
He missed the shot



“Go Hyukjae! Bring home the bacon! Fighting!”


Hyukjae would always hear this high pitched voice whenever he has a game or when he’s practicing in their school gym.


Kyuhyun nudged his elbow.


“Your fanboy is here.”


“He’s so annoying. Can he just fanboy over someone else?”


Kyuhyun snorted.


“Be careful what you wish for, hyung.”


Kyuhyun said and threw the ball he’s holding to the right, that was caught by the super fast reflexes of their coach, Heechul.

Their coach smiled. “Enough practice for today boys. Take the rest of the day tomorrow to sleep. I’ll see you guys on Friday.” He patted the player’s shoulders before exiting the gym and giving his boyfriend, Hangeng a hug.




The two players were fixing their things up when two students came to them. The both of them were facing back, so the guy tapped Kyuhyun’s shoulder to gain their attention.

“Hi, I’m Lee Sungmin, the school paper’s editor, and this is Donghae.”


The other looked like a bunny and the other looked like a stupid fish beaming at Hyukjae.


“I’m Kyuhyun and this is Hyukjae.”


The bunny rolled his eyes. “We know, the whole school knows.” He paused. “Uh, when’s the next game?”


Kyu placed his index finger on his chin, as if thinking. Well, for Sungmin, It looked like a fail aegyo---No, a very fail aegyo.




Sungmin nodded and took out his Galaxy note and started scribbling. On the other hand, Donghae was on the edge of not drooling over Hyukjae. The other only raised his brow.


“Will you stop coming to my games and scream like a madman?”




“It’s annoying.”




“Hey! I’m talking to you.”


Hyukjae snapped his fingers in front of Donghae’s face. That eventually made Donghae fall back to earth.


“Eh?S-sorry, what?”


“Stop coming to my games. Kyu, let’s go.”


And the two players left the students inside the gym.


“Minnie, Hyukkie talked to me.”

Sungmin rolled his eyes.


“Hae, he told you not to come to his games anymore.”


Donghae didn’t seem to hear what Sungmin said. “I can die now, Minnie.”

And Sungmin facepalmed.


“I’m going to their game on Saturday. Want to come along?”

Hae nodded his head furiously and laced his left arm on Sungmin’s right.


“Let’s go home now, Minnie. Finding Nemo will be played on the television tonight!”


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Chapter 1: Fluffy ^^ <3
hima_kawaii #2
Chapter 4: ohohoh yes interesting ^^
Chapter 3: Soooo kyute all 4 of them....hehehe i cn feel the fluffiness in this story & y is Hyuk trying to hide the fact he likes Hae?? *pouts*