year later








I was here walking alone. I just confessed my feelings but I don't think she understand me correctly. She might mistook it was Yuri. I just don't know why it is always like this. When I fall in love with someone, that person likes someone else. Maybe it was my fate. To be alone my whole life. To be an invisible lover.


I reach home and see that all the people in the house are sleeping. I change my clothes and get a cloth. I go out to the garden. I use the cloth to cover the grass and I sit on it. I sigh deeply at every thought of what happen to me these months. I just felt an arm around my shoulder and I automatically rested my head on her shoulder.


“It seems like my princess is thinking too deeply. Did anything happen in your work?” “No umma. Its just that I don't know why I can't love someone who will surely love me back.” “So my princess is being chased by love again.” “Umma I don't know when I started to like her? I never know why it was her.”


“Love is not something that you can reason out. Its not like a puzzle that you can solve. Its something that you just cherish as long as it is still present. So can umma hear those moments that you remember that you felt like she was making each piece of you complete?” “I don't know where to start umma but…”







I started to work to Yoona’s company. I was assign to the working department. I just need to look over how each employee works. I was doing my job when I saw people approaching me. I don't know but for someone that I did wrong before how can they simply smile at me. It was Yuri and Yoona. They welcomed me with very warm smile.


The whole day was tough but I learned that all the people here are friendly enough to help me. I can simply smile at them to. They would offer me to eat with them. They always ask me to join them. It was just like a family. They never let anyone to be left behind. I easy get along with them and I felt like we know everyone for a long time.


For my first week, I was happily working. I know there are two pair of eyes look after me. I was sure it was the YoonYul duo. I got an opportunity to talk to them that night but something seems urgent that they run out of the office. I become curious so I followed them. It was an apartment unit ten minutes away from the office.


I heard them tell Taeyeon not to ruin her life because of what happen. They visit her each time that they hear she was drunk. There was this one time that they can't go because they have an important matter. I got to Taeyeon’s place and see how miserable she was. I take care of her that night. Each time I look at her, I can see myself when Yuri left me.


One day at work she just come to the office and go to my department. She was in a higher position but the employees told me that she really do that even before. She was joking around with everybody. She was making everything bright. I guess as bright as her smile. I can't even see a glimpse of her state after she lost Tiffany.


As days go by, she always talk to me and my heart flutters. I just don't know it. She would always tell the other employees that I was just shy that I may fail to make them laugh with my jokes. She always sit next to me and continuously ask me questions. She makes me talk more than I used to be when I’m alone with the other employees.


Every time I need someone to talk to, she will just appear there with a drink to offer me. She would hug me and comfort me. Maybe that’s the real reason why I feel secure with her. Every time she’s with me I feel like I can do things. It was like she was my very own brand of enery giving vitamins. That’s right she and her very own kind of being a dork.


She also walks with me going home even if she live the opposite direction. She would always ask me about how was my day and if I have anything to share. I know it was amazing how she can make me tell those secrets I have. I feel like she was my partner that I can tell all my feelings and vision with.


She would call me in my name. That makes my heart happy. I know it never happen that I feel special electricity when she speaks to me. She was calling me with the same name others do but I can't figure it out how I feel when she was the one calling me in that nickname. Its all how she calls me ‘Sica’.





I felt my mom hugging me tighter. My tears continuously flow. I know it from the beginning. She would never look at me like I want her to be. I don't know where in this world I get the idea that one day she will feel the same for me. I’m such a babo to believe in such. Loving her was another thing I call stupidness.









I was here in the most comfortable place I know. I’m in Yuri’s couch. She was gently my hair with her head rested on mine. My head was rested on her shoulder while I was hugging her on the waist. I never thought of having this kind of moment with her after we break up more than a year ago.


“Yoona…” “You are calling me the wrong way.” She look at me with a certain shock in her eyes. “Do I need to get sick just for you to learn calling me like that?” “No…I was just thinking of you know…calling you like baby or darling…” “You cant call me that way.” “Why cant I call you like that?” she cutely pout at me.


“Because we are not an official couple.” “So what do you think are we? Friends? Do I really matter to you?” she move away from me. I cupped her face to face me. “Do you know that all the thing that matter to me is you?” “But you said that we are not a couple.” “Yes, because I want you to give me a hundred reason why you like me.”


“Ohh…” she grab my hand and look at me. “First, I love you. Second is…I love you…third…” “Will you say that you love me again?” “Yes. So may I continue?” “Yuwie, I told you to give me a hundred different reasons. Loving me was a given reason. Okay?” “Okay. Can I hug my future girlfriend?” She pull me closer to her.


I return the hug. “Yuwie, are only allowed to give me three reasons a day. You’ll need to wait for a month.” “Its just okay. If waiting will lead me to have you again. I’ll wait.” “Jinja?” she broke the hug and look at me. “First, I love you because you make me happy. Second, because you are always with me. Third, you make me a patient person.”


I was shock. She gave me the three first reason. She stand up and offer her hand to me. “Its late. You better go back to your apartment and rest.” I stand up and I hold her hand. She look at me with her eyes telling me how special I was for her. She open the door of her apartment. I was now standing in front of my door.


“Sleep well. Good night and see you at work tomorrow. By the way, the clients will contact you in any time tomorrow.” She smiled at me that assures me that I will have the sweetest dream for tonight. It was like she was telling me that she’ll me meeting me in my dreams. She hold the knob of my door.


She open my door but before she goes I kissed her on the cheeks. She just smile at me and waits until I finally close the door. As I close the door, I cant feel my heart go wild with what just happened. I kissed her, hug her and she just make every cell making up nervous when she touches me. I have one thing to admit. I am addicted to that girl.


The next day I was excited to go out of my apartment. It is because maybe Yuwie was waiting for me. I run out of my apartment but I was disappointed when I see no trace of Yuwie. I was really disappointed but I found a sticky note on my door. No more questions because I smiled instantly after reading the note.



My Yoongie,

For my forth reason, you make me wake up every morning with a smile. By the way, I go to the office first since I need to do things there. See you my future girlfriend.

I love you.




I go to the office with a big smile on my face. That girl really makes my life this colourful. I entered the building and greet everyone. In just a few minutes I finally see the person I wanted the most. I run to her but I realize that she was not alone. She was with Taeng and the new employee. That girl really is putting up a fight with me.


I hug Taeng that really catch Yuwie’s attention. I was surprised because she just smiled at me then she focused her attention again to the new employee. “I believe I can help.” “Jinja?” the new employee grab Yuwie’s arm and hug it. I am boiling with anger now. I know we are not officially together but I have all the rights because Yuwie is mine.


“Yes but I think we should work on it now. We better get started now. Is it just okay for you?” “Yes. Manager Taeng I believe we should go.” “You got my blessings guys. Yuri handle Jin.” But before Yuwie go I grab her hand and she look at me. “I am your manager Yuri and I don’t give you any blessing. Go with me to my office.”


“But…” before she finish speaking I started to drag her to my office. When we are already inside my office I just look at her eyes. “Why did you do that?” “Why are you with her?” “She works here and me as well.” “Its not part of your job to be that close to her.” “It’s a friend’s request to me.” “A request? Request to what? Stealing you from me?”


“She won’t do that.” “And now you are even on her side. I don’t understand you and this game.” I go out of my office and go to Sica. She was a little busy with her paper works but she smiled at me the moment she saw me. I go near her. “Yuri go here so early just to tell me that the two of you are in this unofficial relationship. She was so happy.”


“Why is she like that Sica?” “What?” “She takes a request from a friend more important than me.” “As I know Yuri she will never think of more important thing than you. So who is this friend that is requesting her?” “That new employee.” “You get jealous of Jin?” “She was to clingy to Yuri.”


“She was like that to everyone. You should not be feeling that way to a married person.” “Married? Who’s married?” “Jin is married already. Sometimes her husband is here with NamYi.” “Why didn’t you told me that?” “I thought Yuri told you already. Yuri was so jealous of Jin and her husband because they look so happy.”


I hug Sica and go to my office. I started to type my work for today. I was this happy knowing that Yuwie is still loyal to me. Then my phone ring. It was a number from overseas. I think it was the client. I press the answer button. “Hello?” “Yoong…” I recognize this voice. The voice that I miss listening for a long time.


“Tiff…you are our client?” “Yes Yoong. I miss you.” “I miss you Tiff but can you handle to go back to Korea?” “Yes. You know its time for me to face things that will eventually make me stronger.” “You change the way you speak and think.” “Do I really change Yoong? Sometimes I want to just change my fate.”


“I can sense that you are not yet ready.” “I need to do this Yoong for my family’s business.” “Isnt this pushing you so much?” “I can handle don't worry. I won't be alone there for sure because Yuri will be with me.” “Yah! Yuwie’s mine!” “So the two of you are finally together again?” “Not official but we are like that.”


“That’s good to hear. I just wish that nothing will go and ruin the two of you.” “There would never be. I trust my Yuwie the most.” “Well I need to end this call because my secretary here will kill me for taking too long on the phone.” “Take care Tiff and I believe you need to introduce that secretary of yours to me.”


The call ended and continue to type on my laptop. I heard some knock and the door opened. The next thing I see was a food container. I look infront of me and saw Yuwie. “Let’s eat Yoongie.” She was smiling at me and I just smile at her. I turned off my laptop and clean my table. She helped me and she get herself a chair.


“So where did you get this food?” “I cook this for you.” “You cook?” “Yes for my Yoongie. You taste this. Say ahh.” She feed me and I know that she cooks well. “So where did you learn to cook?” “You won't get angry?” “Why would I be?” “I learn it from Jin. That’s the request she asked me to do. To help her cook.”


“Ahh..” “That’s the only reaction you will do.” “Yes. By the way when does NamYi and his father go here?” “I think tomorrow. Why?” “You know Yuwie. Kyung will be happy if he will have a playmate.” “So you are planning to have a new baby?” “That’s not what I mean. Maybe NamYi can play with him.” “Yes that can be.”


After we eat Yuwie stayed a little in my office to explain the plan for our client which is Tiffany. “By the way Yoongie, when will Tiffany arrive?” “How did you know that Tiffany was our client? Did you tell Taeng about it?” “First, I didn’t tell Taeng about this because I think she’s not yet ready to do that. I know it was her because she texted me earlier.”


“Tiffany texted you?” I look at her like I was going to kill her. “Yes. Why?” “How could you cheat on me Yuwie?” I stand up and turn around so that my back faces her. A little moment later, I felt hands on my waist. It was Yuwie back hugging me. “I like you because you like the way I cook. I like you also because you are so cute when you get jealous.”


I was to stay like this for longer but I think fate really don't favour me. It was because Taeng just entered my office and as our reaction we go away from each other. “Did I ruin any moment?” “No. Taeng I was totally about to leave when you came. So I’ll see you later Taeng. You need to talk to Yoongie right. Bye.”


“Do I really ruin something?” “No. so what brought you here?” “The clients will arrive tomorrow. What are our plans for them?” “Ah yeah. We will be the ones to get them from the airport. I mean Yuwie and I.” she look at me with confusion in her mind and shock about what I just said to her about sudden change of plans.


“I think it was you and I that’s going to handle this matter?” “I’m sorry Taeng we need you to stay here. Yuwie will be the one to accompany me. You’ll need to make sure that the presentation and paper works are excellent you know how important this clients are to our company. We can't lose them with simple mistakes.”


“There are many employee with good records to do that. Why should it be me?” “Taeng among all the trusted employees here. I trust you the most. I am confident that you will do all things for this company. Taeng as a friend please I put all this hard work we are doing in your hands please. Do this for me.”


“I don't know why you are trusting me to much but for you Yoonie I’ll do it. Its just that why so sudden. You could have told me this earlier so that I can do things faster and more convenient. Yoonie you are not hiding me something, don't you? I mean you act like something’s happening that I don't know.”


“Taeng this is all about business. You do this because of work. If there’s something happening I’ll tell you myself. Just for now trust me and Yuwie about this matter. Don't think of things rather than your work. One day you’ll realize that things will work on its own just like with one’s fate.”


She just nodded and headed to the door. Before she gets out of my office she look at me one more time. She smiled at me to assure me she will do her best to make things perfect for that client. The moment she was out of my office I deeply sigh. We are doing this for you Taeng. We just want you to be okay.





Hi guys

here's an update...

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its my personal brand of energizer ^^



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Chapter 39: Vuelve a actualizar
Chapter 39: Update update update!!!
Chapter 39: Por supuesto que espero nuevo capitulo :D
Chapter 30: Update author.
Autor actualiza por fa... extraño mucho esta historia y quiero saber que mas pasa.
Chapter 11: please update soon
Trackstar #6
Chapter 38: So now soo will be with sica? Author more yoonyul moments pls!
soshi1990 #7
Chapter 38: update soon author amd next yoonyul moment. .
Chapter 37: myy..
just found this story.
btw, thanks for still writing about yoonyul :) i am really happy about it ..
Chapter 37: Hope fany not falling in love with sooyoung!!
Thanks for updating author ^^