
Persona Non Grata


That night Sungjong did cover Sunggyu when he suddenly wanted to watch movie with Hoya so he could forgive him for the other day. When they finished and got home, Sungjong prevented Hoya to go up and checked on Sunggyu because he knew his hyung of him must be sleeping at Woohyun’s place. He sacrificed himself by saying he wanted Hoya to accompany him to sleep that night.


Sungjong was really going to kill Sunggyu if he blows this cover up. Hoya didn’t seem suspicious much about Sunggyu and plus he couldn’t never let Sungjong down. It was a habit of him-giving anything Sungjong wants.


The next day Sunggyu thanked Sungjong a lot for the cover. And the whole day Sunggyu couldn’t stop smiling as he did have a great time with Woohyun. Sungjong was very damn envy of that. He wished he could be like Sunggyu too.


For the cover, Sungjong didn’t want anything as a return from Sunggyu as he respects him as his hyung. But sometimes Sunggyu could be annoying. This time Sunggyu asked him to keep Hoya busy so he could go out again with Woohyun for only a day.


Sungjong really wanted to refuse but then Sunggyu threatened him with Myungsoo’s name. He agreed with a deal he need to be home early that day, and not sleep at Woohyun’s place. So, when the day arrived, Sungjong had to make the first move,


‘Hyung, let’s go buy groceries.’ Sungjong whined.


‘But we just bought them yesterday.’ Hoya answered with a frown.


‘We’re out of them already.’ Of course Sungjong hid all of them.


‘Really?’ Hoya knew the fact that vampire do eat a lot but not until this stage.


‘Really. Let’s go.’ Sungjong dragged the elder out the house.


And 5 minutes after that, Sunggyu sneaked out the house and took a cab to their dating place. Dating place was weird for Sunggyu to be thinking because they’re not in a relationship, yet. This time he was wearing simple. A pair of black jeans and a white shirt.


Then, he saw Woohyun standing near the bench among crowd. He looked dashing with a pair of blue jeans and stripes shirt. When his eyes caught sight of Sunggyu running towards him, he said,


‘You’re late, again.’


‘Mianhe, Sungjong was taking too much time.’ Sunggyu panted a bit for the running.


‘Poor kid.’ Woohyun felt a bit guilty for the latter.


‘Should we go now?’ Sunggyu asked.


‘Let’s’ Woohyun said and walked beside Sunggyu.


As they were walking, Woohyun asked,


‘With hands or without hands, which one will you prefer?’


Sunggyu chuckled a bit.


‘If you’re asking me whether I like holding hands or not, it depends.’


‘Okay then.’ Woohyun grinned before intertwined their fingers.


Sunggyu blushed when his hand brushed with Woohyun’s. He looked at Woohyun but Woohyun’s face was not looking at him. He was hiding his face for some reason. But then, Sunggyu managed to glimpse at his face. He smirked, saying,


‘Nam Woohyun, are you blushing?’


‘I am not.’ Woohyun replied as he still didn’t let Sunggyu to look at his face.


‘Then why are your cheeks so red?’ Sunggyu was teasing him.


‘They are? Ahh..I put too much blusher on them just now.’


Woohyun’s words received laughter from Sunggyu.


‘Only girls wear blusher, hyunie.’


Woohyun stopped walking, making Sunggyu to halt too. He finally looked into Sunggyu’s eyes and said,


‘Okay, I am. I am blushing like crazy because of you, Kim Sunggyu.’


Now, hearing the words that were just a sweet melody to Sunggyu’s ears, it made Sunggyu blushed so hard now. Sunggyu also bit his bottom lips, preventing for a smile to appear as he really didn’t want to show Woohyun how happy he heard those words.


‘You’re driving me crazy with just looking at you.’ Woohyun’s words were sincere to hear.


‘Don’t confess to me like that. Find a proper place.’ Sunggyu replied as he just realized they were standing in front of a bath house.


Both of them just laughed and walked somewhere else, still hand by hand. First they were arguing on where they should go, Sunggyu wanted to go the amusement park where as Woohyun wanted to go to movie and maybe to the club after that.


But after Sunggyu threatened that he was going to home instead of going out with Woohyun, Woohyun agreed to follow him to the amusement park but after that they needed to go where Woohyun wanted to.


And now, they were at the amusement park, playing a few games. After a while, they got themselves each an ice-cream.


‘What flavor you got?’ Sunggyu asked as he his vanilla chocolate chip ice-cream.


‘Almond with strawberry.’  Woohyun simply answered that, enjoying his ice-cream.


‘Wow! That’s looks yummy. Mind a bite?’ Sunggyu asked.


‘No way. You already got yours.’ Woohyun brought his ice-cream far from Sunggyu.


‘Stingy!’ Sunggyu complainted. He didn’t know Woohyun was so stingy. Come on it’s only ice-cream.


The elder pouted but Woohyun just ignored him, grinning on how could when Sunggyu pouted.


‘At least let me taste it.’ Sunggyu pouted as they were still walking side by side.


Woohyun grinned before grabbing Sunggyu’s arm to pull him into a kiss. It wasn’t a deep kiss like Woohyun always gave him. It was a soft one. And it was sweet due to the ice-cream flavor.


‘What’s that?’ Sunggyu asked Woohyun when he slowly broke the kiss.


‘You said you wanted to taste it right?’ Woohyun grinned as he walked; leaving Sunggyu froze at his place.


Sunggyu smiled as he understood it. The moment they kissed Sunggyu could feel the ice-cream flavor through out the kiss. And it was sweet, very sweet.


‘Wait for me.’ Sunggyu said as he walked towards Woohyun and when he finally caught up on him, he slowly intertwined back their fingers.


They walked around the city. Looking at the shops and also took some photos together. They were having so much time, and Sunggyu couldn’t hide the fact he was really falling for Woohyun. It was already 7 at night and he still got 3 more hours before he need to go home. Sunggyu wondered how well Sungjong holding up Hoya, so he decided to check on it by messaging him. A few minutes after that, he received a message,


‘Already went to the groceries store, book shop, pet shop, cd shop, clothes shop and currently at a wedding shop T___T and don’t even ask why are we doing here!’


Sunggyu laughed reading the text from Sungjongie, but he didn’t bother to reply it as he knew Sungjong will do his best to cover him.


‘Don’t you want to come in?’ Woohyun asked Sunggyu as they were in front of the club.

‘Ah…okay.’ Sunggyu answered as he put his phone back in his pocket and walked in with Woohyun.


The place was not crowded yet as it was early. Both of them sat on stools at the bar side by side. This time Sunggyu only ordered some juice because he didn’t want to get drunk again like the last time and of course don’t want to be in bed in someone else again. But if it’s Woohyun that’ll be okay for him.


Woohyun also ordered the same as he knew he will make it hard for Sunggyu to go home if anyone of them got drunk. They were talking about each other again as they were enjoying their drinks. Just like Sunggyu thought Woohyun really came from a wealthy family. According Woohyun, his family have a company and he complained how bored he will in just a week soon because he had to attend a party there.


If he could bring someone, it will be Sunggyu but the party was only for staffs and his family. He thought of bailing the party though. Sunggyu also found out that the Myungsoo guy is Woohyun’s best friend and he said that Myungsoo and Sungjong hang a lot in college.


And soon the place was filled with people, dancing on the dance floor. For some reason, Sunggyu didn’t feel like dancing even when Woohyun pleaded him to. Woohyun just pouted when the elder won’t give in to him.


‘Woohyun!’ A voice shocked Woohyun. He turned around and found his friends.


‘Yah Sungyeol, I know my name is hard to find but you don’t have to shout so loud.’ Woohyun flaunted at the tall boy.


Sunggyu just eyed them.


‘Tsk, there’s a lot of woohyun I met at the fish market.’ Sungyeol mocked him. ‘We’re hanging out there, don’t you want to join?’


Sunggyu thought Woohyun would decline it and maybe introduced him to his friend but he was wrong.


‘Maybe later.’ Woohyun smiled at Sungyeol and watched he sat at the booth with some others guy.


Sunggyu didn’t say a word but only sip his juice. Then, Woohyun thought at least he needed to greet his friends so, he said to Sunggyu,


‘I’ll join my friends for a while. I’ll be back.’


‘Okay.’ Depression echoed in Sunggyu’s voice.


But Woohyun didn’t hear the sadness in his voice because of the loud music. So, he just went at his friends, sitting with them and had a few drinks. They were having a conversation and Sunggyu heard it word by word. Thanks to his super hearing.


‘Who is that?’ Sungyeol asked Woohyun.


‘A friend of mine.’ Woohyun simply answered that.


‘Where did you find him? He’s cute.’ Another one of his friends said to him.


‘Really?’ Woohyun was acting like he’s not.

‘Yup, he’s cuter than the boy you brought here last time.’ Sungyeol said as he sipped his drink.


‘Ani. The last boy is cuter than him.’ Woohyun’s words were as it was convincing to his friends.


‘I think he’s hot too.’ Sungyeol suddenly said when he took a proper look at Sunggyu from top to bottom.


‘Aniyo. He’s not that hot. Believe me, I slept with him and it was boring.’


That was it. Now, Sunggyu’s eyes were pooling with tears. He never thought Woohyun could say those things about him. Maybe Hoya was right all the time. That human was despicable after all. Sunggyu didn’t know will he be able to hold back his tears anymore. He didn’t want to hear those icy words came out from Woohyun’s lips anymore.


Sunggyu stood up, wanting to get off his feet from the club. But then, as he turned around he bumped into a waiter there who was holding a glass. The glass fell and shattered on the floor. And that really attract other’s attention including Woohyun and his friends.Guilty, Sunggyu apologized,


‘Sorry.’ He wanted to help the waiter to pick out the broken glass.


But then, he cut his finger when he tried to pick up the small pieces.


‘Ouch!’ Sunggyu hissed as blood oozing from his small wound.


‘Sunggyu.’ Woohyun called his name as he went to him, looking worried for some reason.


‘Are you okay?’ Woohyun asked as he took Sunggyu’s hand to see the wound.


But Sunggyu’s reaction shocked him, when Sunggyu pulled his hand off Woohyun’s grip and said,


‘I’m fine.’


Woohyun could see tears were in Sunggyu’s eyes.


‘Wh..what’s wrong?’ Woohyun stammered as this was the first time he saw Sunggyu shedding tears.


Sunggyu wiped his tears and said,


‘I’ll be going home now.’


Woohyun was glued on his place when Sunggyu left the club. He was confused and dumbfounded with Sunggyu’s reaction. Why was Sunggyu crying? He couldn’t stop thinking about this, so he followed Sunggyu out and luckily he managed to stop Sunggyu from going away by grabbing his arm.


‘What’s going on?’ Woohyun asked him, not letting the elder to go any further now.


‘Nothing’s wrong.’ Sunggyu’s voice was hoarse as tears were in his throat.


‘Then, why are you crying?’ Woohyun’s question received no answer from Sunggyu.


Sunggyu stayed silence because he knew he couldn’t explain to Woohyun that he heard all his conversation with his friends thanks to his super hearing ability. Woohyun kept the question hanging but then asked a new question,


‘Your wound, is it hurt? Let me see.’ Woohyun took Sunggyu’s right hand but he found no wound on his finger.


‘I said I fine.’ Sunggyu quickly pulled his hand again.


That startled Woohyun. Because he was sure Sunggyu picked the broken glass with his right hand and surely he saw blood coming out the wound on his finger. But Sunggyu wasn’t shock at all. Because he’s a vampire. And it was normal if his wound heal itself in just a minute.


‘I’m tired. I want to go home.’ Sunggyu made an excuse so he could go home already.


And Woohyun let him go this time. But then he said,


‘Meet me tomorrow?’


‘I’m busy tomorrow.’ A lie that only Sunggyu knew.


‘Next day after tomorrow?’ Woohyun asked again.


‘I can’t.’


‘Why not?’ Woohyun frowned as Sunggyu was acting so strange ever since he went to his friends.


‘I’m sorry.’ Sunggyu shifted his eyes from to the floor towards Woohyun’s face. Tears were staining his cheeks and he didn’t mind Woohyun looking at him like that. ‘We’re just not meant to be together. Mianhe.’


Sunggyu could only say that and walk away. Woohyun was frozen; he couldn’t move or say a word. Hurt was he about all of this. This was not he ever wanted. He just wanted to be with Sunggyu all this time. But what did he do wrong until Sunggyu push him away?


Sunggyu should have known better that truth will tear them apart.


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Chapter 3: Ebay ahahaha

I am craving this vampire auu.. Thank you so muucch...
Chapter 2: You knew? Woohyun said it so his other friends wouldn't got a bit of sunggyu. But yeaah, sunggyu was hurt badly
Chapter 1: After awhileee.. Vampire gyu...
sarangmyung #4
Chapter 3: Haha..woohyun-ah..r u trying to be naive?? bloods r selled on eBay u dummy..hehe
Chapter 3: LOL I reread this..
seriously on eBay? =_=
ANYWAY this story is so cuteeeee uh my woogyu feeellllss
I love this!! XD
inspiriteLement #6
Chapter 3: wait...I'm curious here...where did Sunggyu and his vampire friends get blood supply from???
Chapter 3: omg, I can't bare this cuteness>< my woogyu feels, and Oh! myungjong too, I love this ficxD
Chapter 3: This story is so so so sweet~ >_< You did absolutely well. One of the best fanfic I've ever read~ ^^
sequel please XD its so good~
janet160 #10
update update update :3