Zhang Yixing: Level Two

The Husband Chronicles: Recipe to a Perfect Spouse


Yixing jumps from his spot on the couch as he hears the front door slam with a loud thud. His curious orbs blink incredulously at the source of the boisterous ruckus, optics glazing over the fuming woman tossing her shoes haphazardly onto the shoe rack. He sets down his magazine and brushes off imaginary dust from his jeans before stalking cautiously towards his wife; he is stealthy and just as silent. Yixing watches Lihua lean herself against the archway leading into the living room, eyes fluttered shut with fatigue and exasperation creasing her forehead with weary lines of distress. The built male his head before approaching her, worry lacing his features as he holds her out at arm's length, the warmth of his palms oozing through the sheer fabric of her blazer. "Is everything okay?" Yixing tenderly questions.

Kindness. It drips from his words and from his gaze as he brings her close into his chest. Yixing only briefly hears Lihua heave a large sigh before he feels the fresh onslaught of tears drench the front of his shirt. His long fingers comb through the disheveled strands of her hair, lips curling into a solemn smile as he kisses her tears away. The bow of his pale lips touch gingerly against her moist cheek with reassurance, his forehead leaning against hers. Yixing cups Lihua's face, brushing away any stains from her picturesque visage, "Long day, hm?" He provides no cajoling words, nor does he ask her to speak of it; he knows LIhua too well — she wouldn't want to relive her horrible day by speaking of it anyways. She will when she will.

Understanding. Yixing leads her into the living room and nestles her into his lap as he slumps comfortably into the confines of their shared couch. He continues his soothing ministrations and hums gently to Lihua as she rests her head softly against the plate of his broad chest; the ebbing of his heart's beating lulls her peacefully into calmness. Yixing settles his chin atop her head and as he stares ahead, he cannot help but release a breath of his own; luckily it was inaudible and had not reached Lihua's ears. Although he wants to be there for her to his fullest potential, Yixing can't help but feel exhausted himself — he after all had just returned from the Sukira radio show with his band mates an hour prior to Lihua's return, and was rather worn out himself. 

He frowns as he thinks over his thoughts over a third time; shaking his head, he mentally chides himself for being selfish. He has to listen to Jongdae:

"So how is Lihua doing these days?" Jongdae inquired innocently, eyes bursting with curiousity and genuine interest for Yixing's newlywed wife. "You should be doing well, right, you two? You have been listening to Wufan and Tao haven't you?"

Yixing chortles briefly before shaking his head nonchalantly at the elder. Slapping an affable hand upon Jongdae's back, Yixing nods gratefully towards the latter and smiles heartily. "She's still getting accustomed to Korea, but I'm pretty sure she'll get the hang of it in no time. She recently got hired as a teacher's assistance at a pre-school near our home, and is working hard to get herself acquainted with not just the people, but the customs. I'm proud of her, really," Yixing elucidates thoroughly with a beaming smile. "And for your information, yes I am listening to Wufan and Tao; I am following your instructions as well — amazing progress."

Jongdae gives a nod, returning Yixing's friendly pat on the back with a pat of his own. "Well, all should go well for you two. You have my blessings," Jongdae remarks wistfully with a warm grin; a hint of jeer sings behind his words and Yixing can't help but chuckle alongside his companion. "Best of luck to you two; but before we get back to recording, I should let you know: the second step in a prosperous marriage requires two cups of kindness and three of understanding. Blend them together, and voila!"

Yixing incredulously gawks at Jongdae but nods anyways, out of politeness. "Seriously, where do you three get these?"

Jongdae blinks, "Tumblr, was it?"

So in spite of Yixing's own exhaustion, he pulls his lips back intoa heart-stopping smile and sends a handsome glance down towards Lihua, whom seems to still be sulking. He silently reaches over to the coffee table to grab his mug, bringng it back to Lihua; placing it gently into her hands, he watches her warmly as she takes a fervent sip. Black with two teaspoons of sugar and a drizzle of half and half — just the way she and he like it. Yixing's shoulders lax at the brief smile washing over her sullen features. He smooths back stray strands of hair way from her sipping lips and kiss her temples childishly with a boyish smirk lacing his delectable lips. "Preschoolers giving you a hard time?" He couldn't fight it. He had to at least once about the matter. 

She pouts and Yixing can't help but laugh. "I'm sorry," he giggles quietly, kissing her lips to compensate for his insensitivity. She simply throws her head back against his shoulder, fingers tracing the ceramic edges of Yixing's favorite mug. "It's not the preschoolers but the other instructors," she sighs tiredly. Yixing watches intently, eyes focused on the single hand that lifts itself to watch her rub her worn visage. "They're so hostile, and I think it's because I'm a foreigner."

At this, Yixing's grip on her waist tightens, out of reflex. "Don't say that," he mumbles, caressing her neck with his nose. He breathes in the fresh scent of vanilla and thanks her silently for choosing this perfume because by god, it smelled so amazing. "You know how people aren't as accustomed to change; just as you're trying to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings, they're trying to adapt to a whole new schedule and way of functioning due to a new member." If anything, Lihua is aware that Yixing of anyone has the most knowledge regarding this matter; so she nods, and chooses to thank him with a kiss to the cheek. "I just want to sleep," she announces in a breathy tone. "I'm gonna go wash up, okay?"

As she turns to look at him, Lihua suddenly notices the dullness of Yixing's orbs; which strikes her peculiar because there is always that signature mischief dancing within his pupils — it isn't there right now, and she wonders if something has happened. "Yixing—?"
He simply shakes his head, immediately noticing the conflicted dilemma waltzing across her puzzled features, "I'm fine, Li." His voice is soft, pleading almost. His calloused thumb rubs her cheekbone affectionately, a loving smile gracing his lips but it doesn't reach his eyes. Her shoulders slump and Yixing can't help but mimic the gesture. "Li, don't worry—"

"I'm sorry," she states airily. "Oh my gosh, I'm so caught up about my— I didn't even think that— Yixing, you should go wash up first, okay? You look like— oh my gosh!" By now, her eyes are flickering everywhere, looking here and there and anywhere but at Yixing. Guilt prickles at her conscience and she feels the first wave of frustrated tears line at her eyelids. Yixing acts immediately and kisses her, hands cupping her small face as he ecompasses her silky lips with his own, choosing to silence her with every drop of his care and love towards her.

"I'm fine," he whispers to her one more time, tone finalizing their conversation. "I just had a radio recording — nothing compared to what I do on a daily basis. And for you, I would cross oceans and galaxies combined so if you think a radio recording is going to get in my way of comforting you, then you're wrong." Lihua's gaze averts back and forth from Yixing to her hands, teeth tugging at her bottom lip with apprehension. And before she can protest anymore, Yixing concludes the nightly squabble with a cheeky, "You're welcome!"

Yixing wakes to an empty bed. Normally, on the rare occassion this should happen, Yixing would find himself saddened or the least bit irritated — however, today is different, as he is met with the smell of breakfast being cooked. He blinks the sleep way before glancing wearily at the clock. 7:15 AM, meaning he has approximately an hour and a half left until he has to leave for his schedules. Tearing away his blankets, Yixing breaks out into a rather elated jog towards the kitchen, where he finds Lihua beautifully adorned in one of his t-shirts and her own pair of shorts. A disgruntled pur exits his throat as he approaches her, arms winding around her waist. His hungry eyes ravish the bacon cooking in the pan; he kisses her gratefully on the cheek. "You should go wash up," Lihua tells him subtly, a little dance in her step as she successfully exits the intricate holds of his arms. "Breakfast isn't going anywhere, so at least brush your teeth first, or else they'll rot you know."


Breakfast is great and Yixing really hopes Lihua cooks more often in the future because oh my god, are those his taste buds ing? He smiles at her, his thighs brushing playfully against hers as she settles into the seat beside his. "I know how much you liked western foods, so I thought I should at least make up for yesterday," Lihua exhales. She turns to look at him pointedly, eyes so sincerely apologetic that Yixing can't bring himself to interject. Because her kindness is just so overwhelming that his heart is turning into goo, "Baby—"

"I'm so selfish sometimes," she berates herself as she stabs her fork into a pitiful sausage. "You're obviously so much busier and so much more stressed out; I mean, you have more things to be stressed out about than I do and—" She groans and buries her face into her clammy palms as if it were humiliating to talk about.  A soft ugh leaves her lips and Yixing sets down his utensils to massage the small of her back. His free hand moves to cup her chin, and he prompts her to face him. Their eyes lock and for a second Yixing loses track of his own thoughts, falling into a reverie at the way her eyes look at him with such adulation — Yixing can only hope that the amount of adoration he portrays can reciprocate at least half of what she displays for himself. 

"You," he stresses gingerly, "are too kind; not only that, but you are so—"
"I am only trying to be understanding," she reciprocates curtly with a pout gracing her plump lips.

Yixing catches himself staring a second too long at the beautiful pair of lips before clearing his throat. Moving his gaze briefly to his wedding band, he shakes his head and chuckles. This prompts Lihua to raise her brows with curiousity, pending confusion swirling through her as she watches her husband slowy succumb into undecipherable bouts of humor. "You're understanding enough," Yixing smiles warmly. "If you try to get me any more than you already do, you're going to know me better than I know myself. Once it gets to that point, Li, it gets scary." He spurts a small giggle at his own jeer and kisses Lihua's cheek briefly, enunciating the sound to create a cheesier effect.

Yixing pulls away from a pink Lihua, who rolls her eyes shortly after. "You're a dork, oh my gosh Yixing."


She fixes his bag and lunch together, hearing Yixing bustle around the living area searching for the last bits of his necessities. "Phone?" she calls, and Yixing runs into the kitchen to snatch his phone from the countertop behind her. Lihua grins smugly to herself before inserting the prepared bento into his backpack, handing it sweetly to him. Yixing takes it graciously and his grin broadens at the sensation of her slender arms winding around his neck. His hands plant themselves at her waist as he nestles his bag upon his shoulder. "Will you be good without me?" Yixing playfully banters, eyes glistening down at her.

Was it the coffee, or is he just high off of his wife — it's only 9 AM, how could he be so cheerful already?

Yixing bashfully reddens as he feels her lips kiss his dimple, "I think I'll be able to manage for a bit." Lihua pulls away and walks Yixing to the door, leaning in the doorway as she watches him retreat into the staff van. Shortly and simply, Yixing slips into the vehicle and from the window he waves, alongside Tao and Jongdae who have their faces pressed against the surface with -eating grins adorning their mischievious faces. Lihua laughs, but greets them back just as elatedly before withdrawing back into the confines of her home.

Stepping back into the bedroom to tidy up, her eyes widen at the sight — she doesn't even need to tidy up. Because it seems that Yixing already has. The curtains are drawn to perfection, bed made to immaculate taste, and the alarm clock set back to regular time — she has to bite back a smile. She really can't outdo him after all; Yixing always is one step ahead in the pleasing factor, it seems.




Level Two review:

→ 2 cups of Kindness
→ 3 cups of Understanding

blend in Kindness and Understanding


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Chapter 1: I so loved the recipe! The ingredients, they sure promises a healthy dish which will make the life of both the cook and the one it is served a deliciously happy ever after ♡
It so thoughtful to add forgivness as well, as marriage or say any relationship isn't going to be a journey of rainbows and unicorns, there will surely be rains and storms, too.
My favourite ingredient is contentment and understanding :D
Chapter 7: I'm so happy to find this story!! Love it love it loveeeeee iiitttttt!
Chapter 7: I'm so happy to find this story!! Love it love it loveeeeee iiitttttt!
Chapter 7: Wow this is beautiful. The story itself, the plot is beautiful and how it's written is beautiful. So, so sweet and oof. I might just get baking me some cookies because I need that sugar and fluff. Great story you've got. An easy and light read, also quite touching!
Chapter 2: Oh my god the fluff, I can't stand it. Too sweet I might get myself a diabetes, help!

You write it so beautifully, I wonder how I never found this on my eight years being here. Really not fair, you deserve more readers and appreciation!

It's really a great piece!
habimana #6
Chapter 7: I'm positive diabetic
ayxngz49710 #7
it's yixing fanfics like THIS that need to be Featured!!! WHY ISN'T THIS FEATURED???? Grrrgh!!!
I love this! :D
I'm reading this almost after two years since you wrote and there still aren't any good fics featuring Yixing. I'm glad I found this!
Chapter 7: this is so sweet :'D