
My secret: My prince in disguise

“Oh, Kai!” Dohee smiled when she saw Kai sitting at the last line. Everyone immediately turned to the model and Kai had no choice but to return a forced smile.

“Hey.” He said with almost no emotion and it kind of bothered him that Heeyoung didn’t turn and gave him the reaction he was expecting.

The entire class was looking at him, interested on his relationship with the famous actress, except for the person who should be the one who should be reacting. But then again, they are strangers to each other in others’ eyes and her turning around will might cause trouble because why would the engaged young CEO care of the university’s model and the famous actress’ relationship.

That moment, he didn’t know what to feel anymore. Should he get hurt because Heeyoung didn’t even flinched when a hot actress is waving at her fiancée or should he feel relieved because she trusts him and that she’s still putting up with the act of them being strangers? Or maybe, he should feel nervous because Heeyoung got better with hiding her emotions. What if she’s feeling conscious right now? What if she’s mad at him? What if she’s mad?


So many questions invaded his mind that he didn’t even hear Dohee announce the whole classroom that she and he are dating.

But worst of all, he didn’t hear his princess’ heart breaking into pieces.




“That son of a—“ Meihan was breathing hard and glaring at everything she saw. Kris was already holding her waist just to make sure his girlfriend won’t run off and murder the new thing in the university the ‘KaiHee’ couple.

Even though it could be mistaken as Heeyoung and Kai, no one actually thought about it. It was impossible, Kai and Heeyoung doesn’t even know each other. Well, that was the whole uni knew, with the excemption of Heeyoung’s subordinates and Kai himself.


“I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding.” Luhan ruffled Heeyoung’s hair and pulled his cousin’s head to his chest to hide her sad face.

The fact that Kai just sat there while the actress told the class their relationship felt like a hard punch on the princess’ heart. He didn’t even deny it, but he didn’t confirm it either. And for Heeyoung, she prayed and still hoped that Luhan’s words are true. That this is all a misunderstanding and that Jongin’s heart still belongs to him.


When Heeyoung thought the day couldn’t get any worse, Kai and his new girlfriend came out of the building with the girl clinging on him. His face was dark and Heeyoung was sure she saw his eyes water when their eyes met as the ‘couple’ walked pass them to his car.

Heeyoung looked away. She couldn’t look at him with another girl and Luhan hugged his cousin for comfort, mentally telling Jongin that he better have very good explanation about this or he will end him.


“Can I go to the office earlier?” Heeyoung tried to change her cousins’ focus. “I want to finish everything early and go home early. I’m feeling tired.” She told and they all understood why.

“We'll straight home baby monster. We’ll cover up for you.” Luhan rocked her side to side. “Meihan and Kris will do our work today.” He added and the blonde couple turned to him with wide eyes that met Luhan’s.

Meihan pouted and looked at her cousin before sighing. “Don’t worry, Heeyoung-ah. I’ll do you work today and Dragon will help me.” She assured, mentally reminding herself to beat her brother later at home.

Luhan smirked at the couple before hugging their cousin close. “Now, let’s go and play. Then we’ll go home and rest.” He chimed and pulled Heeyoung with him to who knows where leaving the blonde couple at the parking lot dumbfounded.


“Remind me to kill him once I get home.” Meihan watched her cousin and twin brother drive away.

“Let me join the action, love. I’ll enjoy killing that kid.” He said and took hold of Meihan’s hand leading them both to the secretary’s office to tell that they have to go to work earlier.

“I’ll kill Jongin and that duck-headed girlfriend of his too.” Meihan said full of determination and Kris gave her hand a squeeze.

“He better have a good reason or I’ll be the one killing him.” Kris said and for once, the couple agreed to one thing: Killing Jongin if he’s really cheating on their precious CEO/cousin/friend in which Kris was sure Jongin will never do.




“Ugh!” Meihan huffed as she threw the dart on the board hitting Jongin’s picture mercilessly. She then turned to her boyfriend with a frown. “Why don’t I have a picture of that Duck-hee girl?” she asked and turned to the closed door. “GINA! I WAN’T A PICTURE OF DUCK-HEE IN 2 MINUTES!” she yelled and she heard her secretary shift at her table just outside her office probably doing what she asked.

“Love,” Kris called as he watched her girl threw darts at Jongin’s picture. “What if it’s not Jongin’s fault? What if there’s a reason behind it?” he asked and Meihan stopped playing and turned at her man.

“I know he has a reason, Dragon. That kid would kill himself first before hurting my cousin.” She sighed. “I’m just frustrated because I don’t know his reasons. After all, Heeyoung is the only one who can call him. If the others know that you actually have his phone number, we’re all dead.”


“We don’t really have to call him or talk to him to get him to explain you know.” Kris smirked and Meihan smiled at her boyfriend. She knew he found a way to help.

“Let’s find a good place first.” Kris said and sat on his girlfriend’s chair opening her laptop.


Meihan skipped her way to him and sat on his lap as they look for a good place to meet on the laptop. Meihan didn’t have to ask what his boyfriend wanted. She knew he wanted Jongin and Heeyoung to meet so the guy could explain himself and afterwards, have Heeyoung enlighten them all.




The next morning, Kai was dragging himself to his locker first thing in the morning. Heeyoung won’t answer his calls and he was having a mental breakdown because of it. Then, there’s Do Hee who tails him wherever he goes. He was so close in snapping the girl’s head and run to the Kwon’s mansion to explain everything to his princess.


*I hate my life.* he sighed as he opened his locker letting a tiny piece of black card fall on the floor.

Kai frown at the card on the floor and picked it up. The writing was familiar and that glittery ink as well. *Meihan.* he thought. And so, he read it expecting something like death threats written on the card but only met with one sentence and an address:


“Go to XXXX ramen shop now. Explain yourself or die.”

And Kai sighed. Heeyoung wasn’t answering his calls and now Meihan wants to meet him and maybe, kill him.




“Good morning sunshine!!” Meihan greeted her cousin brightly as she went down the stairs.

Heeyoung had her eyes swollen and everyone could tell she was crying even thought the princess strongly denied it and that she trusts her Jongin.

Of course everyone knew that too. And that she didn’t cry because she was mad at Jongin for cheating on her but because she can’t do anything when her prince was being claimed by another girl.


“Let’s go!!” Meihan cheered as her twin and Heeyoung went out of the mansion to go to university.

“Why are you so jolly in the morning?” Luhan asked suspiciously. “Are you on drugs?” he asked earning a low kick from his twin.

“Don’t be an , Lulu. I’m just happy.” She told and rushed to her cousin. “Come on, Heeyoung.” She chimed and dragged her to her car.

“Uh… Jiejie… I’m taking my car today.” Heeyoung said but Meihan ignored her.

“Nah. We’re not going to that university today.” She told with a shrug and closed the door, ignoring her cousin’s blabbering.

“Where are we going Jiejie?” Heeyoung asked as she watched Meihan put her seatbelt and ignoring Luhan who was knocking on the windows demanding his twin to let him in which she didn’t.


Meihan turned to her cousin with a smile. “You’re eating ramen today, baby.” She winked and drove away leaving a frustrated and confused Luhan in front of the mansion.







*You both better make up soon or I'll punch Luhan just because.*

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I just finished the whole plot for this sequel guys!! keeo thise comments and upvotes comming ^^/ coz more good n bad things will come heuheuheu ♡ me well


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Chapter 42: Hahaha, tqsm for this story, I really loovvvveee it ❤️❤️❤️
14 streak #2
Chapter 42: Love the ending!! Wish you included heeyoung being pregnant haha... Or a epilogue or a sequel xD
Can't wait to reread this and the prequel/heeyoung's story in the future!!
This story is really nice!! I love ittt
Jjongshi #4
Chapter 42: Really??!! I need little jongin and heeyoung~~
Chapter 42: OMGGGGGGGGGG!!! I 'm squealing like idiot here!!!
Chapter 28: Awww i really love and adore #meiris couple
Chapter 42: awwwwwwwwwwww was sooooooooooo beautiful storyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ <3 i like very mush!!!! bravo author-nim \(^_^)/
Jennol #8
Chapter 42: Please make the special chapter!!and i really like your stories my secret and the sequel .Authornim jjang
singingpromises #9
Chapter 42: Thanks for the awesome story!!!!
PinkInnocence25 #10
Chapter 42: Yes i've finished this awesome/ romantic/ funny story and i can't believe that i've finished this in only four days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good/ excellent story authornim <3 <3