year later









I was really worried because Yuri was not replying at my text messages. She was just excused to us by Taeng to help the new employee. She was just orienting the employee. I decided to go to the lobby to check what happened to her or if she was in a trouble. She never did this ever just gone without a word.


I saw the new employee and she seems to be shock. “What happened here? Where's Yuri?” the employee look at me with still shock expression. “She was just stopping someone to introduce me but then...” “What happened!” she was trying to tell me everything but she was just unable to explain. “Both of them disappeared...”


I texted Taeng about what happened and she hurried to meet me at Yoon's office. “How could that happen? The security here is tight.” “She told me that she come running for that person.” Taeng was worrying sick. “Does Yoonie know about this?” well honestly I forgot about Yoon because of worrying. “I believe no.”


“Dont let her know about this. I mean we will find Yuri before she know. We just need to get started.” we are about to walk out of the office but my phone ring. “It was Yuri.” “What did she said? Where is she? What happened?” I opened the text message but I was surprised what it said. Soon Taeng come to see it herself.


From: Yuri


she was sleeping already. I think she was trying to text you but she felt asleep. She was fine and she already changed her clothes. Dont worry she's in good hands. She's at my place actually. Good night! ~ Yoona


“I guess she didnt learn that its bad to use someone else phone.” I take a deep breath in. Atleast we know where Yuri is. Lets continue working and having fun. Lets just tell them Yuri was looking for a lost dog and cant get back in time.” we walk back and say that lie. I was just thinking that we must be fine that Yuri was found at Yoon's place.


Taeng and I continued to work with everyone. We are all laughing at Taeng's joke. I tried my best to joke to but I was icy as normal. I believe that only the TaengYul duo can make jokes worth for everyone to laugh. I mean since I cant joke like them. I'd rather be the audience. I have a great role here because without me there would be no one to laugh to make them feel happy.


“Hey! Its break time! My favorite time.” “Taeng relax okay?” “No Sica.I cant break time means joke time. Come on.” she grab me to the canteen with the other employees. Everyone was eating their snack as well as I do. Taeng continues with her joke time and teasing thing about why Yuri was not here because of a lost dog.


Then suddenly the talk was about me now. They are asking me why I dont try joking like Taeng. I know my capacity and I think I 'm not talented with jokes like TaengYul. Suddenly I felt arms on my shoulder. “Guys dont push Sica here. She is shy that's why she rearly jokes. Let her be our audience right Sica?” “Yes.”


“See she was just shy.” then Taeng take her arms away from me. She smiled at me to assure that things are just fine. I can feel each eyes on us that moment Taeng was looking at me. “You know manager Taeng you two look good together.” without a word Taeng pulls me close to her and smiled at me. “Really? So we match Sica.”


after the hard day here I am walking alone. I dont know why but I just feel like I want to walk and think about the current events. Lately, YoonYul was into falling for each other over and over but then they dont admit it specially Yoon. It was like Yoona wants to make sure that she dont fall and get herself hurt again but I can see Yuri was a little confuse.


I was shock when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I quickly get out of the hug and heard someone laugh a little. “Do I scare you?” It was Taeng with her jokes again. She was always joking around. Maybe to quit that lonliness of losing Tiffany. “I was just surprised. You sould quit that kind of joke or you will end up killing people with heart attacks.”


“You going home?” I let out a deep sigh and smile at her. “Yes. How about you?” she just nodded. I signaled her I'll be going. I started to walk but was surprised to see Taeng walking next to me. I stop then she did the same. “I believe you got the wrong direction.” “Why? Arent you sure this is the direction to your house?” “What?”


“Yah its getting late Sica. Lets start walking or I'll be going home late.” she started to walk while I was there at the very spot where I stop. “Your house wont go to you. Start walking Sica. Dont be lazy.” I got back to my senses and run to Taeng. I stop her and look straight to her eyes. “What are you trying to do Taeng?” she smiled at me and started to walk again. “I'm going to accompany you to your house. Just to make sure you got there safe.”





Well I stayed here since Yoona would just follow me to work. I mean she needs rest. I just need to tell Sica that I'm not going to work today because Yoona was sick and wont let me go to work. I was texting when Yoona come to me and snatch my phone. “Yuwie, are you cheating on me?” “What kind of question is that!”


She pouted and I just hug her. “Okay I dont so smile and drink your medicine manager.” I was used to calling her that way since she want me to be formal at work. “I wont until you call me the way you should.” “Manager.” she doesnt look at me like she was angry. “That's not my name.” “Yoona drink your medicine.”


“Only those who are not close to me call me that.” “Are we close?” she glared at me. I think she learned that from Sica. “Okay fine...Yoongie drink your that okay now?” faced me and there was this certain glow in her eyes that I dont know why that reminds me how I feel for her. Atleast making her drink her medicine was even easier than buying it.




Here I was in Yoona's car. If you are wondering why I am here, it is because Yoona got this medicine cabinet with no medicine on it. I need to buy some medicine or she will never get well. She was so childish today. It was because she was sick. I wish she was like that everyday in the office not like lately. She was ignoring me.


“Yuwie look at that. Lets go there.” “Yeah we will go there when you are fine.” before I forgot to say, Yoona was here with me because she told me that she cant stay alone and that she'll never let me go even a second. “I'm fine.” “No you are not.”  “Yes I am because I'm with you.” “Yah. Stop your cheesy lines. Its not working. We need to buy your medicine.” “Then?”


“You'll drink that and sleep then...” “I'll wake up with you next to me and hugging me tight then...” “No. we can do that because..”  “Because we are not married yet so we need to get married first then...” “Why are you in so fast forward we are not even...” “Yes we should get engage first. I'm sorry Yuwie I forgot about having an engagement first.”


I just  went silent I mean how can she plan things like that. We are not even a couple. I parked the car and unfasten my seatbelt. I get out of the car but I was surprised when Yoona hug me from behind. “Get back inside the car. Just wait for me there.” “No. Yuwie need Yoongie along.” “I'll just buy medicine. That wont take long.”


If you think I buy the medicine with Yoona hugging me like a koala then you are right. She insist and I dont want any problem so I just agree. After getting her medicine I just need to pay for it. “Good morning maam.” “Here's my payment.” I handed my payment and she smiled at me. “You two look good together.” “Really? I told you Yuwie we match together.”


(End of Flashback)


After Yoona drunk her medicine, I helped her to her room. She was still hot and I think she must rest then when she wake up she needs to eat. Nice idea there I'll be cooking. I never cook to be honest but I can make porridges. Thanks to my mom. Atleast I know anything that I can say is edible. I just need to make Yoona sleep.


“Yoongie go to sleep and i'll cook for you.” she stop me from getting up. “Just stay with me.” I sat back at the bed and she automatically wrap her arms around my waist. “Then what do you want me to do?” “Sing me a lullaby.” I started singing some songs that I remember was her favorites. I remember singing 'Not Alone' by girls generation. Tell me Yoongie. I wasnt alone right. You are there with me right.


She was slowly falling asleep and she was tighting her hug on me. Its like saying that I can go anywhere. I slowly rested my head over hers. Slowly she closed her eyes. “Yuwie...” I look at her. Her eyes both closed. “Yes Yoongie...” “Yuwie I love you...” then slowly she fall asleep. I hug her tight and drifted to my dreamland even though my biggest dream was happening in my reality.


When I wake up, Yoona was still hot. I made up my mind that i'll cook before she wakes up. I slowly get off her embrace and sit on the edge of the bed. I saw my phone and realized that I haven't inform then why I'm absent. I sent a text message to Taeng and get off the bed. I wasnt into cooking so I searched the recipe and followed it.


Then sudden I felt someone hugging me. “Yuwie why didnt you wake me up?” “You need rest. You just sit there okay?” she tighten her hug. It only means that she dont want to follow what I suggested and dont believe in my reason. “Okay its because you are cute when you sleep.” I turned to look at her. “Do I look cute only when I'm asleep?”


I lean closer and kiss her forehead. I push her to the nearest chair. I make her sit there and I got back next to the stove. “You look cute in everything you do.” she rested her head over her crossed arm on the table. I smiled at her while she was looking keenly in everything I do. I like this scene like she and I living like this together forever.


We eat together. She was like the normal her but she was sweeter. I mean she wants me to feed her and she wants to do the same. After that she was there again hugging like a koala while I was washing the dishes. She was asking me things like why dont we get engage or why dont we just live together. She was also telling me she would adopt Kyung and be a whole family with me.


We decided to watch a movie. We were in the same position like how we sleep earlier. She was crying at each sad moment while I was holding the tissue box. At the end of the movie she was saying that she never shed any tear. I for telling that. Then my phone ring. It was a text message from an unknown number. I was about to read it when Yoongie snatched it from me.


From: 0925*******


Hey I am here outside Yoona's apartment. Get out of there. I miss you Yuri...


I look at Yoongie and she was glaring at me. Without a word she begin throwing the pillows and I tried to run but she grab my collar and begin pull my clothes. My clothes almost ripped and hers was messy too. The doorbell ring a few times. I run to the door and Yoona followed me with a pillow to hit me or who ever it is behind the door. I open the door.


“Yuri I'm sorry but...” Taeng and Sica stop talking when they saw me with my clothes like I just did something on the bed. Then they saw Yoona with her messy clothes while she was hugging the pillow. If you saw us you will really think that something just happen. “I think I can explain myself...” “Taeng! Sica! Dont look at my Yuwie like that. Yuwie get youself fixed. No one is allowed to  see you like that. Only me!”


“Can I explain?” “You better explain what happened?” they get inside the apartment then they rushed to the room. They glare at me after that. The bed was messy like Yoona and I. “Yoonie How are you?” “I'm still sick but Yuwie was there to take care of me...and Taeng you know...Yuwie was really 'HOT' last night...”


“I believe it was because she feels cold since she's sick.” “I know you wont do that Yuri dont be tense I know that you wont cheat on me.” then she hold my hand that easily caught Yoona's attention. “Yah! Dont touch her! She's MINE!” “Really Yoona?” Taeng was here again teasing Yoona.  “She's mine we slept together last night!”


“You two slept together?” “Sica take the literal meaning of it. We just slept nothing more.” “Yuwie was hugging me and I do the same.” “Okay slept with I remember..” “So Yoon what else did you do with Yuri today?” “I just hug her everywhere and the girl from the store told me we match each other.”


Yoona was cheerfully talking to Sica while Taeng ask me to talk to her alone. “What are you planning about Yoonie?” “I'll just make sure that she sleep tight tonight then I'll go back to my apartment before she knows.” Taeng taps my shoulder telling me that I will be doing good but then the tap turn to a hug. It got Yoona attention. “Yah! No taking advantage of my Yuwie!!!”


When Taeng and Sica decided to go home, Yoona was this kind of sleepy. I told her to go to the bedroom and I'll follow after I change my clothes at my apartment. As usual, she insisted and come with me on my apartment. I go straight to my room and my koala girl hugging me. “Sit here and I'll change my clothes okay?”


She sit on the edge of my bed. I unwrap her hug on me but she hold my hand. “Can I change your clothes?” I look at her and she was slowly smiling. “No.” her expression change so fast. I go to the bathroom and take a short shower. After I already finish with what I have, I go out and see Yoona looking at a photo frame.


“We really look happy together.” “Yes...if only you...we can bring back time. Let's go and sleep so you'll get better.” she smiled at me and hug me again like a koala. Here we are now back at her apartment. She was laying next me. She was hugging me while I was gently tapping shoulder. “Yuwie...” “Yes?” “Can you wish me a sweet dream?”


“Have a sweet dream, Yoongie. I love you my angel...only you...”






It was warm today. I feel so much comfortable than any day. Still my eyes close I feel like I would like to feel this warmth each day. I slowly feel like there is someone hugging me. I slowly open my eyes and was surprised to see Yuri hugging me tight with her head on my shoulder. I know I froze with the view of her face innocent with both her beautiful eyes closed.


No this is not happening. I mean I dont like her hugging me. I cant feel like this. With one quick move I pushed Yuri out of my bed. She fell with her first. “Ouch!!!” she screamed in pain. “Why did you do that!” “May I ask you this?Why wont I? And how do you end up sleeping next to me?” “Yah! You are the one who dont let go of me...” “Stop! I dont want to listen. Go out of here.”


“I dont want to.” I pull her up and push her to the door of my apartment. I opened the door and she was out of my apartment. “Go now. What are you waiting there outside?” she smiled at me. It was irresistably cute. Cute? No I mean. It was irritating. I was about to close the door when I see Yuri stopping me pushing it to open. “What!” she look at me seductively.


“You owe me a favor MANAGER YOONGIE...MY YOONGIE..”



hi guys here is another update...

hope you leave me with comments coz i like reading them..

you inspire me with that... ^^


What favor could it be??

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Chapter 39: Vuelve a actualizar
Chapter 39: Update update update!!!
Chapter 39: Por supuesto que espero nuevo capitulo :D
Chapter 30: Update author.
Autor actualiza por fa... extraño mucho esta historia y quiero saber que mas pasa.
Chapter 11: please update soon
Trackstar #6
Chapter 38: So now soo will be with sica? Author more yoonyul moments pls!
soshi1990 #7
Chapter 38: update soon author amd next yoonyul moment. .
Chapter 37: myy..
just found this story.
btw, thanks for still writing about yoonyul :) i am really happy about it ..
Chapter 37: Hope fany not falling in love with sooyoung!!
Thanks for updating author ^^