
Persona Non Grata

Sunggyu didn’t know what had happened. His head felt heavy and dizzy a bit. He knew he had a few sip of alcohol until his throat burned. But he still couldn’t get his mind when he found himself on the bed with a stranger.


Both of them were , and the stranger was kissing him like crazy. Sunggyu didn’t know why his body reacted when his fingers tangled with the strangers soft stands of hair, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.


Sunggyu didn’t know who the stranger was but the only thing he knew was he was good. His hands explored his milky skin, rendering him to moan. They were panting so hard but the stranger seemed still unsatisfied when he claimed Sunggyu’s neck, and biting until he left kissing marks on him.


Feeling the pleasure, Sunggyu had no reason to push the stranger away. His eyes were full with lust and that made Sunggyu more attached to the stranger. This time he didn’t mind being because somehow he couldn’t deny he was having the best night ever.


In just a few minutes, he ed Sunggyu, not once. But a few times, making Sunggyu to scream in pain. Sunggyu was panting so hard, but the stranger won’t stop ing him.


‘Ahhh~ Please…stop.’ Sunggyu pleaded him. But in the same time, he wanted to carry on because of the pleasure he was feeling.   


He knew he shouldn’t be doing this. It was wrong for him. It wasn’t wrong for him to sleep with someone that he didn’t know, but it was an unedifying sin for him to be sleeping with a human. In just a moment, he wanted to push the stranger away but a voice suppressed his intention of doing that.


‘Just a little more…’ For some reason, sincerity echoed in the stranger’s voice.


Sunggyu felt ecstasy running through his vein. Maybe it was the alcohol effects or it was just his true feeling now. Guilt overwhelmed in his body. Maybe he should just kill the stranger after all of this done, but how could he kill the guy who made him felt so good.


The words that were ringing in Sunggyu’s ears were right. He kept his words and lay beside Sunggyu, who was panting so hard. No-both of them were panting so hard. He shifted his eyes to see the stranger. He smiled seeing the face of the stranger clearly. He had such a perfect jaw line and totally good-looking.


Slowly, he closed his eyes as his body couldn’t hold the alcohol effects so much. But before he could drift into the dream world, he felt the stranger pecked his lips and whispered to him,


‘Goodnight, baby.’



The morning sun streamed through the window, waking Sunggyu up. He opened his eyes just to see he was still on the bed at the hotel. Slowly but surely, he pushed himself into a sitting position, making the blanket to fall around his torso.


He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands just to get a clear vision. Just as he thought the stranger was already gone. Disappointment tingled in his heart for some reason. Sunggyu should be grateful that it was only for a one night stand, not more, but the problem was he wasn’t grateful. Deep inside his heart, he wanted to meet the stranger again-at least a name from him won’t hurt him so much.

Shaking the thoughts off, he got out the bed and cleaned himself. Quickly, he put on his clothes, fixed his messy hair and took all his belongings on the floor including his phone. He gazed at the phone screen. Just like he thought, Sungjong left him a bunch of messages and some calls. He wasn’t bother to give Sungjong a call or send him a text message because he knew the kid was always fooling around with him. And plus he will meet him when he goes home later.


After making sure, his hair was not that messy anymore, he walked towards the door to just bail from this hotel. But something stopped him. He caught a sight of a note at the coffee table. Hesitated at first, but in the end Sunggyu took the note. There was a phone number on the note.


‘Call me. Nam Woohyun.’


Sunggyu didn’t realize his reaction now. He was blushing? Not being able to control his blush, he put the note in his pocket and just left the hotel. He took a cab and went straight home, knowing Hoya and Sungjong must be looking for him for not coming home last night.


The moment he arrived, he stormed in the house which was luckily unlocked and changed his clothes. A few minutes after that, he walked downstairs to the kitchen.


‘Good… morning?’ Sunggyu’s words almost trailed off when he saw Hoya and Sungjong at the dining table.


There was a dark aura around Hoya and Sungjong was not looking at Hoya. Instead he kept on eating with his chopsticks, keeping his head down. Sunggyu frowned, glimpsing at Hoya who was glaring at Sungjong. Without a sound, Sunggyu took a seat beside Sungjong. Sungjong took a bowl of rice for Sunggyu, mouth silence and went back eating.


‘Did someone forget to switch on the sun today? Because it’s really cold and dark.’ Sunggyu tried to crack a joke but the two didn’t respond, not even a complaint from Sungjong saying Sunggyu was bad at making jokes.


Sunggyu obediently started eating when he realized that something bad must happened between the two of them. He decided to just eat and walk up to his room when he finishes with his food. But then, Hoya said a word,


‘Where did you go last night?’


Sunggyu almost had rice stuck in his throat. He coughed; trying not to get food blocked his throat and drank a glass of water. Sungjong frowned looking at Sunggyu’s reaction. At first, Sunggyu thought the question was aimed towards him but he was wrong when Sungjong answered,


‘Out with a friend.’ Sungjong stood up when he answered that and brought his empty bowl to the sink to wash it.


‘A friend? I never knew you have one.’ Hoya’s voice was stern not even a bit shaking.


Sungjong opened the tap, letting the water flowed. He decided not to answer Hoya’s words as he knew they will end up fighting. Sunggyu was dumbfounded to see this. It was rare to see Hoya and Sungjong fighting. No-it was impossible before. This was the first time they fought.


‘If he’s a human, stop meeting him.’ Hoya’s voice sounded like a warning. No- it was a warning.


‘He’s not dangerous.’ Sungjong finally say a word, eyes fixed on the flowing water.


‘Are you forgetting the fact that you’re a vampire?’ His words gave a stab in Sungjong’s heart and also towards Sunggyu.

It was the truth. Sungjong is a vampire. So did Hoya and Sunggyu. The atmosphere was tense and Sunggyu found it was a bit hard to breathe in this situation. Sunggyu could glimpse Sungjong was biting his lips when he ditched the dishes and walked upstairs.


And now he was left with Hoya. That was a bad news for Sunggyu. Hoya was burning inside and Sunggyu, he didn’t know what to do. Only one thing he was sure about. About Hoya and Sungjong. Their relationship…was shaking.


It had been a year, since Sungjong became Hoya’s fiancé. Maybe they’re soul mates, but who knew. Sungjong didn’t protest of all of the process. He loved Hoya. He really did. But not as a lover. As for Hoya, he treated Sungjong just like his lover but yet, Sungjong treated him like a brother to him.


Silence regained between the two of them. Sunggyu finished his food as fast as he could as he didn’t want to be on the same table as the burning Hoya. He excused himself from the table, but he swore he felt Hoya glaring at him too when he walked out the kitchen.


Sunggyu heaved a sigh of relief when he walk into his room and locked it.


‘What a drama…’ Sunggyu mumbled.


‘Did you have fun?’ A voice shocked the hell out of Sunggyu.


Sunggyu recognized the voice without even finding the owner of the voice. But when he found Sungjong, he was laying on Sunggyu’s bed.


‘Meaning?’ Sunggyu asked as he lay beside Sungjong.


Behind Sungjong’s smile, Sunggyu could see sadness.


‘Last night. Where did you go actually?’


‘Look’s who’s talking.’ Sunggyu mocked him.


‘Come on hyung. At least I did come home last night. And you were sleeping in someone’s bed.’ Sungjong said as a smirk hanging on his visage.


‘Shut up.’ Sunggyu threw a pillow at Sungjong as he was hiding his blushing face.


‘So you did sleep with someone.’ Sungjong figured it out looking how hard Sunggyu was blushing.


‘Shhh! Keep quiet.’ Sunggyu hissed, afraid of Hoya knew about this.


‘Hoya hyung won’t hear it.’ Sungjong was sure of it, although vampires do have a sharp hearing. ‘Tell me all about it.’ Sungjong was enjoying himself and the smile was not going to fade from his face.


‘It’s none of your business, so stop being so busybody.’ No way could Sunggyu tell Sungjong all about it.


‘Oh come on hyung. It’s just me.’ Sungjong pouted.


‘And it’s because of you I can’t tell. You’re just too innocent and young.’ An excuse from Sunggyu wasn’t going to satisfy the younger.


Sungjong took a deep breathe before shouting,


‘Hoya hyung! Last night Sunggyu hyung sl-‘


Sunggyu managed to close Sungjong’s mouth with his hand.


‘Shut up jerk. It’s was a one night stand. That’s all.’ Sunggyu said to him with a low voice.


And Sungjong was satisfied with the answer.



That night, Sunggyu sat on his chair in his room after taking a shower. His hair was still wet but wiped it with a dry towel. He let the towel to hand around his neck as he glimpsed at the note that the guy named Nam Woohyun left.


He pulled out his phone and dialed his number. But he didn’t tap the call icon yet. He was torn into two. He knew he shouldn’t call Woohyun but he didn’t think he could resist it anymore. He wanted to see Woohyun, he wanted to hear his voice again.


He closed his eyes, not knowing his finger accidentally tapped the icon, calling Woohyun.


‘!’ Sunggyu said as he realized he was really calling Woohyun.


He wanted to end the call but damn, Woohyun picked it up. Sunggyu quickly brought his phone to his ear as he heard the boy to say something,


‘Pizza delivery.’


Sunggyu frowned. Did he dial the wrong number?


‘Uh…sorry. I got the wrong number.’ Sunggyu answered as he wanted to hang up the call.


But the person on the phone recognized his voice. So he halted him by saying,


‘Wait, wait. It’s me Woohyun. Nam Woohyun.


‘Ahh…’ Sunggyu just said that. He should have recognized his voice. ‘But what’s with the ‘pizza delivery?’


Sunggyu didn’t have to introduce himself because he probably sure Woohyun must have recognized him.


‘So sorry about that. I had been getting prank calls these days. So the pizza delivery thingy is just a way to get them back.’


That’s a smart thing to do. Sunggyu thought.


‘Ahh…’ Sunggyu really didn’t know what to say actually and for some reason his heart was thumping so fast.


‘So…why did you call?’


Sunggyu frowned.


‘Didn’t you tell me to call you?’


‘Ah, I did? I forget things easily. Sorry about that.’ Sunggyu could hear the person chuckled a bit through the phone. 


‘It’s okay.’ Sunggyu just smiled. His heart felt so ease to hear Woohyun chuckled.


Silence reigned between them for a while before Woohyun said,


‘Are you busy with bed schedule tomorrow?’


‘If that’s the way you’re asking me whether I’m free or not tomorrow, yes I’m free.’ Lucikly Sunggyu understood what Woohyun was asking.


‘Great.’ Woohyun smiled. ‘Latte café tomorrow at 10.’


Just before Sunggyu could answer, he heard someone shouting at him behind his door,


‘Sunggyu hyung! Are you on the phone?!’ It was Sungjong.


Sunggyu hissed when he heard Sungjong’s voice.


‘Give me a minute.’ Sunggyu said to Woohyun and of course Woohyun could hear the shout.


‘I am not! So stop eavesdropping you stalker!’ Sunggyu shouted at Sungjong.


‘You said you’re going to sleep.’


‘I am sleeping.’


‘Then hyung, why are you talking to me? Sleep talking?’ Sungjong was messing with Sunggyu.


Sunggyu could hear Woohyun was laughing on the phone hearing his conversation with Sungjong. Sunggyu just sighed before shouting back to Sungjong,


‘Fine, I’ll clean the toilet for you later, so stop disturbing me!’


‘Okay~ Have fun talking to your soon to be boyfriend~’


‘Shut up Sungjong!’ Sunggyu managed to shout that back at Sungjong.


‘Sorry about that.’ Sunggyu apologized to Woohyun.


‘It’s okay.’ Woohyun was still laughing. ‘I like the boy’s line ‘soon to be boyfriend.’


Sunggyu blushed when he said that.


‘Ignore him. He’s just an annoying housemate.’


‘Sunggyu? Is that your name?’ Woohyun asked as he heard Sungjong called him that.


Sunggyu just remembered he didn’t introduce himself.


‘Ah yes, Sunggyu. Kim Sunggyu to be exact.’


‘Then, Sunggyu, will you go out with me tomorrow?’ Woohyun asked him formally this time.


Knowing Sunggyu hadn’t give him a proper answer yet, he smiled and said,

‘I would love to.’


Then, Woohyun realized he was out of words,


‘Should you be cleaning the toilet now?’


‘If that’s the way of you asking me to hang up the phone, okay.’ Sunggyu grinned as Woohyun had a funny ways with words. ‘See you tomorrow then.’


Just before Sunggyu could end the call, Sunggyu said something,






‘Goodnight.’ The wish made Woohyun smiled.


‘Goodnight, baby.’


Sunggyu was blushing so hard hearing Woohyun uttered that. When he hung up, he wondered whether he was doing the right thing. And for sure it was wrong for him. Vampires and humans cannot be together no matter what. That’s a fact that Sunggyu wanted to forget now. Isn’t not like he was going to marry Woohyun or live forever with him. So with that thought, a date won’t hurt for Sunggyu.



Sunggyu wore himself a white pant with a red shirt which made him looked smashing. Sungjong frowned looking at his hyung because he was sure Sunggyu will only take his fashion seriously when he had a pretty serious event to attend.


Sungjong grinned when he popped his head at the frame door, eyeing on Sunggyu who was fixing his hair in front of the mirror in his room.


‘Someone got a date~’ Sungjong teased Sunggyu.


Sunggyu glared at Sungjong as a sign he should keep his mouth shut before Sunggyu kill him.


‘I’m just kidding.’ Sungjong gave in, didn’t want to make Sunggyu mad at him. He walked downstairs to the kitchen to grab something.


A few minutes later, Sunggyu knew he was going to bit a bit late looking at the time. He darted downstairs. Sungjong just eyed at the elder’s rushing action. Sunggyu suddenly grabbed a glass of red, thick liquid in Sungjong’s hand and downed it.


‘Hyung! That’s mine!’


‘Mianhe. But I’ll die not having this.’ Sungjong just rolled his eyes hearing his hyung excuse.


It was true; the red liquid in the glass was blood. Sungjong let Sunggyu off this time because he still has a glass of blood more to survive. And plus he wasn’t that thirsty yet actually.


‘Have to go now.’ He gave back Sungjong the empty glass and went out the house.


Already got the supply, Sunggyu knew he could hold himself for another day. Blood was necessary for a vampire. But about the fact that vampires couldn’t let sunlight on their skins are just not true. They are just like humans, even live like humans. But the only difference is vampires need blood to survive.


The moment Sunggyu entered the café; he was craning his neck for Woohyun. And then he spotted him. He still remembered Woohyun’s face that’s for sure. He was wearing a black pant and a black top with some white stripes on it.


‘Sorry I’m late.’ Sunggyu apologized to Woohyun as he took the seat in front of him.


But Woohyun didn’t say a word. Instead his eyes fixed on Sunggyu, not blinking.


‘What’s wrong?’ Sunggyu asked as he could see Woohyun’s stares.


‘You’re prettier than I remember.’


Sunggyu grinned,


‘Is that a compliment or you just comparing?’


‘Both because you’re pretty.’ Woohyun put his elbow on the table and propped his chin with his palm, looking at Sunggyu.


Sunggyu could only hide his blushing face and he kept avoiding his eyes from meeting with Woohyun’s eyes as it could make him blush even more. But Woohyun kept on staring at Sunggyu with a grin on his face.


‘Stop staring at me.’ Sunggyu said to Woohyun as it was disturbing.


‘I’m not staring just scanning your face.’ He grinned.


Woohyun could be such a teaser just like Sungjong. But at least not that annoying compared to Sungjong. Sunggyu then decided to ignore Woohyun with his staring and gestured the waiter to order some food.


‘Give me a glass of coffee and a toast.’ Sunggyu had to admit he didn’t like to eat so much for breakfast.


When the waiter jotted it down, Sunggyu asked Woohyun,


‘What do you want to eat?’




‘What?’ Sunggyu blinked his eyes as he heard Woohyun’s answer. What did he mean that he wanted to eat him?


Woohyun laughed when he could see Sunggyu was puzzled.


‘Same like always.’ He said to the waiter, looking as they know each other.


‘Messing with your new boyfriend?’ The waiter asked as he smiled too.


‘Soon to be boyfriend.’ Woohyun’s words were making Sunggyu to blush so hard.


‘Good luck then.’ The waiter, which Sunggyu not mistaken that Woohyun called him ‘Dongwoo’ said to them before going to the counter.

‘Do you come here often?’ Sunggyu asked as there was nothing to talk about.


‘Not really often twice a week.’ Woohyun answered.




‘I want…to know you.’ Woohyun’s words were serious for once since the moment Sunggyu stepped into the café.


With that, Sunggyu told Woohyun who he got stuck living with Hoya and Sungjong. The three grew up together in the same place far away from Seoul and decided to move to Seoul for a while for a different view. And of course the fact Sunggyu is a vampire will never be slipped from Sunggyu’s lips in front of Woohyun.


Then, Sunggyu got the chance to know Woohyun. Now he felt silly, because he just knew Woohyun was 2 years younger than him. But still that didn’t stop Sunggyu from falling towards the younger’s charm. Looking at Woohyun’s style he came from a wealthy family. He also knew Woohyun is the popular guy that everyone is crazy in college but luck was not on them when Sunggyu was not as the same college as Woohyun. But Sungjong is.


Now to think of it, it was weird when Sungjong decided to change college when at first he was in the same college as him and Hoya. Sunggyu shook the thought off as he sipped his coffee.


But then something stopped him from talking to Woohyun. His eyes suddenly fixed on glass wall to his left, eyeing on a building just across the café.


‘What’s wrong?’ Woohyun asked looking at Sunggyu’s action.


‘I need to make a call.’ Sunggyu looked pissed off for some reason. He pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.


‘Okay…’ Woohyun answered only that.


When someone picked up, Sunggyu almost shouted but he controlled his voice,


‘Stop it.’


‘What? What did I do now?’ Sungjong whined through the phone.


‘Building across the latte café. On the third level, standing nears the window with a binocular, aiming at where I’m sitting now. Or I should explain more?’ Sunggyu’s words received a frown from Woohyun.


Woohyun took a look at the building but with his eye sight he couldn’t see anyone in the building from the place. And he was sure his eyes sight was perfect.


Sunggyu could hear the latter pouted.


‘Fine. I’ll go down now.’


The moment he hung up the phone, Woohyun asked,


‘Who is it?’ He wanted to know who was stalking on them.


‘Busybody, Lee Sungjong.’ Sunggyu snorted.

In just a few minutes after that, someone came towards where they were sitting, and he took the seat beside Sunggyu.


‘Do you have to find me that precise?’ Sungjong pouted when he sat beside him.


Woohyun just eyed on Sungjong. A familiar face to him for sure. Woohyun spotted his face a few times in college, but they never spoke before.


‘It’s your fault for stalking me. Does he know?’ Fear echoed in his voice.


Woohyun let the two talked for a while as it sounded serious for some reason. Sungjong shifted his eyes at Sunggyu just to say,


‘If you’re asking about Hoya hyung, no. But he’s being suspicious already, so stop making it so obvious for him.’ Sungjong didn’t mind of Sunggyu dating a human because to him love is not for someone to chose. It’s fate.


Sunggyu didn’t say a word after that. And for some reason the atmosphere started to become so tense and silence reigned all around of them. Woohyun who noticed this quickly asked Sungjong,


‘We’re in the same college right?’


‘Yup. I’m Lee Sungjong, dance department student.’ He offered a hand at Woohyun.


Woohyun reached his hand for a hand shake and introduced himself,


‘Nam Woohyun, music department student and also your senior.’


‘I know. Myungsoo hyung told me about you.’


Hearing an unknown name came out from Sungjong’s lips, Sunggyu shifted his eyes towards Sungjong and raised an eyebrow.


‘Who’s this Myungsoo guy?’ A sneaky smile appeared on his visage.


And now, Sungjong knew he shouldn’t mention Myungsoo’s name. Sungjong bit his lips before saying,


‘Let’s make a deal hyung. Forget what I said before and I’ll cover for you tonight.’


‘Fine.’ Sunggyu agreed knowing he will get a lot of chance of asking Sungjong later at home.


Sungjong quickly excused himself. The moment Sungjong disappeared from their sight, Woohyun said with a smile,


‘Looks like Sungjong likes Myungsoo.’


‘Yup.’ Sunggyu could only answer that. The fact will bring him bad news if Sungjong really likes Myungsoo.


‘So…who’s this Hoya guy? Why are you scared that he might found out…about us?’ Woohyun only understood that hearing their conversation.


‘Housemate, and seriously you don’t want to mess with him. He’s scary. You can say we need his approval for a relationship. It’s complicated.’ Sunggyu sighed.


‘Ahh…it’s okay then.’ Woohyun grinned.


‘Huh?’ Sunggyu was confused.


‘It will be fun having a disapproval relationship. I mean dating behind someone’s back. It’s daring for sure.’ Woohyun’s words really convinced Sunggyu that Woohyun wanted to be in a relationship with Sunggyu.


But Sunggyu shook the thought off. They were silence for a while until Woohyun said,


‘Sungjongie said he’ll cover for you tonight…so want to go to my place?’


Sunggyu blushed. He knew he should say no but suddenly he nodded as a yes.


‘Oh, how did you see Sungjong in the building?’ Woohyun still couldn’t figure it out.


‘Ahh..that…Lucky guess?’ Sunggyu randomly answer. There was no way Sunggyu told Woohyun that he could sense someone presence in distance around 200 m. It’s a vampire thing.


‘If you say so…’ Woohyun let Sunggyu slipped this time although he knew something was a bit wrong with Sunggyu.




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Chapter 3: Ebay ahahaha

I am craving this vampire auu.. Thank you so muucch...
Chapter 2: You knew? Woohyun said it so his other friends wouldn't got a bit of sunggyu. But yeaah, sunggyu was hurt badly
Chapter 1: After awhileee.. Vampire gyu...
sarangmyung #4
Chapter 3: Haha..woohyun-ah..r u trying to be naive?? bloods r selled on eBay u dummy..hehe
Chapter 3: LOL I reread this..
seriously on eBay? =_=
ANYWAY this story is so cuteeeee uh my woogyu feeellllss
I love this!! XD
inspiriteLement #6
Chapter 3: wait...I'm curious here...where did Sunggyu and his vampire friends get blood supply from???
Chapter 3: omg, I can't bare this cuteness>< my woogyu feels, and Oh! myungjong too, I love this ficxD
Chapter 3: This story is so so so sweet~ >_< You did absolutely well. One of the best fanfic I've ever read~ ^^
sequel please XD its so good~
janet160 #10
update update update :3