Zhang Yixing: Level Three

The Husband Chronicles: Recipe to a Perfect Spouse

Yixing grunts lazily, languid arm searching the bed for his partner. Lihua isn't present, and Yixing withdraws his limb empty-handed. His eyes peel open sleepily and they immediately avert towards the clock atop the nightstand. Yixing can't help but elicit a disappointed groan, fingers rubbing away the fatigue adorning his crusty eyelids. A sigh drops from his lips, and his legs curl over the bedside, prompting his large form to rise from the comfortable mattress. He lingers there for an exhausted moment, exhaling sharply as if the small gesture had taken away all his stamina. Yixing gets up and makes his trek into the dimly-lit corridors, long gait leading him instantaneously to Lihua's makeshift office in the kitchen. As he arrives, he hangs by the doorway, broad shoulders leaning against the surface. He watches her with vacant eyes, slumber still drawling within his system.

Two in the morning, and she's still working — Yixing is incredulous. 

Wufan glances at Yixing blankly. "One cup of friendship and two tablespoon of encouragement."

The younger whips his head to the right, puzzled gaze boring through Wufan as the latter chooses simply to shrug. "What?" Yixing drawls carefully as he watches the elder flick his cigarette into the ashtray. Wufan simply twirls around in the chair, eyes admiring the intricate decor of Yixing's office. It isn't moments later until Wufan unceremoniously chuckles, eyes lifting up with humorous wit as Yixing delves further into the abyss of perpetual confusion. 

"It's the third step to a perfect marriage. It seems crazy that Jongdae, Zitao, and I are getting these off of some teenage blog site, but it seems to be working for you," Wufan comments, "so I just thought I should let you know the third step. Mix with friendship and encouragement, it says." Wufan sighs heartily, "How is Lihua anyways? Jongdae tells me she's been preoccupied with the preschool's training process and examinations?"

Yixing nods, almost gravely as he recalls the stressful look that has been claiming his wife's features lately. "She's really adjusting."
Wufan mimics Yixing's pursed lips, his fingers drumming patiently upon his thigh, "You can only be there for her, kid."

The woman is typing furiously, a fresh cup of espresso piping beside her as her fingers move swiftly across the keyboard of her laptop. Despite the handsome male lingering by the doorway, she doesn't notice him and chooses rather to partcipate in her latest presentation. She clicks away, fingers clacking and eyes drooping. Her shoulders slump over with wear and as the minute-hand ticks, Lihua's form slowly withers and Yixing wonders if she'll morph into a hunchback by the time dawn arrives. The latter gives his head a shake and hair a tousle before making his appearance before her, his hands immediately moving to replace the espresso with a warm cup of water. "Don't drink coffee at night," he comments placidly. Lihua's head shoots up and forms a small 'o' of realization. "I couldn't sleep without you," Yixing adds in with a quirky smile.

He leans across the countertop, his hazel irises following her moves attentively. His watchful gaze prompts the other to twitch uncomfortably, her dark eyes lifting to meet his own studious pair. "Can I help you?" she inquires softly; her lips curl into a dainty smile as her fingers brush away the fringe of Yixing's hair away from his face. He only hums and turns the laptop towards him childishly, eyes sweeping over the material with amusement. He is thoroughly impressed by Lihua's progres and he quirks a small grin. "When is this due?" he simpers.

"Day after tomorrow," Lihua sighs, running a slender hand through the disheveled strands of her tousled hair. "But I want to finish as much as I can since I have a full schedule tomorrow. I have my exam to be a permanent instructor tomorrow, plus more training to go through as well, so I probably won't be back until you've already finished up dinner," she adds with a breath. Lihua puffs up her cheeks with a pout and releases the air with a taut smile. "Go ahead and try to sleep. I'll be coming up soon," she tells Yixing.

The latter doesn't respond. He simply takes his hands away from Lihua's laptop, having saved the documents safely into her hard drive, and smiles cheekily at his wife. "I'm not going anywhere without you," he sings breezily. "Friends don't leave other friends behind!" he declares proudly, "And I sure as heck won't leave you – my wife and best friend – behind, either." A boyish gigge drops from Yixing's lips and he purses his lips childishly at her, as if to test her. Lihua, in return, a daring brow; Yixing reciprocates the look with one of his own famous -eating grin, dimples adorning his cheeks merrily. His wife shrugs, "Then that means you'll just be losing slee—"

"No," Yixing interjects mirthfully. "I'm not going anywhere without you, so you can just," he grins, "stop working now and come with me!" He moves swiftly to trap her within his embrace, His muscular arms move to lift her up, and soon Yixing his carrying her the same way he had on their wedding day; he doesn't waste time, and walks with fervor to their shared bedroom, making sure to turn off the lights on his way there. A victorious look of pride dances over his expression as his smirk widens. "You shouldn't work yourself so hard, you know," he comments playfully. "If your health declines, who's going to be around to take care of me? Leave the late and sleepless nights to me, okay? You just pamper yourself and work diligently enough to at least help me cover bills."

Yixing gently lays her upon their bed, his body hovering over hers with playful jeer. "I can't afford to have you get sick, you know," he whispers, pressing his lips to her forehead. "I promised your dad I would take care of you, and I think he'd confiscate you away from me if you ever catch a cold." His fingers waltz gleefully over the expanse of Lihua's skin, hands travelling up and down her sides as they crawl steathily beneath her shirt. Yixing litters teasing kisses throughout the surface of her neck and shoulders, a friendly smile decorating his lips as he does so. "I love you." 

He presses his forehead to hers with an amiable grin, "Let's go on a date tomorrow – a late-night date since you'll be arriving home later. We can visit the night market and pick up some midnight snacks along the way, hm?"

A smile, and a happy, "Okay." 

Morning dawns a lot earlier than Yixing would prefer, but as he cranes his neck to find Lihua sleeping just as peacefully as he had, he forgets his own exhaustion and smiles. He brushes away the stray strands of hair from her forehead and places a gentle kiss upon her cheek. "Wake up," he nudges her. "Babe, it's morning and you have an examination to go through today." 

She whimpers tiredly, hands palming her face as she releases a breathless laugh, "I really don't want to get up!" She whines some more, her melodious voice soaring into Yixing's willing ears; her laughter only reddens the small blush cascading across his cheekbones. He circles his arms around her, chortling at her childish behavior. He nuzzles his nose gently into the crook of her neck, warm breath tickling at her skin; she giggles, slapping his shoulder away before sitting up. Yixing remains laying, hands rubbing her back warmly as he yawns. "Good luck on your exams and training today," he hums with delicate laughter. He sits up, crawling behind her to kiss her cheek, "I know you'll do just great." 

He pulls her hair back and twirls the strands around his fingers, soft songs dropping from his lips as he sings to her playfully. "If you do a good job, I'll buy you anything, and pay for all our costs during our date!" he beams. His eyes twinkle mirthfully, mirroring a child's on Christmas morning. Lihua turns to shoot him a teasing, pointed look. "And what if I do a bad job?"

Yixing shakes his head, "That's out of the question because I already know you're gonna do well."

Lihua rolls her eyes. Why had she not seen that one coming? 


Yixing walks her over to the front door lazily, shirt still and tie lying limply around his broad shoulders. He leans down and encompasses her lips into his own, a sweet kiss to bid her good luck on her exams. His calloused thumb rubs her cheek softly before Yixing pulls away; he pecks her nose and smooths out her hair before urging her out the house. "Good luck, okay? Don't panic. Call me during lunch time to let me know how you did!" Yixing calls out as she saunters over to her car. She turns to him with a dubious look, laughing silently to herself before shrugging to the onlooking neighbors. She's about to enter her car when Yixing releases an obnoxious yell, "I love you!"

He waves enthusiastically as she pulls out of the driveway, grinning ecstatically after her retreating vehicle.


Lihua passed her exams that morning.




Level Three review:

→ 1 cup of Friendship
→ 2 tablespoons of Encouragement

→ mix with Friendship and Encouragement

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Chapter 1: I so loved the recipe! The ingredients, they sure promises a healthy dish which will make the life of both the cook and the one it is served a deliciously happy ever after ♡
It so thoughtful to add forgivness as well, as marriage or say any relationship isn't going to be a journey of rainbows and unicorns, there will surely be rains and storms, too.
My favourite ingredient is contentment and understanding :D
Chapter 7: I'm so happy to find this story!! Love it love it loveeeeee iiitttttt!
Chapter 7: I'm so happy to find this story!! Love it love it loveeeeee iiitttttt!
Chapter 7: Wow this is beautiful. The story itself, the plot is beautiful and how it's written is beautiful. So, so sweet and oof. I might just get baking me some cookies because I need that sugar and fluff. Great story you've got. An easy and light read, also quite touching!
Chapter 2: Oh my god the fluff, I can't stand it. Too sweet I might get myself a diabetes, help!

You write it so beautifully, I wonder how I never found this on my eight years being here. Really not fair, you deserve more readers and appreciation!

It's really a great piece!
habimana #6
Chapter 7: I'm positive diabetic
ayxngz49710 #7
it's yixing fanfics like THIS that need to be Featured!!! WHY ISN'T THIS FEATURED???? Grrrgh!!!
I love this! :D
I'm reading this almost after two years since you wrote and there still aren't any good fics featuring Yixing. I'm glad I found this!
Chapter 7: this is so sweet :'D