
Persona Non Grata

Sungjong was puzzled last night. Because the moment he arrived at home with Hoya, Sunggyu was already home, locking himself in his bedroom. But Sungjong let Sunggyu be alone as he sensed something was wrong with him.


The next morning, Sunggyu refused to go down for breakfast for some reason, so Sungjong was the one who had to bring the food to Sunggyu’s bedroom although Hoya told him to. Sunggyu hid himself under the duvet, not wanting Sungjong or Hoya to see his red eyes. It was true he cried until his tears dried up. He was in mess.


And Sungjong, he knew something was wrong between the two of them. He didn’t want to interfere their love problems now. Woohyun tried to call Sunggyu but Sunggyu rejected all of them and even deleted Woohyun’s messages without bother to read them. When they started college again, Sunggyu forced himself to stay great like always. But the two could see Sunggyu was breaking. Even Hoya. But yet Hoya had no heart to ask Sunggyu what happened because he knew if he did ask, it will break him even more.


Just like Sungjong though, the moment he stepped into the college, Woohyun came at him, asking about Sunggyu and Sungjong’s answer was simple,


‘Hyung, I don’t know what’s happen between the two of you, but for sure, Sunggyu hyung is suffering. And some advice, leave him alone.’


‘But I need to talk to him. I know I did something wrong to him, but I don’t know what. Please Sungjongie let me meet him.’


‘I can’t. If I let you, it will become worst.’ Sungjong was right on this. If Hoya found out, Sunggyu will be dead and force to stay in the forest again.


‘I beg you.’ Sungjong couldn’t bear looking at Woohyun, who was pleading at him.


But he couldn’t help him.


‘I’m sorry hyung. There’s nothing I could do.’ It was the best for both Sunggyu and Woohyun.; And hyung, even if you did something wrong at Sunggyu hyung, it won’t change the fact that the two of you cannot be together.’



It had been a few days after the incident and Sunggyu was going on well. He didn’t spend his time out because he’ll afraid if he accidentally meets with Woohyun. He switched off his phone, not wanting Woohyun to contact him. He didn’t take the usual road that he and Woohyun used to walk. He just stayed home until Hoya told him to buy something at the store.


At first, he complained because it already late. But Hoya kept on forcing him, making him no choice but to just go. And thank God, he didn’t bump into Woohyun when he went to the shop to buy some milk. On his way home, it was dark and the moon was hiding behind the clouds, letting only a bit of his light shone as if it was stingy.


But his pace halted when his eyes caught on something. His eyes were widened than usual and he was tongue-tied. This will be his reaction if he saw Woohyun but it wasn’t about Woohyun. It was Sungjong, and he was kissing someone. And that someone was not Hoya. Sungjong, who noticed Sunggyu’s presence, broke the kiss as he shifted to Sunggyu, who was looking straight at them.


‘Hyung…’ Only that Sungjong could say as he was shocked to, to see him.


5 minutes later, Sunggyu found himself walking home with Sungjong after Sungjong told the guy, who Sunggyu was sure Myungsoo, to go home.


‘Is he Myungsoo?’ Sunggyu shoved his hands in the pocket.


‘Emm…’ Sungjong’s answer was simple.


They didn’t say a word. Silence reigned between them as they walked. Sunggyu sighed when they were in front of the house. He stopped his pace just to look at Sungjong and so did Sungjong.


‘Stop this.’ Sunggyu said, knowing Sungjong could understand what he was trying to say.


Sungjong’s eyes fixed on the road,


‘I can’t.’


‘Don’t do this. Please, not to Hoya. He loves you.’


‘He don’t love me hyung.’ Sungjong could feel it. ‘If he does, I won’t be kissing someone else.’


Sunggyu just sighed. It was hard to stop Sungjong because he saw how much Sungjong loves Myungsoo looking in his eyes.


‘I won’t stop you. But if Hoya found out, it will be the end for both of you.’ A relationship between a vampire and a human will never be true.


‘I know..’ Sungjong kept his head down.


Sunggyu forced a smile on his face, and patted Sungjong’s shoulder,


‘Don’t worry, I’ll cover for you and Myungsoo.’ It was time for Sunggyu to pay Sungjong back.


‘Thanks hyung.’



That night, the house was noisy for some reason. And Sunggyu was covering for Sungjong when he made excuse for Hoya that he told Sungjong to buy something at the shop.


‘I swear, I’ll kick you out of the house soon, Hoya!’ Sunggyu was shouting at him.


‘But I didn’t do it hyung. Really.’ Hoya was defending himself.


‘Do you want me to sell your blood on eBay?’ Sunggyu was mad at him.


‘It’s not me, hyung.’ Hoya sighed. ‘Do you have to blame me on what happened in this house?’


‘Yes, because you’re in charge.’ Sunggyu complained.


‘Yeah, that’s because you didn’t, although you’re the eldest, hyung. All you do is eat, sleep and go out.’


‘Yah, I did clean the toilet last night.’ Sunggyu interposed.


‘Okay, and clean the toilet. But only that, I’m the one who need to buy the groceries and the other stuffs.’ Hoya’s words were right.


‘Fine.’ Sunggyu answered, making Hoya’s eyes shifted on Sunggyu. ‘I’ll take all the responsibility now, so stop spilling the blood in the fridge.’ He decided.


‘Okay then, but for sure, it’s not me who spill your blood in the fridge, it must be Sungjong.’


Now, Sunggyu was confused. He didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t cover for Sungjong anymore or Hoya will get suspicious. Maybe he should just wait until Sungjong realize how heartbreaking human could be just like him. He was still disappointed at Woohyun. He was stupid for believing that Woohyun really loves him.



Everything was fine. Sungjong was still going out with Myungsoo without Hoya knowing, until one day. Sunggyu was late to come home because he had to finish his assignments in college.


‘I’m home.’ That was the first words when he entered the house.


But no one answered him, the house felt deserted for some reason. Then, he caught on a figure crying on the floor, wrapping his knees against his chest.


‘Hey, what’s wrong?’ Sunggyu asked Sungjong.


Sungjong lifted his head to just look at Sunggyu, he was crying so hard,


‘Hoya hyung…’ He sobbed.


Sunggyu frowned.


‘What’s wrong with Hoya?’


‘He..he’s going to kill…Myungsoo.’ Sungjong blurted out the words that Sunggyu feared the most.


‘!’ Sunggyu bit his lips as he knew Hoya wasn’t messing when it come to this kind of situation.


Sunggyu left Sungjong at the house, just to find Hoya. He needed to stop him before he does something stupid. He tried calling Hoya but he didn’t answer it. He wanted to warn Myungsoo but yet he just remembered he didn’t have his phone number.


Not able to sense Hoya anywhere near, he had no choice but to call Woohyun just to give the warning at Myungsoo. But how unlucky because the younger didn’t answer. Sunggyu was really panicked.


Then, he remembered that, once Woohyun told him he had a party tonight at his family company. He had to go there. And thank God, Woohyun told him where the company was. He took a cab and went there.


He knew he shouldn’t be crashing at others party but he had no choice. But now he was stuck because there was a bodyguard guarding the entrance of the hall. He tried his luck so he just walked, who knew maybe the guard let him through.


‘Pass please?’ The guard asked as he didn’t let Sunggyu to proceed even more.


Sunggyu had no choice. He grabbed the guard’s arm. His eyes colour suddenly changed from black to red crimson and in just a second, the guard fell, fainted.


‘Mianhe.’ Sunggyu said as he entered the hall, changing his eyes back to his normal colour.


He craned his neck to find Woohyun. And there, he spotted him, wearing a black suit and damn he was so dashing for Sunggyu. He dashed at Woohyun and of course Woohyun was shocked to see Sunggyu.


‘I need your help.’ Sunggyu begged Woohyun as he was standing in front of him.


‘Sunggyu…what are you doing here?’ For some reason, Woohyun was glad to see Sunggyu again.


‘Please, help me.’ Sunggyu’s voice made Woohyun concerned.


‘Okay, just calm down.’ Woohyun tried to ease Sunggyu, who looked a bit panic.


Woohyun brought Sunggyu to the washroom as it will be bad for him if anyone saw they two of them together.


‘What’s wrong?’ Woohyun asked.


‘You need to call Myungsoo now, and tell him to run.’ Sunggyu really scared if Hoya found Myungsoo.


‘Run? From who?’ Woohyun frowned.


‘From Hoya.’ Sunggyu’s voice was shaking when he uttered that name.


‘Why? What did Myungsoo do?’ Woohyun wanted to know the story before he could dial his friend’s number.


Sunggyu sighed as he knew he needed to explain everything to Woohyun.


‘Hoya found out about him and Sungjong. And now he’d going to kill Myungsoo, because Sungjong is actually his fiancé.’


‘Okay…that’s bad. But I don’t think Hoya will kill Myungsoo for sure.’ Woohyun was sure of it. Hoya won’t do something like that.


Sunggyu shook his head.


‘You don’t understand.’ Sunggyu really tried to convince him.


‘Then help me to understand.’


‘Hoya…he’s capable of doing that. Just believe me for once.’ Sunggyu begged him to believe in him and Woohyun did.


Without asking another question at Sunggyu again, Woohyun quickly called Myungsoo and asked where he was. And they were lucky because Hoya didn’t find him yet.


‘Let’s go.’ Woohyun said to him when he got Myungsoo’s whereabout.


‘No.’ Sunggyu stopped Woohyun, making Woohyun frowned.


‘Only I will be going. You can’t go.’ Sunggyu didn’t want Woohyun get hurt, not when it they’re messing with Hoya.


‘Why not?’ Woohyun raised his voice a bit.


‘I can’t lose you!’ Sunggyu was afraid. Yes, he was afraid that he’ll lose Woohyun.


He clenched his teeth as his body was trembling. He couldn’t let Woohyun to be in danger. He just couldn’t.


‘Hey.’ Woohyun brushed a tear that managed to escape Sunggyu’s eye with his thumb. ‘You won’t.’


His voice was sweet as he was convincing him.


‘No matter what happen, you won’t lose me. I promised you.’


‘Wae?’ Sunggyu’s voice was trembling. ‘Why are you treating me like this?’ Sunggyu was always confused with Woohyun’s acts.


Woohyun chuckled a bit.


‘That’s because I love you, silly.’


For some reason, Sunggyu believed in Woohyun’s words, so he let Woohyun to follow him, knowing he will be the one who will protect him.


The two of them arrived at an old factory which was already abandoned. Myungsoo just called Woohyun saying a guy asked him to meet him there. And Sunggyu was positive it must be Hoya.


Sunggyu was hundred percent correct when his eyes caught sight of him, beating Myungsoo up in the factory.


‘Hoya!’ Sunggyu shouted at him as Hoya stopped kicking the person on the floor.


Woohyun was shocked to see Myungsoo, badly beaten on the dusty floor. He never knew someone could beat up his friend that hard. He ran towards Myungsoo just to ask whether he was still alive or not. Myungsoo fainted.


Hoya smirked at Sunggyu as he knew what Sunggyu was trying to say.


‘So you knew about this, hyung?’ He asked.


‘Yes, I know. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you but please stop this. You’ll hurt Sungjong.’ Sunggyu hoped Hoya will listen to his words for once.


He took a few steps closer at Hoya. Hoya smiled bitterly.


‘Hurt Sungjong? Hyung, he hurts me so many times already, so it’s okay for me to get payback now, right?’


‘Okay, maybe you’re right. But not this kind of way.’ Sunggyu controlled his voice, not wanting to make Hoya more furious.


Hoya shifted his eyes to Woohyun, who was holding Myungsoo on the floor. He smirked before saying,


‘Is this him?’


Sunggyu frowned,


‘What do you mean?’ Sunggyu asked.


‘Is this the man that you were going out with?’


! He knew. Sunggyu cursed in his mind. This was not going very well. Woohyun could only exchange sight with Hoya now, as Hoya was staring straight at him.


‘Maybe I should kill both of them.’


Hoya’s words shocked Woohyun and so did Sunggyu. In just a second, Hoya raised his hand as if he was holding an invincible knife or something and was about to swing it towards Woohyun, but in a flash, Sunggyu moved to stand in front of Hoya and grabbed his arm to stop him.


Woohyun was startled to see the move.


‘Lay a hand on him, and I’ll kill you.’ Sunggyu’s voice was stern as he was serious. The shaking voice that he had just now vanished in thin air.


Then, Woohyun noticed something was wrong. Yes, something was wrong with Sunggyu. His eyes colour…was red. And Woohyun was sure Sunggyu has dark black eyes.


‘Do you love him so much?’ Hoya asked and this time Woohyun just noticed Hoya’s eyes were glowing just like Sunggyu’s eyes just only the difference was Hoya’s eyes were darker red.


Now, Woohyun knew the two of them…are not humans, when he noticed the fangs that hung slightly over Sunggyu’s bottom lips.


‘Stop this, or I’ll break your bones to pieces.’ Sunggyu tighten the grips making Hoya hissed a bit as if Sunggyu was hurting him from the inside.


Actually he was, just like he did with the guard earlier. Hoya knew he couldn’t win over Sunggyu because the fact was Sunggyu was stronger than him. Accepting that, Hoya changed his eyes colour back to black as a sign he will back off.


Slowly, Sunggyu let Hoya go finger by finger just to be safe. But he didn’t change his eyes colour.


‘Let’s go home.’ Sunggyu said to Hoya. ‘It’s time to go back where we belong to.’


Woohyun frowned to hear that, what was Sunggyu trying to say.


Hoya just nodded and leaved the three of them there; knowing Sunggyu had to explain to Woohyun. Sunggyu didn’t look at Woohyun, he just couldn’t.


‘ are you?’ Woohyun was the one who asked. He was shocked indeed.


Sunggyu looked at him; bitterly he curved up a smile. And Woohyun saw Sunggyu’s eyes changed back to black.


‘I’m sure you already know the answer.’


Woohyun couldn’t believe that the guy he fallen in love with is really…a vampire? He thought vampires don’t exist and now he knew he was wrong all along. Sunggyu held back his tears as he knew he won’t be able to be with Woohyun again. No, he was sure it was hard for Woohyun to accept him now.


‘I’m sorry for keeping this from you…And our relationship was a mistake from the start. I’m sorry for hurting you.’ Sunggyu didn’t know what else to say seeing Woohyun was dumbfounded.


‘I’m sorry because it was my fault for falling in love with you.’ Sunggyu already said what he meant so; he thought it was best for him to leave now.


He moved his legs off the place, but then he stopped just to say some words.


‘I have a favor to ask you.’ He didn’t turn his back to look at Woohyun. ‘Please forget me. Forget that you met a guy named Kim Sunggyu.’ His voice was shaking again.


He was shedding tears and he didn’t want Woohyun to see it. He stepped out the place, leaving Woohyun.


Woohyun bit his lips as he didn’t understand what just happened. He was crying. Tears were flowing on his cheeks and he couldn’t stop it. He still didn’t believe what just happened. But only a thing was sure, he couldn’t lose him. He couldn’t live without Sunggyu. He simply couldn’t imagine his life without him any more. He loves Sunggyu, he really does.


Now, he understood why Sunggyu was so mad at him that night at the club. He must have heard his conversation with his friends. He needed to see Sunggyu now. He needed to explain that he said those things to Sunggyu so his friends get his eyes of Sunggyu because Sunggyu was so damn attractive. He didn’t want his friends to touch a hand on his Sunggyu.


Forcing himself, he ran out the factory after already called Sungyeol to pick Myungsoo at the factory. He thought he could chase Sunggyu but he was wrong. He couldn’t find Sunggyu now. He didn’t want this to end. No, he wanted to be with Sunggyu. He didn’t care Sunggyu is a bloodsucking vampire or even a devil because he already fallen in love with that vampire.

He tried calling Sunggyu but the number was not in service. He went to his house, hoping he might be able to catch him. But the house was empty. No one answer the door when Woohyun knocked the door.


‘Sunggyu, open up!’ Woohyun kept on banging on his door.


Then, a lady in her middle thirties came at Woohyun asking,


‘Who are you trying to find, young man?’ She asked as she claimed herself as the landlord.


‘I’m looking for Sunggyu.’


‘Sunggyu? There’s no one live here.’


Woohyun frowned.


‘He lived here with his two friends.’ Woohyun explained.


‘Don’t be silly. It had been a year since someone stay in this house.’


Woohyun was tongue-tied. Sunggyu…he really was gone. The old lady leaved Woohyun there as the younger was still frozen at his place. Tears were pooling in his eyes again.


‘Sunggyu…where are you?’ He cried.



It had been six months since the incident, but yet Woohyun was still searching for Sunggyu. His heart longed for Sunggyu. He missed the elder. He missed kissing him. He missed to touch him and he missed the smell of him.


Sometimes, Woohyun wished to be like Myungsoo, who already got over of Sungjong. In fact, Myungsoo didn’t remember he met someone named Sungjong and that made the situation weirder. But he did remember that he loved someone so much, only that. He was happy with his life, being single like always,


Woohyun was the only one who remembered all about Sunggyu. If vampires had the ability to take away people’s memories then why don’t take his too? But on the second thought, Woohyun was lucky to keep his memory about Sunggyu. It will be a waste for him if he didn’t remember someone that made him fallen in love like crazy.


Yes, Woohyun loved Sunggyu so much until he ended up drunk when he missed Sunggyu so much. But no once, Woohyun looked at others guys. Because he believed Sunggyu was created for him, and he’ll wait for Sunggyu. Somehow Woohyun believed that Sunggyu will come back to him, back into his embrace again.


He went to the latte café like usual, wanting to meet Dongwoo after a while.


‘Alone again?’ Dongwoo raised a brow as he sat in front of Woohyun, wearing his waiter outfit of course.


‘Like always.’ Woohyun smiled bitterly as it had been a while since he came here with someone. And that someone was Sunggyu.


‘You should find yourself a boyfriend.’ Dongwoo stated as Woohyun knew Dongwoo didn’t remember of meeting Sunggyu before here.


‘Already found one.’ Yes, in his heart Sunggyu is his boyfriend, and for ever will.


‘Really? Why didn’t you tell me? We should go and celebrate.’ Dongwoo said, shouting a bit.


Just before Woohyun could answer, his smile on his face disappeared as his eyes fixed on someone familiar coming at the table.


‘Skipping work again, Jang Dongwoo.’ He put his hands on his hips as his eyes on Dongwoo.


It was Hoya. And Woohyun was sure of it. He was tongue-tied.


‘Just taking a five second break.’ Dongwoo stood up, ready to work again.


Hoya walked away, rolling his eyes.


‘Who is that?’ Woohyun thought maybe he has the same face as Hoya.


‘New boss, and my future boyfriend.’ Dongwoo whispered at Woohyun before going to Hoya.


‘Sorry, baby. Don’t be so mad at me.’ Woohyun could hear the two of them talk as he watched them.


‘Don’t call me baby here! Or I’ll fire you for good.’ That guy blushed, hearing him said that.


Woohyun wanted to believe that guy was Hoya but he didn’t want to jump into conclusion.


‘Okay, okay. Cool down, I’ll make you some coffee, hmm? Sweetheart?’ Dongwoo was teasing him.


‘You really want to die fast, hyung.’ That guy gave him a warning.


Dongwoo just put his hand on the guy’s shoulder and led them to the counter. But then, he turned over his shoulder just to see at Woohyun. Woohyun was still eyeing on them. And suddenly, he smiled at Woohyun. And Woohyun was sure the smile had a meaning. It was like he knew Woohyun. For some reason, Woohyun believed that it was really Hoya.


And that’s mean…Sunggyu was there. Woohyun stood up just to dart out the café, his eyes roamed so he could find that person. He went to the places that Sunggyu and he always had date together but failed again, Woohyun hated his condition now. Why it had to be so hard finding Sunggyu?


As he was searching, he bumped into Myungsoo and someone was beside him. Woohyun’s eyes widened to see him.


‘Sungjongie…’ Woohyun said his name.


‘Oh hyung, you knew him already?’ Myungsoo asked because he was just wanted to introduce Sungjong, who just transferred here.


‘I’m Lee Sungjong, nice to meet you.’ Somehow Sungjong acted like he didn’t know Woohyun.

And Woohyun thought maybe Sungjong didn’t remember him.


‘Nam Woohyun. Nice to meet you too.’ It was like déjà vu talking to Sungjong like this.


‘We have to go now, still need to show Sungjongie around Seoul.’ Myungsoo excused them.


‘Okay then…’ He wanted to ask Sungjong where was Sunggyu but then if Sungjong really couldn’t remember him, he will think him as a weirdo or something, so he let Sungjong slipped.


When they walked pass Woohyun, he glimpsed at Sungjong and again he saw a smile on his face just like on Hoya’s face. So he did remember Woohyun. This time, Woohyun stopped them, by saying,


‘Sungjong ah..’ His words were enough for Sungjong to understand.


Sungjong didn’t turn his back. Instead he smiled and said,


‘At the amusement park.’


Myungsoo blinked his eyes hearing the latter said that.


Woohyun smiled and said,


‘Thank you.’


He rushed there, with a hope that he would see him. And he did. The moment he arrived there, he saw him. He was wearing a black jean and a white shirt just like his casual clothes and he looked like waiting for someone. Oh God, how much Woohyun loved to see that figure again.


Woohyun slowly walked at Sunggyu. And Sunggyu who noticed him, could only smile.


‘You’re late for the first time, Nam Woohyun.’ Sunggyu was the first one to say a word.


His voice, his sweet voice that Woohyun was missing; finally Woohyun could hear it again.


Woohyun walked closer, closing the distance between the two of them just only for him to hug the elder. Woohyun couldn’t hold it anymore. He burst into tears as he hugged him so tight.


‘Where did you go? Don’t you know how much I miss you, dummy?’ Woohyun was relieved that he got Sunggyu back-his Sunggyu.


Sunggyu hugged him back.


‘Mianhe, for making you wait for so long.’ Sunggyu could only apologize.


Woohyun broke the hug, just to kiss the elder. Sunggyu didn’t push Woohyun away because the truth was he was longing for Woohyun. The kiss was not too soft and not too deep. It was just perfect.


‘I’m not planning on letting you go this time.’ Woohyun said that the moment they broke the kiss.


Sunggyu chuckled a bit.


‘Don’t worry. I’m not planning on leaving you this time.’ This time Woohyun believed in him.


Sunggyu explained how the three of them could be here again. Sunggyu pleaded the head of vampire so they could live like human and maybe being in love with humans. It took them a long time before they could manage to convince him. In the end, he let them, as the three of them was so stubborn and also for the fact actually the head vampires were Sunggyu’s parents. There was no way his parents could deny their son’s wish when Sunggyu threatened not to get married.


‘Tell me something then.’ Woohyun interposed Sunggyu’s explanation.


‘What?’ They were holding hands like usual.


‘So you come back to me only for a reason to marry me?’ A grin was hanging on his face.


‘It’s not like I can marry only you. There are many hot guys out here.’ Sunggyu blushed as he made an excuse.


‘Really?’ Woohyun raised his eyebrow.


‘Yup, plus you’re not that cute. I met a guy cuter than you.’ Sunggyu was messing with him.


‘If I’m not that cute and you found a boy better than me, then why are you holding my hand now?’ Woohyun smiled seeing Sunggyu’s cheeks all red.


Sunggyu pouted.


‘Because…’ Sunggyu gestured Woohyun to come closer at him to whisper him something. ‘I love you…’


‘What? I can’t hear.’ Woohyun smirked.


‘I said I love you.’ Sunggyu said with his normal voice, blushing.


‘Really? You don’t seem like you are.’ Woohyun was teasing him like always.


Sunggyu shot a glare at him only to say something at him,


‘Nam Woohyun, don’t make me you on top.’


Woohyun chuckled a bit.


‘You? On top. In your dreams.’ Woohyun said to him.


‘Why not?’ Sunggyu frowned.


Woohyun pulled Sunggyu just to kiss him again, and this time Woohyun was controlling Sunggyu.


‘Because I’m a better kisser than you and that’s show the rest.’


Sunggyu pouted but he blushed. Woohyun smiled as Sunggyu was pouting now. He missed seeing the elder pout so much.


‘Hey, look at the bright side. I love you remember?’ Woohyun said, cheering him up.


Sunggyu smiled and nodded. It was not the end for them. In fact it was the beginning for both of them. Yeah, fate brought them together again although the truth tore them apart once.


‘Oh, yeah there’s a question that I really want to ask you about.’ Woohyun said to him.


‘Ask me then.’


‘You’re a vampire, and vampire needs blood to survive, right?’


‘Yeah.’ Sunggyu nodded.


‘Where did you get the blood? I mean where did you get the blood supply?’ Woohyun was really curious about that.


‘Buy it on eBay.’ Sunggyu answered and left Woohyun there as if he believed Sunggyu’s words.




But on the second thought, Woohyun tailed him and uttered,


‘Wait, no one sells blood on eBay. You trick me, gyu.’


‘I did not. You’re the one who believe it.’ Sunggyu grinned.


‘I’m not that stupid you know.’


‘Yeah, you’re clever enough to believe that.’ Sunggyu just smiled as he glimpsed the younger pouting.


‘I’m serious here.’


‘It’s best if you don’t know.’ Sunggyu answered that and left Woohyun again, making the younger had to tail him.


‘But why?’


‘It’s a vampire thing.’ Sunggyu was not going to let that secret leaked out from his lips.


Woohyun could only whine.



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Chapter 3: Ebay ahahaha

I am craving this vampire auu.. Thank you so muucch...
Chapter 2: You knew? Woohyun said it so his other friends wouldn't got a bit of sunggyu. But yeaah, sunggyu was hurt badly
Chapter 1: After awhileee.. Vampire gyu...
sarangmyung #4
Chapter 3: Haha..woohyun-ah..r u trying to be naive?? bloods r selled on eBay u dummy..hehe
Chapter 3: LOL I reread this..
seriously on eBay? =_=
ANYWAY this story is so cuteeeee uh my woogyu feeellllss
I love this!! XD
inspiriteLement #6
Chapter 3: wait...I'm curious here...where did Sunggyu and his vampire friends get blood supply from???
Chapter 3: omg, I can't bare this cuteness>< my woogyu feels, and Oh! myungjong too, I love this ficxD
Chapter 3: This story is so so so sweet~ >_< You did absolutely well. One of the best fanfic I've ever read~ ^^
sequel please XD its so good~
janet160 #10
update update update :3