year later









I was continuously hugging this girl but I really don't know what I am feeling now. I feel like I really know her. Wait. It's not just that I know her but I feel really different. Something within me says that I see this girl more that any friend but how can I feel this thing without even seeing her.



Then the lights open. That means the generator was working but it was really late. I mean I have this girl with me as a victim of the nearly malfunction. Slowly as I look at this girl still hugging me. I believe she already notice that the light comes back so she slowly broke the hug.



“I’m sorry if…” she didn’t finish what she was about to say when she saw me gazing at her. How can I stop staring at her if all this time I was just dreaming of her? She still got her mesmerizing beauty. Those beautiful eyes at smiles every time she’s happy but the difference was that it was just dull tonight.



Slowly her eyes got teary. It was not because of longing but fear. It was not just fear but anger. But why is she angry at me. I try to touch her but she quickly move away from me. It was like she was afraid of me getting close to her. She stand up and was about to go out of Yoonie’s office.



I stand up and block the door. This time I won't let her run away from me. I know I hurt her but just like what Yuri told me I will prove her that I need her. This time I won't let go and lose her again. She holds the knob and tries to open it. I stop her by hugging her tightly just like what I want to do that rainy night I lose her.






I was shock when I hear the sound of a gun. I don't even I find the strength to speak any word. I heard a lot of the same sound but it was like killing me when I know that it was Fany. I find it hard to breathe. It was like the oxygen I have in my world was lost in just a split second.



“F-f-fany…Fany?” I can't stop my heart from commanding my tears to fall from the pain of losing my everything. “HAHAHA! How does it feel Taeyeon? Does it hurt? But I want to tell you she’s…bleeding.” “What are you doing to her! Please I beg you, Sunny bring her to the hospital now.”



“HAHAHA! Why would I waste my money to bring her there? Is she important?” “I beg you Sunny. It's her life you are putting in danger.” She just continue to laugh on the phone. “I haven’t seen anyone dying with just a bleeding wound on her cheek.” “What do you mean just a wound on her cheek?”



“You should be thanking me Taeyeon because I was not a sharp shooter. Because if I was one, she’ll be dead by now. But still listen to me Taeyeon, I still hold her life. I got people who can shoot her straight to her death. If I were you, move quickly. I don't need money from you. I just need revenge on you.”



Then I heard that sound meaning that the call needed. “Taeyeon, what’s happening?” I never thought that things will turn out like that. Tiffany is in trouble because of me. It was always me who put her into bad situations. I need to do something but Sunny told me she doesn’t want any money. Ottoke?



I sit on the bench and tried to think of a plan but all I think was how Tiffany is. I should have appreciated her from the beginning. If I did that this must not be happening. But there is no use of thinking about that now, I need to stop Sunny from hurting her. I know that she can really do everything if she want.



“Taeyeon? Taeyeon? Who called you? What is happening?” Sica was shaking me trying to wake me from my deep thoughts. I know that I can't tell her that Tiffany is in Sunny’s hands because it may worsen the situation. I just need to move now. I need to get to where Sunny is and get Tiffany then I’ll put Sunny to jail.



I stand up and walk towards the exit. I was about to reach the door when Sica block my way. “What’s happening?” I look at her with my eyes telling her to move away from the door but she just stare at me coldly. “It doesn’t concern you so get out of my way.” I said coldly but before I can take a step my phone ring.



I answered my phone without looking who is calling. “I’ll be coming just wait and don't…” “Taeyeon it's me Yuri. I think you already know but please don't move alone. Ask for the assistance of the police.” I don't understand how Yuri know what was happening. “I don't know any other way. This is the only thing I can do.”



“Taeyeon listen to me. That kidnapper is not into any amount of money. She wants to kill both you and Yoona. It's dangerous.” “I know but Yuri how do you know?” there was a long silence from the other line. I was about to end the call when she speak. “I saw Tiffany being drag by guys earlier before I met Sunny.”



There was hurt in my heart when I hear what Yuri saw. “How does she look? She must be frightened.” “Taeyeon she looks afraid of everything that was happening but I can see in her eyes that she was strong enough to wait for help. She’s waiting for you for sure but please don't…” I ended the call and go out of the police station.



I really don't know where Sunny is but I know that I need to get there fast. Tiffany is waiting for me. I need to save her and calm her down. I don't care what it takes to find her. I just need to get her away from a nightmare she is going through because of me. I need more time to express how I really feel for me.



I run fast even if I don't have a destination. I stop somewhere to catch my breath. This running thing is getting to nothing. I’m just wasting my time. I started to feel the pain from my head injury because of Yuri earlier. It was given first aid but it hurts and started to bleed again. I need to get to where they are fast.



I started to dial Yoona’s number but they don't answer my call. I’m running out of idea what to do and my injury is worsening each passing minute. Then the phone ring and it was a text message from Yoona’s number. I look at the message and after reading it I grab a taxi. The driver drove fast to my destination.



The moment I get there memories of my past started to flashback. I never thought that I will go back to this place because of such reason. Yoona and I got good memories here but after this night I will remember this place badly because this place might be my death place too. This was where they are as Sunny texted me.



From: Yoonie

If you what to see this girl Taeyeon, you must go back to where things started. You know that playground where you meet Yoona. The place where you started this kind of fate. The place where you and your lover will end up dying tonight. Yes Taeyeon you will never have a happy ending with anyone. Move fast or else you’ll meet this girl laying on the ground died.



I walk into the playground then I heard some footsteps from my back. I quickly turn around just to see Sunny with a gun aimed on my head. Her eyes were telling me she was not joking around and if I move it would be either she or her guards will shoot me straight to my head. I’ll die here if I won't be able to think of a bright plan.



“Do you miss me Taeyeon?” “Where’s Tiffany?” “Oh that girl. Boys.” I follow their stare to the old guard quarter and saw Tiffany tied with five men surrounding her while pointing their guns. She was crying trying to beg them not to kill her. I felt pain from my injury but want to walk to her. I take one step forward but I heard Sunny laugh evilly.



“She can't see you from this far. She won't even hear you. You know why? It's because that place was filled with loud music. She’ll never notice you because she’s busy begging for her own life.” I take another step. “Take one more step and I’ll send them the signal to shoot that girl. They are just waiting for this.”



I turned to face Sunny. “It's me that you like to kill. Set her free Sunny. She knows nothing about our past.” Sunny laugh loudly. “What did I hear just know? Our past? I thought you forget that already. But then she needs to pay too. Why? It's because she love you. Everyone who will love you need to suffer in my hands.”



“Sunny stop this. You’ll be jailed because of this.” “It's okay for me to be jailed Taeyeon. At least I got my revenge. That’s the only thing I want.” I was shock about the way she think. She was never like that before. I never imagine that she will end up killing her friends just for revenge. She was now an evil.



I need a plan to safely bring Tiffany out of here. All of a sudden we here sirens of the police. I don't remember call them. I don't even inform them about this. It was only me and Yuri who know this. If Yuri calls the police it means I have a backup but it only worsen everything. “Taeyeon you traitor! Pay!” “No!”



Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!



There was five consecutive gun fire. Due to the anger I felt, I hold one of their guns and disarm of Sunny’s men. I shoot the other men and they fall down to the ground. This time it was only me and Sunny. We are both pointing guns on each other. “No one can hurt the one I love.” “You’ll pay for this Taeyeon.”



The pain from my injury is getting worse. My sight is getting a little blurry as minutes pass. My attention was caught with Yuri and Yoona helping Tiffany to get out of the place. Tiffany was safe. Those gun shoot the men surrounding her earlier. My sight is almost black now and I can feel blood coming out of my injury.



In this case, I can't fight Sunny anymore. I need to look firm. I need to make her think that I can still fight. I look at her eyes and I was surprise to see tears on it. It was those eyes of the Sunny I know. “Tae…Taeyeon…what happened? Why are you…bleeding?” she was sincere with. She was about to walk near to me. “Freeze!”



It was a police officer. My vision is getting worse. I can feel being dizzy and slowly my strength was draining. I slowly fall to my knees and I can feel a great pain from my head injury. I touch my injury gently and when I look at my hand there was a lot of blood. I slowly fall to the ground and things went dark.



The moment I wake up I was in the hospital. Yoona was sleeping on the couch and Yuri was talking to the doctor. When Yuri enter the room she saw me awake and run to my side. “How are you feeling?” “I feel dizzy but what happen to Sunny?” “She was in jail now Taeyeon. Good thing nothing happen to you.”



“You and Yoona…accompanied…but how are you able to get out of the hospital?” “I sneak out of the hospital after you end our call. I run to the police station and tell them what was happening. Yoona go to the police station when she realize I was not in my room. We came just in time to save you and Tiffany.”



“Tiffany…where is she? How is she? She must be scared. I need to be next to her.” I tried to stand but the pain from my head is stopping me. “Taeyeon, stop it. It can worsen your condition.” Yoona wake up from the noise and she run to my side. “Taeyeon are you okay? Do you feel any pain?” she was checking me specially my injury.



“I need to see Tiffany. She needs me.” I endure all the pain and stand. I just take two steps then I fall on the floor. Yoona hug me while my tears fall. “Where’s my Fany?!” I tried to break Yoona’s hug but she didn’t let me. “Even if you search the whole hospital you won't see her. You won't find her here.”



I was shock and I look at Yuri. Her face was worried about me. she look at me with pity in her eyes. I don't understand what she meant but that. “What do you mean?” “I tried to tell her what you did but she didn’t want to listen. By this moment, her plane to America already take off. I’m sorry.” I look at the door. “FANY!!!”



(End of Flashback)



I don't want to lose her for the second time again. I hug her tightly but she break the hug and push me away from her. I just look at her straight to her eyes. Yoonie, Yuri, Sica and Soo came to the door and was surprise to see me and Tiffany frozen in our places. I want to tell her everything that happen that night.



Tiffany move and run out of Yoonie’s office. Soo was still looking at me but the moment she wake up to reality she run after Tiffany. I don't know who she really is to Tiffany but I need to talk to her. I walk going out of the office but Yuri stop me. I look at her and she shook her head telling me not to. “Fany…”








I don't know why on Earth they look like that to each other. It was like they know each other but I know that it was only Yoona and Yuri that Tiffany knows here in Korea. I have many questions in my head that I want to ask her but I need to go after Tiffany first. I need to comfort her at this kind of situation.



I saw her get a taxi and I follow her taxi. She was heading to the hotel where we stay. She got into the hotel room where she stays. I got in but she lock the door to the bathroom where she is. I tried to open the door but it doesn’t open. I started to knock on the door. “Tiffany Fany fany it's me. Open the door.”



The door was still lock. I have no choice but to ask for keys on the lobby. I go to the elevator and as soon as I got to the lobby I asked for keys on her bathroom. “Ma’am why do you need the keys?” “I need to open the lock door ofcourse. Do you think I’ll ask for those if the door isn’t lock?”



“But ma’am we still need to wait for them to get those keys in the storage.” “What! I need it now!” “Ma’am” “You…do you know what the call of nature is? I need to bring this out of my body now or I will let go of unpleasant odor here that will cause people to evacuate so get those keys fast.”



They gave me the key immediately. I run to Tiffany’s room and open the bathroom door. She was sitting on the floor crying all out while she was under the open shower. She was shivering in coldness but it's like she doesn’t care at all. Her eyes with both anger and loneliness. I never saw her like that in the span I met her.



I walk towards her. I sit next to her and hug her from the back. She was trying to break the hug but she continuously cry herself out. “I hate you! I hate you!” I gently rested her head next to mine. I gently comfort her by her hair. I whisper words to calm her down. “Tiffany…Miyoung…you are safe no need to worry.”



She was slowly calming down now. She broke the hug and turn to face me. I look to her eyes. “I’m here for you…Tiffany fany fany~” I was surprised when she hug me. She continued to cry while she was hugging me. I slowly responded to her hug. I started her hair to make her feel good with me.



I was wet because of Tiffany. I started to shiver now. She was still crying I really don't understand why such things like this is happening now. It was Tiffany’s first time here but why is this things happening to her. I just continue to comfort her. Well what else can I do but to stay next to her like I used to do?



“Tiffany…everything’s okay…I’m here for you…I’ll never leave you…calm down now…” she was suffering I know it the moment I see her expression. It was like that same expression when she wakes up with her nightmare during her first two weeks on the company. She was always crying because of that.



I never know what nightmare it was but it was like that nightmare came to reality today that’s why she was this affected. I don't know things clearly to be honest but I can feel that one day I’ll be able to understand things about her past and why she is acting this way. I just got one big question in my mind that I can’t erase.





Who are you Taeyeon to make Tiffany suffer this much?



Hi guys here's an update...

please leave some comments for me...

i need those badly to energize me...


Well, its totally my birthday gift those who support me...

you guys are the best gift i have...



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Chapter 39: Vuelve a actualizar
Chapter 39: Update update update!!!
Chapter 39: Por supuesto que espero nuevo capitulo :D
Chapter 30: Update author.
Autor actualiza por fa... extraño mucho esta historia y quiero saber que mas pasa.
Chapter 11: please update soon
Trackstar #6
Chapter 38: So now soo will be with sica? Author more yoonyul moments pls!
soshi1990 #7
Chapter 38: update soon author amd next yoonyul moment. .
Chapter 37: myy..
just found this story.
btw, thanks for still writing about yoonyul :) i am really happy about it ..
Chapter 37: Hope fany not falling in love with sooyoung!!
Thanks for updating author ^^