittt
Jjongshi #4
Chapter 42: Really??!! I need little jongin and heeyoung~~
Chapter 42: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! I 'm squealing like idiot here!!!
Chapter 28: Awww i really love and adore #meiris couple
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww was sooooooooooo beautiful storyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ <3 i like very mush!!!! bravo author-nim \(^_^)/
Jennol #8
Chapter 42: Please make the special chapter!!and i really like your stories my secret and the sequel .Authornim jjang
singingpromises #9
Chapter 42: Thanks for the awesome story!!!!
PinkInnocence25 #10
Chapter 42: Yes i've finished this awesome/ romantic/ funny story and i can't believe that i've finished this in only four days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good/ excellent story authornim <3 <3